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Noticed it yet? Israel has not being targeted by ISIS or Other Terrorists

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posted on Apr, 4 2016 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: DJW001

“If we have to choose between ISIS and Assad, we’ll take ISIS. ISIS has flatbed trucks and machine guns. Assad represents the strategic arch from Tehran to Beirut, 130,000 rockets in the hands of Hezbollah, and the Iranian nuclear program,” said Michael Oren, a prominent lawmaker from Israel’s governing coalition and a former ambassador to Washington.

Source : Wall Street Journal

posted on Apr, 4 2016 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: theultimatebelgianjoke

Thank you. The context makes it clear that he is talking about ISIS being preferable to Hezbollah as a neighbor. Hezbollah attacks Israeli civilians.That statement does not justify equating "Zionism" with genocide.

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: DJW001

Actually, it is the Palestinians at large who are labelled as terrorist at large because they dare to target their occupants :

Fighting Israeli Occupying Forces Is “Terrorism.” Boycotting Is “Anti-Semitism.” What’s Allowed?

No surprise from an hypocrite who supposedly 'condemns' Israeli occupation but can't provide a single example and don't say a word when one is provided. Actually, Hezbollah is fighting ISIS in Syria.

The problem with calling Hezbollah a terrorist organization

And the 130000 rockets BS ... why not make it 144400 ? That would make it sound more biblical isn't it ?

A little bit more about Oren's statements :

Michael Oren's diplomatic psychobabble

Oren concedes Israel's interference in U.S. politics

Omissions, half-truths, lies: Ambassador Oren in Foreign Policy


ISIS Declares ‘War On Palestine’, Yet Remains Quiet On Israel
edit on 5-4-2016 by theultimatebelgianjoke because: Added text

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 04:27 AM

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: theultimatebelgianjoke

Actually, it is the Palestinians at large who are labelled as terrorist at large because they dare to target their occupants:

Hamas is brainwashing children into stabbing random strangers. That is not fighting occupation, that is mutual genocide.

Fighting Israeli Occupying Forces Is “Terrorism.” Boycotting Is “Anti-Semitism.” What’s Allowed?

Fighting occupying forces is rebellion; firing missiles at civilians is terrorism. The Palestinian people suffer either way. Boycotting can be Anti-Semitic if it is based on hatred of Jews, rather than on Israeli policy.

No surprise from an hypocrite who supposedly 'condemns' Israeli occupation but can't provide a single example and don't say a word when one is provided. Actually, Hezbollah is fighting ISIS in Syria.

For someone who claims to believe in a two state solution, you seem to get all of your news about the region from openly Anti-Semitic blogs (+972 being an exception). I will report all future personal attacks to the Mods immediately, and without response.
edit on 5-4-2016 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2016 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
Hamas is brainwashing children into stabbing random strangers. That is not fighting occupation, that is mutual genocide.

I have so far left the Talmud untouched. But we can start with the school books of the Israeli Yeshivas if you want.

originally posted by: DJW001
Fighting occupying forces is rebellion; firing missiles at civilians is terrorism. The Palestinian people suffer either way.

How about when the 'civilians' are the main occupation force ?

originally posted by: DJW001
Boycotting can be Anti-Semitic if it is based on hatred of Jews, rather than on Israeli policy.

And what is it when it is based on the opposition of Israeli policies ?

originally posted by: DJW001
For someone who claims to believe in a two state solution, you seem to get all of your news about the region from openly Anti-Semitic blogs (+972 being an exception). I will report all future personal attacks to the Mods immediately, and without response.

You were no shy of personal attacks against me sometimes ago ...

originally posted by: DJW001
I vote that you are one of the most shameless Anti-Semitic hate mongers on ATS... and that is very impressive given that we have self proclaimed Nazis here.

It is not my fault if the reality I present you here is conflicting your current paradigms.
But I remain confident that playing the ostrich policy will sooner or later be even more problematic.
You don't and I don't want to see Israel end up like Will E. Coyote on the edge of the cliff, but if Israel keep going this way, it will sooner or later backfire even more badly.

Regarding the last interview of Max Blumenthal : we can relate this to Hilary's email ...
Absolutely ! In another set of publicly disclosed email, Mrs Clinton, shares her mind about the papers of Max Blumenthal (the son of Bill's former advisor Sidney Blumenthal). Here comes an extract :

Hillary’s Email Trail of Troubling Anti-Israel Conversations

Here are some of Hillary’s email responses to Max’s missives:

7/6/2010 – “Pls print 5 copies but w/out heading from Sid.”

8/17/2010 – “Pls congratulate Max for another impressive piece. He’s so good.”

11/18/2010- “A very smart piece as usual.”

4/7/2011 – “Will Max’s piece be published anywhere else? It is powerful and touching.”

12/23/2011 – “Max strikes again!”

1/21/2012 – “Interesting reading.”

9/13/2012 “Your Max is a mitzvah!”

12/7/2012 – “Good stuff. Where is he now?”

Yes, you heard right. A Jew who compares the IDF to the SS is a mitzvah.

It gets worse.

Over Ms. Clintons four years as Secretary of State, Mr. Blumenthal sent her email after email containing anti-Israel articles and advice—dozens of columns and op-eds attacking Israel in extreme ways. Articles such as:

With a victory like this ...

The preemptive strike on Jodi Rudonen

Why Israel should end its policy of nuclear ambiguity

Americas faltering search for peace in the middle east openings for others

A poisoned process holds little hope

Gaza : It's Hama's move now

posted on Apr, 6 2016 @ 03:55 AM

edit on 6-4-2016 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 6 2016 @ 02:33 PM

Knock of the insults and stay with the topic. The topic is not each other and future personal snipes may result in removals or a posting ban.

Do not reply to this message.


posted on Apr, 24 2016 @ 07:37 AM


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