I don't know what it is about the Left nowadays and the so-called "Revolution" of Bernie Sanders. I see so much support for him coming from
"Liberals"/"Progressives" and can't wrap my head around how many I see that don't seem to have a grasp of history, policy, or economic and
political theory. For those CONVINCED that Bernie Sanders is the 'answer'...think about the following and ask yourselves if your support is
warranted and if you thought about these issues while supporting him:
An "Outsider"
Yet he has been in politics since 1968 when he officially ran for Senate and Governor as early as the mid 1970s. Roughly FORTY YEARS he has been in
politics. Given the fact that he was involved in student government in his college days, one could argue it has been LONGER...He is 74. That means he
has been a politician for over HALF of his life.
Outsider? Hardly anyone in Congress or the entire political class in our nation can boast that record. That's not an outsider, that's a dedicated
lifelong political INSIDER.
Wall Street
Bernie wants to tax and regulate Wall Street more. It's a buzzword of his an everyone MEMES it. He wants to tax the '1%" and Bankers at higher
rates, make them 'pay their fair share'...and tax across the board at rates which will no doubt DECREASE wealth for practically everyone.
12% average according to the very Non-Partisan "
Read those numbers. Look at the effect on PAYROLL. The very thing Middle Class EMPLOYERS struggle with.
As far as Wall Street goes he wants to use a "Wall Street Tax" and redistribute the wealth across the board in numerous programs.
Sure, he has 'good ideas'...they sound great on paper. But notice how vague they are. And notice the SCOPE. How in the world, will a Democrat
President..fighting a majority Republican Congress and nationwide Republican MAJORITY Governorship...pass all that LAW?
He can't, because the President doesn't have the power in the first place. These are bills voted on by CONGRESS. They are weighed in by COMMITTEES
on Appropriations, Budgeting, Finance, etc. The President has ZERO power to allocate this money, outside of Executive Order, and even then he can't
only skim the surface of power.
And he KNOWS this. Add the fact he would essentially be a "Lame Duck" this gets near impossible.
Is he going to set up a personal account in which he will redistribute all his money earned from taxes through to his various recipients?
And remember, we are TWENTY TRILLION in Debt. If Government could spend this $$$ wisely, would they? Hmmm
Illegal Immigration
You can read Bernie's own website about his stance on it. He is PRO-AMNESTY. In fact the other night on the debate he stated he would double down on
Obama's Immigration policy, EXPAND the use of Executive Orders...and grant amnesty to ALL Illegal Immigrants. Let's break this down for a sec...
Sanders who pats himself on the back as the revolutionary fighter for justice and the middle class and the POOR, wants to grant citizenship to an
immediate voting and working class, of foreign nationals, OVERNIGHT. Really? Inject upwards of 20 Million people into the workforce, when the
workforce is flooded with low skilled labor now. People that largely have no grasp of language and culture. Have lower education...and he's the
FIGHTER for the poor?
And what about Minorities..specifically BLACK Americans? Illegal Immigration affects them the most DIRECTLY of all demographics.
Tens of millions injected overnight to compete? And what new welfare TIDAL WAVE will come from those that cannot find work?
How is this policy at all an 'answer'? Who can say this is a good idea? Or rational? Or mathematically logical at ANY point?
Because Bernie is SELLING politics. He has to know it CAN'T work. And you are falling for it.
Bernie and his followers meme this as the big selling point of Bernie's "revolution". Okay wage disparity. Yeah it's a rough when CEOs make
hundreds times what an employee does. And there are many companies that are paying ZERO tax, or close to nothing. But again, a PRESIDENT does not have
the power to change this. This requires LEGISLATION.
Hello? Lame Duck again....anyone home?
And if he could tax JUST them...remember that 20 Trillion Dollars we are in debt for? How did that accrue with people getting POORER? Where did the
money go? And he proposes $15 an hour. Well on top of the tax plan of his, especially PAYROLL costs, cost of business going up altogether, how will
any employer be able to fit a near DOUBLING of the national wage into his/her books?
Again, HOW does this get done?
Social Justice
One of Bernie's first acts was in Social Justice. He was involved in the Civil Rights movements of the 1960's locally. He is a man that was one of
the top heads for the "Jesse Jackson for President" campaign locally too. He's recently met with Al Sharpton, who is a proven riot inciter, tax
evader, and is heavily invested in race 'relations', which is actually a career long HUSTLE.
He also says that he wants to invest in Black communities more. How? Again, without local legislation HOW?
One of Bernie's largest voting blocs is college aged 'young people', Both because the IDEA of Socialism appeals to them (now more than ever) and he
speaks of FREE COLLEGE for all. So we have FREE college, FREE healthcare, HIGHER taxation across the board, some magical taxation of "The Rich" to
pay for it, an flooded workforce of tens of MILLIONS of new citizens...(Which will also want higher education) ?
See where this is going? Where does all this money come from? It's starting to sound like a fantasy at this point....isn't it?
Single Payer?
So....after years and years of Obamacare legislation being argued, voted on, implemented, retooled, revamped, shaved here and there, addendums, we're
supposed REVISIT healthcare entirely...again??
Which would mean new guidelines. New laws. More hospitals. New contracts with pharma and medical supply companies. More Doctors (imported), more
nurses, more House and Senate Bills...wasted debate..and all again under a LAME DUCK PRESIDENCY.
BERNIE is a TOTALITARIAN who sees the power of the STATE as the force he wants to lead.. He wants to use the power of Government to completely take
charge, while saying it's "The People"...which is utter BS. And he feels the STATE has the power to make us 'all equal'. He's offers a DO OVER
of failed Socialist policies and claims "Social Democrat" as semantic cover. He's DUPED the poor and uneducated for votes and a power base for his
"revolution"...which is no revolution, but rehashed approaches.
He claims he's not part of the system but has been in politics since the early 1980s, with the SAME exact platform.
For him this is the French Revolution, under the guise of "People Power", when his policies point to the STATE taking control, for our own good. His
answer to the Banks, the Corporations, poverty, education, debt, fiscal policy, culture, justice...?
MORE STATE POWER! REVOLUTIONARY? Not in ANY sense of the word. Career Politician rehashing failed policy to unsuspecting voters...??