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London overrun with immigrants

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posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: starviego
Ask the American Indian about the benefits of uncontrolled immigration by people of another culture.

Bad example, because that was a technologically advanced culture invading cave men.

It is the opposite going on in Europe.

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: TerryDon79

originally posted by: zinc12

originally posted by: Hazardous1408

originally posted by: Misterlondon

originally posted by: babybunnies
What a ridiculous post. Most of them are probably LONDONERS.

Just because they're not the same colour as you, don't mean they're immigrants. The ignorance of the OP is astounding.

I don't think the op is referring to skin colour but people not born in the UK.

I think you're doing backflips for a racist.

He clearly mentioned white girls flirting with non whites and his apparent disgust at that sort of stuff.

I'm 3/4 Irish...
I know their racism first hand.

Do you know how baby's are made or didn't your parents teach that to you yet?

I am simply saying that I cant see there being much white people left if things continue like that, but perhaps thats what you would like to see

When it really comes down to it, does what colour your skin is really matter that much?

We are all human after all. So what if there's only one colour skin in 100 years. At least there will be no more racism.

Don't bet on it.

People will find something to hate about.

Here in HK, they (Hong Kongers) don't like the mainlanders and both are chinese.

It's 2 different worlds and not in a good way.

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 10:13 PM
a reply to: Sargeras

One of the best examples of how we got Native Americans all wrong is Cahokia, a massive Native American city located in modern day East St. Louis. In 1250, it was bigger than London, and featured a sophisticated society with an urban center, satellite villages and thatched-roof houses lining the central plazas. While the city was abandoned by the time white people got to it, the evidence they left behind suggests a complex economy with trade routes from the Great Lakes all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico.

And that's not even mentioning America's version of the Great Pyramid: Monk's Mound. You know how people treat the very existence of the Great Pyramid in Egypt as one of history's most confounding mysteries? Well, Cahokia's pyramid dwarfs that one, both in size and in degree of difficulty. The mound contains more than 2.16 billion pounds of soil, some of which had to be carried from hundreds of miles away, to make sure the city's giant monument was vividly colored. To put that in perspective, all 13 million people who live in the state of Illinois today would have to carry three 50-pound baskets of soil from as far away as Indiana to construct another one.

edit on 10-4-2016 by cuckooold because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 10:17 PM
Multi-culturalism does not work and never has. As soon as a minority get above a certain percentage they stop trying to assimilate and start demanding political rights as a separate group. Just look around the world. Separate cultures simply aren't meant to share the same living space. Anytime you do, you're going to see a history of trouble and turmoil, sometimes leading to open warfare.

In South Africa it's the whites versus the blacks versus the Indians. And even amongst the blacks it's Zulu versus Xhosa, etc.

In Central Africa it's the Hutus versus the Tutsis.

In Palestine it's the Jews versus the Arabs.

In the Phillipines it's the Catholics versus the Moslems.

In Lebanon it's the Moslems versus the Christians versus the Druze versus the Palestinians, etc.

In India it's Hindus versus Moslems versus Sikh versus Assamese.

In Iraq it's Sunnis versus Shia.

In Afghanistan it's Baluchis versus Hazara versus Khrghiz.

In the Balkans it's the Serbs versus the Croats versus the Bosnians versus the Herzogovinans, etc.

In the Caucauses it's the Armenians versus the Karabahks versus the Georgians versus the Azerbaijanies, etc. etc.

On Cyprus it's the Turks versus the Greeks.

It's the Kurds versus the Turks, the Arabs, and the Persians.

In Chechnya it's the Chechnyans versus the Russians.

In the Ukraine it's the Ukrainian speakers versus the Russian speakers.

In Sri Lanka it's the Sinhala versus the Tamils.

On Fiju it's the Tamil versus the native Fijians.

In Burma it's the Burmese versus the Karens and Rohingya.

In Tibet it's the Tibetans versus the Han Chinese.

In Uighurstan it's the Uighurs versus the Han Chinese.

In Malaysia and Indonesia it's the Malays versus the Chinese.

On Irian Jaya it's the Indonesians versus the native peoples.

In the Baltic countries its the Lats, Lits, and Ests versus the Russians.

In Ireland it's Catholic versus the Protestant.

In Spain it's the Basque versus the Spanish.

In Belgium it's the Flemish versus the Walloons.

In Canada it's the French-speaking versus the English-speaking.

In the US it's the blacks versus the whites.

In Latin America it's the criolles versus the nativos.

In Australia it's the whites versus the Aboriginies.

Heck, even the Czechs and Slovaks couldn't stand each other and decided to split up.

And those are just the examples I can think of off the top of my head.

So go ahead North America and Europe. Keep your borders open a few more years and then let's watch the fireworks begin!

edit on 10-4-2016 by starviego because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2016 by starviego because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 10:24 PM

originally posted by: Sargeras

originally posted by: starviego
Ask the American Indian about the benefits of uncontrolled immigration by people of another culture.

Bad example, because that was a technologically advanced culture invading cave men.

Still, it didn't work out well for the host culture, is what I'm saying.

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: cuckooold
a reply to: Sargeras

One of the best examples of how we got Native Americans all wrong is Cahokia, a massive Native American city located in modern day East St. Louis. In 1250, it was bigger than London, and featured a sophisticated society with an urban center, satellite villages and thatched-roof houses lining the central plazas. While the city was abandoned by the time white people got to it, the evidence they left behind suggests a complex economy with trade routes from the Great Lakes all the way down to the Gulf of Mexico.

And that's not even mentioning America's version of the Great Pyramid: Monk's Mound. You know how people treat the very existence of the Great Pyramid in Egypt as one of history's most confounding mysteries? Well, Cahokia's pyramid dwarfs that one, both in size and in degree of difficulty. The mound contains more than 2.16 billion pounds of soil, some of which had to be carried from hundreds of miles away, to make sure the city's giant monument was vividly colored. To put that in perspective, all 13 million people who live in the state of Illinois today would have to carry three 50-pound baskets of soil from as far away as Indiana to construct another one.

And still cave men, didn't even invent the wheel yet.

Vs guns cannons writing math science magnetism eye glasses etc...

The Indian cultures of North America were all cave men, on the same level as todays lost tribes in the rain forest.

They had the same technologies developed thousands of years before across the ocean.

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: DutchMasterChief
a reply to: Cobaltic1978

Embrace the culture of London, it's almost a country of it's own.

Yes, it's almost a country on it's own. A foreign country. You said it. Embrace the demise of the native population.

Demise? You do realise that the UK still is very much a majority white country, right?

But hey...don't let that stop your ignorance and xenophobia. Me personally, I like having the Turkish shops and the foreign restaurants where I live in north london.

I will never understand people like you. So scared...the foreigners are coming! They are ...different.

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: zinc12
a reply to: Misterlondon

A friend of mine from Yorkshire (never been there myself) had the same opinion, he worked in London for 5 months as a blacksmith and said he was glad to leave, wont be coming back in a hurry and thought Londoners were a bunch of X based on the same behaviour I also observed.

Whereas YOU sound like a delightful chap. As a Londoner, I say good riddance to you. Please don't come back. Thanks

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 10:58 PM

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

originally posted by: zinc12
a reply to: AngryCymraeg


Your own words are enough. Anyway, being a resident of London I'm proud to live in a city that is such a melting pot. I have not noticed any decline in basic manners (whatever those are exactly) and my wife has a wide spectrum of friends whose original families come from all over the world. Do you know how they describe themselves? British. And proud of it.

Same as me mate. Londoner of 30 years and I LOVE hearing 5 or 6 different languages on the buses or trains. Makes me proud to be a from a place that is so welcoming to foreigners.

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: slider1982
a reply to: Misterlondon

Well im the only white person on my street of about 100 houses??..

No you are not. Stop lying

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:05 PM
Immigration advocates owe a big apology to all their country's own homeless population. All those newcomers stretch housing resources to the limit. The result is mass homelessness. But then again the Multi-Kultis are not known for having any loyalty to their own kind. I call them race traitors.
edit on 10-4-2016 by starviego because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:08 PM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

originally posted by: zinc12
a reply to: AngryCymraeg


Your own words are enough. Anyway, being a resident of London I'm proud to live in a city that is such a melting pot. I have not noticed any decline in basic manners (whatever those are exactly) and my wife has a wide spectrum of friends whose original families come from all over the world. Do you know how they describe themselves? British. And proud of it.

Same as me mate. Londoner of 30 years and I LOVE hearing 5 or 6 different languages on the buses or trains. Makes me proud to be a from a place that is so welcoming to foreigners.


To what end?

The end of the very people that made your situation possible?

Because none of the cultures those people come from would allow the same in their home nation!!

So what then, you prove how great your culture is by letting it die to be supplanted by their cultures?

Stupid is the only word I can think of to describe your mindset!

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:16 PM

originally posted by: starviego
Immigration advocates owe a big apology to all their country's own homeless population. All those newcomers stretch housing resources to the limit. The result is mass homelessness. But then again the Multi-Kultis are known for not having any loyalty to their own kind.

Blind eyes to their own, but give it all away to strangers!!

Self hate of own culture is what that is without a doubt.

Why not go live there and have it like they want it, instead of forcing it on everyone else?

Because they want to force it on others, that is why!

It is a psychosis, like those that want to shoot up a crowded place, they hate their own country and culture so bad they want to cause it as much harm as possible.

Sad really!!

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:20 PM
What is really going to be funny is when this all comes full circle. ~$heopleNation

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:24 PM
Why are't the same demographics working in reverse ? Why aren't Whites immigrating to Somalia or Syria ? so its ok if the White race is mixed and the other Countries mentioned aren't ? Name me one Black Country that is having this thing happen ? No this is purely about one thing and one thing make the White Race go extinct.

Its so obvious to me now that everything white and christian is bad and everything dark and muslim is good, I saw it on the weekend at an AFL match here in Perth when some guys unfurled an anti mosque flag. The media instantly made it out to be racist when in fact its religious intolerance but anyway even the media is in on this gig to destroy the White Race. My kids are taught that they're bad and build this guilt on them from the very first day at school, the day of the race is coming sooner than we think.

The Day of the Human Race.
edit on 10-4-2016 by mazzroth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:24 PM

originally posted by: SheopleNation
What is really going to be funny is when this all comes full circle. ~$heopleNation

It is going to unfortunately....

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: Sargeras

Yeah my friend, I don't think most people understand that either. ~$heopleNation

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:29 PM

originally posted by: mazzroth
Why are't the same demographics working in reverse ? Why aren't Whites immigrating to Somalia or Syria ? so its ok if the White race is mixed and the other Countries mentioned aren't ? Name me one Black Country that is having this thing happen ? No this is purely about one thing and one thing make the White Race go extinct.

Its so obvious to me now that everything white and christian is bad and everything dark and muslim is good, I saw it on the weekend at an AFL match here in Perth when some guys unfurled an anti mosque flag. The media instantly made it out to be racist when in fact its religious intolerance but anyway even the media is in on this gig to destroy the White Race. My kids are taught that they're bad and build this guilt on them from the very first day at school, the day of the race is coming sooner than we think.

The Day of the Human Race.

I'm not even religious and I see it!!

Europe and America import Muslims enmass, but leave all the Christian " refugees " to their grim fate, as they are being exterminated wholesale!!

I don't see any other way of understanding it!

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:34 PM
Because there is only one other way to see it....deny it and be ignorant.

If I have even the slightest issue with Mosques being built in my neighborhood I am instantly branded a racist by all and sundry in the media, that tells me they are compromised and are possibly taking Saudi money. Which by the way is what funds this mass Mosque building in my Country, no way do the local Muslims pay for it because they don't work and are on Government Hand outs. The latest statistic is 73% of all immigrants are on social security money which is damning.

edit on 10-4-2016 by mazzroth because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2016 @ 11:34 PM

originally posted by: Sargeras

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: AngryCymraeg

originally posted by: zinc12
a reply to: AngryCymraeg


Your own words are enough. Anyway, being a resident of London I'm proud to live in a city that is such a melting pot. I have not noticed any decline in basic manners (whatever those are exactly) and my wife has a wide spectrum of friends whose original families come from all over the world. Do you know how they describe themselves? British. And proud of it.

Same as me mate. Londoner of 30 years and I LOVE hearing 5 or 6 different languages on the buses or trains. Makes me proud to be a from a place that is so welcoming to foreigners.


To what end?

The end of the very people that made your situation possible?

Because none of the cultures those people come from would allow the same in their home nation!!

So what then, you prove how great your culture is by letting it die to be supplanted by their cultures?

Stupid is the only word I can think of to describe your mindset!

And yes..the Arabs would welcome Brits. You know how I know this? I'm originally from Lebanon, but have lived in london for over 30 years, and I have lived in a few places in the Middle East. The people there are generous to a fault, will give you the shirt off their backs and welcome you with open arms into their homes. The governments might be shifty, but I assure you the majority of Arabs are exceptionally friendly.

Oh..and stop buying into this ridiculous belief that the British are a dying breed in the UK.

why do I like having so many foreigners in London? Simple. Because I like them. I like the French, Australians, Lebanese, Turks etc...they make the place more interesting. They eat better food and tend to be friendlier than a lot of Brits. I adore the UK and London with all my heart. We have a great mx of people here.

And it's fine that you and I disagree. I'm pleased I don't think like you

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