a reply to:
get real, you don't KNOW WHERE THEY ARE. (Palmer and the other one) Prove you know where they are? You've being told there here or there. Just like
you're being told we went to the moon, like they'res satilities, like the earth is a globe, etc etc. Show me some proof and make me a believer. I
might change my mind if I see prove that I can analyse and try to decipher. Trust me, I never believed in flat earth. I'm not even sure I do. But when
you add up all the evidence, there's certainly something a foot. It doesn't add up. From everything I've seen it would appear as if flat earth is the
big deception tptb are trying to keep hidden.
the main reason behind all this has to do with them making people believe we're insignificant little monkeys, and not human beings created by God.
Globe earth supports, big bang, darwinism, we're monkies, we evolved, there's millions of other earths with random life on them, that we're an
accident formed by chemical soup nothing more, not created by God. It certainly makes a heck of a lot of sense.
Look the bottom line is tptb lie to us about everyhing. And I mean everything. So you have to factor that into the equation when looking at all the
We know there's no satilies, there's no moon landing, that they're might not be a space station, that nasa is nothing but a big budget blackhole, that
all these fake astronaunts were freemasons. And there's proof.
Okay what about this. There's 2200 significant regular satilies. And there's about 1 million pieces of space debree. So when you look up on a stary
night, where are all those 2200 satilies. You might see 1 or 2 objects that are essencially UFO's (and I don't mean aliens). Just objects that are
slowly moving accross the sky that look like a star. And weere' told that those are "satiliies". But we really don't know what they are. They could be
holigrams, lazers, hi alititude planes, ufo's, or any number of things. But lets say they are satilies. Okay on a good night we see 2 of them going
across the sky. So where's the other 2200+???? They're no there???? So it's a lie.
The point is tptb want just 500,000,000 million people on the plant. Plant reduction by 90%. And they're working hard at it. So they want you dead.
But they wouldn't lie to you. No they'd never do that! Not a chance!
NO THEY WANT YOU DEAD!!! You're a virus on the planet in there eyes!
edit on 12-4-2016 by lavatrance because: (no reason given)