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Could the Ancient Gnostic writings be right about the Archons?

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posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: Bybyots

Well one thing i have always believed (well since about aged 7) is that there is a God that created all this and it is all part of his creation, if these parasitic entities have existed since before our time, then they have done so as part of the infinite creators plan, i don't believe that the human brain is capable of comprehending gods plan, but i do think that everything is designed the way it is for the sake of evolution, i think that every living organism goes through these stresses to make them stronger and to evolve into a more advanced version of itself in a continuing, cycle till some form of perfection or enlightenment has been reached, if we can evolve no more then maybe our species has to die out (like pandas possibly) for a new advanced species to takes its place, quite possibly inter-dimensional beings like djinn, archons or e.t. beings are abundant in our universe, solar system. other dimensions is certainly a scientific probability and places like CERN may find proof of these things. i think that all religions have truth in them but they also have untruths in them, for me if we are evolving and everything around is evolving our belief systems should all be evolving as well but they are not, this is why i personally wont attach myself to a way of thinking that is standing still, because for me life is about living and learning, and as long as im always trying to figure out GODS plan i will never be bored

i believe that truth will come to us all no matter what path we take.

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 03:23 PM
If the Archons are real, and I believe they do, and some of them are Seraphim, there is good news. Aeons are the opposite of the unintentionally evil Archons and the most powerful source of the all is the Infinite Aeon, and he is good. And many Aeons exist.

The Gnostics theory is that you have to CHOOSE good and aid the good spirits by doing good and serving good to speed up the coming of the defeat of evil, which is inevitable.

But we play a contributing role and can influence events on earth by learning about everything and applying it for good.

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 03:41 PM
First it was Satan, Jinn, now Archons.

That depends, on the fact that they were actually real, witnessed, and recorded about, and that mythology that had survived the passage of time, actually retained facts about such things that are considered no more then boogeymen today.

Bad things are usually blamed on demons, bad spirits, or God for that matter, where people could see a natural disaster, and think God got mad....But nobody saw God do it, even though they think it did.

Some people say they want to know Gods plan, or are apart of it, only to be swept to the recycle bin, and again...Asking Why.

edit on 5-4-2016 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: Specimen

Scientifically speaking...chances that all this is a God`s masterplan is the same as all universe and our evolution being a pure coincidence. Only problem with the latter is that no Civilization that we know of attributed our existence to sheer luck.

So go figure...

As for knowing about God`s masterplan, I don`t think we are supposed to know, nor we are able to. We can`t even locate ourselves as to how big or small we are in the universe...

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 08:36 PM
a reply to: Op3nM1nd3d

Well, religion or scriptures have always exaggerated such claims of having some vital significance, and that God made things set in stone with reason, like man and woman, so on and so forth. These perceptive are no more different then fate and destiny, where somethings are meant to happen, while other thing just change. Where as science likes to deduce 2+2 makes 4 but by tinkering around with it, no different then saying an apple is an apple, and an orange is an orange. It gives context, where as God has none, while the agnostic idea of mythological creatures are all about, misunderstood representation of of something that real, and they would have no understanding of.

Would there really have been a man at before time that made a gesture with his hand, and made the final frontier, and every birth and every death have a specific purpose to some grand scheme that ether been going for 6000 years. That sort of thinking lead from order to disorder, while Science on the hand at least tries to find some sort of order amid the chaos, while there could be no specific intention, there is a reason as to why things happen the way they do.

IDK though, a civilization that are responsible for our existence, intentionally, and still lingering is really exaggerating, and unthinkable. I can see a civilization that been around for a couple of thousand years or so, but to be around at the start of our supposed evolution like 100,000 to 3 million is beyond insane. A species can last that long probably, but would it civil structure be that ever lasting?

Not only that, what would be the purpose of such immense effort and patience, controlling us is mundane, and pointless, and unless were are a pet project or some kind of vital resource that they need, which I doubt emotions being that resource.

edit on 5-4-2016 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2016 @ 04:35 AM
a reply to: Specimen

the theory has basically all bases covered, thats the thing with the best conspiracy theories, although if we look at the so called facts, the evolution of our dna structure has for me been through the discovery and use of psychadelic plants when we were mere knuckle draggers, this sits with me a lot easier than the one that aliens altered our genetic code, i like to think of the earth as being conscious and that every species on it is living organisms of it, that evolve according to its specific code, now as far as another living entity feeding from our negative energy and so on, new discoverys have stated that all thoughts are energy, and all humans have an energetic field (magnetic field) that circles and emits from their body just like the whole earth, now if thoughts are energy that means that they cannot be destroyed or created, according to Einstein. so where do they go and do they come back in a new form, if there was another parasitic entity that could get the same buzz if u like with energy of negative thoughts in the way we did get off positive thoughts, it would go some of the way to explain their part in the grand scheme, the point is this "crazy" theory has substance and although. every generation in history thought they new all there was to know, imagine how powerful it would have felt to control fire for the first time, for me there is no such thing as coincidence and that synchronicity is just an effect we dont know the cause of.

posted on Apr, 7 2016 @ 03:33 PM
a reply to: Davg80

One could put a cube block on top of a circular hole roughly the same size, and it will be covered, but it doesn't fit. An alien race capable of creating and terra-forming worlds, which is what the Archons are said to have done, which emotions couldn't power, where as they could get it from the Sun, or from the very universe. And reading the wikipedia depictions, they sound more or like personifications of our solar system planets, which is fairly commonly done in most polytheistic mythologies, and might as well be biblical presentations of the Seven Deadly Sins.

The only other trait that is described, is that they are the lowest divine creatures in the ranks of divinity, and attempt to block man from reaching God, which is said to be done through "Gnosis", but they sound powerful enough that they wouldn't need to feed off emotions, and the seven sins are more or less characteristics flaws of each one, much like Hindi Asuras who are obsessed or portray these traits like wrath or pride, and are lesser Gods as well much like the Archons.

As for evolution, there are tons of factors, ranging from environmental to whatever else, but I'm no adept, or really dwell into the evolutionary theory other then looking at a few tid bits here and there.

Synchronization, well...Life full of surprises isn it.

edit on 7-4-2016 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: Specimen

when you look at world affairs nothing fits, we are programmed to be wary of all cultures and creeds that are different from our own, but when you actually talk to them and look into their beliefs they are the same as ours at the core,and so are they, and i agree with you on how all religions have "evolved" from the stars basically, i mean it makes sense on our evolutionary path that we would make stories about the things that are "alien" to us because we cant touch them, orions belt being the three kings for example, or a meteor falling in the right place at the right time could have created an instant religion, an no wonder because if we were there at that time we would be the exact same, i did say i was about 40% in previous post that i thought they could be real, that prob 20-30% now, cause you reminded me of my thoughts on how religions came about IMO. and i suppose negative thoughts could be blamed on evil entities or something else rather than attributed to yourself, when trying to explain things in the form of a story something you know is there but cant touch or examine, it would make more sense if the gnostic texts were exactly that, an epxlanation of that, that cannot be explained.
However! i strongly believe that there is a collective unconscious that we are not conscious of but are a part of and i think that there are groups of powerful people that are totally aware of this and are using it to their benefit, to control us. (prob through bloodlines)
i have got many thoughts about how we are controlled in these ways, unconsciously, some more than others,but i will leave that for another thread.
the archon theory is still above 20% for me, because there are things out there that are unseen, i believe. And hey why not archons aswell, just makes me think even more positive. One thing i can say works and i have learned because of this Archon theory, is that positive thinking makes you happy, in times when i would usually been crabbit (cranky) ive thought about some dirty little parasite feeding of my bad energy and its changed my way of thinking, i even stubbed my toe and thought about as a lesson learned about being clumsy and it actually made me happy, which felt a bit weird, but good weird.

not proof readin, wee boy cryin for a bottle

posted on Apr, 8 2016 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: Davg80

Yea, but people blaming personal issues or character flaws on personifications or evil, life sucking spirits, add's more then enough negativity on ones own health. It also doesn't stop recurring problems like anxiety and stuff, because one can become very compulsive about it, like superstitions for example, if I make fun of or curse the name Jesus, Yah Weh, or Allah(scratch that one), I'm going to get smited by a hammer or mace that fell from the sky, as it were lightning.

What the saying, that usually said with drug addicts, that if one wants to stop the problem, they must identify or realize that they have a problem.

And yes, mind over matter can have sever impacts on how we interact with our world, or to how we can solve our problems much better with less energy or exertion then needed. Thing is, what goes up, must come down at times.
edit on 8-4-2016 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-4-2016 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2018 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: Op3nM1nd3d

Apparently the kundalini serpent feeds from your energy chakras, we feed the serpent with fear, guilt, anxiety and so on.

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