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Masonic 'Art'.Deciphered?

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posted on Mar, 3 2016 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: artistpoet
That sounds interesting ... could you or any other Freemason explain a little more or give examples ... if that is permitted

The Plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations before God and man, squaring our actions by the Square of Virtue, and remembering that we are traveling upon the Level of Time, to "that undiscovered country, from whose bourne no traveler returns."

...and the Compasses to the Craft, because, by due attention to their use, they are taught to circumscribe their desires and keep their passions within due bounds.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: JoshNorton

Thank you Josh for the explanation
Your descriptions are poetical ... eloquent ...

I love symbols and use them in artwork ... I have learned something here ... Good stuff

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 03:27 AM

originally posted by: Sauron

A little something and simple.

Ahh...the metals of coinage...because every man has his price?

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: artistpoet

As far as cults go, it is a pretty one.

BRETHREN, Masonry; according to the general acceptation of the term, is an Art founded on the principles of Geometry, and directed to the service and convenience of mankind. But Freemasonry embracing a wider range, and having a more noble object in view, namely, the cultivation and improvement of the human mind, may, with more propriety, be called a Science, although its lessons for the most part are veiled in Allegory and illustrated by Symbols, inasmuch as, veiling itself under the terms of the former, it inculcates principles of the purest morality.

And if you explore the history of it's founding, recognise the texts that those men constructed the degrees from and the principles that they held dear, it was a breathtakingly audacious accomplishment from which all have been able to "progress", or rather what they accomplished is the means by which we define progress. Either way, it was founded on good, fruit bearing, intentions, even if the consequence has been, as with all religious remnants, more sheep and fewer shepherds.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 12:15 PM
a reply to: network dude

So when a mason comes to another mason and asks that their conversation stay "on the level, or on the square", then it's understood that the mason parting with information wishes for that information to remain between the two brothers.

Or another way of looking at it is they are so used to being less than honest with non-masons that they have to remind themselves to speak truthfully amongst themselves.
I find it funny how most masons on these boards say that a lot of criticisms come from propaganda from fundy religious websites. What is amusing is they (Masons) play the same game, preaching to the converted and arriving in droves any time someone starts a thread trying to dissect Freemasonry

here are some words straight form the horses mouth

Freemasonry's Connection To The Homosexual Movement

Albert Pike was a Freemason highly esteemed by fellow Masons. In honor of Pike they have erected a monument to him, named an Albert Pike Consistory after him, dedicated an imposing Masonic lodge to him (the Albert Pike Memorial Temple in Little Rock, Arkansas), and richly praised him in some of their books. Pike, who reached the highest level of Scottish Rite Freemasonry (the 33rd degree), was himself a prolific author of numerous works on Freemasonry. Various quotes from one of his books, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, probably Pike's magnum opus, will be featured in this composition.....

The esoteric all-male group known as Freemasonry (or Masonry) has been controversial for many many years, and has been connected to the homosexual movement for many years by a number of researchers. "Why?" you may ask.

Like other esoteric groups and some fraternities, the Masons have secret doctrines and initiations. Now, as Pike mysteriously put it, Freemasonry

"conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light,
from them, and to draw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it."1

Instead of Masons explicitly spelling out their secrets, they only obliquely impart them. Pike states: "What the Chiefs of the Order really believed and taught, is indicated to the Adepts by the hints contained in the high degrees of Free-masonry."2 Pike again: "The symbols and ceremonies of Masonry have more than one meaning.

They rather conceal than disclose the Truth.
They hint it only."3 More: "We have hints, and not details,"4 "hints of the true objects and purposes of the Mysteries."5 (The "Mysteries" are secret Masonic "Truths" and secret initiatory rituals.)

Pike is wont to speaking in enigmas because he can only hint at Masonic secrets. Masons take oaths not to reveal the group's secrets.

Upper-level Masons even keep secrets from lower-level Masons. According to Pike, a lower-level Mason "is intentionally misled by false interpretations [of Masonic symbols]. It is not intended that he shall understand them [the symbols]; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry."6 Lower-level Masons are just dupes being used by the upper-level ones, the so-called "Princes of Masonry.

It is also telling that the Police forces of Australia and England have a significant statistical higher membership of Masons than non Masons. Likewise they are over represented in Politics, & the Judiciary.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

furthermore heres a thread on the sexual act in the symbology of the compass and square

The True Meaning of The Square and Compass
last paragraph...

For the Apprentice, the points of the Compass are beneath the Square. For the Fellow-Craft, one is above and one beneath. For the Master, both are dominant, and have rule, control, and empire over the symbol of the earthly and the material.

I've pretty much provided here undeniable proof that the Freemasonic symbol of Square and Compass is very much indeed a sexual act. The Letter G obviously means "Generative" or Procreation. Remember what Pike said, "As the procreative and generative agents, the Heavens and the Sun have always been regarded as male; as the generators that fructify the Earth and cause it to produce." and.. "The Compass, therefore, is the Hermetic Symbol of the Creative Deity, and the Square of the productive Earth or Universe.

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

A Public Tribunal heard damning evidence of how a number of children's homes supplied a paedophile ring over a 20 year period!!! Hundreds of children were subjected to physical and sexual abuse (rape), by those who were entrusted with their welfare. Policemen, church ministers, local authority executives, senior businessmen and politicians, have been identified.

Bryn Estyn Children's Home where Police Chief Superintendent Gordon Anglesea and at least 12 other officers sexually abused children.
Lord McAlpine, one of the many high-level mason paedophiles who escaped prosecution in the Waterhouse cover-up.
Government to accept child abuse report recommendations

If one researches the Belgium Marc Dutroux (case the connections between some of the Police force and Masonry) and the whitewashing that led to 300,000 Belgians marching for changes to be made.

Marc Dutroux (born 6 November 1956) is a Belgian serial killer and child molester, convicted of having kidnapped, tortured and sexually abused six girls from 1995 to 1996, ranging in age from 8 to 19, four of whom he murdered. He was also convicted of having killed a suspected former accomplice, Bernard Weinstein. He was arrested in 1996, four years after the disappearance of his victims had begun, and has been in prison ever since, though he briefly escaped in April 1998.

By "Heterosexuals for a Moral Environment"
(Edited by

The esoteric all-male group known as Freemasonry (or Masonry) has been connected to homosexuality by a number of researchers.
"Why?" you may ask.

Albert Pike was Sovereign Grand Commander of the (Masonic) Scottish Rite's Southern Jurisdiction from 1859-1891. He published a book called Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in 1871. Citations from Pike's magnum opus will be featured here.


Like other esoteric groups and some fraternities, the Masons have secret doctrines and initiations. The homosexual agenda is hidden from the membership.....

I wont bother carrying on in this thread as its quite disconcerting what one comes across, anyone is free to do their own research

posted on Mar, 4 2016 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Anaana
Well, those metals also have meanings outside of being used as currency.

- Bronze: This metal is a dualistic symbol of human nature, wisdom, warfare, judgment, and humility.

- Silver: Through its bright appearance this metal is emblematic of purity, truth, clarity, awareness, vision, and strength.

- Gold: Considered the most precious metal, it represents divine nature, perfection, justice, power, strength, success, and immortality.

a reply to: Anaana
Freemasonry isn't a cult though.

a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight
Yeah, that's not another way to look at it. We don't need to remind ourselves to be honest.

Most anti-Masonic information is from fundamentalist sites and none of it is "dissecting" Freemasonry. Most of the "information" is shown to be wrong. What I find funny is that anti-Masons think that with a few excerpts and misquotes, they think they know more about Freemasonry than actual Freemasons.

And by "straight from the horses mouth" you mean opinions and misquotes from a religious fundamentalist website? LOL

Freemasonry's Connection To The Homosexual Movement


I've been to the Masonic building in Little Rock, it's very impressive and beautiful.

Pike did a lot for 19th century Scottish Rite, but he was just one man. There are other Masons that have done just as much and whose literary I enjoy much more. Morals & Dogma though is often misrepresented and misquoted by anti-Masons for their own purposes. Morals & Dogma though is not Masonic law or policy, it was merely the opinion of one Mason who even stated that people were free to disagree with him.

Freemasonry is not connected "to the homosexual movement." It's very clear that you and your link understand very little about Freemasonry.

Symbols don't have any singular or exclusive meaning or definition, and symbols don't belong to any one group, organization, club, society, institution, etc.

We don't lie to our members.

It is also telling that the Police forces of Australia and England have a significant statistical higher membership of Masons than non Masons. Likewise they are over represented in Politics, & the Judiciary.

Let's see these statistics.

a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight
The Square and Compasses is not about sexual acts.

a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

Research lol ... You mean believing those who attack Freemasonary

So what if a very small minority of Freemasons have strayed from the principles of what Freemasonry is about
Do you blame all for the actions of a few interlopers

edit on 5-3-2016 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 5 2016 @ 03:51 AM
a reply to: TheConstruKctionofLight

I used to believe those conspiracy theorists who decried Freemasons as some sort of evil influence upon the face of the Earth.
But my beliefs have altered through study.

Many look for a scapegoat for why their own life's are miserable or unsatisfactory
Yet they fail to look at their own short comings, their own lessons to be learnt

I was a member of an organisation who were monitored by the secret service
We had a hack journalist from a supposed reputable paper come to interview us at one of our more remote location/holdings.
We welcomed the journalist as we did any guest ... We were naive

The journalist after asking many questions ... took the information and bent it to suit their purpose of sensationalism ...
The type of sensationalism the public adore and of course it sells papers and turns a profit

This false reporting has been the bain of various secret organisations especially Freemasons
edit on 5-3-2016 by artistpoet because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 04:07 AM

originally posted by: KSigMason
a reply to: Anaana
Well, those metals also have meanings outside of being used as currency.

- Bronze: This metal is a dualistic symbol of human nature, wisdom, warfare, judgment, and humility.

- Silver: Through its bright appearance this metal is emblematic of purity, truth, clarity, awareness, vision, and strength.

- Gold: Considered the most precious metal, it represents divine nature, perfection, justice, power, strength, success, and immortality.


Yes dear, I know. It was a joke, admittedly a pointed one, but a joke, hence the Lol, nonetheless.

originally posted by: KSigMason
a reply to: Anaana
Freemasonry isn't a cult though.

In your opinion, and from your perspective.


: formal religious veneration : worship

: a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents

: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious; also : its body of adherents

: a system for the cure of disease based on dogma set forth by its promulgator

5 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (as a film or book); especially : such devotion regarded as a literary or intellectual fad
b : the object of such devotion c : a usually small group of people characterized by such devotion

But, by definition, Freemasonry can be perceived and understood by recognising it as a cult...speaking as an outsider looking in of course. One chap I asked, ummed and ahhed, and could only come up with that it isn't a cult because you are allowed to leave, but that is his misunderstanding of what, in social sciences, would and could be defined as cultic behaviourisms. It's a broad brush, much broader than most appreciate. And, as with all things, it is often down to the individual motivations and expectations.

edit on 7-3-2016 by Anaana because: tidying and stuff

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 04:53 AM
a reply to: Anaana
From an outsiders perspective you could label anything a cult. It doesn't make it right.

By definition, Freemasonry is not a cult.

Here are some characteristics of a cult:

Leadership: A cult will have a living leader who is self-appointed, has absolute authoritarian/totalitarian control, is accountable to no one, and is often messianic with a special mission or cause.

Truth: The leader, and sometimes the group, are in possession of a credible "truth". Often this surrounds some notion of salvation which can only be attained from affiliation with that particular cult. Only knowledge from the group is credible and often critical thinking is prohibited.

Devotion: The members must submit to all orders of the leader without question or inquiry. Promote dependency of the members upon the group.

Finances: Members are often required to turn over most if not all of their assets to help fund operations and the cause of the leader. Again, with the "no question" policy, there is no transparency in regards to where the assets are stored, used, or spent.

Profane world: There is instilled an illogical fear of the outside world. Members are often cut off or isolated from their pre-cult friends, families, and society. They have the polarized "us versus them" mentality.

Recruiting: Use deceptive methods in recruiting such as crisis creation, deepening a confessed guilt or fear, or state that they have all the answers.

Leaving: There is no legitimate reason to leave the cult. Members who do leave are criticized and seen as evil.

You can find more here:

Having looked at all the information, I'd have to say NO, Freemasonry is not a cult.

Our leaders/officers are elected or appointed by an elected officer, not self appointed. Least of all, do we have to do as bidden without question.

Masonry don't claim to possess some hidden secret that will give us salvation from God's Judgment.

There is no dependency or entitlement syndrome placed upon Freemasons.

The finances are tracked and, at least in my Lodge/Grand Lodge, audited annually; the Grand Lodge audit done by an independent auditor when a new Grand Secretary or Grand Treasurer is elected.

Freemasons are not cut off from the world or family/friends that we knew previous to joining Freemasonry.

Freemasonry doesn't recruit, but even to prospective members, we don't lie nor do we use deceptive means to bring them into our fold.

Lastly, Freemasons leave the group all the time. Some leave for poor reasons while others leave for personal or financial reasons. It just depends on the man.

I would point out though that many of these characteristics fit the description of some of the anti-Masons I have met.

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: KSigMason

You couldn't even formulate it into your own words and had to go to a document that discussed this very topic? One that utilised that very narrow definition of what a cult is that I warned against?


See definition 5.

I never said it was a religious cult. You do exhibit religious behaviours, but that is because it is a belief system within a belief system, within a belief system, but cult would be more appropriate a definition. Again though, I stipulate, it depends much upon the individual, both why they join, and what they expect to get out of it, and how that expectation is met, as well as how the individual subsequently applies themself as a member.

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: Anaana
Well, I'm the one who wrote it; I was quoting what I wrote in another thread.

I placed the definition of cult in context of what Freemasonry actually is and Freemasonry isn't a cult by definition.

posted on Mar, 9 2016 @ 02:40 AM

originally posted by: KSigMason
a reply to: Anaana
Well, I'm the one who wrote it; I was quoting what I wrote in another thread.

Okay, so then you did formulate it yourself, but it still remains entirely irrelevant, it was not what was being discussed. So, in short, you copied and pasted irrelevant content, out of context.

originally posted by: KSigMason
I placed the definition of cult in context of what Freemasonry actually is and Freemasonry isn't a cult by definition.

You're clearly confused, and/or have difficulty following discussions. According to definition 5, Freemasonry can be defined as a cult, that is, a fashion or fad, the veneration of an idea or ideal. Simple so far? Therefore, I originally, in this thread, stated that, according to my own observations, Freemasonry was little more than a group that enjoyed ritual between dining engagements, which is pretty much all that they claim to be. Invariably, the Freemasons that I have met have been "good men", however whether Freemasonry makes them any better is highly debateable, it appears more as though they are birds of a feather flocking together. I have found no evidence that Freemasons, as a whole, contribute to the exploration of science, or even seek to understand their "maker", nor do they venture into exploration of the esoteric beyond the boundaries of the belief systems that they ultimately adhere to. Freemasonry practice appears affirmative of those beliefs, serving as a containment system that does not facilitate going outside those boundaries into the realm of discovery, it merely "worships" the idea of such discovery. Hence why it is terribly dated, but they do collect a great deal of money for charity. I don't see why anyone, who has studied Freemasonry, or indeed observed the examples of it's members here on ATS, would believe that they have any secret or hidden knowledge, the proof as is so often the case, is in the pudding - your's and your brethren's output as examples of what is deemed, amongst yourselves particularly, to be good men made better, which is why, and how, I concluded that it is, or has become, comparable to other such fads, like cosplay and other role playing/amateur theatrics social groups.

I see no harm in that, every man should have a hobby.

posted on Mar, 9 2016 @ 07:31 AM
a reply to: Anaana
How was it irrelevant? You said Freemasonry was a cult, I said it wasn't. I provided my evidence, that's not irrelevant, that's supporting my argument with facts. How was it out of context?

No, I get what you're trying to say, but you're taking things out of context, and as I've said before, using your logic any group could be called a cult. Freemasonry is more than just a dinner club. Freemasonry doesn't make men good, it strives to make good men better through the lessons it teaches, but it's up to each Mason to apply those lessons in his daily life.

Freemasonry has contributed plenty to science and still does; today you see a lot in medical science (see CMMRF or RARA). As for esoteric matters, you clearly don't know too much about the SRICF. I mean, you have a poor opinion of Freemasonry and its not based on much.

Freemasonry is not some fad, fads are short-lived and temporary, and Freemasonry has existed for centuries.

"It is very dangerous to try to interpret something from the outside. It's as if someone unfamiliar with Christianity stepped into a Catholic Church and heard a Priest in the middle of Holy Communion say the words, 'This is the body of Christ, this is the blood of Christ.' Without knowing the context, the ritual can seem strange or unusual. Even a little frightening"
- Brad Meltzer on Decoded

posted on Mar, 9 2016 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: KSigMason

For a cult it falls pretty far down on my priority list. Family, friends, work, hobbies and other activities seem to have a much higher priority than going to lodge which is 2 times a month at most.

posted on Mar, 9 2016 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: Saurus
a reply to: supermilkman

There is no E.S.P. or other magical secret in Freemasonry...

The greatest thing that we Masons have to teach - the goal of every ritual, of every lesson, the ultimate learning goal of our entire Order, is that you are my Brother, and I am yours.

P.S. Notice that I'm addressing the above sentence to you, and not specifically to another Mason. Think about it.

Well then you're not truly informed about them. In the event anyone were to display what I call "special human function" (i.e. telepathy, psychic phenomena, telekinesis, etc) you'd become a human lab experiment or killed. This is why its their top held SECRET. They make an oath during a ritual to not disclose this secret or they will get murdered for it.

The third eye is definitely real and most of you guys are severely underestimating its power.
edit on 9-3-2016 by supermilkman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2016 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: supermilkman

originally posted by: Saurus
a reply to: supermilkman

There is no E.S.P. or other magical secret in Freemasonry...

The greatest thing that we Masons have to teach - the goal of every ritual, of every lesson, the ultimate learning goal of our entire Order, is that you are my Brother, and I am yours.

P.S. Notice that I'm addressing the above sentence to you, and not specifically to another Mason. Think about it.

Well then you're not truly informed about them. In the event anyone were to display special human function (i.e. telepathy, psychic phenomena, telepathy, etc) you'd become a human lab experiment or killed. This is why its their top held SECRET. In fact the mystic conceals rather than reveals with silence.

Ah, so he isn't high enough in the ranks to know the real "truth" that you "know". Or, perhaps he is high enough and just has to mislead you as is his duty to hide the truth. Yes, you sooper sluths sure have freemasonry figured out. Never stepped into a lodge, yet somehow know more than most of the members who have spent years on the inside.

BTW, I am going by the space shuttle display a bit later in the month, can you give me a quick run down of how to fly it? You know, just the hard parts, thanks in advance.

posted on Mar, 9 2016 @ 09:49 AM
a reply to: supermilkman
So what is your degree in Freemasonry?

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