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What Young Men Need To Be Taught

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posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

Just having sex is not a relationship. It's like dogs and cats. And rabbits. Sure you can just have sex and no relationships. "Most" people end up wanting to have a relationship or some kind of emotional connection that is more than just sex. Some have a hard time making that emotional connection. Wonder why? Could it have something to do with.... how they were raised?

But even if one is a person who never wants to emotionally connect with another person, it doesn't mean they can't be respectful.

Who said the world owes the woman in the OP anything? It's an opinion piece. That means, it's her opinion.

If it's your opinion that women are only good for sex and making you sandwiches, and that parents should be perfectly happy with kids who are rude in public - well, that's your opinion.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:16 PM
a reply to: corvuscorrax

Hey, my parents taught me to be able to live on my own and take care of myself. When I was dating my husband, he didn't make much money, so I paid for the movies and I paid for the meals at restaurants. When I married him, his credit was awful, so we bought our house in MY name, under MY credit.

My parents also taught me to have self esteem and self respect, so I never had sex with a guy just so he'd buy me stuff, or just because I was afraid he wouldn't like me if I didn't. Some parents don't teach their daughters that -- and they should.

My parents also taught me to respect others, so I never took advantage of a guy or was cruel to a guy. Some parents don't teach their daughters that -- and they should.

See, it does go both ways.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: UKTruth

Just having sex is not a relationship. It's like dogs and cats. And rabbits. Sure you can just have sex and no relationships. "Most" people end up wanting to have a relationship or some kind of emotional connection that is more than just sex. Some have a hard time making that emotional connection. Wonder why? Could it have something to do with.... how they were raised?

But even if one is a person who never wants to emotionally connect with another person, it doesn't mean they can't be respectful.

Who said the world owes the woman in the OP anything? It's an opinion piece. That means, it's her opinion.

If it's your opinion that women are only good for sex and making you sandwiches, and that parents should be perfectly happy with kids who are rude in public - well, that's your opinion.

I see you couldn't resist projecting your views as my opinion. Those tactics don't seem to work anymore. It was a good trick whilst it lasted.

My opinion is that people should keep their noses out of other people's business and stop telling them how to live their lives or what normal is. Further people should not dramatise rowdy young behaviour as rape or violence, nor should they moan about men taking pictures in public places and call it stalking.

As I have told you already, some young men (and women) just want to have sex. That's just a fact that you cant change. It doesn't mean they are bad people or raised incorrectly.

You can keep trying as much as you like but you are not going to change the nature of man, or woman, by trying to shame them into behaving the way you think is normal.

As for the OP, opinions are fine, but like Clint Eastwood once said 'opinions are like assholes, everyone has one'.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: corvuscorrax

Hey, my parents taught me to be able to live on my own and take care of myself. When I was dating my husband, he didn't make much money, so I paid for the movies and I paid for the meals at restaurants. When I married him, his credit was awful, so we bought our house in MY name, under MY credit.

My parents also taught me to have self esteem and self respect, so I never had sex with a guy just so he'd buy me stuff, or just because I was afraid he wouldn't like me if I didn't. Some parents don't teach their daughters that -- and they should.

My parents also taught me to respect others, so I never took advantage of a guy or was cruel to a guy. Some parents don't teach their daughters that -- and they should.

See, it does go both ways.

For someone who was apparently taught to respect others, you sure do a poor job of it. I'd suggest that calling a group of young men violent rapists because they sang a song and then attacking other people's upbringing and how they raise their children is highly disrespectful. Probably as disrespectful as you can get.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

My opinion is that people should keep their noses out of other people's business and stop telling them how to live their lives or what normal is. Further people should not dramatise rowdy young behaviour as rape or violence, nor should they moan about men taking pictures in public places and call it stalking.

Your opinion is that other people shouldn't have an opinion?

As for the OP, opinions are fine, but like Clint Eastwood once said 'opinions are like assholes, everyone has one'.

Same is true regarding your opinion as well.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv

originally posted by: UKTruth

My opinion is that people should keep their noses out of other people's business and stop telling them how to live their lives or what normal is. Further people should not dramatise rowdy young behaviour as rape or violence, nor should they moan about men taking pictures in public places and call it stalking.

Your opinion is that other people shouldn't have an opinion?

As for the OP, opinions are fine, but like Clint Eastwood once said 'opinions are like assholes, everyone has one'.

Same is true regarding your opinion as well.

Nah, its that people should stay out other people's lives and stop judging them. As i said much earlier, leave the judging to the courts.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: kaylaluv

originally posted by: UKTruth

My opinion is that people should keep their noses out of other people's business and stop telling them how to live their lives or what normal is. Further people should not dramatise rowdy young behaviour as rape or violence, nor should they moan about men taking pictures in public places and call it stalking.

Your opinion is that other people shouldn't have an opinion?

As for the OP, opinions are fine, but like Clint Eastwood once said 'opinions are like assholes, everyone has one'.

Same is true regarding your opinion as well.

Nah, its that people should stay out other people's lives and stop judging them. As i said much earlier, leave the judging to the courts.

But you just made a judgement of me! I guess it's okay because you believe I deserved it.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv

originally posted by: UKTruth

originally posted by: kaylaluv

originally posted by: UKTruth

My opinion is that people should keep their noses out of other people's business and stop telling them how to live their lives or what normal is. Further people should not dramatise rowdy young behaviour as rape or violence, nor should they moan about men taking pictures in public places and call it stalking.

Your opinion is that other people shouldn't have an opinion?

As for the OP, opinions are fine, but like Clint Eastwood once said 'opinions are like assholes, everyone has one'.

Same is true regarding your opinion as well.

Nah, its that people should stay out other people's lives and stop judging them. As i said much earlier, leave the judging to the courts.

But you just made a judgement of me! I guess it's okay because you believe I deserved it.

Did I? Re-read what i wrote. Saying people should stop judging others is not a judgement on anyone. It's an opinion and a suggestion.
Calling people violent, rapists and stalkers is judgement. They are criminal offences that you seem to be attaching to nothing of the sort.

Let me ask you a question - do you think Lady Gaga is singing about violently raping men when she sings about wanting to 'ride on their disco sticks'?

edit on 19/4/2016 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

You said I did a poor job of respecting others, which is exactly what the woman in the article says about the young men in question.

I am not familiar with the Lady Gaga song, so I don't know the context. Is it about one guy that is into her as well? Or is she talking about doing it to ALL guys whether they like it or not? Regardless, I'm not crazy about explicit lyrics in popular songs. Not when hip hop artists sing about their "ho's", or when Lady Gaga sings about riding disco sticks. That's just my personal opinion of course.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: UKTruth

You said I did a poor job of respecting others, which is exactly what the woman in the article says about the young men in question.

I am not familiar with the Lady Gaga song, so I don't know the context. Is it about one guy that is into her as well? Or is she talking about doing it to ALL guys whether they like it or not? Regardless, I'm not crazy about explicit lyrics in popular songs. Not when hip hop artists sing about their "ho's", or when Lady Gaga sings about riding disco sticks. That's just my personal opinion of course.

I am talking about judgements in terms of the law, which is why i am referring to courts. Let them judge.
You are calling people rapists, stalkers and violent.

It's more a fact that you are disrespecting others - not just by accusing people of criminal acts for no good reason but also by attacking peoples parenting skills directly on this thread.

As for the song lyric, it's an example of hundreds that can be easily found where female and male pop stars use sexual lyrics in an aggressive manner. i am just trying to understand your qualifying criteria for judging people as rapists or glorifying rape based on what they sing. It's pretty unclear at the moment.

edit on 19/4/2016 by UKTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: UKTruth

Look, the woman stated that she felt the young men were being disrespectful of women, based on what they were doing and saying/singing. You stated I was being disrespectful based on what I was saying in this thread. No difference. Her opinion, your opinion. What makes your opinion any better or any more valid than her opinion? Or my opinion for that matter?

I called NO ONE a rapist. I didn't call anyone violent. I said the song was glorifying not nice actions towards ALL women which could be construed as violent acts (if they were sheep I'd stick it in their arse???), and acts that ALL women might not want to have thrust upon them. It's a fact that comparing women to sheep is disrespecting them.

I didn't attack anyone's parenting skills on this thread either. I never called anyone on this thread a bad parent. I made a sarcastic suggestion to make a point.

If you are going to judge me, at least get your facts right.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
a reply to: UKTruth

Look, the woman stated that she felt the young men were being disrespectful of women, based on what they were doing and saying/singing. You stated I was being disrespectful based on what I was saying in this thread. No difference. Her opinion, your opinion. What makes your opinion any better or any more valid than her opinion? Or my opinion for that matter?

I called NO ONE a rapist. I didn't call anyone violent. I said the song was glorifying not nice actions towards ALL women which could be construed as violent acts (if they were sheep I'd stick it in their arse???), and acts that ALL women might not want to have thrust upon them. It's a fact that comparing women to sheep is disrespecting them.

I didn't attack anyone's parenting skills on this thread either. I never called anyone on this thread a bad parent. I made a sarcastic suggestion to make a point.

If you are going to judge me, at least get your facts right.

Your sarcasm was very disrespectful - in my opinion

As I have already said, she is entitled to her opinion and I am entitled to laugh at it and think her a bit precious and extremist in her solution to her internalized issue.

The problem here is that a young group of guys singing a song about women and sex , which happens more times every day than you will have hot dinners in your entire life, is being used as some case to better educate boys. It's a nonsense. A non story turned into a headline by a crazy feminist.

posted on Apr, 19 2016 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

This entire article is a pile of #. She is a feminist with an agenda.

the entire website has a male hating agenda.

For what it is worth she blasted me as a pig because I told her WOMEN do this all the time and gave her proof that she is a hypocritical.

DONT GIVE DUMB FEMINIST THE TIME OF DAY because get this - whilst women mature faster than MEN - the problem is they stay stuck in the high school mentality that they NEVER EVE grow out of..that is all she is doing - dumbing us down.

Plus she is playing the victim - when she is the protagonist

Don t fall for this conditioning.

There is a reason why feminists are fat ugly people - they want their cake and to eat it too. The worst people on the planet.

edit on 19-4-2016 by themec because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 12:35 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

You do bring up interesting points, better known out in the open that yes we know you have a desire and working penis... instead of lurking in the shadows but the boys club saying hey its ok? Is not only unethical in society but immoral in most religious beliefs. So obviously, there can be a seeking of punitive damages for defamation of character. Cat calls have gone on at construction sites, grocery stores etc. all the live long day this new form however is yet the same thing.

I myself have an attraction to my opposite sex, but in public there is respect the eyes are making contact, the voice speaking and ears listening... I appreciate strong females that shatter the men have to ask moral nonsense that has taken over ethics in society... aside from that women will choose who they want or let you know. I do not hunt signals or other various games of attraction although I do recognise them, it is how one carries herself her intelligence and ability to relax and let go of assumptions and rumor and well the horses ass does have a horses mouth and direct communication does clear up a lot of things.

Being a public figure has more drawbacks than advantages even though the private sector has absolutely no earthy idea, the pressure to be 100% PC Disney in public and private is the trade off for selling out... which I personally refuse to do being an adult male and appreciating adult company and conversations. I leave the games to kids of all ages and share my passions and encourage others to find and express theirs beyond the standard cog in the machine establishment. Local economies worldwide instead of corporate industrailism that just wants cogs... although if that is someones passion? Then pay the workers a living wage instead of trying to live as a god or king above other life forms... its childish to live well beyond ones means when so many are starving and dying without any chance... because of how the system is rigged.

A bunch of horny corrupt sociopaths spreading such on society by word of mouth instead of teaching them better is indeed a communicable disease, of course there is an art to such things and well all art has critics, I personally do not find the Mona Lisa a great work of art say compared to a Rembrant but thats the nature of artistic expression, if it has a value it will last like it or not. Trying to cat call and photog strangers with songs. Yes art but at the expense of others, so legally that expense to the others does come at a cost which an ethical society can determine, beyond moral judgments based on personal or religious beliefs, facts do mean something in ethics beyond belief and this is where ethics really shines.

Belief says nope never, ethics says not everyone has an issue, and this is why there was and still should be separation of church and state and things taken on a case by case basis. So burden of proof still falls, im sure a few are flattered and I am sure a few are not... and that of course is what is to be determinded. But random assualts for this new found expression of "art" is unethical as there are victims involved.
edit on 20-4-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Raunchy music is certainly nothing new. Early blues is full of double entendre sex and drug references. Really raunchy stuff, written in completely clean language that's full of double meanings. Some of that stuff would be just as appropriate at a child's birthday party as at a brothel. The children don't hear any adult content, but the adults get the joke.

One of my faves is the "Copulatin' Blues", a 50's era compilation album. It had a pencil drawing of a nude couple in profile on the cover: very racy for the time. One of the more notable female contributors to that album was Alberta Hunter, with her song "You Can't Tell The Difference After Dark". I'll bet she was a pretty classy lady. She was a great songwriter either way, that's for sure. Also a great guitarist.

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
Some of that stuff would be just as appropriate at a child's birthday party as at a brothel.

Instant flash back to Chuck Berry!

As for the topic, at hand.

If the author of the opinion piece really is a feminist, it would be ironic since she seems to be (inadvertently) more upset with modern women not teaching their children how to behave than with men not doing so.
edit on 4/20/16 by redmage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2016 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

The word you are searching for is innuendo, and i am well aware of it having grown up watching the muppets and other tongue in cheek shows in the 70s. This discussion however is not about Innuendo, it is about strangers taking photos of unsuspecting females like a vouyer posting the image online without her knowledge then saying what they would do to her if given the opportunity.

So an entirely different thing than smoking some muggles and Lousiana liplock on the love porkchop mmmkay? Still programming but hey like all programming meant for entertainment it is as said art and there are going to be critics... how are the unsuspecting females going to critiqute such a thing when it is hey lemme just upskirt you without you knowing post it online the sing about how Id sexualize you... its unethical so making excuses for it isnt going to change the ethics of it, now if they take pictures already found online or shared with consent too thats one thing, but no consent?

No fine line to argue thats a wide line that says do not cross, and well the law varies state to state so people trying to watch some ass and take that picture so it lasts longer? Should legally watch theirs. Who says legal advice isnt free?

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

Disagree. The things you are suggesting are not what happened. Take a closer look at the stories that the blogger lady in the OP was blogging about. That's not what happened at all.

Anyhow, I feel sorry for them. The raunchy singer guys, and the woolworth's guy. They do this thing that is harmless fun or trying to act romantic and get accused of something sinister which doesn't reflect either's intentions. It's sad that some would attack these people's reputations for these kinds of non events, over some twisted philosophy of political correctness.

posted on Apr, 21 2016 @ 09:33 PM
This is where domestic violence begins

Again, when will this madness stop?

posted on Apr, 22 2016 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

I was going along with discussion not the OP bringing things back on the rails for a reset was the suggestion. However? All the way back to start...AS a retort a bit overboard, dontcha think? Ever visit 4Chan... so redirect is moot and no need to reboot. Yes ego bruising from innuendo... my apologies, forums are sometimes pads off football, and well sometimes I play rough powderpuff
But no harm intended so hey lets look at a link shared above and continue without any useless punt or flags on the field eh? Although feel free to blind tackle if its in your nature.

So yeah the new video, children learn affection in various ways... they need to learn personal space, while it may be innocent in nature some small children try to select themselves wives or husbands very early and well anyone remembering that age when they were that young has likely done the same(likely to condone) havent seen(wtf are you even talking about) have seen it(yeah but I just liked the swings or playing kickball) its like children needing to be taught inside voice but with repectful boundaries... with inside voice children try to talk over everyone to be heard even if not many people are around. so patience and understanding go a long way. But the system typically raises children these days, so thats why teachers have psychology as coursework, but theres that legal line of parents that make the politics of it redtape...

So the little girl says get the little monkey off of me daddy, it makes me uncomfortable. Well having that burden to look forward to everyday is a source of stress, and the child doing it is all bells and whistles waiting to see his lil wife hes selected without permission every day. So obviously there has been a failure to communicate when and whom affection should be given too and what is the appropriate setting... the lil girl is already being victimized of course innocent is the oh weve gone through it types, the wtf is who knows well no experience means step off better an observer without any experience for learning... and well the ones seeing it and the effects of it a better judge to weigh the facts of the matter.

So, of course if the boy is reprimanded harshly without getting on his level and communicating why its inappropriate and hurting his object of affection by an example of something he can easily grasp that he dreads like bed time maybe, his views of showing affection wont be distorted or harmed but he'll grasp the emotion she feels on his approach. For some understanding, he may even take the responsible approach and apologize next he sees her and children being forgiving likely say something shes heard adults say on such resolution.

So of course the adult reactions can either go overboard in response, or the understanding rational approach that leaves both children intact and well, Im personally proud that the girl stood up for herself, and proud of the dad for obviously being open and not closed off to communicating with his daughter... how he reacts to that however is of course yet another test we all face as parents in trying to identify with a situation and seek wise resolution that brings peace instead of the same old react over react blow everything out of proportion cycling that keeps things teeter tottering between extremes... instead of working for balance at every level.
edit on 22-4-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

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