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Baddogma's Meta Cafe- Polite Discussions About Scientific Mysticism and General Weirdness

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posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:22 PM
a reply to: beansidhe

Humans evolved the way they did, in part to service non-physical-ish portions of nature (the 96% of dark matter / dark enegy is the good guess here).

Some parts of the human body, particularly ones with large concentrations of non-cranial nerves (sexual, stomach, heart),
in the shamanic/kundalini model anyway (and my experience.. and using different words.. many old corrupted models).. tend to accumulate, ummmm... "stuff". This stuff is a micro-environment.

Over time, the micro-environment itself can become sentient-ish, especially if one is a "practitioner of certain practices".

(like, believe it or not.. in a manner of speaking, even if not so conscious.. most people in this thread).

These "micro-environments" can also attract "critters", but that's an entirely different discussion for another time.

For the most part, it's these "micro environments themselves" which people "feel to be their soul".

They are not.. but that's how it feels.. as it's these "micro environments" which hook our brains into the "spiritual world".

Now, some "people" do linger across multiple "lives", but I agree with the Buddha --- that is a bad idea. It's not a beneficial thing.. and it's not by design.. and not to be encouraged.. but yes, it does happen.

(but then again, there is a level beyond that too.. whole collections of wondrous beings of which we are a part.. so
if you MUST hang onto the whole soul/spirit/higher self twaddle.. there is a LITTLE truth in that.. but just a little).

Anyway.. to get back to your question.

It would seem (all of this is "it would seem of course")..

that the babies live "unripened" at the base of the spine near the perineum.
They live in a little "micro-environment nursery". They almost feel like primordial
micro-black holes to me.. but that's probably "projection".

The stomach is a massive micro-environment, as 20% of the nerves in the entire body are there..
second only to the brain.

It's not SUPPOSED to be negative.. but for nearly all humans it becomes that way. Nearly all humans build a "black sludge monster" there.. and that's one of the main things which turns off the hatching of cosmic babies.. as all 4 micro-environments must be properly prepared, to hatch the babies.

The "heart area" is another micro-environment. (home of mother snake.. another post pls)

And of course the brain itself is the 'final' micro-environment. (home of father snake.. another post pls)

To make a baby, all 4 microenvironments must be 'quickened'. These little symbiotic lives actually sacrifice their lives too, to enable 1 or more babies to hatch..

As a final step, they do live in the brain for a shortish period of time.

Now deluded humans who want to be "spiritual masters", keep the babie(s) trapped in their brain, so they can go around thinking that they are living gods, screw all the cute yogini's and maybe even become a Tao Immortal.

Only, they are asshats the ones who do that..

They are keeping the babies(s) from finishing their life cycle.

You see, "being a mystic master" or "evolved soul" is the worst form of delusion of all.

So what are we humans for?

What are stars for?



Nothing in particular.


I know that most people will disagree with me.. nearly the entire world actually.. but if you study REALLY hard, you will see that what I've written MAY INDEED be seen lurking in ancient knowledge.

or experience it yourself, if you are totally insane.

Did that help?


posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

I'm already dead in most meaningful ways (I served my purpose, and also learned my true nature) but I'm still here and caring about people..

I hear you bro.

I also enjoy my wonderful life with my wife.. I'm so "blessed" - HEH!


posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: jacygirl

That's nice. [sings]youhuu are not alone[/sings]
That was the fun part from day one of my endeavour to find the answer to life the universe and everything: others can take over at any point, if I fail it doesn't matter as much as my tiny ego wants to think sometimes.
So let's chillax again. The why is not so much what bothers me though.
I LOVE Terence McKenna

And while others dismiss his timewave zero, because it got part of the 2012 crazyness, I believe there is some truth to it. Since 2012 my journey started and the big events in history never felt like big events when they happened, they just did. Maybe we here are breaking the ground for the next big philosophy.
I also noticed the "critters" are getting more active so there is something that is been worked on beyond our perception and as Kev said: It could be the point were we either fight as species or die as species. I still believe we have a chance to get it right.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: jacygirl

Yours was cute and funny but mine is just creepy and weird.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Peeple

I'm impressed!

Sometimes you seem to have burrowed UNDER the bottom of the bunny hole... and I wonder if you are drastically mentally ill (but then the same could be said of me).

But then you go and redeem yourself (Dumb and Dumber!)

Really.. you hit on a core of truth there.


posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: beansidhe

that the babies live "unripened" at the base of the spine near the perineum.
They live in a little "micro-environment nursery".


In reference to the above quote, I have a question that's somewhat risqué.

"The 'babies' that live "unripened" at the base of the spine near the perineum"....what exactly does that have to do with those who...practice dark arts? The ones who believe that sodomy (ugh sorry everyone...but basically that raping boys gives them some sort of power).

I'm just really striving to understand why some things seem so rampant, like pedophiles...and dark cruel twisted individuals. What do some of these individuals believe they are achieving, Kev?


posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:40 PM

originally posted by: beansidhe
a reply to: jacygirl

Yours was cute and funny but mine is just creepy and weird.

Mine was creepy and weird too until I wrote it funny, lol. C'mon...YOU are a writer!
Besides, you owe us a story....a deal's a deal...I showed you mine and all that!

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: jacygirl

My wife is the perfect female in all of reality.. she's from beyond time and space.. perfect in every way.. hot.. brilliant..funny... perfect..

But after that "Ferret Post", if the fore mentioned were not true.. I'd be IN LOVE!



posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: UniFinity

Don't believe me that's a good thing: question everything, always.
But (no offense) you seem a bit one sided with all that Yogi and Buddha stuff.

The whole is the truth.
Do you know what a bushido is? Not everybody is one, but it is a world model I like very much. Find your purpose and live it with your last breathe. It is all energy.
Dreams are an open door, there is your awareness, your sub-conscience and the collective; in dreams all three communicate.
You are a part of the collective even if you live in a shag in the woods with no contacts you are never alone.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: jacygirl

My wife is the perfect female in all of reality.. she's from beyond time and space.. perfect in every way.. hot.. brilliant..funny... perfect..

But after that "Ferret Post", if the fore mentioned were not true.. I'd be IN LOVE!



Says the guy who just called the member I am relating to 'drastically mentally ill".

Pfffft. You also don't appear to know what ferrets are for. They are for *squishy hugs*

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:48 PM
I get mixed emotions when I read all these fantastic stories of "high strangeness". On one hand, I'm almost jealous of guys like Bassplyr. Like, why does this guy get to see flying triangles multiple times and leave his body and fly around. And oh, by the way, saw a wraith materialize out of a wall, no biggie. Meanwhile, I've existed 38 years in my personal reality without experiencing anything like this. Why is my life so boring? What am I doing wrong that I cannot witness such things? Is my mind simply too closed off to see the true reality of this existence? However, upon further reflection, perhaps that simply isn't meant to be a part of my reality. Maybe I'm not ready to experience this. Could it be that I am actually lucky that I haven't had to experience such unexplainable events?
Its not that I am a skeptic, mind you. My parents opened up the rabbit hole for me at the tender age of 5, as we were stargazing into the Northern California sky one night. Mom lets the cat out of the bag that dad saw something strange way out in the Stanislaus National Forest. Mom gives me a brief rundown of ufo's, flying saucers, aliens and strange cattle mutilations. After grilling my dad, he somewhat reluctantly describes seeing 7 lights flying in a large v formation, that appeared to be almost skipping off the "atmosphere" like a rock skipped on a pond. He couldn't tell if it was 7 separate objects or one solid object, but he was quite sure that its speed and movents were far beyond human understanding. My dad, a tough and rugged outdoorsman who never expressed much emotion, described being extremely freaked out and high tailed it outta those woods as fast as he could, abandoning the truckload of firewood he was about to load up. This story affected me deeply, as I felt both fear and incredible awe. It stuck in my consciousness and became a part of my reality.
The more I read here, the less I feel I know. The fantastic tales I hear really make me think sometimes. Could it be that maybe my life hasn't been as "normal" and uneventful as I perceive? I remember the Sunday school class that my mom taught at the old church down the street, where I was given the simplified lessons of the Bible. The church was built in the 1800's and I absolutely had a feeling of dread upon entering the chapel portion of the building. Something felt very creepy in there and I avoided it as much as possible. But all was well, as mom was basically babysitting us kids in another area of the building, while the adults attended services in the chapel. It wasn't so bad learning about this nice fellow named Jesus, reading basically a comic book kiddie version of bible stories. Learned that youre supposed to be nice to others and not do bad things. Jesus sounded like a swell dude but his Dad up in heaven didn't always sound like the greatest guy. I just kinda took this programming at face value, without much questioning. The two things that troubled my 6 year old mind however, were how could this God guy exist? Surely he couldn't just make himself out of thin air. My mom was not a religious nut, basically just trying to teach us some values, simply said "he always was, and always will be". My brain short circuited at this point. I wasn't really buying it, but it was easier to just focus on more interesting things. Like, that bad fellow in the red suit with the horns n hooves. He was a bad guy and I had a great deal of fear concerning him. I tried not to think about it but my curious mind needed to learn more about this evil monster. Mom sent mixed signals, sometimes saying he wasn't really real, just a representation of the temptation to make bad choices. Yet, in trying to calm my fears about the horns, hooves and pitchfork, explained that he could take on any form he chose in order to do his work. Said he could be a beautiful woman or a bottle of booze. That I remember her exact words well over 30 years ago, tells you how deeply they affected my reality.
I know I'm rambling now and its becoming obvious to me that Its gonna take a while to get this all out there. I apologize if it is off topic and not the usual exciting tale we all love reading about. But if you can bare with me, I think I have a point to make somewhere. But right now I have a toddler that wants to play and a nagging gf who isn't a fan of ATS so I must bid farewell for now. Truly though, I thank you all for sharing and thank you to anyone taking the time to read my scattered writing.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: jacygirl

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: Baddogma

... and wind up going to places where outcasts congregate.


Welcome to the Island of Misfit Toys.
It's all good, we have cookies.

In the entire WORLD that Christmas movie and that phrase is my wife's favorite thing --- PERIOD,
other than her puppy dogs and her husband of course.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Did that help?

Enormously, thank you so much for posting that.

Some parts of the human body, particularly ones with large concentrations of non-cranial nerves (sexual, stomach, heart), in the shamanic/kundalini model anyway (and my experience.. and using different words.. many old corrupted models).. tend to accumulate, ummmm... "stuff". This stuff is a micro-environment.

We have 3 known brains - so far. One in our head, one in our

...stomach, whose complex work is under the control of what's sometimes called "the little brain", a network of neurons that line your stomach and your gut. Surprisingly, there are over 100 million of these cells in your gut, as many as there are in the head of a cat.
And all those neurons lining our digestive system allow it to keep in close contact with the brain in your skull, via the vagus nerves, which often influence our emotional state. For instance when we experience "butterflies in the stomach", this really is the brain in the stomach talking to the brain in your head. As we get nervous or fearful, blood gets diverted from our gut to our muscles and this is the stomach's way of protesting.

BBC - stomach brain

and a third in the heart:

After extensive research, Armour (1994) introduced the concept of functional ‘heart brain’. His work revealed that the heart has a complex intrinsic nervous system that is sufficiently sophisticated to qualify as a ‘l ittle brain’ in its own right.
The heart’s brain is an intricate network of several types of neurons, neurotransmitters, proteins and support cells similar to those found in the brain proper. Its elaborate circuitry enables it to act independently of the cranial brain – to learn, remember, and even feel and sense. The heart’s nervous system contains around 40,000 neurons, called sensory neurites (Armour, 1991).
Information from the heart - including feeling sensations - is sent to the brain through several afferents. These afferent nerve pathways enter the brain at the area of the medulla, and cascade up into the higher centres of the brain, where they may influence perception, decision making and other cognitive processes (Armour, 2004).

Royal College of Psychiatrists

That's got to be some example of science catching up with older knowledge. I'll await your other posts with more info.

edit on 30-1-2016 by beansidhe because: fix

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: Peeple

well, what can I say, I like them all.
Not just yogis and buddhist, but saints, sufis, taoist and shamans and any others...but I just like to use words that I am most familiar with.

I see no problem with that as long as the point gets across : )

thanks for answers!
edit on 1454190801153January531533116 by UniFinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:52 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Really? I mean is it? That still leaves so much room for interpretation and it feels like I am halfway there, but something still entirely evades me. If I just knew what the right question is...
I am so sure you could help me. But for the life of me I don't know what it is. I have to ask you something. You know what a messed up feeling that is? You are here, I am here, the question is missing...
I am stuck. Like seriously reached a dead end.
And the messed up part is, this is literally all I am doing lately, looking for the next question.
Sorry this is my personal mess, you don't know what I am looking for.

I'm certain that we could find it together.

You want something..

Your brain / experience tells you that you can't get it.

You want me to tell you that you can.

"Go Go Gadget Powers!"


posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Haha, I am crazy. As far as society is concerned. Doesn't bother me much though, label me if you must.

Isn't that kind of what always happens? The closest ones "get concerned" and for their comfortability you take a break, take some drugs, convince the doctors you are fine and get back to what you have to do. I am physically totally fine, MRI, EEG, LP all without noticeable problems. Just peculiar interests.

And no, it is more like my brain tells me that I have no clue what I should focus on next.
I tried Alien contact: doesn't work. Not in any satisfying physical way. I was looking for demons: nothing. I practised telepathy: meh.
I seriously don't know what I should be looking for next.
edit on 30-1-2016 by Peeple because: add

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:57 PM

originally posted by: jacygirl

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: beansidhe

that the babies live "unripened" at the base of the spine near the perineum.
They live in a little "micro-environment nursery".


In reference to the above quote, I have a question that's somewhat risqué.

"The 'babies' that live "unripened" at the base of the spine near the perineum"....what exactly does that have to do with those who...practice dark arts? The ones who believe that sodomy (ugh sorry everyone...but basically that raping boys gives them some sort of power).

I'm just really striving to understand why some things seem so rampant, like pedophiles...and dark cruel twisted individuals. What do some of these individuals believe they are achieving, Kev?



Yes, they are using the babies too, for their own dark purpose.

I want to detonate all known reality to kill the people who do that..

I won't. (Can't). But wouldn't if I could.

Great question though -- brilliant really.


posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: Peeple

You've broken your mind, to find your truth.

Good Job!


posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: Tuomptonite

Hey, no rush!
None of us 'know', we all have our own views and mythology that we draw from just like you. Those images and words that stick with us shape us more than we realise until we stop, and consider them for a while.
I see this thread as a good place to stop for a while and think - I'm glad you came to join in too.

edit on 30-1-2016 by beansidhe because: sp

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: jacygirl

I'm just jealous that I don't have any ferrets

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