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originally posted by: thepowerisinyou
a reply to: Ghost147
Im starting to like you and pity you at the same time.
originally posted by: thepowerisinyou
a reply to: Ghost147
You never had any communication with God, feel loved, feel protected? F**k facts, have some faith....
originally posted by: thepowerisinyou
a reply to: Ghost147
Pray, trust God, He is always there for you, don't dissappoint Him, respect His word, don't push Him away!
originally posted by: MikhailBakunin
During the day... study the arts.... meditate all that you can, look up how to open your 3rd eye... The way the daemon communicates is through telepathy since you're new to this whole thing.... that's why meditation is very important... to hear him and not yourself.
New Age "spirituality" is just another TRAP set by the elite and inventors of religion, for the purpose of social control. ...they created New Age religion to keep people trapped in the matrix of CONTROL. It's like a last ditch effort to hold people down, to keep the ones who are "getting away" from escaping their control.
"New Age" Religion/Spirituality: Just more HYPOCRISY and MIND CONTROL
originally posted by: OkieDokie
My mother still suffers from attacks at that house, as does my aunt. I believe that these shadow people gain strength from the use of occultic objects and rituals. In an attempt to get rid of the activity at the house, my mother has burned sage, hung up dream catchers, and surrounds herself with anything paranormal. She has tried demanding for this thing to leave and has gone through meditations and imagining light surrounding the house.
Throughout all of this, the shadow person has at times stepped up the attacks, or has remained unchanged. Others here have mentioned that they have only seen the shadow people while meditating. I believe that all of these activities give them an "in" if you will. My life has finally been rid of these shadow people and the only way that has happened is from me drawing close to Christ, spending time in the Word, and getting rid of any idols, as well as anything new-agey, paranormal, occultic ect. Like I had mentioned before, I was a Christian prior to all of these things taking place, but I wasn't living like it.
originally posted by: JayinAR
I I was mad as hell when I ran my spooks off and they don't come around much anymore. Nowadays it is just your average poltergeist crap ever once in awhile. Also I would add that meditation is what kicked off the worst experiences for me. Be careful with that stuff.
originally posted by: JiggyPotamus
A place that was never haunted before can become haunted, but I would say that the majority of the time there was something done to bring these entities in. Dabbling in the occult is apt to accomplish this, but sometimes it only takes something as simple as meditating. Meditation opens a person up, or can at least, to such things. It can act as a beacon to certain entities. I don't know how often it happens, but I know it can happen, for whatever reason. So my advice to everyone is don't mess around, even if you "think" you know what you're doing
New Age deep meditation and hypnotism are particularly dangerous. They are not recognized as being channels to demons, but they provide a direct pathway for demonic influence upon the mind. Communication with demons
Meditation is the technique whereby a person empties his mind of all conscious thought, while chanting a series of repetitive words or phrases as many times as possible. Once a person does this repeatedly, he/she will begin to experience the phenomenon whereby the mind begins to lose its normal contact with the body. This phenomena is called an "Out-of-Body" experience, and is very common in occultic circles.
Once the mind loses its normal connection with the body the person then is ready to meet his/her "Guiding Spirit". Christian author, Johanna Michaelson, captures the Satanic essence of meditation and Guiding Spirits in her book, "The Beautiful Side Of Evil". Guiding Spirits identify themselves by name, including Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, or one of the Apostles.
The person who is involved is truly deceived into thinking they have just discovered THE one, true way to actually come into contact with God. In reality, they have just come into contact with a Satanic demon, who has temporarily transformed himself into a being appearing very kind, gentle, and wise. The stage is set for these demonic beings to manipulate and mislead their human victims. These people have become demonically possessed. WALK-INS
The human spirit has tremendous power. Because man is in bondage to sin, for him to access now his human spirit with his soul means using the power of the human spirit for greater evil and sin. That is why all religions outside of the Bible and Jesus Christ tell you to meditate by blanking your mind. Why? Satan is behind this teaching because he wants access to our human spirit and the tremendous power it holds to use for His evil purposes.
Since for this reason God does not want us to access our human spirit, the only way a religious person outside of Christ is able to access his human spirit is though demonic power, a demonic spirit bridging the human soul to the human spirit, but under the demonic spirit’s control. For this reason, God in His Word forbids us to access our human spirit.
The Human Spirit and Meditation
originally posted by: thepowerisinyou
a reply to: Ghost147
I understand all that you're saying, but let me keep my God and you keep your wisdom if thats all you have.
originally posted by: Ghost147
Religion had it's time thousands of years ago. It is time for it to now wither from society.
You might wonder "How on earth God could hate religion? Ridiculous! God loves religion. GOD IS RELIGION! Or at least He's completely in favour of it... surely? Saying that 'God hates religion' seems like talk of 'Peace keeping Missiles' or 'Cold heat'. Impressive contradictions designed to catch our attention.
But its true, God does hate religion. And the reason is that religion is not relationship. Religion is all about us trying to impress God with large buildings, sacrifices, good works and inspirational cultural achievements. But, and this may be hard to hear, God's just not interested in us impressing him.
You see, Religion is like washing your hands to clean your heart - hopeless window dressing. You may as well put a band aid on cancer! And God hates that we do it. He hates that we pretend that religion is the answer. In the Bible God says, "They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men."
What God wants is relationship. Not on our terms with our rules and rituals. He doesn't want us to do something to establish relationship with him. No, He's done what needs to be done. You could say, God's already done the religious thing. He sent his son Jesus to die on the cross to pay for our sin so that we can have friendship with him. Jesus' death is the only offering that pleases God. It is the only religious sacrifice that God accepts. One way of thinking about this is that Religion is what we try to do to please God whereas Jesus' death and resurrection is what God has already done that saves us.
It's true, God hates religion!
Almost everything man has put his hand to he has ruined the sea, the land, and the very air we breathe. We just must be in control. Even the Almighty has not been safe from smudged human fingerprints. Religion became the container we put God into. We took something pure and simple and complicated it; then we made up rules and regulations and called them holy. Every Sunday we visit a building we call church and follow a rite we call religion. Everyone thinks that God and religion are synonymous, but they are actually opposites.
God has a much better plan for us. He never wanted to be perceived as distant, judging, or overshadowing. He wanted to be part of us and every moment of our lives. But man decided that wasn't right for the Creator of the universe, so they made him big, unreachable and surrounded him with traditions, laws and rituals.
...all he ever wanted was to love us and to be our Father, to throw off the heavy armor of religion and don the velvet cloak of relationship. Most importantly she directs us to where we can embrace who we were always meant to be by getting to know God, who he is and what he likes and dislikes. And one thing is for sure God Hates Religion!
God Hates Religion!
"What if I told you Jesus came to abolish religion... just because you call some people blind doesn’t automatically give you vision..."
originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
God doesn't lie either - but he veils the truth from those who consider themselves wise in their own eyes. Finding the truth is a matter of humility and the acceptance of our need for grace (nobody can be counted pure in the eyes of God... Perseverance in seeking the person of God is the key. If we knock, the door will be opened. After that, it's just a matter of time until he 'leads us into all truth' by the power of His Spirit.
originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
You are an open-minded sort of person, by the look of things! A rare thing in these days and times. I would advise you to pray a simple prayer, and see what happens. Test it out! Simply say: ''God, if you are real, would you reveal yourself to me in some way. I want to know the Truth...''
That's what I did ten years ago, and the very next day someone walked past me in the street, before stopping, turning back and pointing to me. She said: '"You've been praying. God answers prayer. Come with me...'' She was prompted by the still, small voice of calm, the voice of God's own Spirit, who lives with all believers, to be an intermediary between me and God, to prove His existence, so that I could answer the call of God, to give my life to Him.
I came to faith in Christ through her talking with me, and since that day God has shown me a thousand things that I would have no natural way of knowing. He does so in order to help us in real, practical and spiritual ways, and to help others to come to know Him. He desires for you to walk with Him, and to know His voice, and to bless your life in a million different ways. Take it or leave it - but I hope you take it, in faith.
Ask, and you will receive. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. Don't bother with 'Droidus the spirit guide' (or others like him) - he has no answers for anyone; not even those who are devoted to him. God Himself will be your guide.
originally posted by: WeAllDieSoon
The nature of the Truth is that not everyone hears it. The proof of God is everywhere. Creation itself is proof. Knowing the Truth and proclaiming it is not pride. I can provide evidence, which I already have, but proof is something that comes from God. The truth is either God revealed the truth or He didn't. The truth is you have been given the ability to seek the truth. Where there is smoke...
Me, I know because I spent years seeking. My God has revealed Himself to me. He does that after you seek Him. He does it because He said He would. You can't know if I am telling the truth, though. That is because God designed your reality so that it is up to you, personally, to seek the truth. If you hear it, and believe it, you will seek God. And then you will know what I know.
originally posted by: thepowerisinyou
I dont live in fear, if the sky would fall on me, I would have Who to turn to, there is a higher purpose in life and it's called GOD.
The good news is that modern culture, based on the premise there is no inherent purpose or positive design in human life, has been exposed as a long-term Illuminati psy-op designed to demoralize us. It will fail.
The Satanic Origin of Modern Cult-ure
...historians, educators and journalists collaborate by upholding a false reality and distracting us from the truth. Our world, our perception of the human experience, are shaped by an occult secret society. Our culture is an elaborate psy-op.
The Satanic Cult That Rules the World
POPULAR CULTURE = BRAINWASHING. "Popular culture" (music, TV, movies, books, fashion etc.) is NOT spontaneous but corporate controlled and manufactured. "Today's mass culture operates like the opium trade: The supply determines the demand."
Bankers Are Behind The Counter Culture
Modern Western culture is based on denying objective truth and erecting a false reality in its place. The New World Order is dedicated to replacing Truth with a solipsism created by the same people who create money from nothing and charge interest.
Modern society is based on a solipsism created by Illuminati (Cabalist) Jewish bankers and their Masonic minions. The word "solipsism" means a self-created reality that has little or no connection with Truth. Instead of being dedicated to Truth, humanity has been hijacked by the bankers. The "New World Order" is a solipsism that stymies and enslaves mankind while increasing the bankers' power and wealth. We are being drawn into a solipsism that inverts good and evil; truth and lies. We are being inducted into a satanic cult.
Thus kulture is contrived. How do we know what we know? We are taught by the mass media and the education system. But what if they were subverted by a satanic secret society, i.e. the Illuminati? The mass media and education system promote this suspension of reality. Truth is suppressed. Lies are promulgated. Negative or self-destructive behavior is portrayed in a positive light.
How the Illuminati Control Culture
originally posted by: thepowerisinyou
a reply to: Ghost147
I dont live in fear, if the sky would fall on me, I would have Who to turn to, there is a higher purpose in life and it's called GOD.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
You are referring to religion, he is not. You clearly have God and religion confused. God is NOT religious, nor is He the one behind religion. The two have NOTHING in common and in fact are total opposites. Which is why Jesus opposed religion and the religious people hated Him so fiercely.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
But its true, God does hate religion.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
And the reason is that religion is not relationship. Religion is all about us trying to impress God with large buildings, sacrifices, good works and inspirational cultural achievements. But, and this may be hard to hear, God's just not interested in us impressing him.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
What God wants is relationship.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
God has a much better plan for us.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
...all he ever wanted was to love us and to be our Father
originally posted by: Ghost147
Where does one get the information about these gods? The religion.
originally posted by: Ghost147
what evidence does a person have to decipher which god is talking to them? What's the evidence that shows that Satan isnt pretending to be god?
originally posted by: Ghost147
You speak with a lot of certainty despite providing no evidence.
originally posted by: Ghost147
Ah, so this is all personal opinion then?
originally posted by: Ghost147
What is your evidence that God wants a relationship?
What is your evidence that God has a better plan for us?
What is your evidence that all god ever wanted was to love us?
originally posted by: Murgatroid
If God ever visits you like he did me, you will no longer ask the type of questions you are asking.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
He isn't interested in people just knowing ABOUT Him. When He visits you, you will KNOW what is real.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
If you ever decide you want answers, you only need to do what he did above, I did and I can assure you that it DOES work just like he said it does.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
Look, are you going to stop spending money just because counterfeit money exists? That makes JUST as much sense.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
I speak with certainty only because of the fact that I have personally experienced what I am talking about.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
My evidence will not help you, as I said above, wisdom is only gained through experience.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
You want evidence?
Do what 'FlyInTheOintment' described above and you'll have more evidence than you can deal with in one lifetime.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
You mean kinda like what YOU have been saying all along here?
originally posted by: Murgatroid
My evidence is what happened when God decided to show up and show out.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
You weren't meant to believe that my experience was real, my experience was for me.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
Again, talk is cheap, results require action.
originally posted by: Murgatroid
I posted the quotes above by 'FlyInTheOintment' for a reason, my experiences were similar to his.
If you ever decide you want answers, you only need to do what he did above, I did and I can assure you that it DOES work just like he said it does