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Two-foot super rat is the biggest pest controller has ever seen

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posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 02:34 AM
a reply to: lostbook

Is it just me, or is that rat not bigger than many of his conspecifics, that live in cities, where food is to find galore?
It´s the size of a fat cat, that size is nothing special for rats.

When i saw the header, i thought i would see a picture of a rat that is really bigger than every rat i saw before, but nope.

"The size of a dog"...
What for a dog, that toy in the handbag of "IT-Girls"???

It´s not a small rat, but it isn´t rats Hulk, too...

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 02:37 AM
No matter how much people fear and despise rats, even the big ones are no match for humans.

I know who I'd be more wary of.

The little guy in the picture probably had little more on his mind each day than foraging for food and shelter in order to survive. I doubt he thought of himself as scary.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 04:09 AM
Man I remember in my college days watching rats with bodies (minus tails) 10 inches long run around the rail tracks in the boston subways. I thought those were big but this thing.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 04:17 AM
So why did the creature have to die at the hands of this human? If humans keep their homes & environment clean, rats will stay away. . .

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: lostbook

That doesn't look like a rat. It doesn't have the same shape of head- rats are more elongated.
That looks like a Nutria - in which case the size is completely normal (I've even seen bigger than that).

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: lostbook

This again?
Get some perspective people, and I mean that quite specifically.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 06:03 AM
Not that I specifically take such articles at their word (especially when two articles, in quotes, have the man saying different wording), but, the "perspective" of the matter has been mentioned in the articles.

“A lot of people take photos of rats at various angles to make it look larger than it actually is, but this is exactly as you see it,” Mr Sullivan said.

As said here

He said: "There is a lot of misrepresentation with guys taking photos of rats with mobile phones and holding it out at an extreme arms length to create the illusion that it's bigger than it really is," he said, "But this is the real deal; it's the largest rat I've ever seen."

And as said in the OP link

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

Wow, thanks for that, I had no freaking idea what a freaking Nutria is....was...hehe, I really thought it was master splinter trying to feed baby turtles or something, but a Nutria....hmmm, they seem fatter? what if its a mixture of both?!?!?!

Insert creepy dramatic sound...****

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 08:06 AM

originally posted by: Bluesma
a reply to: lostbook

That doesn't look like a rat. It doesn't have the same shape of head- rats are more elongated.
That looks like a Nutria - in which case the size is completely normal (I've even seen bigger than that).

that's what i thought, and they use to be in the UK, as a matter of fact they use to be all over europe.
i wonder if they are making a come back.
here from the wiki cause it's fast.

The coypu (from Spanish coipú, from Mapudungun kóypu;[2][3] Myocastor coypus), also known as the river rat[4] or nutria,[1][5] is a large, herbivorous, semi-aquatic rodent and the only member of the family Myocastoridae. Originally native to subtropical and temperate South America, it has since been introduced to North America, Europe, Asia, and Africa, primarily by fur ranchers.[6] Although it is still valued for its fur in some regions, its destructive feeding and burrowing behaviors make this invasive species a pest throughout most of its range. Coypus live in burrows alongside stretches of water. They feed on river plant stems.[7]


In the United Kingdom, coypus were introduced to East Anglia, for fur, in 1929; many escaped and damaged the drainage works, and a concerted programme by MAFF eradicated them by 1989.[32] However, in 2012, a "giant rat" was killed in County Durham, with authorities suspecting the animal was, in fact, a coypu.[33]

edit on 12-4-2016 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 10:58 AM
I once knew a guy in the pest control business. The guy had great stories about insects, rats and other critters. Many of them confirmed your worst nightmares. Or created new ones.

So if you like a good creepy story and aren't squeamish. I say track down a pest control guy. Buy him a drink. And then sit back and listen.

It will be better than any horror film you've ever seen.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: lostbook

I got my mum to share this on her FB yesterday, I think the conversation is STILL going on!

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 11:41 AM
Hmm id of lured it into the microwave with a piece of cheese and set the timer to infinite and beyond.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: Bluesma

I think you're right.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: Skid Mark
a reply to: lostbook
That's almost big enough to feed a small family, or eat one. Nice find.

I was thinking the same thing. Since rats are prolific, eat anything, difficult to exterminate and can live in almost any environment, they're the perfect food on the hoof. Heck, they could solve world hunger. Hey, they can even detect Tuberculosis

Or if your kid is allergic to cats, get a rat!

Orrrrr, you could build a temple for them, feed and care for them like they do in parts like India:

All kinds of uses for this incredible creature. Got to think outside of the box people.
edit on 12-4-2016 by StoutBroux because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: eldemie

Insert creepy dramatic sound...****

You asked for it lol.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: lostbook

I have had pet rats that got that big. One I had used to beat up the cat.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 02:16 PM
I agree. That rat is not that big. In my home town there is a place called Popped Right Popcorn and there is rats there a third bigger than that easy. Nothing to see here, move along....a reply to: DonVoigt

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Your picture of the Indian temple rats is adorable.

Did you notice that all the rats round the bowl have their noses dipping in. Except for one, who has his bum hanging over it?

I wouldn't want to be the person eating next to him

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 03:25 PM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
That's not that big, about 30 years ago when I was a kid, we had bigger rats than that, the news referred to them as superrats. Pffft. That is nothing

I saw some big ones in Korea. One stood up on its hind legs and hissed at me. Never seen anything like it anywhere else. Startled me a time or two ... aggressive ones, but if you go right at 'em they turn and run.

posted on Apr, 12 2016 @ 04:00 PM
you want to lay of that skunk mate lol a reply to: skunkape23

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