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Could the Ancient Gnostic writings be right about the Archons?

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posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 07:43 PM
Wow!!! So much material to go over...I almost do not know where to start. First off, after reading your signature, I can see why you picked a name like cancerwarrior. Second, the only real Devil's music is Screamo and hardcore rap.
Regards to your comment/question, it does not matter whether or not you stay in the light to the ones who run it, what matters, is if they can mooch off of your energy and keep you under their control. Some, like most Christians, would say that as long as you follow and conform to their God It will bring your blessings and you stay in the light. Problem is, when you outgrow the need to be liked and the need for "success", that same God likes to annoy the heck out of you and just poke and prod you like some rancher herding a cow. That is the most honest answer your will ever find, I am sure. You can easily verify it, just go against the crows mindset and it is blatantly obvious what the intent really is.

a reply to: Cancerwarrior

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 07:46 PM
Dave we have much in common. Undercover Boss also makes me tear up like a little bitch.
The parasites are real Reptilians and other lil green Men only work for the Shadow Beings,
and they work for the Universe

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: Kandinsky

The idea of Archons was probably conceived in the face of our paleo-lithic ancestors being confronted with what we call 'Murphy's Law.'

Later on, the hubris of chieftains and kings may have been softened by their advisors muttering sagely about mysterious forces.


Yes. And you are now going to get a giant post of my own hand-curated camel# because: Easter.

I used to totally buy in to this Demiurgos/Archon stuff. I had all the bases covered; I "knew" that many of the world's finest minds had come to the same conclusion: "We are being farmed!".

Now mind you, I'm a Christian guy, and at the time that I believed this stuff I considered myself to be a "Gnostic" (WTF!!?
) Christian. My Army dog tags read "Gnostic" when I was a kid.

Much, much later, I was invited to a Christmas party in a college town, and there was this lady attending that runs a famous international discipleship program, and I was cordially introduced to her. And what did I do when faced with such an opportunity? I took that moment to start schooling her about the "Gnostics" and "Are we sure we've got the right God?" (much like I am doing now with Neoplatonism on this thread
). What a butthole, right?

It was the look on that woman's face that caused me to start to doubt myself. After the experience, I sort of realized that I'd made some crucial mistake and that I had better figure out what it was before I did anything like that again. The thing is, that I don't think that lady could have articulated the Neoplatonic thing either; it was her faith, I could tell somehow, that was informing her of my mistake.

Anyhow, I'm rambling, but my point is that this is a subject that I am passionate about, that I know from stem to stern, and that I have a personal initiative around, which is not to let fine young minds waste the time that I did struggling with what can seem like such a reasonable idea.

And anywho that's why I say...

The idea of Archons was probably conceived in the face of our paleo-lithic ancestors being confronted with what we call 'Murphy's Law.'

Yes, totally, you got it all in two sentences.

Happy Easter!

edit on 26-3-2016 by Bybyots because:

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

The philosophies of ancient history are usually inaccurate and are often discarded.

Just because a modern theory mildly resembles an ancient one, does not mean it is building upon anything valid.

Dude? That's worse than the "mylar balloon" post on my "Project Hessdalen" thread.

Valid? Please define what you mean by validity so that we can move this forward.

posted on Mar, 26 2016 @ 10:19 PM
a reply to: Op3nM1nd3d

Look for the conspiracy within the conspiracy and find the answer you will

Alright. What do you mean?

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 06:38 AM
my way of thinking about life and the universe is ever changing and its because of people with ideas and theories, and i eat up as many of your views and beliefs as i can, the more outrageous the better, i may not believe them much but i will never disregard completely as my way of thinking that hasnt changed is that anything is possible, i was sure that heaven, paradise or whatever you may call it was a certainty and i believed that after some time we would get reincarnated time and again until our cycle was over and then onto another stage or dimension or whatever but always improving or evolving in some way.
But something clicked in me that when i heard that it was some kind of trick that we are conditioned to fall into again and again, it didnt make sense the afterlife that is described in most NDE and how its described through religions, apparently heaven is the place where you have all the things u want, 87 virgins, a porsche 911, a #ing chocolate castle..... you get the idea. All this is great but that means that your true self still wants all the things that the materialistic programmed human that you were, wanted......and that makes no sense. but what if that is the test and archons were created by the creator to keep evolution moving along, stressing each generation to create better human beings each time until they are ready to be the divine light that is already inside them, why got to the light when we are the light.

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 12:02 PM
It's called oppositional force. It's what makes this universe what it is. Without oppositional force the world and universe would cease to exist. This is your devil. But this entity/entities are your opposition. The adversary of the Old Testament. It is a sentient force. Those whispers you get in your mind that are contrary to everything you are. They will always be there. This is where what you call "sin" comes from. Your mind relays information to you from all sides. This includes good and bad/natural and unnatural. The tempter is a sentient force. Can you prove your yourself? That is really all there is. Why do you deserve to enter the higher world? If all you will ever desire is material why would your spirit wish to go into the immaterial? You will stay here on earth because you are earthly in your ways. Before when we were primitive beings our opposition was much more physical. Like climbing over a mountain to get to the herd of mammoths so you could eat. But we became masters of the phsyical world. The only thing left to conquer is the mind. This is their last stronghold. Master the mind and you have mastered the world. Once your mind is mastered you are like a child. NO FEAR JUST NOW. Presence the I AM.

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 12:05 PM
I'm a big fan of the gnostic theories. Archons are evil & they must be stopped!

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: Bybyots

What we live in today is a you know what
You have mentioned Neoplatonism and I would say that this is a great way to start tracking information. Just ignore Larouche and most(not all) of these modern philosophers as I think they were brainwashed or got things all mixed up which comes with no suprise as the very "founder" Plotinus was good at obfuscation, which was either another form of you know what or he had just gone too far with his own thoughts. Look into origins and if I give you a clue, start with Roman Empire and early Christianity and go backwards...

OP also mentions Carl Jung so take a closer look at Mysterium Coniunctionis...

posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Op3nM1nd3d

I understand that you are wrestling with this stuff, too, but:

Just ignore Larouche

Do you mean Lyndon LaRouche? Why should that meatball be on my radar at all?

...most(not all) of these modern philosophers as I think they were brainwashed or got things all mixed up...

Whom do you mean and how did they get things mixed up. Sincerely. I'm interested in your thoughts on this

the very "founder" Plotinus was good at obfuscation,

From where can one understand this? Which is to say: from the standpoint of what philosopher or philosophical system? I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just wondering what measuring stick you used to achieve a decision regarding Plotinus being "good" at obfuscation; who, for instance was bad at it?

Look into origins

WTF does that mean?

Carl Jung so take a closer look at Mysterium Coniunctionis...

His guess at it is precisely as valuable as that of you, or I. I like to think mine's better, but that's just me.

edit on 27-3-2016 by Bybyots because: . : .

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 01:25 AM
a reply to: Bybyots

Do you mean Lyndon LaRouche? Why should that meatball be on my radar at all?

It was just an example, nothing more

From where can one understand this? Which is to say: from the standpoint of what philosopher or philosophical system?

From what I can get from your reply, I think you have the answer right there which would

I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm just wondering what measuring stick you used to achieve a decision regarding Plotinus being "good" at obfuscation; who, for instance was bad at it?

Now here you have to be careful in terms of perspective but the answer is; One who hit the fan and was shown a great deal of hostility. Seems nothing has changed since or better all.

WTF does that mean?

It means what it is supposed to

His guess at it is precisely as valuable as that of you, or I. I like to think mine's better, but that's just me.

I respect your opinion and skepticism and, most of all, your free will. But that`s just me

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 05:43 AM
Carl Jung so take a closer look at Mysterium Coniunctionis...

His guess at it is precisely as valuable as that of you, or I. I like to think mine's better, but that's just me.

you should look into the works of Carl Jung a bit more, i read his autobiography, memories, dreams and interpretations, the man was basically a prophet, in league with Nietzsche and far beyond any of us, he travelled to Asia and studied ancient txts on the the I-ching and the secret of the golden flower and helped to write the original western versions of these books, he meditated in a room for 3 YEARS to try and understand his own unconscious, during this time his house was visited by all sorts of ghosts and spirits (or archons), he has studies into the occult and possession as well as UFOs. now this guys explanation of a NDE after his heart attack opened my eyes and made an impression on me, infact his autobiography had such an effect on myself i joined a college to study social sciences and im currently in my 3rd year of a BSc psychology degree, now one of the first things i noticed about the process of getting a degree is that every single theory that u test has to stand up to the scientific method and is measurable, which means we cant scientifically test anything that is a conspiracy theory, and this is severe flaw in my opinion as it ties our hands with matters like this and the occult etc, things that are definetly there but we cant put it forward as a scientific theory, just another one of the many machinations of the archons to keep us blind? i dont know tbh

ps i dont proof read unless im being graded

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 06:53 AM
a reply to: Davg80`ll know when you are getting closer, if you ever try to prove anything. That`s when you`ll start appreciating stuff like iconography and cryptography...and understand why it was and is still being used as form of communication.

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 07:17 AM
a reply to: Op3nM1nd3d

funny you should say that, after finding out about the gnostic codices and looking into it, it reminded me of the last book i had been reading about psychology and the occult by jung, he was talking with a spirit of a girl who was possessed and this spirit basically laid out the meaning of life which jung wrote down in a diagram and it was in the book,(jung did explain that these spirits were known liars tho) now at the time i couldnt make head nor tail of it so thats where i left that book knowing id go back to it and try again, only i cant find the book anywhere which is strange cause i would never have thrown it out as i felt there was something important in that diagram that i had to understand, regardless i will buy another one anyway and see if any of it connects with this archon theory. also jungs work on mandalas and how drawing your own mandala can represent your soul at that time is interesting although i havent looked too much into that either......... but will.

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: Davg80

I repeat what I said in my first reply to you. Only other word I would have to add is "directions"...

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 08:38 AM
a reply to: Op3nM1nd3d

ISIS are evil......the swatika is evil..... well so we westerners are lead to believe but these archaic things are what our unconscious self sees as good and true, ISIS was the ancient egyptian goddess of nature and magic and the ideal wife and the swatikas basically means too be good , now if these things are being revealed as evil and wrong to our aware self and our unconscious or soul knows these things to be true, i believe that this would create turmoil within our being and im willing to bet that there are many more examples of this in all facets of society, somethings not right that's for sure, but maybe this is the masterplan and these pesky archons have their part to play as much as we do. after all how would we know the difference of love and harmony and all things good without experience its opposite.

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: Bybyots
a reply to: Cancerwarrior

The Matilda O'donnell MacElroy "Alien Interview" is a hoax.

Wait... the Matilda McElroy story was debunked by Scientologist ?
There is a bit of smoke coming from my ears as I work out the
percentages of who to believe.

posted on Mar, 28 2016 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: UnderKingsPeak

lol great minds, i put things in percentages too, even putting the craziest # as possible as a percentage, for example its possible that our universe is in a marble being played in a game of marbles between 2 aliens. of course the percentage is very small but still within the realms of possibility, that being said this gnostic theory is sitting about 20% and rising within me,

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 02:57 AM
I had a spontaneous psychic experience and I will let you judge for yourselves the meaning of it.

I have suffered life-long depression. Medication, positive affirmations, holistic remedies couldn't touch it. Most of my life was spent pondering suicide.

It was my 40th birthday, and I was dog-tired, expected to go right to sleep. Instead, as soon as i closed my eyes, I saw a face, resembling Pin-head in the movie "hell-raiser" but stouter. Had the lines and the pins. It was silver, and it was saying something. I had a "knowing" that my mind couldn't understand it, but my spirit could. Then, I saw a transparent blue being. I could literally see the skeletal structure of this being, and behind him/it was a blue grid made of light. It telepathically told me that it wanted to show me something. I agreed.

What I saw and heard next was almost too much to fathom. There was an enormous, machine-like thing, and it was having 3 distinctly different conversations with me, all at the same time. One was a chant. "Archon - Our kind, Archon - our kind" another was pleading with me to have compassion on it, and try to understand it, and another was murderous, hateful, malicious, threatening to kill me, burn me, blah blah blah.

These three conversations melded into one until I could only hear static. It was a very soothing, humming static like when the TV is on, but even softer than that. It sounded like the swishing that goes on in your head when there is NO sound.

This thing had it's big, homeless-transformer hands around my neck, in some kind of death-grip. I saw my own hands, and saw a light begin to glow inside my chest. It was love, and it traveled down my arms and out my palms. I placed my hands upon the hands of the Archon, and watched as it shrunk, smaller and smaller, until it was the tiniest speck, and then just, "Pif!" disappeared.

Then, I saw the blue guy again, and I suddenly had the realization that "Today is my birthday, and this is my birthday present!!" the blue guy nodded his head slowly, as if he could hear my thoughts, and then, I saw Pinhead again, murmering the same stuff that my mind couldn't comprehend, and closed the . . . I don't know, Portal? Ended the vision, anyway. and that was it. I was wide awake! I remember sitting up, and getting so excited, because he knows my birthday!

After that, I began to actually slowly heal from depression. Suddenly, the positive affirmations started working. I still had a lot of work to do. (like when a doctor takes out an infected appendix, the problem is healed, but the body still needs to recover) Since it was a psychic sickness, I'm the only one who could see the actual progress, but those parasitic thought forms that had plagued me from childhood began to fall away. Prior to this experience, they were so hidden and deep that even the best therapies couldn't touch them.

Anyway, I had only heard the word Archon once prior to this experience, and I had no idea what an Archon was. But you can bet I read up on it with a quickness. I believe I got assistance from a benevolent ET to show me how to kill an Archon. You have to "Love it to death"

This puts a lot of responsibility on me, because now, since I can't see an Archon, I just have to assume that negative behavior is caused by Archontic Influences, and I'm learning to love relentlessly. It also requires forgiving incessantly, long-suffering, patience, kindness, etc. All the things that the Bible teaches are "Fruits of the Spirit". To defeat these psychic vultures, we can't just moan and groan about how they're feeding off our negative energy, we have to literally Love them, and their intended victims, So there's no food source for them. And starve them to death. ,. . With Love.

Feel free to contact me if I haven't been descriptive enough. Hope this helps us all better understand what we're up against, and how to defeat them. We ARE getting help from benevolent ET's, but we have a role to play in this, as well.

posted on Mar, 29 2016 @ 05:38 AM
a reply to: Eftevangelist

WOW.... this is an amazing first post my friend, thank you very much on your input, it has sparked some questions and thoughts on this matter and i cant thank you enough for your time in writing such a well written post well done. ok so first question, one of the theories on these archons is that they come to us as something we fear, i for one was terrified of pinhead from hellraiser as a boy..... so maybe this was the same for you.... was it? now that noise you heard.... i play the computer game c.o.d and about a few games ago there was a glitch in the game and this noise came out instead of the game noise and it sounded exactly like that noise that comes from the tv when the channel went off air (although now its a blue screen, when the tv channel goes off air, which maybe a good thing, judging by what u said about the blue being that revealed the truth to u) now at the time i knew nothing of archons but i felt that it was some kind of mind altering thing... dont ask why it was just a feeling.. i turned off everytime it happened. now every incarnation of that game has had some sort of satanic image of sorts in them. now ive been saying affirmations since i read the secret and the masterkey system, i am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving harmonious and happy is my affirmation but i will tell you the most important thing i learned from these books and it is knowing, even if you dont know something u can trick yourself into knowing for example, i know how to defeat these archons and believe what your saying, i have done this with so many things for example before i turned 36 i said to myself daily that i would find the truth about life and the reason was because i felt that 36 could be a powerful and positive number (3 sixes), i believe that we are being mislead with so much that is deemed evil and what you said about loving them is exactly what i read in other things about ways to defeat them and makes total sense, i have never been the religous type because i feel that picking a side is the same as neglecting the other side like is it jesus or allah, but thats it, its both, its all, we are designed to pick sides when we should love all sides unconditionally, oh and also carl jung was once asked the question, Do you believ in God, to which he replied i dont believe, I know!

anyhow i read your post and instantly thought of so many things that connect with your post and i will more than likely return with some more to add, thanks again for your insight

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