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Undisputed proof that demons do exist.

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posted on Feb, 8 2016 @ 06:37 PM
so for this story to be true, Christianity would be the would have to be real. When did they prove Christianity? And I thought the Bible was for teaching, didn't know it possessive demonic repellant too.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: reddragon2015
so for this story to be true, Christianity would be the would have to be real. When did they prove Christianity? And I thought the Bible was for teaching, didn't know it possessive demonic repellant too.

NO. The two are distinct subject matters.

A proof of one doesn't automatically prove the other.

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

This probably isn't the best proof that you could have come up with for the existence of demons. I think you would probably have equal success with using any of the "Exorcism of 'x,y,z'" stories/ films that are floating around today.

My main issue with this story is that a lot of the phenomena centers around the children. Do you know what it does to a child's mind when they are repeatedly told that they are possessed, haunted, etc? Can you fathom the trauma that would inflict upon their psyche? It's a well known fact that you shouldn't tell children negative things such as that they are stupid, etc because they are highly suggestible and take those things to heart and they become ingrained in their minds.

When I look at this mess, that is exactly what I see. I see children acting out because they have been made to believe that they are possessed, or haunted by demons. It's disturbing to me that people actually think a loving God would allow an innocent child to fall prey to a negative spiritual entity. It's equally disturbing that there are those whom are willing to blame external entities for their children's behavior as opposed to plain ole' bad parenting.

NOW to those who are flesh and bone is not that easy.... Dod you know.....there is the seed (offspring) of Eve and there is the seed of the serpent (Satan) that walk this earth. Not all of us belong to God......some belong to the serpent. Not all of us walking on this rock are God's children, I hope you know this.

This is an equally disturbing belief. Sounds like Steve Quayle, Tom Horn and the gang. Those guys probably aren't the best source for establishing Christian beliefs.

There are a few things that seem wrong with this scenario...

1) Doesn't this violate the supposed free will that God imbued us with?
2) The Bible teaches that Christ died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, not that mankind was split into two separate factions and Christ only died for one of those factions. This notion that you are asking us to entertain seems contrary to the Bible's teaching on Christ's sacrifice.

Do you have any biblical evidence for this, or is it just an extra biblical belief derived from (a) 'Christian' conspiracy author(s)?

posted on Feb, 9 2016 @ 10:21 PM

originally posted by: noceteipsum
a reply to: DeathSlayer

NOW to those who are flesh and bone is not that easy.... Dod you know.....there is the seed (offspring) of Eve and there is the seed of the serpent (Satan) that walk this earth. Not all of us belong to God......some belong to the serpent. Not all of us walking on this rock are God's children, I hope you know this.

This is an equally disturbing belief. Sounds like Steve Quayle, Tom Horn and the gang. Those guys probably aren't the best source for establishing Christian beliefs.

There are a few things that seem wrong with this scenario...

1) Doesn't this violate the supposed free will that God imbued us with?
2) The Bible teaches that Christ died on the cross for the sins of all mankind, not that mankind was split into two separate factions and Christ only died for one of those factions. This notion that you are asking us to entertain seems contrary to the Bible's teaching on Christ's sacrifice.

Do you have any biblical evidence for this, or is it just an extra biblical belief derived from (a) 'Christian' conspiracy author(s)?

I certainly cannot speak for DeathSlayer, but I can give my own perspective in this matter. First, I've no idea who Steve Quayle or Tom Horne are, so I can't say why they would even factor into a discussion of Christianity, much less be cited as a source for theology.

Second, I'm sure to have an imperfect understanding of your concept of "free will", because I cannot for the life of me see why the quoted text would violate free will. Perhaps you could set forth your concept of such, in a manner that might give me an inkling as to what about the quote would violate it.

Third, and this is the main reason I responded at all, where does the Christian's book say that "Christ died on the cross for the sins of all mankind"? I've searched for any such reference, and have not found it. I've asked Christians where it might be found, but so far none have been able to satisfactorily point it out. They have at least tried, to their credit, but have been utterly unable to do so. Perhaps you can do better. All they have been able to do so far is try to make a weak case by ignoring large portions of their own book.

Such a belief would do violence to the Bible, and all but repudiate it, not to mention the fact that it violates logic - i.e., if Christ died for the sins of ALL, and ANY, even ONE, went to the Christian concept of hell, then he will have failed... which then goes on to violate their concept of omnipotence. How could a plan conceived and executed by an omnipotent god fail? The logical conclusion from that is that Christ didn't in fact die for all, but, as their book clearly explains, for "those whom the Father has given into my hand".

Why would there be a need to "separate the sheep from the goats" if there were no goats to be separated out? How could God have "loved Jacob but hated Esau" if this deity were "all love"? Where's the love for Esau, and why does it seem to not be there if God is an "all loving God"?

Therefore, DeathSlayer's argument is valid in that it is the one supported by their own scriptures. Christians are, for the most part, a peculiar folk willing to sweep large parts of their own scripture under the rug in favor of the bits they particularly like, and in the process create a god not found in their Bible if it is to be taken as a whole. At least DeathSlayer does appear to be willing to take the entirety into account in his concept of deity.

edit on 2016/2/9 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2016 @ 12:06 AM
Here's what I've gathered. There is apparently footage and police documentation of some weird paranormal behavior...and eyewitness testimony that attempts to explain what has happened through the use of the demonic paradigm. What I cannot gather, is how this "proves" anything actually exists, let alone what people have come to refer to as "demons". You see, there is no substantial proof that "demons" did was just a paranormal experience, that by definition, cannot be explained.

That being said, I have had my own paranormal experience. It's hard to explain because...well I was not conscious. My ex-wife would probably have a better rehash, but alas, she's an ex for a reason. Anyways, what I can recall is purely from my dream that night. Granted, it could have easily been a simple bad dream, but it does not explain what I'm about to tell you. You see, I was having a dream that I was in an enclosed area, much like a prison cell. I was being, for lack of a better term, interrogated by an extremely small black mass with red eyes. It almost resembled a tiny doll, but it was just pure substance to it. I don't remember what it said or what the intent of the "interrogation" was...all I remember was the feeling of pure dread. The one thing I do recall was that it was asking me if I still believed in a which I responded yes. It asked me again...and again I responded yes...and the third time it asked I shouted yes as loud as I could...It flew into my face (I was essentially tied to a chair in my dream) and engulfed me and lifted me into the air....

Simultaneously, around 3am in the morning my wife at the time had awoken to shouting...She said I was not speaking english but it sounded much like an ancient dialect...She said there were definite words and tones being used. She also said that it did not at all sound like me, but a much deeper pitch...and not only that, but there were TWO distinct voices. And as if that weren't enough, as the dream progressed she said she could see my body begin to slightly lift from the freaked her out so much that when I awoke she was standing at the foot of the bed as wide eyed as you could possibly imagine. I had no idea what had just happened so seeing her standing there staring at me like that freaked me out as well.

This whole encounter never made me believe in demons, or anything of the paranormal. I do, as I said in the dream, believe in a savior. I believe in a force(s) much greater than us....but to say with any degree of certainty that they DO exist would be foolish.

edit on 10-2-2016 by Agree2Disagree because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 02:33 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
Why hope that God doesn't exist? God is not your enemy and loves you no matter what you might think. Hoping he doesn't exist tends to mean that someone feels like the things they have done will be severely punished, and that they could never be forgiven. That isn't true, but you have to do something about your status yourself. Do you know what that is?

I can only speak for myself. I hope God (in this case the Judeo-Christian) does not exist. Not because I feel I have done things that would result in severe punishment or that I could never be forgiven. No.. I hope he doesn't exist because I feel he, God, has done things worthy of severe punishment and hellfire. But he is the do as I say not as I do type of all loving tyrannical dictator. In the end I don't need to hope. Because the facts are in my favor, in regards to this particular God and his narratives, existence and truth.

edit on 2-11-2016 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 03:04 PM
Humanity is under complete enslavement right now on earth. Most of you do not even realize this.

I am not sure whether to call these invisible energy beings as 'demons' or 'aliens'.

They are the reason that people act more strangely in Florida. It is because they use the Bermuda Triangle in some way. Probably to enter and exit this planet. They are in high population in that area. They can attach to people and affect their behavior.

They also control almost everything on earth. Research articles about accidents, shootings, storms etc. and you will see that the numbers 7, 0, 3, and 1 show up a ridiculously high amount of times. They can control the weather. They read people's minds. They influence all of humanity.

Those numbers are an anagram of Loki. The seven upside down is an L. The 0 is an O. The Roman Numeral 111 is used to make a K. The 1 is an I.

Look at your qwerty keyboard. L-O-K-I are all clustered together.

This is no coincidence.

Look up 11:11 phenomenon. The Nazi SS symbol is an 11 11. They did that. It also resembles lightning bolts for Thor or Zeus.

They also telepathically control authors to write fiction that praises them as deities.
There is a pattern to everything on earth. We are not free like we think we are.

I hope to spread awareness about this in order to get people to fight against them.
They are very depraved beings who have targeted me my whole life.

posted on Feb, 11 2016 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: WakeUpBeer

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
Why hope that God doesn't exist? God is not your enemy and loves you no matter what you might think. Hoping he doesn't exist tends to mean that someone feels like the things they have done will be severely punished, and that they could never be forgiven. That isn't true, but you have to do something about your status yourself. Do you know what that is?

I can only speak for myself. I hope God (in this case the Judeo-Christian) does not exist. Not because I feel I have done things that would result in severe punishment or that I could never be forgiven. No.. I hope he doesn't exist because I feel he, God, has done things worthy of severe punishment and hellfire. But he is the do as I say not as I do type of all loving tyrannical dictator. In the end I don't need to hope. Because the facts are in my favor, in regards to this particular God and his narratives, existence and truth.

Your opinion and beliefs are completely bogus of course, and is a perfect example of being deceived about God, by powerful evil forces. But you do have free will and can choose to let yourself be deceived if you wish.. Good luck with all of that, even though luck isn't a part of your situation.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: NoCorruptionAllowed

I would love to see how I am being deceived about God, honestly. If you can be the voice of reason and help me realize the truth, please don't hesitate to try. However, it will be no easy task. It will take time and effort. Because there are a lot of things that prove to me that the Abrahamic religions do not hold the kinds of truths others believe they hold. The history of how those religions came about and evolved may be a good place to start. Please, no using the Bible alone as your source. I don't mean to sound sarcastic with my post. While I am more than convinced of my view (so far as Abrahamic religions being false) I am actually open to having my mind changed. Just not easily.

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: Septuagint

Unfortunately that seems to me to be a lot of blather and no substance. There is no evidence to support anything you claim.

Just breaking down your ridiculous keyboard example...What about the others? What about Dvorak keyboards? Colemaks? Maltrons? Jcukens? Gimme a friggin' break. To be completely frank, everything you mention is just pure unadulterated BS.


posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
According to the news article one of the witnesses even taped what they saw.

So where is this "video"?

Also where exactly is the "undisputed proof"?

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 02:47 PM

originally posted by: Raggedyman

The only real way to prove anything is with real hard data, scientific evidence, real scientists.

That won't happen because, science has to deny the spiritual, it can't quantify what it can't explain

the supernatural is just the natural not fully understood. much of linear science is starting to come to agreement with many philosophical ideas. science and spirituality go hand in hand, not exclusively.

posted on Jul, 20 2016 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: Raggedyman

Scientists are in fear of having to deal with what's beyond what they can explain

Scientists are in fear, what if they don't, can't explain everything, they become redundant

Hardly. Scientists constantly have to accept uncomfortable truths, it comes with being a scientist.

If a "spiritual plane" exists, it would only be a matter of time before scientists discovered it.

posted on Jul, 31 2016 @ 09:48 PM
Without reading all of the other comments I can safely say that DEMONS EXIST.

posted on Jan, 16 2017 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: DeathSlayer

In my family there is a demonic history beginning with my grandfather who apparently made a deal with two demons on an old swinging bridge. The stories my mother tells me from her childhood are terrifying. I would go into more detail but there is just too much. I've witnessed some things in my life beyond normal ghost activity. I believe in these entities.

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