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Albert Pike on Adonai and Lucifer

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posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: cooperton

Actually, enlightened Gnostics see Yahweh the Demiurge as kind of an evil idiot who orders genocide,commits infanticide and isn't worthy of worship. They believe in a much higher unknowable God, Yahweh is the Demiurge meaning creator of the imperfect world that no true God would have made. You need to read your Nag Hammadi scriptures. Sorry, your wrong about the views of Gnostics.

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 04:10 PM

originally posted by: Azzezza
a reply to: Saurus

I'm not Jewish, but Kabbalist Jews are not monotheistic. They were not monotheistic until they became Yahwist and even then they were henotheist until they dropped El Elyon.

If you follow the Kabbalistic wisdom, then you would realize that there is ONE God...the others are simply facets, like light separating after going through a prism.

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: Saurus

originally posted by: Azzezza

And the Demiurge is Yahweh. A lesser god yes,.....

Lesser Gods, Greater Gods; just how many Gods are there?

Judaism believes in only one God:
"Hear, Oh Israel, the Lord, thy God is one."

"Hear, oh Israel. YHWH is our God. YHWH is one,"
is a more accurate translation of Deuteronomy 6:4, in my opinion. What do you think about the verses that appear to differentiate El from YHWH:

Deuteronomy 32:8-9
Version from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Septuagint

"When Elyon (Most High) allotted peoples for inheritance,...

When He divided up the Sons of Adam,...

He fixed the boundaries for peoples,...

According to the number of the Bene Elohim (Sons of El).

But YHWH’s portion is His people,

Jacob (Israel), His own inheritance."

* Psalm 29:1:
"Ascribe to YHWH, oh Bene Elim (Sons of EL), ascribe to YHWH glory and strength."

* Psalm 89:6:
"For who in the skies can be compared to YHWH? Who among the Bibne Elim (Sons of EL) is like YHWH?"

edit on 3/17/16 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/17/16 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2016 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: CIAGypsy

originally posted by: Azzezza
a reply to: Saurus

I'm not Jewish, but Kabbalist Jews are not monotheistic. They were not monotheistic until they became Yahwist and even then they were henotheist until they dropped El Elyon.

If you follow the Kabbalistic wisdom, then you would realize that there is ONE God...the others are simply facets, like light separating after going through a prism.

Kabbalah has 72 chief spirits, that they call the "names" of God.

El and Asherah had 70 Sons, 72 total divinities. This is no coincidence.

Yahweh is not El. Deuteronomy 32:8-9 list Yah as a son of El. Henotheists, although a modern designation, were the first Yahwists. El was the Most High.

As Baal usurped El, Yahweh did also. They both had Asherah as a consort upon the usurpation of El. Are Baal and Yahweh the same? It would appear so, which is why Asherah was declared an idol, to make Yahweh unique and the lone God of Israel. Then Yahweh becomes the Most High and El all but forgotten. The beliefs of Israel were never truly based on the idea of one God almighty until they met the Mazdayaznians(Persians).

The Kabbalah is based off Zoroastrianism and it's ineffible God "Boundless Time", from which all things, Including Ahura Mazda, sprang forth. Mithras is the Persians chief yazata or angel, known in Kabbalah as Metatron (Enoch).

"One God" is certainly not the true beliefs of the Kabbalah. It's a lot more complicated than that. Certainly there is a supreme God, correct me if I'm wrong, but lesser divinities that could be considered gods, like the 72 chief spirits are more or less godlike. Not supreme but powerful.

One God, many divine beings. The whole cosmogony of the Kabbalah and later Egyptian Gnostics is based off the Zend Avesta and Zoroastrianism in general. So one God yes, but there are many divine beings under him.

I hate analogies. I understand that monotheistic doesn't mean you only believe in one God, it means you believe in one Almighty God, but you still have other Gods like Jesus, who is admittedly inferior to the Father. So it's not a true Monotheistic faith because Father is superior to Son.

Likewise, God has sons who are lesser gods in Kabbalah. To mask this they call them then 72 names of God. But name and god are both meanings of the word Shem or Ha-Shem. So it's actually 72 gods of God.

Not so simple is Kabbalah.

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: Azzezza

your like a fundamentalist aren't you? I can break down Kabbalah to probably a sentence.. But it doesn't fill a purpose if I do..

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 02:59 AM

originally posted by: Tsuro
a reply to: Azzezza

your like a fundamentalist aren't you? I can break down Kabbalah to probably a sentence.. But it doesn't fill a purpose if I do..

Oh, yes, very fundamental. I fundamentally don't believe you know anything about Kabbalah if you think you can break it down to one sentence. Actually, why don't you do that?

Stop fronting. Commenting on my comment instead of adding to it, fallaciously assuming my spiritual beliefs, yeah, I bet you are some genius.

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: Tsuro
a reply to: Azzezza

your like a fundamentalist aren't you? I can break down Kabbalah to probably a sentence.. But it doesn't fill a purpose if I do..

Do you know what fundamentalist means? If so: What about my comment would give you the slightest inkling of fundamentalism?

And fundamental in what regard?

Fundamental logic points to you being fundamentally sharp as the back end of a crayon.

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: Azzezza

Fundamentalism usually has a religious connotation that indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs..

Well that was it says in the dictionary, but im sure you "believe" its something else ? right?

You still havent figured out we are primates?

When we die, we just die, there is nothing else, its *poof* gone forever, no recycling, well maybe some worms and maggot taking a dump.. But you just you is forever gone.. So do something useful in life, like actually learning a thing or two..

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: Azzezza

i can watch the Ancient belief of God almost any day, its amazing knowing who "God" was/is.. God for me today is the State of Sweden, or the aristocratic families who actually provides me with food and shelter..
The only thing they want in return is for me to pay my dues, vote and contribute to society as an obligation, by learning something..

If people could live like Albert Pike idealistic hoped for, well things would be different.. But Plato categorized different ages to a society, to declare, nothing will ever change with humans..

Over 2000 years and that philosopher wasnt wrong was he...

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 03:51 AM

originally posted by: Tsuro
a reply to: Azzezza

i can watch the Ancient belief of God almost any day, its amazing knowing who "God" was/is.. God for me today is the State of Sweden, or the aristocratic families who actually provides me with food and shelter..
The only thing they want in return is for me to pay my dues, vote and contribute to society as an obligation, by learning something..

If people could live like Albert Pike idealistic hoped for, well things would be different.. But Plato categorized different ages to a society, to declare, nothing will ever change with humans..

Over 2000 years and that philosopher wasnt wrong was he...

Ifyou say so.

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 04:08 AM
a reply to: Azzezza

Welcome to my world, where observing is a first, not a man made story.. You should try it

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: Tsuro

Observations are required to write stories, all stories are man made or they wouldn't exist.

Good luck with that.

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: Azzezza

I hate analogies. I understand that monotheistic doesn't mean you only believe in one God, it means you believe in one Almighty God, but you still have other Gods like Jesus, who is admittedly inferior to the Father. So it's not a true Monotheistic faith because Father is superior to Son.

Likewise, God has sons who are lesser gods in Kabbalah. To mask this they call them then 72 names of God. But name and god are both meanings of the word Shem or Ha-Shem. So it's actually 72 gods of God.

Not so simple is Kabbalah.

There is a reason why Jesus spoke to the people in parables. You may dislike analogies, but they are useful in helping the average person understand a complex subject.

In essence, you agreed with me although you won't allow yourself to say it. There is but ONE God. There are, however, other beings who have (what the average layperson would consider) "divine-like" power. How do you define divinity? It is all by degree. Every human being is divine although they may or may not be knowledgeable about their divine nature, let alone know how to utilize it. This is not a coincidence. There is an ascension through the Tree of Life. It is the reverse evolution from the initial involution. Jesus understood how to ascend and utilize his divine nature. And there are more beings who are not manifested in what we know as a physical form (such as the beings you call "lesser Gods"). They also share in divinity.

Why? Because we were all created by God and will ascend back to the Godhead eventually.

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

I make a distinction between your metaphors about prisms and facets and Jesus' parables and parables are stories and analogies and metaphors are brief statementsin general.

I didn't read the rest of what you wrote because I think I know where this conversation is going which is I say something, you nitpick and criticize. I'm not interested. I am satisfied with the other people I have been conversing with because they aren't adversarial and overly critical of the slightest thing they see differently than I.

Cue the quoting and criticizing, just know, I will be the one person who doesn't read it that is paying attention because I am having a great time without you, you just need to be ignored and you don't exist to me if I never read another comment of yours which

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: CIAGypsy

Are you a gypo?

posted on Mar, 18 2016 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: Azzezza
a reply to: cooperton

Actually, enlightened Gnostics see Yahweh the Demiurge as kind of an evil idiot who orders genocide,commits infanticide and isn't worthy of worship. They believe in a much higher unknowable God, Yahweh is the Demiurge meaning creator of the imperfect world that no true God would have made. You need to read your Nag Hammadi scriptures. Sorry, your wrong about the views of Gnostics.

Someone already informed you that this demiurge was not called Yahweh, but was Yaldaboath, among other names. None of the Gnostic authors would dare insult Yahweh:

"Yahweh is righteous" - Apocryphon of John.

originally posted by: Saurus


God has never struck me as an entity that tries to do something.

If God wants to do something, God does it!

Try was not the best word (I posted in a rush). God's discipline is purposed to orient your free will towards him. Of course he could effortlessly do anything. Heavenly bliss is much more appreciated by those who have undertaken the darkness of this world. If you were to be placed in paradise by God, without experiencing the development process of your soul, You'd probably make a terrible mistake with your free will - i.e. Adam and Eve.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 11:55 AM
Op, give up.

You are way off base.

Everything you are reading is garbage.

Lucifer is not what you claim, a single mention of a king; this is an absurd idea.

The concept of Lucifer is key. Why do you think its a modern era christian invention?

If you would study Zohar instead of trying to be a pop cool hip gnosto loser filling his head with poop, youd undersrand how pathetic the teachers are who claim Lucifer is only a single word only used once in only one christian text.

Lucifer: the projective power of Ahriman (satan)
Christ: the projective power of YHWH (name forbidden, censored or changed by those who hate him, namely the synagogue of satan)

Lucifer is the material antichrist that MATERIALIZES in the MATERIAL kingdom, posing as Christ to those who believe the Material realm to be "gods" kingdom. Which it is, the god Ahrimans kingdom, not YHWHs.

Why do these people hate Yahweh? Because he is the god of sporadic, unpredictable, unmeasurable analogue source, the god of brown people. Satan is the god of category, collectibility, order, and measure. A digital calculator archo being who hijacked our reality.
edit on 23-3-2016 by DoctorPoptart because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2016 by DoctorPoptart because: Typos

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 12:18 PM
To all you people who consider Yahweh the "corrupt demiurge" :

The synagogue of satan worships satan (Ahriman), not Yhwh

Ahriman (satan) is in control of this time trap; lucifer projection overlapping christ projection. AHRIMAN IS FATHER TIME.

YhWh is outside of the time trap. Untainted, TIMELESS, waiting for the trap to wind down in our perception (already said and done out their) . Has inserted every intervention at all key allowable points, following configurations unmeasurable by tech-gnosis

The space program is entirely centered around rearranging the cosmos to block out the YhWh source (holy spirit that causes life) projection into our solar system, and install a mirror; 2 lucifer projections.

YhWh projection causes life. Lucifer projection causes death. The FACTS about all of this 2 fold cosmic machine we reside in are well known, and will soon be published as scientific findings in an inarguable publication that will likely jumpstart ww3 at the implications of hidden technologies and competing agendas revolving around the control and implimentation such "supernatural" knowledge that will soon be.

YhWh is not an archon.
He cant help you as long as you believe hasidic jews or catholics,or southern baptists for that matter, worship him. THEY DONT.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 09:20 PM
a reply to: DoctorPoptart
Lucifer is a dead Babylonian king.

a reply to: DoctorPoptart
Uh huh...that's so interesting.

posted on Mar, 23 2016 @ 11:43 PM
a reply to: cooperton

Yahweh is most certainly the demiurge in Gnosticism.

Correction: Yahweh is the unjust son of Yaldaboath

Elohim the just. According to the Apocryphon of John.

Nowhere in the Apocryphon of John does it say Yahweh is righteous.
edit on 24-3-2016 by Jonbet because: (no reason given)

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