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Finicum did not have a death wish. Mainstream media distorted the facts.

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posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: usernameconspiracy

I guess we watched different videos...

the more I watch it the more it looks like his hands were up till he was shot, he reached for the wound as anyone would before trying to put his hands back up..

I have as much proof to my story as you have to yours.. Until we have audio to go with the video (or body camera/dash cam) its all just guess work.

eta: If this old man had evil intentions and planned suicide by cop... why go up and down with your hands the way he did?

Can someone explain that to me, why have a gun in your pocket instead of in your hand?

its pretty clear his hands were up, he suddenly reached down and as he turned his hands were on the way back up when he was possibly shot for the second or third time?

That doesnt look like the actions of a man who intended to not be taken alive to me.

edit on 4-2-2016 by Irishhaf because: additional thought

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 12:59 PM
You're just being obtuse.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:06 PM
Finicum was assassinated.

The FBI had to make an example of the militia members this time. The government got put in their place at the Bundy ranch. They couldn't allow it to happen a second time. They want people to envision death should the public stand up to government corruption.

You don't have to agree with the militia's cause to understand the depth of what happened. What the militia really did was show that if you push the government far enough, they'll come after you with deadly force.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:39 PM
a reply to: Psychonautics

Why even bother posting here, then?

Excuse me? I'm ALLOWED to post here as a member. Why don't you deal with reading responses you may not agree with?

And yes he got shot due to his own careless actions and those of his supporters. After the first road block he had the opportunity to stop peacefully, he refused to. Second road block, nope! Didn't stay in his car, ran off, didn't keep his hands up, decided to reach for his waist.

Who's to blame here?

Oh and I'm sorry... I should've said they were 'peaceful' protesters right? With loaded guns making comments about defending their cause. Right right.

Some of us are more interested in things like this

Of course you are... so we have people spamming this entire forum with Lavoy threads to show us just how interested they are in this matter right?

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders
A man who does not have a death wish simply does not instigate an armed confrontation with the police or the US government. It's really that simple. I'm surprised the whole thing ended as peacefully as it did and it was a stupid idea through and through. Just gives people who are critical of big government a bad name. Like we need that. Guy was an idiot.

I'd imagine George Washington et al didn't have a death wish either, but they still faced down the British..

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: Southern Guardian
a reply to: Psychonautics

Why even bother posting here, then?

Excuse me? I'm ALLOWED to post here as a member. Why don't you deal with reading responses you may not agree with?

And yes he got shot due to his own careless actions and those of his supporters. After the first road block he had the opportunity to stop peacefully, he refused to. Second road block, nope! Didn't stay in his car, ran off, didn't keep his hands up, decided to reach for his waist.

Who's to blame here?

Oh and I'm sorry... I should've said they were 'peaceful' protesters right? With loaded guns making comments about defending their cause. Right right.

Some of us are more interested in things like this

Of course you are... so we have people spamming this entire forum with Lavoy threads to show us just how interested they are in this matter right?

You're excused.

This is me dealing with it, asking you a valid question.

Why come into what you think is a spam thread, when you have nothing to discuss other than to echo the official report and accuse people of spamming ?

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 04:48 PM

originally posted by: Monkeyguns
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

He ran from one stop check.
Attempted to run another check.
Went for something on him that resulted in him being shot check.
Would you have waited to see If it was a gun or a banana before shooting?.
Heck this is so much conformation bias tbh you guys are seeing what you want to see and ignore everything else.
Well do something about it eh? instead of being internet freedom warriors.
Heck I admire the guy doing what he said he would do but 99.99% of you all will do nothing as you have always done.

You make a lot of assumptions about a situation to which a clear sequence of events has yet to be established. Were you there or something? If so, please do enlighten us, Mr. Monkeyguns.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 04:54 PM

originally posted by: Southern Guardian
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

You see, if you intend to storm a federal building guns blazing, you best believe you'll be encountering law enforcement with guns. It's common sense the situation that you're getting yourself into. They knew what they were doing, they had their guns loaded, they were ready for a gun fight, they had a death wish for sure and unfortunately for them, they didn't get much of a gun fight. It was also because of their negligence and ignorance (and many on this board and in public who pushed them on), one of them lost their lives. You only have yourselves to blame.

You know I do feel sorry for LaVoy. His death is being used as a political tool now by armed chair revolutionaries to push their agenda. Once they've used up all the attention his death can bring on forums like this, LaVoy will be forgotten and we'll move onto the next hit peace (I'm thinking Hillary Clintons birth certificate is next).

a reply to: Sublimecraft


The only propaganda here is coming from people like you, spamming this forum with threads about LaVoy, going on about a witness that really isn't an independent witness at all but associated with the militia, misconstruing what the released video shows clearly (that LaVoy avoided cops, tried to run away, and then try to reach his pockets when police got to him).

He got shot, he died, he is to blame for his actions. There were far better ways to go about this... well... protest?? revolution?? Unfortunately the militia members insisted on going about it the violent way (armed to the teeth, locked and loaded). Frankly people are moving on with their lives now, the locals are happy this entire thing is coming to an end. Stop whining, learn from this and move on.

Spamming? Whining? Hillary Clintons...hehehe, nice try bub.
Just to be clear, though, and to try to steer you back on topic, can you cite any sources that document Mr. Finicum making the fatalistic statements that he is supposed to have made, that headlines were written claiming that he made?

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Agreed. I am troubled by the needless loss of life when a peaceful resolution seemed to be in the works. You know our federal government, though, can't give them a black eye, oh NO! Should be interesting to see what sort of spin they try to put on the narrative.

I've enjoyed reading your insightful commentary over the years by the way, so thanks for that.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: Southern Guardian

The only propaganda here is coming from people like you, spamming this forum with threads about LaVoy...Stop whining, learn from this and move on.

later in this thread, you, again...

Excuse me? I'm ALLOWED to post here as a member. Why don't you deal with reading responses you may not agree with?

Can you see the hypocritical double standards of "do as I say, not as I do" regarding my posting on this subject matter versus you posting on this subject matter?

Indeed, I'm also allowed to post here as a member. Why don't you deal with reading responses you clearly do not agree with?
edit on 4-2-2016 by Sublimecraft because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders
A man who does not have a death wish simply does not instigate an armed confrontation with the police or the US government. It's really that simple. I'm surprised the whole thing ended as peacefully as it did and it was a stupid idea through and through. Just gives people who are critical of big government a bad name. Like we need that. Guy was an idiot.

No one's disputing your claim that the game these guys were playing was a dangerous one, and that they were risking their lives with its undertaking. The media's treatment of this scenario, however, was dishonest and shameful. Watch that MSNBC interview at the top of the page if you haven't already. You can't tell me that they weren't trying to put words in his mouth, that they weren't trying to coax provocative answers out of him. Not if you're being honest. Can you cite a source where he is directly quoted as making these sorts of fatalistic statements, that he'd "never be taken alive", that he "would shoot any law enforcement that pointed a gun at him", etc.? I've yet to see it. I honestly doubt it exists, hence this thread.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: usernameconspiracy
Someone who refuses to comply with the orders of law enforcement during a road block stop, first by trying to escape said road block, then failing to simply keep his hands up and get down on the ground, and finally by moving his hand towards his side, either has a death wish or has bad intentions towards the law enforcement officers.

Either way, that's a recipe which will always end up going poorly for the suspect.

Fix your hair, kiddo.
You are making a lot of assumptions about an incident for which a clear sequence of events has yet to be established. Back on topic though, can you cite a source that actually quotes Mr. Finicum as stating that he wouldn't go down without a fight, or that he wished to do battle with the authorities? I haven't seen one yet...

No one's disputing your claim that these fellas were involved in a form of protest that had every likelihood of ending in all of their deaths. That is not the subject of this topic, however. The threatening statements that were supposedly made by Mr. Finicum but do not seem to actually exist are the topic we are attempting to discuss.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: Irishhaf

Agreed, his actions are not the image of a man looking to go down in a blaze of glory.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: usernameconspiracy

What? You are telling me those mean old cops shot at the truck after the criminal they were in the act of apprehending refused to stop and tried to power past the road blocks? Those meanies!

This guy is dead of his own volition.

LaVoy did stop at the first stop. Lavoy put his hands and head out the window to show he was unarmed and was being peaceful, However the police shot at him.

Lavoy was concern for his female passengers and didn't want to see them killed, so he drove away while being shot at.

According to eyewitness Lavoy was not armed, he left his gun at the refuge. However the Feds had a back up plan up the road, they had a road block waiting for him.

After Lavoy ran off the road he got out of the truck with his hands up, he was shot multiple times while stumbling to gain his balance in the snow, and at one point it appears he grasps his side to a bullet wound, and falls down and is shot again several more times.

Many say the man had a death wish, that couldn't be any further from the truth, it is a lie and, I agree with the OP.

Lavoy was shot in cold blood. The Feds could have handled this situation differently and peacefully.

Lavoy was a peaceful man, he was a spokesperson for the militia, and was drawing to much attention, and I am guessing that our corrupt politicians in Washington wanted him dead, to set an example.

I am waiting to hear if Lavoy's wife will find the paper work on his gun to prove that gun the so called Feds found was a plant, seeing now it was stolen according to the Feds.

If Lavoy's wife finds the paper work proving those are not the serial numbers on Lavoy real gun then we will know the Feds planted that gun, and nothing else the Feds they can say can ever be trusted again.
edit on 4-2-2016 by Informer1958 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: EternalSolace
Finicum was assassinated.

I believe you and the OP are correct...

This whole thing appears to have been very thought out and planned.

It reminds me of JFK's murder.

The fact that they have control of the media allows them complete control to get away with what ever they want.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 10:58 PM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

This is the video that everyone who supports our corrupt Feds is using to say Lavoy has a death wish.

However Lavoy is asked by ABC News if he has a death wish and Lavoy said No I do not.

What some people are doing is spinning Lavoy statements to make the Feds look good and demonizing Lavoy at the same time.

What Lavoy does say is, you don't point guns at people.

I agree with your post.

edit on 4-2-2016 by Informer1958 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 12:55 AM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
In a weird way, I can't wait for the propaganda BS they are gonna spew over this one.

It's almost the best entertainment you could even ask for. It's a soap opera.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 01:11 AM
If the freeloading welfare-rancher didn't have a death wish; he shouldn't have tried to draw his gun on law enforcement.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: Monkeyguns
If he didn't have a death wish he would have not run one stop, attempted to run another stop, stayed in the car not gone for something in his pocket.
Maybe If he had done what was asked from him and not suddenly gone for something in his pocket (anything doesn't matter If a banana or a gun he still went for something) he would be still alive.
Let me ask you something, would you fire upon a person who had their hands up and then suddenly went for something? or would you wait and see If it is a banana or gun?.
He stopped at the 1st stop and everyone put their hands up.That's when Ryan Bundy was shot in the shoulder, so they took off.I have a excellent breakdown of this shooting for you here

Watch this then respond.This man was shot in the face 9 times. The 9mm they say they found on him has a serial# o a gun reported stolen 2 years ago. Do you honestly think this god fearing patriot with no criminal record,11 biological kids and 30 adopted kids,would posses a stolen handgun?Let alone bring one to a standoff with the feds? Everyone else said everybody left their weapons behind. That gun was planted. Watch the video.

edit on 5-2-2016 by fartsmeller46 because: wont play video

Since i can't play this video here(hmm) here's the link.WATCH IT!
edit on 5-2-2016 by fartsmeller46 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 03:58 AM
I think this belongs here, too. Here, ATS, for your consideration, is Mr. Finicum's last interview with The Oregonian, given on the day before his death. Guess that would be January 25th, 2016.

Many thanks to tweetie, who brought this video to my attention in this thread here.
Again, not the actions or speech of a man with a fatalistic point of view, in my opinion. You will not find any threats to LEO's or assertions that he'll never be taken alive in this interview.
edit on 5-2-2016 by TheBadCabbie because: (no reason given)

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