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What Young Men Need To Be Taught

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posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: UKTruth
Very confused by this OP to be honest.

In terms of the guy who keeps posting on facebook, there is nothing wrong with it all - unless the woman has told to him to get lost, which wasn't clear.

As for the young Aussie guys singing songs about women and rating them, there is nothing wrong with it all.
Young men have always assessed women's looks and will continue to do so until the human race dies out.

You're kidding, right?

The creepy stalker took the girl's picture without her permission or knowledge, then posted it on the store's facebook page. You don't think there is anything wrong with that?

You don't think there's anything wrong with singing pro-rape and violent sounding lyrics like "shooting them in their boxes" (and there were lyrics a lot worse than that)?

No one should be able to take pictures of women who happen to be out in public and then posting them to social media without the women's permission. Period.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 08:29 AM

By now, I’m sure you’ve read about the man who took a creep shot of a woman doing her fruit and veggie shopping at Woolies. He thought it would be romantic to post it on their Facebook page and then say he’d turn up everyday in the same spot until she acknowledged him.

That guy is a creep and a stalker, very few guys behave like that.

And kids? All youngsters are struggling with their boundaries. Before inter webs you had to eyewitness bad behavior, now everyone can see it online, so it seems more prevalent.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 08:34 AM
What's wrong with doing this? I know it's obviously wrong.. But you got to admit.. Who hasn't cheated on their wives/husbands with staring?

Please guys, you all are guilty of judging a women's jugs or booty.
And women.. You spot out for tenting in the guys..
Sht even the opposite if you're homosexual.

What respect is there to give to anybody when it's natural and by all means cast a stone at me if you are sinless. Especially those eye cheaters *..*

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: noonebutme

WHy is it specific towards men? I've met plenty of.. shall we say, "colourful" women over the years, voicing opinions and using language that would make a hooker blush.

Because the campaign against men is on full force. Its ok to be sexist as long as its against men on the MSM and only men can be sexist or Aholes.

Its the new PC bizzaro world we live in that is designed by the MSM to make us constantly fight with one another.

Black vs White , Gay vs Straight , Atheist vs Theist , Republican vs Democrat, Men vs Women.

Give it a few years and it will be Parent vs Child.

Its no wonder our corrupted gov't is able to stay in power, with us constantly fighting each other.

They purposely take on one sided warped view of extreme situations and go full retard on it and not really address the true problems , but rather fuel the fire.

edit on 54430America/ChicagoFri, 15 Apr 2016 08:54:58 -0500000000p3042 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: intrptr

It's easy for any kid to turn corrupt now, then it was 30 years ago?

Let him grow up in a decent home, a decent school system and hand him a phone with high speed internet.
Before you know it, he's a fappster.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: luciferslight
a reply to: intrptr

It's easy for any kid to turn corrupt now, then it was 30 years ago?

Let him grow up in a decent home, a decent school system and hand him a phone with high speed internet.
Before you know it, he's a fappster.

We were trash talkers too, in school, in groups. Most young kids do it on some level about a lot of things. Parents, teachers, studies, girls. They did it about guys, too.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: luciferslight

There's some truth in your assertion.


WHEN [in such relatively few examples as exist per 1,000 or so of the general population]

parents PREVENT significant levels of ATTACHMENT DISORDER by bonding very securely emotionally with lavish healthy affection etc.

such kids will not in the future be dragged off-base very far by lesser values and temptations


the value has become so enriching and so high to be in that kind of
very connected, ongoing dialogue with their parents--particularly the dad. Lesser temptations will be seen for what they are--cheap, tawdry, shallow--even destructive to their best interests . . . and therefore--overwhelmingly left in the dust.

I used to hear from pastors and supervisors and professors that

'Oh, you know, some kids just twist off even when they had totally wonderful parents.'

In all my 30+ years of counseling and teaching at universities on 2 continents
. . .
I NEVER saw a single case of that being true. It usually took me only 3-5 questions to find out where the rot had been in the early childhood of the kid purportedly reared by 'totally wonderful' parents.

BTW, I know of kids who's dads went to all their ball games etc. but were STILL NOT securely attached father to children. Typically such dads had at least a bit too much invested in trying to have the kids bolster the dad's low self-esteem by doing super well sports-wise.

Going through the motions of bonding is NOT the same as successfully bonding.

edit on 15/4/2016 by BO XIAN because: tags

edit on 15/4/2016 by BO XIAN because: (no reason given)

edit on 15/4/2016 by BO XIAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: Dark Ghost
What I do object to are the examples she uses to support her message as being representative of a deep cultural problem.

You don't think the examples she uses illustrate a cultural problem? You think men treating women this way is something that doesn't happen often? You say these actions are done by a "small minority"... I would suggest that you don't have all the information you need to make that statement. These examples, and millions more, ARE signs of a deep cultural problem.

She has the audacity to place herself on a pedestal as though she is the bastion/authority of women's rights. Also, the way she stereotypes young males because of the actions of a small minority is illogical.

How does she place herself on a pedestal?

Where does she stereotype young males?

I think you've read a LOT more into the article than is actually printed there...

edit on 4/15/2016 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: interupt42

The hyperbole is strong with your post.

There's plenty of stuff out there advising parents of young girls as well. It's not all one-sided against the boys.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 09:14 AM

originally posted by: SprocketUK
I'm not offended by what you posted, I am thinking there is a disconnect with a lot of males when it comes to having respect for other people, in particular, women.

Frankly, if my boys behaved like this I'd give them a slap. its shameful.

I really wish people would stop putting all of this on males because it's not just them. Open your eyes and look at the world around you. This lack of respect isn't just from men, it's from women as well.

I always hear/read about women who wish their breasts weren't sexual objects of desire, yet there are tons of women out there who understand that and use it to their advantage on a regular basis. Yes, unfortunately there are men out there who sexually assault women, but there are a lot of women who falsely accuse men knowing that it doesn't take evidence to ruin ones life.

There are plenty of examples from both sides that prove a lack of respect on both sides of the gender coin. What that tells me is that it's not about men not respecting women, or women not respecting men; it's about people not respecting each other.

Is it good to teach your sons to respect women?? Of course it is, just as much as it is to teach your daughters to respect men. Or, better yet, just teach your children to respect other people as long as they're respectful to you. Stop trying to put blame on one side or the other, because both halves can be just as rotten.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: Necrobile

To be frank, the majority of creepy stalking that leads to sexual assaults or worse is done by males.

Whining about deviant behaviour in males being highlighted is missing the point.

But let me put it another way.
As a dad it's one of my jobs to make sure my sons grow up with the right values. I am in the perfect position to educate them because I'm their main male role model.
When it comes to raising a daughter most of the role model stuff falls to my wife.

There is a world of difference between finding someone attractive and taking creepy secret photos of them without their knowledge then using the Web to announce your stalky tendencies.

I find the shoddy misogyny that's infecting this site from insecure little boys really tiring.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

It's like she found disparate and unconnected examples and tried to connect them to fit some goofy feminist narrative. If Facebook pages and bus chants are all you have to worry about, my dear, then we've come a long way.

Yes, crying for equality in an unequal way is rather hilarious.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 09:58 AM
Men are naturally somewhat "predatory" towards women, we've got millions of years of evolution at work here. Regardless of all the idealistic stuff we're still just animals, and it's gonna take a lot more work than just a few decades of social conditioning to change this.

It wasn't so long ago where it was still the norm to kidnap a girl you wanted to marry, and then pay her father for the right to keep her. Not very pleasant, but it was just the reality of things. Even I find myself being unconsciously "predatory" towards women sometimes, and then I beat myself up afterward upon realizing what a doofus I was being.

Still though, guys like the one in the story who take pictures of women and stalk them are just lame a**holes. That's not biology, it's just being a weirdo.
edit on 15-4-2016 by Talorc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: LesMisanthrope
If Facebook pages and bus chants are all you have to worry about, my dear, then we've come a long way.

...says someone who is so concerned about political correctness that he wrote a narrative on it for ATS.

Everyone has their pet issues. I noticed you haven't started a thread about something REALLY important, like starving children in Africa.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

I do not believe that this article insists that men in general change their behaviour, or that fathers should teach their sons differently...UNLESS the men concerned behave like scum, and are raising their children to grow up to be diseases upon the meat of the collective colon of the species.

For example, I have nothing to apologise for as a gentleman, since I make it my business to behave with respect toward members of the opposite sex. That means that I do not harass or stalk them, either in person or electronically, nor do I interject myself into their lives for the express purpose of "pulling".

Now, some clueless halfwit, with no class, dignity, or respect for themselves or anyone else, may find themselves saying and doing things differently, and I would suggest that it is only these individuals that ought to be even reading this article, let alone taking it to heart.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 11:03 AM
Cultural differences aside, do you think these people don't know right from wrong?

Of course they do, they choose to do what they want anyways.

Most people grow out of it as they leave their teen years, the ones that don't are usually the ones that ignore teachings anyways.

I don't need someone telling me all men need taught something. P**s off with your annoying blanket statement, it actually makes me want to go take creep shots of girls just to ruffle this article writer's feathers. This crap inspires rebellion!

*gets camera*

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

there is whole group of people treated like objects, they are called celebrities, do u want to stand up for there rights as well, or are they excluded? What about constant pictures taken all the time by street cams and security cams, do u stand up for the public's rights, what about web cams in everyone's home that can be used to recorded us, do u stand up for private computer owners rights?

Or since this is a women she gets special treatment, because in the end men and women get treated like objects everyday in all cultures and all walks of life.

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

...says someone who is so concerned about political correctness that he wrote a narrative on it for ATS.

Everyone has their pet issues. I noticed you haven't started a thread about something REALLY important, like starving children in Africa.

At least you noticed me.

Speaking of Africa, while people like you and the author lament the behavior of boys in western civilizations, what with their facebook pages and chants and comments, the treatment of women in many areas of Africa is reaching levels that no amount of feminist condescension could prevent.
edit on 15-4-2016 by LesMisanthrope because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 11:51 AM
Perhaps the women could stop treating and judging the men as potential meal tickets...
Perhaps admit to 50% of the spousal abuse that goes on? (proven by the way)
In fact I see a whole lot of men being damaged in all kinds of ways by the abuses and uses women put them to.....
The Laws are so one sided and the society is so one sided that men are simply detaching from their normal role of dad husband and protector....
Women prey upon men so insidiously that many have been destroyed by the predation, as balanced human beings...
There are multiple "shelters for abused women"
For abused men not so much of anything at all....
Ever consider that women are responsible for half of the breakdown of our old social contracts?
Women are hard wired to lie.Dont tell me they don't assess those men they meet as REplacements for the men they have committed to either..........its in their hard wiring....
Its in their nature to be far more devious than men.....

posted on Apr, 15 2016 @ 12:08 PM

originally posted by: BelowLowAnnouncement
Cultural differences aside, do you think these people don't know right from wrong?

Know the difference between right and wrong?

As some research on millennials has noted . . .

A lot of these folks grew up in an era when the President of the USA called black white and white black and argued over the meaning of 'is.' Now we have his pretend partner--the actually lesbian gritchy one--running for the same office pretending that she knows what's 'good' for the country.

[While actually, there's probably not a 'good' bone in her body nor a 'good' cell in her black heart, nor a 'good' thought in her vacant head.]

. . . . when banksters caused horrific suffering on the part of millions of hard working Americans . . . and no one went to jail.

. . . . when horror films with the worst sort of blood-letting are considered !FUN!

. . . . when snuff films are made for 'entertainment.'

. . . . when institutionalized DEPOPULATION schemes in medicine, food, pollution is rife with devastating results and the sheeple continue to shuffle meekly like good Eloi into the caverns of the Morlachs for dinner--as the main course.

. . . . when 9/11 gets planned, warned about, set-up, orchestrated, pulled off and covered up and anyone who questions the party line is considered the crazy kook.

. . . . when presidents, whistle-blowers . . . and in the case of the gritchy one running for President--merely being her guards observing too much resulted in the mysterious deaths of ten of the the guards . . . all with impunity.

. . . . when effective cures for horrific diseases are kept from the public and wide distribution.

the list is endless.

The popular music glorifies horrific acts of mayhem, blood-letting, sexual exploits of the worst kind etc. etc. etc.

Death memes and symbols adorn clothing, billboards, magazines, the net, movies etc. far and wide--as though that's WONDERFUL!

Universities declare there IS NO GOOD/BAD; RIGHT/WRONG--whatever feels good, do it--as long as you pretend it doesn't hurt anyone else.

What good/bad distinctions can there be for mankind when man has been reduced by the propaganda of the oligarchy to nothing more than

a rat, a pigeon, a radish or a rock?

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