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originally posted by: TheKestrel04
a reply to: andy06shake
so your saying they could project holograms like that pre 70s??
that is another rabbit hole in itself
originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: A51Watcher
"Getting 50ft wide saucer shaped craft to perform these maneuvers effortlessly would either kill the pilot inside or if remote controlled rip the craft apart."
Possibly the craft you seen were holographic projections rather than Element 115 powered ARVs. Hence the lack of apparent propulsion, and ability to come to a full stop with no observable deceleration, and there appearance to ignore all laws of physics like mass and inertia.
Certainly within the realm of our emerging technologies, but antimatter powered gravity defying saucers/triangles? I dont think so, not quite yet.
Just because Bob Lazar says so, does not make it so. If he were telling the truth do you really think he would be allowed to do so? Do you really think he would even be alive?
originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: A51Watcher
Sorry A51Watcher i cannot really seem to make much out from the pictures/images. I definitely could not fathom the method of propulsion from such images.
I would say that these images, the above one anyway, resemble the shape of the Nazi Haunebu craft a lot more than they do the flying black triangles the US gooberment allegedly operate.
This one however i did find rather humerus.
originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: A51Watcher
Well they do say that seeing is believing.
Where is Lazar's pictures?
I think i remember a couple of diagrams and other technical type drawings of the alleged craft Bob says he saw, think he referred to it as the "sports model" craft but not pictures of any of them, that's if my memory serves.
originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: A51Watcher
I don't imagine Mr Lazar would ever see "Them" coming to be honest.
As to the pictures, im aware of the adage, and ive seen yours but not Lazar's, like i said just his diagrams.
If however you are referring to how many frames the human brain can discern per second its more like life is a movie running at around 60 fps, not 30.
There is no confusion buddy other than why these people are still walking around if indeed there stories have any credibility.
So we are to believe that TPTB are so inept that they cannot manage to silence one would be informant?