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London overrun with immigrants

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posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: mazzroth
Why are't the same demographics working in reverse ? Why aren't Whites immigrating to Somalia or Syria ? so its ok if the White race is mixed and the other Countries mentioned aren't ? Name me one Black Country that is having this thing happen ? No this is purely about one thing and one thing make the White Race go extinct.

Its so obvious to me now that everything white and christian is bad and everything dark and muslim is good, I saw it on the weekend at an AFL match here in Perth when some guys unfurled an anti mosque flag. The media instantly made it out to be racist when in fact its religious intolerance but anyway even the media is in on this gig to destroy the White Race. My kids are taught that they're bad and build this guilt on them from the very first day at school, the day of the race is coming sooner than we think.

The Day of the Human Race.

Wait...are you really asking why whites are not moving to war torn counties but would rather stay in their modern cities? Seriously? Is this the best you can do? You are all so scared...mind boggling

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:39 PM

originally posted by: SheopleNation
a reply to: Sargeras

Yeah my friend, I don't think most people understand that either. ~$heopleNation

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: mazzroth
Why are't the same demographics working in reverse ? Why aren't Whites immigrating to Somalia or Syria ? so its ok if the White race is mixed and the other Countries mentioned aren't ? Name me one Black Country that is having this thing happen ? No this is purely about one thing and one thing make the White Race go extinct.

Its so obvious to me now that everything white and christian is bad and everything dark and muslim is good, I saw it on the weekend at an AFL match here in Perth when some guys unfurled an anti mosque flag. The media instantly made it out to be racist when in fact its religious intolerance but anyway even the media is in on this gig to destroy the White Race. My kids are taught that they're bad and build this guilt on them from the very first day at school, the day of the race is coming sooner than we think.

The Day of the Human Race.

Wait...are you really asking why whites are not moving to war torn counties but would rather stay in their modern cities? Seriously? Is this the best you can do? You are all so scared...mind boggling

Scared or pragmatic?

Why are all these places hell holes?

Don't blame the west, they have been this way for centuries!!

And that is what you want to import?


posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:49 PM
So does predominantly white Russia have a non-white immigrant problem?

If not doesn't that mean it's a government policy issue... or maybe it's the weather.
edit on 11-4-2016 by Jason88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:50 PM

originally posted by: Sargeras

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: mazzroth
Why are't the same demographics working in reverse ? Why aren't Whites immigrating to Somalia or Syria ? so its ok if the White race is mixed and the other Countries mentioned aren't ? Name me one Black Country that is having this thing happen ? No this is purely about one thing and one thing make the White Race go extinct.

Its so obvious to me now that everything white and christian is bad and everything dark and muslim is good, I saw it on the weekend at an AFL match here in Perth when some guys unfurled an anti mosque flag. The media instantly made it out to be racist when in fact its religious intolerance but anyway even the media is in on this gig to destroy the White Race. My kids are taught that they're bad and build this guilt on them from the very first day at school, the day of the race is coming sooner than we think.

The Day of the Human Race.

Wait...are you really asking why whites are not moving to war torn counties but would rather stay in their modern cities? Seriously? Is this the best you can do? You are all so scared...mind boggling

Scared or pragmatic?

Why are all these places hell holes?

Don't blame the west, they have been this way for centuries!!

And that is what you want to import?


Why they are # holes is beside the point. The question (whining) was why they come here but we don't go there.

You know. The whole Middle East isn't a #hole and the countries are very varied. What do I want to import? Their food,art, doctors, teachers, music, friendliness etc...

You see, I have been there and know what the Middle East has to offer us. You can only go by what hate filled news source you are clearly reading is telling you about "them"

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:50 PM
" Maybe its because, Im a Londoner, cause I love London so"...La la la....

Only real Londoners would know this song....I wonder how many "Immigrants" do?

Also, only a Real Londoner would know how to pronounce these two London name places correctly...



Go on, give it a try......the answer soon....

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:52 PM

originally posted by: gort51
" Maybe its because, Im a Londoner, cause I love London so"...La la la....

Only real Londoners would know this song....I wonder how many "Immigrants" do?

Also, only a Real Londoner would know how to pronounce these two London name places correctly...



Go on, give it a try......the answer soon....

What is a real Londoner? Am I one? I've lived here for over 30 years...can I be in your exclusive club?

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:55 PM
Of course you can.

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:58 PM

originally posted by: gort51
Of course you can.

I was born in Beirut. Does that matter?

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 12:06 AM

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 12:10 AM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: Sargeras

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: mazzroth
Why are't the same demographics working in reverse ? Why aren't Whites immigrating to Somalia or Syria ? so its ok if the White race is mixed and the other Countries mentioned aren't ? Name me one Black Country that is having this thing happen ? No this is purely about one thing and one thing make the White Race go extinct.

Its so obvious to me now that everything white and christian is bad and everything dark and muslim is good, I saw it on the weekend at an AFL match here in Perth when some guys unfurled an anti mosque flag. The media instantly made it out to be racist when in fact its religious intolerance but anyway even the media is in on this gig to destroy the White Race. My kids are taught that they're bad and build this guilt on them from the very first day at school, the day of the race is coming sooner than we think.

The Day of the Human Race.

Wait...are you really asking why whites are not moving to war torn counties but would rather stay in their modern cities? Seriously? Is this the best you can do? You are all so scared...mind boggling

Scared or pragmatic?

Why are all these places hell holes?

Don't blame the west, they have been this way for centuries!!

And that is what you want to import?


Why they are # holes is beside the point. The question (whining) was why they come here but we don't go there.

You know. The whole Middle East isn't a #hole and the countries are very varied. What do I want to import? Their food,art, doctors, teachers, music, friendliness etc...

You see, I have been there and know what the Middle East has to offer us. You can only go by what hate filled news source you are clearly reading is telling you about "them"

But that isn't what you are importing is it?


You are importing all, without regard to what it will do and cause!

You are already seeing the reactions to it.

They will only get worse, and more extreme, on both sides.

The Muslim's won't change to fit in, they will cause more terrorist attacks, because they want to make the EU just like where they came from!

The EU citizens are already on the verge of open violence in a mass scale in response!

When will you buy a clue, when another Hitler gains power as a result?

Because that is what will happen!!

But it won't just be the immigrants, it will be the folks like you also that get caught up in it, because you championed it!!

Europe doesn't want to be overrun so you can be happy, they want to live as they have.

Those like you are forcing atrocities to happen to please your own bleeding hearts!

How much will it bleed when it swings the other way, as it is now, after the murders begin against the immigrants?

One maybe two more new years rape fests or Paris attacks and you are going to see what I am warning about happening!

It is at present kept in check by government cover ups and force.

Neither will be enough soon, and new government will be elected..... Good luck

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 12:22 AM

originally posted by: Sargeras

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: Sargeras

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: mazzroth
Why are't the same demographics working in reverse ? Why aren't Whites immigrating to Somalia or Syria ? so its ok if the White race is mixed and the other Countries mentioned aren't ? Name me one Black Country that is having this thing happen ? No this is purely about one thing and one thing make the White Race go extinct.

Its so obvious to me now that everything white and christian is bad and everything dark and muslim is good, I saw it on the weekend at an AFL match here in Perth when some guys unfurled an anti mosque flag. The media instantly made it out to be racist when in fact its religious intolerance but anyway even the media is in on this gig to destroy the White Race. My kids are taught that they're bad and build this guilt on them from the very first day at school, the day of the race is coming sooner than we think.

The Day of the Human Race.

Wait...are you really asking why whites are not moving to war torn counties but would rather stay in their modern cities? Seriously? Is this the best you can do? You are all so scared...mind boggling

Scared or pragmatic?

Why are all these places hell holes?

Don't blame the west, they have been this way for centuries!!

And that is what you want to import?


Why they are # holes is beside the point. The question (whining) was why they come here but we don't go there.

You know. The whole Middle East isn't a #hole and the countries are very varied. What do I want to import? Their food,art, doctors, teachers, music, friendliness etc...

You see, I have been there and know what the Middle East has to offer us. You can only go by what hate filled news source you are clearly reading is telling you about "them"

But that isn't what you are importing is it?


You are importing all, without regard to what it will do and cause!

You are already seeing the reactions to it.

They will only get worse, and more extreme, on both sides.

The Muslim's won't change to fit in, they will cause more terrorist attacks, because they want to make the EU just like where they came from!

The EU citizens are already on the verge of open violence in a mass scale in response!

When will you buy a clue, when another Hitler gains power as a result?

Because that is what will happen!!

But it won't just be the immigrants, it will be the folks like you also that get caught up in it, because you championed it!!

Europe doesn't want to be overrun so you can be happy, they want to live as they have.

Those like you are forcing atrocities to happen to please your own bleeding hearts!

How much will it bleed when it swings the other way, as it is now, after the murders begin against the immigrants?

One maybe two more new years rape fests or Paris attacks and you are going to see what I am warning about happening!

It is at present kept in check by government cover ups and force.

Neither will be enough soon, and new government will be elected..... Good luck hysterical. Calm down.

Oh...thank you for informing me that we are not importing all the good things I mentioned. I guess I never ate at all those amazing Arabic restaurants, I guess every single day I'm talking to myself rather than the friendly Turkish shopkeepers around my area, I guess I DIDNT a have an amazing Palestinian physics teacher at school, I guess you CANT buy Arabic music in the shops here. I guess if a westerner walks down Edgware road he is going to be abused verbally and attacked right? And me and my friends and millions of others DONT go there to eat at all the non existent Lebanese restaurants where we are NOT treated exceptionally well right? No...there is absolutely nothing good in london that came from the Middle East.

Here's the deal mate. You can go ahead and keep believing that every Muslim is a terrorist, rapist, uneducated animal..whatever. Be scared. Hate them. I don't care. But do not tell me what it's like in my home city with regards to Arabs or what it's like in the Middle East. You have clearly been to neither. You are coming across hysterical.

I assume you are a grown up? Start acting like one.

It makes me feel bad for you that you will never know how incredible Lebanese food is. know, it's not imported to the west. Just the bombs, the head scarfs etc are allowed in.
edit on 11-4-2016 by 3danimator2014 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: TerryMcGuire

The fact is that were all the same. Some are browner than others by birth. As far as white Britain goes, just about everyone has about 10% West African in their Genes, thanks to the freed slaves merging into the then existing population. I expect America is the same.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: 3danimator2014

Your one of the brain washed, your thought process is broken. I will spell it out to you in laymans as you obviously can't interpret the concept I am portraying here...The mass migration of Muslims is to non Islamic countries ok, they aren't being sent or directed to go to Countries like Saudia Arabia who could afford the burden of funding their lifestyles but are being sent to non Islamic Countries.

This is by design and not coincidence, you can hide behind your Political Correctness or you could recognize truth...I'm guessing the truth is not what you want to hear.

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: zinc12 there was a time when Irish weren't allowed in pubs in England on the same level as dogs in many propprieties, bet your glad no one treats the Irish like that anymore
Makes me wonder why you travelled all the way to London when you could have visited numerous towns in the uk with no brown faces. Maybe next time you go to the places where the cast of TOWIE go. Or on the cost in Devon and Cornwall where you won't see any brown faces, if they upset you night out so much

edit on 11-4-2016 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:22 AM
a reply to: gort51

Maybe its because, Im a Londoner, cause I love London so"...La la la....

Quite ironic you don't even know the first line properly

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:23 AM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: DutchMasterChief
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Embrace the culture of London, it's almost a country of it's own.

Yes, it's almost a country on it's own. A foreign country. You said it. Embrace the demise of the native population.

Demise? You do realise that the UK still is very much a majority white country, right?

But hey...don't let that stop your ignorance and xenophobia. Me personally, I like having the Turkish shops and the foreign restaurants where I live in north london.

I will never understand people like you. So scared...the foreigners are coming! They are ...different.

You like Turkish shops huh, yeah I noticed, about five kebab shops on every street so how many kebab and fried chicken shops will be enough...I think you will find there is more then enough already!

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:28 AM
a reply to: zinc12 why didn't you just go out in Essex or Kent

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: zinc12
a reply to: Misterlondon

A friend of mine from Yorkshire (never been there myself) had the same opinion, he worked in London for 5 months as a blacksmith and said he was glad to leave, wont be coming back in a hurry and thought Londoners were a bunch of X based on the same behaviour I also observed.

Whereas YOU sound like a delightful chap. As a Londoner, I say good riddance to you. Please don't come back. Thanks

"Londoner" is that what immigrants call themselves these days

The people who come to sit on their ass and abuse the benefit system are those "Londoners" too!

posted on Apr, 11 2016 @ 02:43 AM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

originally posted by: zinc12
a reply to: AngryCymraeg


Your own words are enough. Anyway, being a resident of London I'm proud to live in a city that is such a melting pot. I have not noticed any decline in basic manners (whatever those are exactly) and my wife has a wide spectrum of friends whose original families come from all over the world. Do you know how they describe themselves? British. And proud of it.

Same as me mate. Londoner of 30 years and I LOVE hearing 5 or 6 different languages on the buses or trains. Makes me proud to be a from a place that is so welcoming to foreigners.

Lets change one word in that sentence and then see how it sounds shall we:

"Same as me mate. immigrant of 30 years and I LOVE hearing 5 or 6 different languages on the buses or trains.

An immigrant who would love to see the place full of

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