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Arguably The Most Important Documentary In The History Of Medicine Was Just Released

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posted on May, 4 2016 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: namelesss

There are hundreds of these cases over the internet.

Researchers in Windsor, Ont., have received an additional $157,000 grant for a total of $217,000 to study how effective dandelion root extract is in fighting cancer. Siyaram Pandey, a biochemist at the University of Windsor, has been studying the anti-cancer potential of dandelion root extract for almost two years. His team’s first phase of research showed that dandelion root extract forced a very aggressive and drug-resistant type of blood cancer cell, known as chronic monocytic myeloid leukemia, to essentially commit suicide. Researchers then discovered that repeated treatment with low dose dandelion root extract was effective in killing most of the cancerous cells.

Those initial findings landed the research team a $60,000 grant from Seeds4Hope, which provides money for local cancer research. Pandey then applied for continued funding from the Lotte and John Hecht Memorial Foundation. That $157,000 came through earlier this week bringing the total to $217,000. Researcher was skeptical at first Pandey admits he was skeptical when he was first approached by local oncologist, Dr. Caroline Hamm, who was curious about cancer patients who had been drinking dandelion tea and seemed to be getting better. "To be honest I was very pessimistic," Pandey said in a statement. "She said it could be coincidental but it couldn’t hurt to see if there is anything." Hamm was convinced that the weed contains an active ingredient, but warned earlier this year that "it can harm as well as benefit." She told CBC News in February that taking dandelion extract tea could interfere with regular chemotherapy, and she urged patients not to mix the natural remedy with other cancer drugs without speaking to a doctor first.

Pandey conducted a literature review and could only find one journal article suggesting dandelions may have cancer-killing properties. But he and his team of graduate students collected a bunch of the weeds anyway, ground them up with a mixture of water in a food processor and developed a simple formula they could experiment with. They tested the formula on several lines of commercially available leukemia cells and much to their surprise, found that the formula caused those cells to kill themselves, a process called apoptosis. "It was startling, but it was not that startling until we saw that it was non-toxic to the normal cells," he said. John DiCarlo, 72, was admitted to hospital three years ago with leukemia. Even after aggressive treatment, he was sent home to put his affairs in order with his wife and four children. The cancer clinic suggested he try the tea. Four months later, he returned to the clinic in remission. He has been cancer free for three years. He said his doctor credits the dandelions. "He said, 'You are doing pretty good, you aren't a sick man anymore'," DiCarlo told CBC News in February.

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 05:00 AM

originally posted by: MrBlaq
a reply to: namelesss

There are hundreds of these cases over the internet.

Researchers in Windsor, Ont., have received an additiona.../cancer-killing-dandelion-tea-gets-157k-research-grant-1.1248382

Thank you for the info.
From what I can see is that there is POSSIBLY some benefit to be derived from dandelion root and, despite some occasional anecdotal evidence (clinically irrelevant), more research needs to be done before any conclusions can be made (and thus free the world of cancer).
And suggesting people to dump the allopathic meds in favor of the dandelion (or that is certainly the implication) seems a bit reckless and premature.
After all, if this were all good science, there would no longer be leukemia, no?

But IF there is any flame behind such smoky info, we'll find out!
Or this will simply fade, as so much of the passing parade...

edit on 7-5-2016 by namelesss because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2016 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: MrBlaq
There are hundreds of these cases over the internet.

Hundreds of cases? Please post the evidence for us to read.

Researchers in Windsor, Ont., have received an additional $157,000 grant for a total of $217,000 to study how effective dandelion root extract is in fighting cancer.

Regarding the above: so far the dandelion extract has killed cancer only in vitro and mice, which doesn't mean it will work the same in a human body. So far there is zero evidence it does. The Windsor University researchers are now doing clinical trials and only once they have finished and publish their results we will know for sure. Hopefully it will, but so far we don't know. LINK

Also note that the dandelion root extract they are using in their trials is 5 times more concentrated and potent than anything you can buy in a health store (let alone brew in your own home). So we are not talking about any dandelion tea here, we are talking about a product that can only be made in a lab.

I really hope it works, but we just have to wait and see.

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 02:12 AM
Talking of documentaries... It looks like they are a good conduit for propaganda and for hiding intelligence agencies' activities.

BBC covering up brain manipulations (probably by MI6) with a crazy story about warrior's brain. The PET scan indicates that this guy's brain activity is not fully functioning due to continuous manipulations by the intelligence in the UK and the EU.
The PET scan is merely an sensor showing the lack of brain activity, meanwhile nanotech induced neurological inactivity is being forced on this poor guy by the secret services.

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