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Oregon Rancher’s Body Returned To The Family In Shocking Condition

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posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 07:22 PM

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: Indigo5

The first shot fired is @0:06.

The guy behind the black truck ducking away fired and turned around.

Then the victim drops his arms.

That is precisely disputed by Victoria Sharp who was in the truck with LaVoy...She claims the first shots (3 rapid fire) are the only shots and dropped him immediately.

Again...claiming stuff without examining, watching or listening to evidence is to intentionally muddy the discussion..

This does not mean that there were not more shots fired. She was in the truck scared ass hell. Her preseption of time and events are not accurate do to the shock she is in. That is also why she cant accuratly recal the events as they play out in the fottage.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

Sidenote: people just repeatedly claiming stuff as fact without addressing or even examining evidence is really just kind trolling.

Facts? Thank you for your "opinion".

We do not know all the facts yet, we need to wait a while until more comes out.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

Muzzled Silencers.

Noise from helicopter(s) and the plane.

Other people shouting etc.

edit on Feb-04-2016 by xuenchen because: blackmail

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 07:39 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

Honestly...he knew his way around guns..and that repeated reaching/fumbling for his gun? While shouting just shoot me?

Was he fumbling for his gun or was he grasping a bullet wound?

According to eyewitness, he didn't carry his gun on him when going to that meeting.

And as far as the Feds stating he was carrying a stolen weapon? I believe it is going to be interesting when his wife finds the papers on his gun proving it was not his gun, but a plant.

Then I could be wrong. However we will all have to wait to see what more information comes out as time goes on.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: Informer1958
a reply to: Indigo5

Honestly...he knew his way around guns..and that repeated reaching/fumbling for his gun? While shouting just shoot me?

Was he fumbling for his gun or was he grasping a bullet wound?

According to eyewitness, he didn't carry his gun on him when going to that meeting.

And as far as the Feds stating he was carrying a stolen weapon? I believe it is going to be interesting when his wife finds the papers on his gun proving it was not his gun, but a plant.

Then I could be wrong. However we will all have to wait to see what more information comes out as time goes on.

The Feds don't have a monopoly on carrying a throw away weapon.

Why is it so unlikley that Finicum was carrying a weapon that couldnt be traced back to him?

I also think he got out of the truck with the intention of buying a few seconds with his hands in the air to run for the treeline.

When he saw that route was cut off and knowing he was carrying a stolen fire arm , he made a decision to drop his arms and reach towards the jacket pocket the gun was found in.

That cost him his life.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: Informer1958

Here’s what the main-stream-media, and the FBI failed to tell you about the condition of Lavoy Finicum’s body. As previously reported, Finicum died of 3 gunshots. When the family received the body, they soon realized their beloved husband and father was shot 9 times, once in the face. There will be no open casket at the funeral.

Last week, news broke that LaVoy Finicum had been gunned down by federal agents following an ambush, and while video of the terrifying incident was released, details have been slim. However, that’s since changed, and after his family received his body, they made a chilling discovery.

The investigative blog LozzaFun1 had more information about Finicum’s death, which seemed more like an assassination if you actually watched the video, and according to Barbara Davis, things are exactly as they speared to be. If you remember, the FBI claims that they found a 9mm pistol in Finicum’s pocket after searching his lifeless body, but there’s eyewitness reports that he and the people with him purposefully left the weapons at the refuge in case they ran into law enforcement.

That same witness also claimed that the reason Finicum fled the initial stop is because he was being shot at by authorities.

“The only reason he drove off was because he was being fired at so he drove off so he didn’t get shot. There’s two rounds in the top of his truck that they were able to photograph. That’s why he drove off and tried to get around there because he was afraid they were going to kill him. And he was right.”

The FBI’s claim is further called into question after seeing what Davis wrote on Facebook about the serial number. Apparently, members of the Pacific Patriots Network were able to run the serial number 54119868, and the weapon was stolen two years ago, so she believes it’s a plant.

Also, when Finicum’s family received the rancher’s body, they discovered that he had been shot nine times by federal authorities. If you watch the video, that seems like entirely too many for the situation, considering that Finicum appeared to have his hands in the air just prior to being mercilessly gunned down. Davis also said that Finicum now has to have a closed casket funeral, thanks to being shot directly in the face.

Shot "Nine times" and shot in the face. That is called over kill.

That is why you will not hear any sound on the video in question, it will incriminate the federal police for murder.

I believe the family has a case.

What do you all believe?

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Drunkenparrot

The Feds don't have a monopoly on carrying a throw away weapon.

Care to prove that? You are putting our government on a pedestal as if they do no wrong.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 09:38 PM

a reply to: Drunkenparrot

The Feds don't have a monopoly on carrying a throw away weapon.

But they do have Fast & Furious operations going in their favor.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: Informer1958
a reply to: Drunkenparrot

The Feds don't have a monopoly on carrying a throw away weapon.

Care to prove that? You are putting our government on a pedestal as if they do no wrong.

Care to answer my question without the lame attempt at obfuscation?

Again, what evidence do you have to support your accusations?

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 10:20 PM
I assume at some point the dash cam video will come out with audio, and thus prove or disprove that he was shot at, prior to reaching in his jacket. No matter how you look at it, his hands were reaching longer than they were in the air, that is for sure. Was he wounded and reaching towards the wounds? I doubt it, but again video (with audio) would show us. And all of the "eyewitnesses" that were in the one was recording this? It wasn't sudden, they were engaged and fleeing for a while. I support their cause, but it clearly looked like he was reaching....a lot...for something.
edit on 4-2-2016 by Dirtbag77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: Dirtbag77
Ms. Cox was recording as was one other occupant I believe. Their phones were taken by the authorities. I think she said it was only audio on her phone.
I don't think I've heard her mention whether she saw cameras on her attackers or not.

I'll be interested to see if either of the phones are ever seen again (in working order.)

ETA: I went and checked one of the interviews. She does say she turned on her camera. It is about 10 minutes into the video found here:
I also noticed in that video that she says the bullet fired at the stop hit the truck near the mirror. Wonder if that hit can be found among the many others fired into the truck?
edit on 5-2-2016 by diggindirt because: addtional info

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 06:56 AM

originally posted by: Informer1958
a reply to: Drunkenparrot

The Feds don't have a monopoly on carrying a throw away weapon.

Care to prove that? You are putting our government on a pedestal as if they do no wrong.

Since any illegally owned firearm that the "owner" intends to discard after using is a burner, I'll prove it.

Any crime committed with a stolen gun that's left either at the scene or elsewhere would be proof that Johnny Law isn't the only one carrying burners.

You're welcome.
edit on 5-2-2016 by Shamrock6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: Shamrock6

If he had a stolen a gun, he should be charged for having a stolen gun. Not shot and killed.

What about the roadblock. Setting up a roadblock is: Use Of Deadly force. This means the FBI and Troppers intended to use Deadly force to stop the subject. The roadblock was not set up properly according to regulations.

Why dont You look that up.

What else.... ?

- If the subject was brought Down by a Taser and not gun shots. Then what.... ?

Why did they kill him when he was out of action lying Down in the snow?

The cop who approached him from behind used a Taser, not a gun.

This reaks of police violations all the way to the Governor and the federal government...period.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: spy66

What about the roadblock. Setting up a roadblock is: Use Of Deadly force.

No it is not, why claim it is?

This reaks of police violations all the way to the Governor and the federal government...period.

No, it is just some people making crap up, like a stolen gun was planted, he was dragged out of the truck and executed....

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 07:24 AM
Just wanted to stop by and clarify some earlier comments:

1. The funeral for Mr. Finicum is proceeding for this afternoon and this is well-documented in the media, one of which is offered here:

His death inspired a call for like-minded followers to come to Kanab, Utah, for his funeral Friday. The day's events, billed as "Lavoy Finicum's Stand for Freedom," include a visitation and funeral followed by a memorial horse ride to a local middle school for a benefit concert.

The events could draw up to 1,000 people, including many from Kanab and the nearby towns of Fredonia and Cane Beds, Arizona, said Sgt. Alan Alldredge of the Cane County Sheriff's Office. Others are expected to come from Nevada and elsewhere in Arizona.

While I am still unable to find any reference that the deceased's body has been returned to his family, logic would seem to dictate that.

2. Still no corroboration of the claim that the body shows nine gunshot wounds, one to the face, disrespect to body, family release of independent autopsy report (which would prove the assertion of 9 shots), etc. etc. etc.
edit on 5-2-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 08:33 AM

originally posted by: spy66
a reply to: Shamrock6

If he had a stolen a gun, he should be charged for having a stolen gun. Not shot and killed.

Shameful and a little naive to think it's that simple. If a known criminal had a nuclear warhead aimed at your house with his finger on the trigger, would you tell the police, "hey go arrest that guy but be gentle and don't kill him even if he does launch the warhead."

What about the roadblock. Setting up a roadblock is: Use Of Deadly force. This means the FBI and Troppers intended to use Deadly force to stop the subject. The roadblock was not set up properly according to regulations.

Please state those regulations. I believe you are referring to remarks made on the audio posted in the thread by the former law enforcement officer. I listened to most of that audio and I heard him quote the regulations for other jurisdictions but never the jurisdiction where this car chase took place. I could have missed it but could you provide the regulations for the county and state for which the chase took place? These regulations are designed on a state and local level so it is not uniform across all jurisdictions.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: Informer1958
a reply to: Indigo5

Honestly...he knew his way around guns..and that repeated reaching/fumbling for his gun? While shouting just shoot me?

Was he fumbling for his gun or was he grasping a bullet wound?

According to eyewitness, he didn't carry his gun on him when going to that meeting.

Who, what, when and where? According to Victoria Sharp (in the car with him) and the Feds, they were all armed except the women. We even have video of one of them tossing a gun upon exiting? Maybe Bundy in car one?

And as far as the Feds stating he was carrying a stolen weapon? I believe it is going to be interesting when his wife finds the papers on his gun proving it was not his gun, but a plant.

Where have the feds announced this?

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: tweetie

originally posted by: Indigo5

originally posted by: tweetie
a reply to: Indigo5

LaVoy asked the women to get out of the truck at the first stop. Payne was shot at when his hands and head were out of the window while yelling to officers there were women inside. Payne got out and surrendered but Victoria didn't want to get out because she was afraid. Shawna didn't want to leave her so they didn't get out.

I'll say this on the Payne being shot at thing...I don't "think" it happened. He might have said it and there might have been adrenaline going on fogging perception and memory...but I don't think he was shot at and then decided to get out of the truck. I will wait for his full accounting in court docs to clarify that bit.

Fair enough but both women stated a bullet hit between the mirror and the door which is why Payne quickly ducked back inside. I have no idea what Payne would say.

Again...I strongly feel that was a bit of bravado, adrenaline bs going on by Payne...and A lot of stuff has been claimed only to be immediately shown to be utter BS...starting with that LaVoy dies on his knees, hands up, unarmed and executed....and the latest being that it was not the feds or state police, but some foreign mercenary hit team that arrested them..

Is it possible that a sniper focused on the truck took a shot when Payne stuck his hands out the window? Maybe...the claim of it striking between the mirror and the truck? Did they see a bullet hole? A sniper round at that distance striking the connector between mirror and door would not be subtle..As I understand it...Shawna and Victoria's account is not precisely that they were shot at, but rather Payne telling them they were shot at..Not buying it, but will be interested in Payne's accounting and if it would be substantiated by an impact left where they claim it was.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 09:44 AM

originally posted by: Informer1958
a reply to: Indigo5

Honestly...he knew his way around guns..and that repeated reaching/fumbling for his gun? While shouting just shoot me?

Was he fumbling for his gun or was he grasping a bullet wound?

According to eyewitness, he didn't carry his gun on him when going to that meeting.

Just to be clear...and this is why the BS bothers me...

Victoria Sharp is the eye-witness the Militia has put forward

at 1:36
Do you know if any of them had a gun?

Victoria: "I know that LaVoy had a gun holstered"..."I know that Ryan Payne had a gun holstered" etc. etc.

So the very witnesses that the Militia cites...disagrees with your just saying stuff as if it was fact..

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 09:57 AM
a reply to: Indigo5

Just to be clear...and this is why the BS bothers me...

Victoria Sharp is the eye-witness the Militia has put forward

at 1:36
Do you know if any of them had a gun?

Victoria: "I know that LaVoy had a gun holstered"..."I know that Ryan Payne had a gun holstered" etc. etc.

Just to be clear...

Do you know the different from a gun and a gun holstered?

Can you post where Victoria said Lavoy WAS carrying his gun?

Because it is my understanding that all of them left their guns at the refuge.

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