a reply to:
We may surprise you
In your book it sounds to me like you will be including an 'expose' on Kundalini, amongst others I'm sure.
Explaining what happens to you as you go through the process and why it causes so many people issues?
Which in turn would provide a sort of 'how to kundalini safely' - what is required for a safe passage ....
At the very least a 'how not to' would provide a lot of clues.
Exploring why so many people are looking for it? (which to me shows that we are not lost yet and can still turn things around.)
Although you do say you will be looking at the wagon rather than the contents so does that mean you will be looking at the 'nuts and bolts of the
Universe' and how it hangs together rather than how to interact with it?
Would that include a 'map/model' of sorts as presumably you can't describe and explain something you can't define?
Will you mainly be looking at the 'dark' universe and how it affects our physical one and vice versa?
and oh so many more questions (as always)
I don't mean to badger you (well obviously I do
) and often my questions are just me framing my understanding and hoping to perhaps spark a
thought/understanding in others.
Would also love to know what sort of experiments you are thinking of.
I can also understand why some (well lots) would not want you writing such a book for differing reasons but lets just stick with your 'guy'.
I would assume he and of course you would not want a repeat of that 'void lord' experience and if you were to provide a 'dummies guide' for all then
all kinds of 'hell' could be let loose.
See by working through that it becomes clear (to me anyway) why such a book COULD be very dangerous and why you would choose to concentrate on 'your
red wagon' but how can you explain that without showing the way in?
Would love to spend an evening round a fire with you folks, just bouncing ideas, looking at the stars and listening to the Universe. So somebody
PUHLEASE explain how to manipulate matter at a quantum level and we can all just pick a spot somewhere in the middle of nowhere and meet there. (I'll
bring a fire stick, tinder and some kindling to get it going)
Will stop my rambling again