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Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski, Arrested, Charged With Battery

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posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

The picture is proof positive that he lied so why are people defending him

Because she is lying as well according to that video , she barely even misses a step from the incident from what I came make out of it.

Someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down. I almost fell to the ground,

From that video it does not appear that a scene was created ,so I don't see how or why that event would have been memory worthy. It look like it happen in under a second and he didnt even look at her. Hence I can see why he would make those claims from that video? Unless their is more proof that I'm missing I think the whole ordeal was blown out of proportions from all sides.

Goto Disney or a walmart black friday and you will see far worse.
edit on 45331America/ChicagoTue, 29 Mar 2016 13:45:57 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: interupt42

No, the only thing proven is that Corey Lewandowski lied.

He claims he has never met nor touched her, that is a lie.

You claiming that you can discern if she almost fell from that video would be a lie.

Why are you Trumpers trying so hard to protect Corey Lewandowski? She didn't accuse Trump.
edit on 29-3-2016 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: F4guy

"The Defendant intentionally touched the victim
against her will."

(FLORIDA STANDARD JURY INSTRUCTIONS IN CRIMINAL CASES, 1981 Revision.) Simple Battery (Misdemeanor Battery) is a first degree misdemeanor, with penalties of up to one year in jail or 12 months probation, and a $1,000 fine.

Did she tell him not to touch her before the incident?

From that video I saw nothing more drastic than a typical event in Disney world and people trying to get through.

How could she tell him not to touch her if she had no anticipation he was going to do that? I don't know about you, but I don't walk into a room and announce to everyone that I don't want to be touched - I assume that people aren't going to touch me unless invited to.

Her body is tilted at an angle where he has pulled her arm - not enough to "throw her to the ground" as she alleged, but he could have gripped her hard enough to leave bruises (that wouldn't be on the video) and he could have pulled her off balance.

If someone bruised, say, my kid's arm like that where the bruises showed up a week later while at Disney - I would call that abuse. Wouldn't you??

No, I can't PROVE that those bruises in the picture are what she says they are. She went to the police who examined her.

People are assuming that the policemen are somehow, what, Cruz or Hillary/Sanders supporters??? That they made a fake charge of Simple Battery because politics? They may very well be Trump supporters!

- AB

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Well there you have it. The crucial evidence. Give it up Trump people. She asked for a simple apology and the guy refused. The charge is well deserved and another stain on Trump. His whole circus is an embarrassment.

Be smart for a change and get on board with this Gary Johnson fellow.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: AboveBoard

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: F4guy

"The Defendant intentionally touched the victim
against her will."

(FLORIDA STANDARD JURY INSTRUCTIONS IN CRIMINAL CASES, 1981 Revision.) Simple Battery (Misdemeanor Battery) is a first degree misdemeanor, with penalties of up to one year in jail or 12 months probation, and a $1,000 fine.

Did she tell him not to touch her before the incident?

From that video I saw nothing more drastic than a typical event in Disney world and people trying to get through.

How could she tell him not to touch her if she had no anticipation he was going to do that? I don't know about you, but I don't walk into a room and announce to everyone that I don't want to be touched - I assume that people aren't going to touch me unless invited to.

Her body is tilted at an angle where he has pulled her arm - not enough to "throw her to the ground" as she alleged, but he could have gripped her hard enough to leave bruises (that wouldn't be on the video) and he could have pulled her off balance.

If someone bruised, say, my kid's arm like that where the bruises showed up a week later while at Disney - I would call that abuse. Wouldn't you??

No, I can't PROVE that those bruises in the picture are what she says they are. She went to the police who examined her.

People are assuming that the policemen are somehow, what, Cruz or Hillary/Sanders supporters??? That they made a fake charge of Simple Battery because politics? They may very well be Trump supporters!

- AB

This has Jeb! written all over it, he was Governor of Florida was he not? Cruz has this sex scandal over the weekend, then bam, Corey gets charged today. Media ignores tons of evidence about the #CruzSexScandal and jumps right on this story instead.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

Actually no. She and Ben Shapiro quit Breitbart when Breitbart senior-editor-at-large, Joel B. Pollak, started promoting the "It couldn't have been Corey Lewandowski" excuse, essentially saying that Washington Post’s Ben Terris was either lying or mistaken.

Keep in mind that apparently this woman originally only asked for a private apology from Corey Lewandowski. Had he simply said, "oh, I didn't mean to grab you like that, I'm sorry" then this would have never even been reported on. This idea that she's just an "attention seeker" isn't born out by what Lewandowski tried to smear her with:

She's on video being assaulted by the NYPD and apparently didn't press charges, did a single interview on Fox News (where she is also a sometimes contributor). Right in the gotnews article it is stated that repeatedly refused to comment on the record to Chuck Johnson about an incident where Allen West groped her — the only place that any mention of this incident is even made. No press coverage, no police report, no lawsuit, no nothing.

Let's put this back in perspective. Corey Lewandowski flat lied about what happened and then he went on the offense and tried to smear Michelle Fields. (my thread about that here).

Is it something we'll be talking about years from now? No. There will probably be a day or two of coverage regarding the outcome of the charges and some mentions in passing when people discuss how Trump used and abused the media but that's probably about it. Is it a considerable factor in determining who to vote for? No, not really but it does add something to the overall picture of the Trump campaign — particularly in terms of the ardent denial and the pattern of treatment of journalists which is unique (at least in recent memory) to the Trump campaign — and since it is Donald Trump's campaign, doesn't he own it?

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: BrokedownChevy
a reply to: theantediluvian

Well there you have it. The crucial evidence. Give it up Trump people. She asked for a simple apology and the guy refused. The charge is well deserved and another stain on Trump. His whole circus is an embarrassment.

Be smart for a change and get on board with this Gary Johnson fellow.

Are you saying that she decided to press charges because he didn't apologize? When the judge hears this case it will get thrown out and she may face charges of her own.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

He claims he has never met nor touched her, that is a lie.

Just because he ran into her doesn't mean that he remembers her or the event. There was no scene created that would cause it to be memory worthy.

The whole incident appears to have occurred in under 1 second and he doesn't even look at her from what I came make out of that video.

You claiming that you can discern if she almost fell from that video would be a lie.

That is not a LIe, I'm going by the OP video and what is shown and stated as such. Where in that video does she look like she almost falls?

If you really got assaulted would you wait 3 days to report it? This is over reaction on all sides from what I can make out of the video , which is all we have to go on besides her word vs his word.

This looks no more of an assault than someone cutting in front of the line and you stopping them to say Nope get back to the line. Would that be worthy of an arrest as well?

Perhaps their is more evidence I don't know about,but from that video It appears like it was blown out of proportion. Also it is not clear from that video if the bruise was actually caused during that event ,or another event, or even possibly by her?

Regardless this is a silly thing to try to smear trump with when there are more legitimate worthy reasons to smear him with.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: BIGPoJo

Well that's a pretty wild thought.

I don't think Jeb would have planted a Brietbart reporter. Brietbart is pro-CRUZ from what I understand.

If it were a conspiracy, wouldn't it make more sense for a pro-CRUZ effort? Just sayin'...

Okay - I'm not really saying that is what happened by any stretch. Politics is dirty, for sure. But really, it seems more like a hothead grabbing a woman's arm and squeezing painfully hard as he aggressively moves past her. Perhaps he didn't like how Breitbart was raising money for Cruz?

- AB

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: BIGPoJo

It means she gave him a chance to be a man without wasting the time of others and he failed. The charges are deserved and his action is textbook for a simple battery charge. Video, photographic, and police statements submitted as evidence here are more than enough. Keep defending him. Trump and his people are awful. He left bruises on a woman's arm and she should be charged? Truly warped. I'll say it again, she gave him a chance which she should not have done, but did anyways. Way too generous considering the stakes.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: AboveBoard
a reply to: BIGPoJo

Well that's a pretty wild thought.

I don't think Jeb would have planted a Brietbart reporter. Brietbart is pro-CRUZ from what I understand.

If it were a conspiracy, wouldn't it make more sense for a pro-CRUZ effort? Just sayin'...

Okay - I'm not really saying that is what happened by any stretch. Politics is dirty, for sure. But really, it seems more like a hothead grabbing a woman's arm and squeezing painfully hard as he aggressively moves past her. Perhaps he didn't like how Breitbart was raising money for Cruz?

- AB

Jeb! recently endorsed Cruz. The timing of the charges are VERY suspect to me.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:07 PM
This is truly amazing.

We have turned into a nation of total and complete WHIMPS.

The cable channels are sloooowing this down frame by frame by's the new Zapruder film. Soon they'll be claims Lewandowsky ran to attack her from a grassy knoll...

I stand by my earlier post! Ever been on a crowded subway or bus, and someone pushes past you? I've get jostled, maybe bruised. I personally have had COLLATERAL, snagged panty hose...and once, I got such a bad snag that it grew to a hole!!! The psychological damage coupled with the financial losses (L'Eggs don't come cheap)...

edit on 29-3-2016 by Glinda because: Typos

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:08 PM
c'mon...all you republicans know by now, that it isn't the actual delegates that pick the next republican candidate, it's the RNC's called a brokered convention...

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:09 PM
Michelle Fields
"This has to be, aside from my fathers death, the worst experience I have gone through"
ETA: Watch video (13 sec mark) for a better angel of the horrendous trauma she suffered.

She must be one protected little snowflake.

This is a 'crime' yet Hillary is still a front runner?

edit on 3 29 2016 by stosh64 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: BIGPoJo

originally posted by: BrokedownChevy
a reply to: theantediluvian

Well there you have it. The crucial evidence. Give it up Trump people. She asked for a simple apology and the guy refused. The charge is well deserved and another stain on Trump. His whole circus is an embarrassment.

Be smart for a change and get on board with this Gary Johnson fellow.

Are you saying that she decided to press charges because he didn't apologize? When the judge hears this case it will get thrown out and she may face charges of her own.

Why did she wait three days to go to the police?

It does sound like she decided to file charges because she didn't get her apology.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: interupt42

Oh I see why you are defending Corey Lewandowski you seem to be afraid his action smears Trump.

Corey Lewandowski's actions don't smear Trump, but Trump trying to smear her does show his character.

Corey Lewandowski lied, video evidence proves that and police determined there is enough evidence to arrest and charge him. A court of law will determine what exactly the video shows. If you feel you have a specific expertise to offer in determining what the video shows I am sure you can contact Corey Lewandowski's attornies and offer it to them.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: RomeByFire

originally posted by: Ohanka
Looks like the establishment is getting desperate.


Grabbing a woman's arm so hard she bruises is desperate.

But hey, I digress - you beat me to it, DJ Spin Doctor. It's amazing how quickly you guys come to the aide of anything-Trump and how "it's the media/establishment."

God forbid we practice such things as personal responsibility and liability for our actions - and seriously, who in their right mind would even THINK of suggesting that is men should be able to carry ourselves in a demeanor that absolutely disavows such actions as harming/putting ones hands on a woman?

*Gasp!* I must be a politically correct princess! My grandfather (who served in WWII) was the first man in my life to tell me about how a man NEVER puts his hands on a woman, you just don't - period.

But I digress, for the crowd will surely be along to ensure us that "it's only a bruise, man - it's not that bad!," which I just don't buy. Beating your kid by applying water-torture, yet leaving no physical marks, is still torture.

What is so intrinsically wrong with people that they cannot live amongst one another without resorting to violence? And in this case - why can a MAN not prevent himself from instigating physical altercation with a woman? Are you that much of a nut-less prude that you must pick on woman?

This dudes name is Corey, and my name is Cory. I'm calling you out, bro. You want to be a man and put your hands on a woman, Corey? Come try it on me you douchebag.

What a load of rubbish.

He grabbed her arm after she went after Trump to ask him a question, in so doing breaching the secret service line.
She called this the second worst day of her life and claimed she had been violently assaulted and almost thrown to the ground.

This is a joke and just another case of social justice warriors pretending to be outraged so they can score some political points.
The sooner these people grow up the better.

Happens all the time in situations like this - as has been discussed by Katrina Pierson today.
If this is going to be the norm then perhaps we should just charge everyone on the floor of the NYSE every time they turn up for work.

Charge is not going to stick.

By the way, it seems he has not been arrested - he has been charged.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:13 PM
These are the same people who must have went to school with the kids who need therapy in college when they see Trump 2016.

First, how many people do you interact with on the daily basis? These people see 1000's of people and reporters and more. Out of the 100's of thousands of people, ONE person creates a stir on nothing and suddenly it is the end of the world. Seriously. If this had happened at 40 rallies I could understand. This is also why he said he initially did not remember. I would remember throwing someone to the ground as I am sure he would have.

The worst thing since her fathers death is something touching her? You can 'trump' up the charges all you want but this will be a waste of local tax resources and time to come to a not guilty verdict.

edit on 03pm31pmf0000002016-03-29T14:15:06-05:000206 by matafuchs because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: stosh64

Michelle Fields
"This has to be, aside from my fathers death, the worst experience I have gone through"

She must be one protected little snowflake.

The whole world has the opportunity now to shame this little snowflake to send a message to other little snowflakes that they will be humiliated if they don't stop their antics.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:14 PM
The second I saw this topic I immediately thought of Dina Zakaria, Lara Logan and Natasha Smith, I started the topic when this happened, I think there was less outrage, these were female journalist sexually assaulted in Egypt.

Two pages, Two

A British journalist was brutally sexually assaulted in Cairo's Tahrir Square as thousands of Egyptians gathered to celebrate the nation's presidential election results.

Natasha Smith, 22, has detailed how she was violently attacked by a 'group of animals' who stripped her naked, scratched and clenched her breasts and 'forced their fingers inside her'.

She only escaped by donning men's clothes and a burka and being whisked away to safety by two other men

edit on 29-3-2016 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

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