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What Young Men Need To Be Taught

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posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 12:16 PM
Its been a male dominated society for a very long time... equality? Not on the menu for the majority of the world, the 3 largest movers of money in society are drugs, sex, and music. So naturally knowing the human animal and its natural drives? can be a means to program and control behaviors. What has the corporate music industry been programming people with for the last 20 some years? Face down and ass up... and a popular derogatory term now is asshat well, think about what should be up studying learning and what should be down trying to understand each other with a set of lips to actually communicate something more meaningful than just a roll around in oats trying to sow em and avoid the emotional involvement of seeing someone else as a living breathing person.

gotta be programmed with some fantasy ideal and try to hammer every damn person one meets into that unattainable mould instead of acceptance of who someone is. Oh girl you can turn that frog into a prince if you keep kissing him enough, wasting your time because he too is face down ass up and you on the wrong end kissing.

Lots of boys running around in mens bodies... the issue is insecurity, aint no one gonna like you for you so lie... well thats the programming... lemme lure you with my fancy dreams and bullchips like theres a future if you give me just one night.

Heres the deal cause i know it sounds like im slamming dudes pretty hard on the wall here... women arent laying around waiting on Mr Perfect to come steal some kisses in the night like sleeping beauty, thats the programming thats like saying texas is just full of cliffs coyotes cactus and a bird going beep beep you cant ever catch. Try some honesty eh? cause women have goals and dreams and stuff they are working on too.

Being straight up with hey heres what im doing and heres were im going or trying to and we all have needs... not trying to be married or have children by accident because now isnt the time in my life as they should be planned for and someone have their life straight because its hard to make responsibility and still not responsible enough to handle more than ones own business if one can even manage that.

Thats why theres the stereotype that women are gold diggers, well when people are constantly throwing puppy dog eyes or walking dogs like yeah ive got this thing that craps on my floor and it hasnt died yet lemme throw a rock at yah cause i can handle some business? It gets old and tired and played people have enough problems without baggage.

people want to relax take it easy and knowing where someone stands builds way more trust than trying to drink someone under the table so you can lay em down when their judgment is less inhibited. well there goes your rep because why? once a date raper you pegged... cause women actually talk. now theres anti game programming on that, oh she just want him or she just jealous... if the dude was worth his salt you wouldnt have to pretend it tastes sweeter than it is.

people waste a lot of time in life trying on partners when most just want to peel em on and off like coats hang em up and forget the pile already in the closet.

The best thing you have going for you? communication. Talk superficial people always wondering how does beastman get the beauty? dude obviously learned communication skills and actual interest in someone goes a long way all the way to the altar is youre not some scam artist. Of course theres that other kinda beastman the one looking for women with what people call daddy issues... male never gave her attention likely some abuse and well she just cant help to be stuck looking for that daddy in every a hole that comes along and well the one nice was a bit too creepy nice like the one that molested or raped by over powering her.

hormones everyone with a functioning endocrine system has them, so why try to play that drive off and make excuses for something normal? or call it dirty and shameful make it taboo etc by throwing morals into the mix which is unethical in a functional society with many different groups represented?

treating people like they are gentialia is the same as not giving any second thought to ones own hand after the deed is done there... grab a towel wipe and cast it off cause its naughty um no. This is where home taught morals hit the streets and cause confusion because not everyone was raised like that...

women or men as objects make for good study, subjecting them to yourself is egotistical and if you arent taking the time to know you then what is that ego even doing but puffing chests and getting the hackles up for some old fashioned animal ignorance.

Theres this nonsense programming called respect has to be earned, what are you a slave working your way up to self determination and freedom? give respect and boom instant karma you get respect right back. some fool come around me a few months ago all acting nice and interested in being friends cause ahem lady had him in the friend zone, i dont like male friends its rare I make any... walking up the street a few days later see the dude where my newphew works say hey so and so and hes all like get off my tip, i laughed all the way to the pizza place. saw the dude a few weeks later and he was like a pup with his tail between his legs like im going to acknowledge that sort of charade and games.

always wanna talk boys club and guy talk when alone with these a holes and i dont have the time for it, every man and boy alive owe his life to a woman for being here so earn your life by living up to being a responsibile honest respectible man and maybe someone wont have to take pity on you.

now of course no matter how attractive a woman naturally is cosmectics etc need customers so hey all yall ugly your butt too big your face need a bag and all that other you aint good enough for no body so bite that sheetsandwich of a lie.

its all a programming of bias to keep people at odds and junk people dont really need selling... but you want it and dont know why? heres your sign: Bahhh! cause sheep cant read

edit on 17-4-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-4-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: p.s. No means no ALWAYS every time requires consent doesnt matter if you are married or not.

posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 12:17 PM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
a reply to: SprocketUK

Any type of propaganda against testosterone is nonsense.

For every man that would do harm to a woman because they are a woman, there are hundreds who would fight and die for them for the exact same reason.

Very well said.

posted on Apr, 17 2016 @ 01:17 PM
Ah, more male shaming. As if most of us wouldn't beat the tar out of a rapist.

Give it a rest, feminists

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: supremecommander

Better to let the system stick them once the feathers of freedom they have plucked off of others reveals and their tar becomes more clearly seen... so on the justice side of things a boot is quicker than a foot. of course money, power and priviledge from that money and power brings out all sorts of respect of boot lickers or hardliners of the same no one here but us chickens ideology than as you say... ass kickers. It will shift a butt into gear for sure, but at the cost of ones own freedom adding to more victims of freedom stolen... and well; that rank albatross has already robbed enough wouldnt you say? sacrifice does happen on the battlefield, and as we all know? no matter how much respawn... its impossible to keep a good man down.

In duality time is on no ones side, once the duel is over? No need to light candles, except to add another year for cake above and another one on a fresh cake. Such is life in birth and death, once gone beyond... one cake feeds them all and the light is on the smiles twinkling reflections in the eyes of all souls present. Burdens are proof of some kind of bondage, and the law of justice weighs the evidence and roots out the heart of the matter when not so corrupted by bias of the same nature. 12 angry men always knows the odd man out, without a shadow of any doubt and a judge granting no special favors holds the seat. Law of the land is when honesty is in the right hand and pure intention should swing it.

Now of course thats mans court of law, the law of nature? Ask her... and the earth just shudders.
edit on 18-4-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: del extranious & add punct.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

I think you're overreacting here, getting too caught up in the social engineering we are all subjected to daily. To be clear, I don't photograph women I see in public, or post those photos online. I understand that that is seen to be socially unacceptable and that some consider it to be a form of stalking.

To put this in perspective though, it's not as though he photographed her in front of her home, or peeping in through her bedroom window or something. He probably thought it would be seen as romantic. Epic facepalm moment, then? Perhaps...Who knows? Maybe she'll see the story, think it was sweet, and end up marrying the guy.

I know I tried some spontaneous tactics in my younger years to attract the attention of women I was attracted to, thinking they would be seen as romantic. They were not, however. It doesn't mean that I had any bad intentions, but it didn't stop the misperception of my intentions that ensued.

Stalking is a real crime that happens in this world, but this isn't it. Some people might think it's weird, but I think you guys are reaching to call it stalking or even predatory really. Misguided? Strange? Distasteful? Perhaps. Predatory? Stalking? No. It's not.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 01:23 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

I have a deep and healthy respect for women, but I like to sing raunchy songs sometimes. I also am not afraid to admit that I see women as sex symbols just as much as I see them as people. When I see attractive women, I admire their beauty and sexual attributes. I want to have sex with them, and given the opportunity I would probably take them up on it were they to offer. I am okay with this. I do not begrudge my desires. This does not make me a bad person. Do these attributes make me a dickhead in your opinion?

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 01:59 AM

originally posted by: kaylaluv

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
If Facebook pages and bus chants are all you have to worry about, my dear, then we've come a long way.

...says someone who is so concerned about political correctness that he wrote a narrative on it for ATS.

Everyone has their pet issues. I noticed you haven't started a thread about something REALLY important, like starving children in Africa.

I took a look at your thread creating history and I noticed that you have not started any threads on "starving children in Africa", or any other humanitarian topics. I thought then that I should point out that it seems to me to be somewhat hypocritical of you to chastise that member for not doing so when you haven't done so either.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 05:39 AM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
I find the shoddy misogyny that's infecting this site from insecure little boys really tiring.

Criticising elements of feminism does not make one a misogynist or an insecure little boy.

Parroting the ideals of the feminist movement and insulting others because they do not share your views does make you come across as a mere echo-feminist though.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 05:53 AM
Meet the feminist that is sticking up for men

"It’s not so much that I speak out in favour of men, but rather in favour of truth. And we are drowning in untruths about gender right now," she tells me from her office in Washington, where she doubles as a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. "Women’s groups and the media tend to exaggerate women’s vulnerability and ignore the problems faced by men. If the reverse were true — if hundreds of advocacy groups, scholars, journalists and politicians were routinely repeating false statistics that put women in a bad light, or understated their special vulnerabilities, I would be protesting that."

"Sadly, nothing has changed in recent years. In the early 1990s, I - along with several other feminist scholars (Wendy Kaminer, Daphne Patai, Camille Paglia, Mary Lefkowitz, Katie Roiphe, to name only a few) - went to battle against hard-line, sex-panicked conspiracy feminists like Andrea Dworkin. My side won the arguments, but their side quietly assumed all of the assistant professorships. So colleges are now full of gender scholars who instruct students on the ravages of the capitalist, heterero-patriachal system and its 'rape culture'. Everywhere we hear about 'micro-aggressions', 'trigger-warnings', and the toxicity of masculinity. It’s as if George Orwell’s Junior Anti-sex League has occupied feminism."

It is interesting that several of the older feminists think the "movement" has gone completely off the rails, I havent watched or read all her stuff but I find I agree with quite a bit... and if someone like mrs. Sommers were leading the charge for equality I would be much more willing to discuss it... rather than roll my eyes and reach for a beer like I do now with todays modern feminists.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: noonebutme
a reply to: Dark Ghost

WHy is it specific towards men? I've met plenty of.. shall we say, "colourful" women over the years, voicing opinions and using language that would make a hooker blush.

Totally applies to me (and I make no apologies) I utilize the language I speak, greatly.

I read about half the OP article before I closed it. The words "overzealous" and "retarded" come to mind, and I'm not talking about the subjects in the article. So college kids made a raunchy rhyme to sing, who the F cares. A guy snapped a picture of a girl he was too shy to approach at that moment, and awkwardly reached out online. WHO the F cares. I'm rooting for him, BTW, I hope the chick's not an uppity witch & at least obliges him with an email chat.

Also, if taking a picture of someone and posting it online is creepy & bad, why aren't you all clamoring for shutting down People of Walmart? At least the backside of her isn't all back boob.

For what it's worth to the people who think the picture guy is awful, my husband tried to agree withyou. Emphasis on tried, because I met his "If I'd done that instead of asking you out, wouldn't that have made a difference" with "Nope, because I took a picture of your actual a** in that tight pair of jeans anyway back then. Would knowing THAT before asking me out have made a difference?" He conceded the argument with a "Yeah, no..."

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 07:25 AM

originally posted by: Nyiah

originally posted by: noonebutme
a reply to: Dark Ghost

WHy is it specific towards men? I've met plenty of.. shall we say, "colourful" women over the years, voicing opinions and using language that would make a hooker blush.

Totally applies to me (and I make no apologies) I utilize the language I speak, greatly.

I read about half the OP article before I closed it. The words "overzealous" and "retarded" come to mind, and I'm not talking about the subjects in the article. So college kids made a raunchy rhyme to sing, who the F cares. A guy snapped a picture of a girl he was too shy to approach at that moment, and awkwardly reached out online. WHO the F cares. I'm rooting for him, BTW, I hope the chick's not an uppity witch & at least obliges him with an email chat.

Also, if taking a picture of someone and posting it online is creepy & bad, why aren't you all clamoring for shutting down People of Walmart? At least the backside of her isn't all back boob.

For what it's worth to the people who think the picture guy is awful, my husband tried to agree withyou. Emphasis on tried, because I met his "If I'd done that instead of asking you out, wouldn't that have made a difference" with "Nope, because I took a picture of your actual a** in that tight pair of jeans anyway back then. Would knowing THAT before asking me out have made a difference?" He conceded the argument with a "Yeah, no..."

Superb post - a refreshing and realistic view of the world.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: Dark Ghost

originally posted by: SprocketUK
I find the shoddy misogyny that's infecting this site from insecure little boys really tiring.

Criticising elements of feminism does not make one a misogynist or an insecure little boy.

Parroting the ideals of the feminist movement and insulting others because they do not share your views does make you come across as a mere echo-feminist though.

You are right, there is a small, vocal portion of the feminist movement that is comprised of man hating hags. No argument there.

The trouble is, pretty much every argument seems to devolve into talking about the madder stuff they spout.

That helps neither men nor women (Or anyone else not fitting those two genders, just to make sure I cant be accused of being unfair or whatever).

The flip side to the militant fems is, the militant "Rejected male" who just bleats about how unfair it all is and how his woman done him wrong. (to coin a phrase from CandW)

The bottom line is, its easy to get trapped by your feelings about one group into holding an opinion that just isn't healthy (As some do with their idea of victim blaming in the case of rape or sexual harassment).

If in doubt about the ethics of what someone is doing, ask yourself this, if you saw it happening to a woman you care for, does it make your fists itch? If the answer is yes, you should step in and offer your help or you shouldn't do it yourself. (Obviously this won't apply to the retards and freaks who don't have social filters in their heads and will end up in jail for rape or something).

edit on 21pMon, 18 Apr 2016 07:38:21 -050020162016-04-18T07:38:21-05:00kAmerica/Chicago30000000k by SprocketUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: SprocketUK

originally posted by: Dark Ghost

originally posted by: SprocketUK
I find the shoddy misogyny that's infecting this site from insecure little boys really tiring.

Criticising elements of feminism does not make one a misogynist or an insecure little boy.

Parroting the ideals of the feminist movement and insulting others because they do not share your views does make you come across as a mere echo-feminist though.

You are right, there is a small, vocal portion of the feminist movement that is comprised of man hating hags. No argument there.

The trouble is, pretty much every argument seems to devolve into talking about the madder stuff they spout.

That helps neither men nor women (Or anyone else not fitting those two genders, just to make sure I cant be accused of being unfair or whatever).

The flip side to the militant fems is, the militant "Rejected male" who just bleats about how unfair it all is and how his woman done him wrong. (to coin a phrase from CandW)

The bottom line is, its easy to get trapped by your feelings about one group into holding an opinion that just isn't healthy (As some do with their idea of victim blaming in the case of rape or sexual harassment).

If in doubt about the ethics of what someone is doing, ask yourself this, if you saw it happening to a woman you care for, does it make your fists itch? If the answer is yes, you should step in and offer your help or you shouldn't do it yourself. (Obviously this won't apply to the retards and freaks who don't have social filters in their heads and will end up in jail for rape or something).

On this issue the only healthy thing is to completely reject any feminist ideas that seek to categorise all men into something bad or needing to be taught.

There is nothing wrong with the behaviour of the vast majority of western men, and that includes singing naughty songs or taking pictures of attractive women. If anything men need to reverse out of and reject many of the control mechanisms put upon them by a tiny minority of crazy women who think men should behave in a certain way that suits their ideals.

The entire feminist movement operates first and foremost on the belief that men and women are equal (which is clearly not true) whilst hypocritically clinging to female privileges that have existed since the dawn of mankind. Feminism is one of the primary reasons that society is in such a mess.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

How about if we take women out of it altogether? What if a guy started following you around, and without speaking to you, started taking your picture? Then what if you found out later that he posted your picture on a public Facebook page that was seen by thousands of people, and posted some things about you that you might take offense to? Would you think, no big deal - or would you think it was a little bit rude of him?

Or, bringing women back in to it, what if a group of feminist women were on a bus road trip and they were recorded singing songs that totally bashed and insulted men, implying that men were stupid animals, only good for doing heavy lifting and other chores that the women dictated to them, and referred to the sounds men make as grunting ape-like sounds? Would you think that it's bad for women to have this kind of attitude towards men, or would you think the feminists were just having a little fun, no harm done? Would you rather women not raise hard-core feminists, or do you think its perfectly okay for them to raise girls any way they want?

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: UKTruth

How about if we take women out of it altogether? What if a guy started following you around, and without speaking to you, started taking your picture? Then what if you found out later that he posted your picture on a public Facebook page that was seen by thousands of people, and posted some things about you that you might take offense to? Would you think, no big deal - or would you think it was a little bit rude of him?
It would be rude yes, but I would not take advantage of the situation to try and enact change upon a whole gender because of one creep.

Or, bringing women back in to it, what if a group of feminist women were on a bus road trip and they were recorded singing songs that totally bashed and insulted men, implying that men were stupid animals, only good for doing heavy lifting and other chores that the women dictated to them, and referred to the sounds men make as grunting ape-like sounds?
That bus is called Tumblr, it has no wheels but it keeps on rolling.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 01:01 PM
Why even have an argument here?

We can all agree on the following:

A. Women are equal to men in all aspects.
B. Men should respect women and treat them with respect.
C. We should treat all humans with respect.
D. Men Objectify women more then women objectify men. It's hardwired into our DNA...ergo Men are visual creatures and react to how women look. Think that women need to be romanced and read erotica and romance novels men look at porn and naked pictures of women. It's pretty simple. However, men can control themselves. I can. I don't insult women, I don't catcall them, oogle them, grope them, stare at body parts, or use derogitory language when talking to or about them. This is really the crux of the conversation.

Gentlemen, be respectful and control yourself. Nothing wrong with chivalry either. Although my wife is my equal, I still open the door for her.

edit on 18-4-2016 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: amazing
Why even have an argument here?

We can all agree on the following:

A. Women are equal to men in all aspects.
B. Men should respect women and treat them with respect.
C. We should treat all humans with respect.
D. Men Objectify women more then women objectify men. It's hardwired into our DNA...ergo Men are visual creatures and react to how women look. Think that women need to be romanced and read erotica and romance novels men look at porn and naked pictures of women. It's pretty simple. However, men can control themselves. I can. I don't insult women, I don't catcall them, oogle them, grope them, stare at body parts, or use derogitory language when talking to or about them. This is really the crux of the conversation.

That isn't the crux of the conversation though.

I agree with your points man but why on earth should we listen to some angry woman tell us young men all need to be taught something because she is mad at the actions of a few uni kids she saw online?

You just said yourself men can control themselves, and the vast majority of men do.

That is why there is argument in here.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: BelowLowAnnouncement

It would be rude yes, but I would not take advantage of the situation to try and enact change upon a whole gender because of one creep.

My goodness, you are assigning a lot of power to a little editorial by one woman speaking her opinion regarding parents raising their children not to be rude. And you know that was just one example she was talking about among many other examples of rudeness.

That bus is called Tumblr, it has no wheels but it keeps on rolling.

And how do you feel about it?

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: BelowLowAnnouncement

originally posted by: amazing
Why even have an argument here?

We can all agree on the following:

A. Women are equal to men in all aspects.
B. Men should respect women and treat them with respect.
C. We should treat all humans with respect.
D. Men Objectify women more then women objectify men. It's hardwired into our DNA...ergo Men are visual creatures and react to how women look. Think that women need to be romanced and read erotica and romance novels men look at porn and naked pictures of women. It's pretty simple. However, men can control themselves. I can. I don't insult women, I don't catcall them, oogle them, grope them, stare at body parts, or use derogitory language when talking to or about them. This is really the crux of the conversation.

That isn't the crux of the conversation though.

I agree with your points man but why on earth should we listen to some angry woman tell us young men all need to be taught something because she is mad at the actions of a few uni kids she saw online?

You just said yourself men can control themselves, and the vast majority of men do.

That is why there is argument in here.

I agree with you, but there's a lot more than just that going on in this thread. One person's reaction to a few people doesn't really equate to anything on that we agree. Feminism isn't that one woman, but there are a few dinosaurs on ats and this thread that think all feminism is evil and that men are superior to women.

posted on Apr, 18 2016 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv

originally posted by: BelowLowAnnouncement

It would be rude yes, but I would not take advantage of the situation to try and enact change upon a whole gender because of one creep.

My goodness, you are assigning a lot of power to a little editorial by one woman speaking her opinion regarding parents raising their children not to be rude. And you know that was just one example she was talking about among many other examples of rudeness.

What power am I assigning to her? All I said was what she was >trying< to do. I didn't say she had any special powers or authority *shrug*.

And how do you feel about it?

I feel like it is a real shame and a harm to true feminists.

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