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Community rallies behind 6-year-old transgender girl

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posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 05:13 AM
I fear that a lot of people think that this is a new phenomenon and that because others do it, more people are going to copy this.
I see it differently. First of all, who cares if the kid is happy?

If she changes her mind later on, who cares? I don't, it's her life and there are a lot of hormones involved that change throughout your life. As long as it is right at the time.

I understand that people fear that this person makes a wrong decision and will regret it later, and that sometimes psychotherapy would be a safer option.

I understand that, but for any large enough issue, there will be exceptions. From religion to anything, that doesn't change the FACT that there is a MAJORITY out there that are genuinely affected. Don't condemn them.

I know that humans, their behaviour and their inner feelings have never changed and never will, we are slaves to our inner workings. We have always been the same in history and will be in the future.

The only thing that changes is the attitude towards people who feel different to the 'norm'.

The illusion that being open minded causes more people to go 'funny' is wrong too, instead, a more open minded and friendly society makes it safe for people who feel differently to come forward. So it seems 'as if' there are more.

Why can't people just be glad that the awareness is there and the possibilities to make people feel at one with their bodies and minds?
Because you don't 'like it'?

If you get your knickers in a twist over this, you show far too much interest in the subject. Get a hobby and let others be.

edit on 7-12-2015 by Hecate666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: Freija

Everybody is biased in this topic, so please don't tell me you see the situation from an impersonal point of view.
A boy at the age of 6 who thinks he is a girl should have extensive psychological treatment and do whatever is possible to help him; considering his very young age there wasn't time for that, no matter how much you try to defend his freak parents.
If you think he will "socially transition" into gender happiness you are wrong; he will simply become a boy in skirts, a freak, a target for the other kids. Aren't we all seen enough of these? This whole situation is beyond absurd.

If she changes her mind at 10 and wants to be a boy as some children do, what real harm has been done?

This show how much you don't understand about children. You cannot play with a kid gender identity like that, you're a boy but is ok to be a girl from today on, oh and if you behave you'll be back a boy whenever you want. Normal teenager have problems figuring out their identity and personality; if this is just a phase I can't imagine how messed up that kid will be, boy or girl or whatever.

Stop also a minute to think of adult transgender people. Looking at the negative or unpleasant comments in this thread alone, never mind all the other trans posts here and the crazy number of stars they get, wouldn't that alone make you feel hated and sub-human?

I am thinking of transgender people. But I am also thinking of autistic people, disabled people, Down Syndrome people, mute people and so on. The LGTB people are not the only ones born with problems, you know, but are the only ones who make a circus out of it. How do you think an autistic child feels in terms of sub-human?
Transgenders are the only ones who refuse to admit that their problem is an abnormality, not a norm. They don't seem to want compassion but a media parade.

edit on 7-12-2015 by WhiteHat because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 06:01 AM
I think the article linked by the op for this thread was shameless 'clickbait'.
Just from some of the comments the op made in the post, they knew that they were basically creating a thread that was clickbait on here.

The whole concept of a child who is 6 years old, being able to determine such adult things is ridiculous.
There's a reason they are a 'Minor'.
There's a reason a 10 year old is a 'Minor'.
There's a reason a 15 year old is a 'Minor'.

I know the op seems hellbent on trying to justify this (grossly exaggerated clickbait) article as being something actually worthy of consideration to grown adults, but it is truly IMMORAL to suggest that a 6 year old child should be taken seriously, and encouraged to decide!
A 6 year old has no concept of death, or the future of their life.

A really simple and possibly astute argument is that 6 year olds often have imaginary friends...
Have a think about that.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 06:23 AM
a reply to: Iamnotadoctor
Someone that understands and thinks logically. Thank you.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 07:22 AM

originally posted by: WhiteHat
Everybody is biased in this topic, so please don't tell me you see the situation from an impersonal point of view.

I have made it quite clear that I am an advocate and do not deny being biased. I am also quite familiar with the plight of trans kids, have a broad general knowledge of these matters and of the negative societal attitudes and lack of information regarding this phenomenon. My intent in bringing attention to this story is to encourage dialog, awareness and understanding because believe it or not, when some people get more than a sound byte or see some high profile transgender celebrity on TV, the possibility exists that they might just learn something or dog forbid, gain a more informed opinion.

A boy at the age of 6 who thinks he is a girl should have extensive psychological treatment and do whatever is possible to help him; considering his very young age there wasn't time for that, no matter how much you try to defend his freak parents. If you think he will "socially transition" into gender happiness you are wrong; he will simply become a boy in skirts, a freak, a target for the other kids. Aren't we all seen enough of these? This whole situation is beyond absurd.

The story says her parents spent a year dealing with this before their child's transition. Don't you think during that time and probably before that this child and the entire family has undergone extensive psychological evaluation and counseling? Trans kids and their families are analyzed, evaluated and monitored on an on-going regular basis. What the heck do you think the "treatment" is for this? Punishment? Electroshock therapy? Medication?

This show how much you don't understand about children. You cannot play with a kid gender identity like that, you're a boy but is ok to be a girl from today on, oh and if you behave you'll be back a boy whenever you want. Normal teenager have problems figuring out their identity and personality; if this is just a phase I can't imagine how messed up that kid will be, boy or girl or whatever.

No, this shows exactly how much you don't understand about transgender children. I understand why you think the way you do but this is driven by the child and not by the parent "playing" with their gender identity. Some kids will desist and most of them will just grow up to be homosexual but in any event, a person's subjective sense of gender can only be determined by them, not you, not me and not their parents. If a child is so completely overwhelmed from their feeling that they should be a girl when they are male or vice versa that their depression, anxiety and sense of total wrongness impedes their function, learning and socialization, when all efforts to change this perception have failed, what's left for a parent or caregiver to do? You'll see it over and over again that these children that do transition are happier and more comfortable, less angry with improved socialization and do better in school.

As to being a "boy in skirts, a freak, a target for the other kids", that's the whole purpose of the school wanting to read the I am Jazz book to her classmates so that they may have some understanding of what's going on and so they won't bully and tease. If you had a physically challenged child, would you want them to be bullied, harassed and teased? If not, why would it be okay for a transgender child to be. This is not PC madness gone wild. It is humane and civil treatment of someone that does have problems that makes them a little different from the other kids.

True, "normal" teenagers have problems figuring out their identity and personality. Transgender children and teens have this much worse, like a hundred times worse especially when they are looked at as mentally ill freaks that shouldn't exist. A person's sense of their own gender is the very foundation for their personality and identity and is a lot more fundamental than figuring out if they're emo or goth or even gay or straight.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 07:38 AM
When future men look back upon our nations in judgement, this heinous mutilation of our children will be why we are savages just like those before us.

This phenomenon is not progress, it is degenerate.

Many people who are ill of mind would find it a temporary boon to their mood if you engage and entertain their delusions, it's only those who are deluded in this way that get that lifelong entertaining from those too weak or too foolish to stand for sanity.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 07:52 AM
Well I thank you Freija for bringing the existence of the Liberty Council to my attention. I will be directing some of my money in their direction now, as I see they can get results. They will be getting a portion of my business sales as well. It is good to know here in my state we will not put up with the perversion of children and their minds.

I hope Trump has enough backbone to add "encouraging deviant transgender behavior" under corruption of a minor and even sexual exploitation of a minor when he gets the presidency. This kind of encouragement from adults should be a felony crime, and is very irresponsible. It is more likely this child was feeling down because they were being abused and someone needed a cover...

disgusting disgusting disgusting.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: Iamnotadoctor
I think the article linked by the op for this thread was shameless 'clickbait'.
Just from some of the comments the op made in the post, they knew that they were basically creating a thread that was clickbait on here.

Bingo! Absolutely spot on and 100% correct! My experience here is that any recent thread with transgender in the topic is "clickbait" and I wanted to use that to my advantage to share the positive story of a family and special little girl and of the community that stood up to support them. Six hundred of friends, neighbors, classmates and other parents showed up for the reading of a book and two hundred high school students stood outside in the snow for the reading of the book that is geared for primary school age kids and younger. Yay Mount Horeb, Wisconsin!

The whole concept of a child who is 6 years old, being able to determine such adult things is ridiculous.

How can you say knowing what gender you feel you are is an "adult" thing. Were you an adult before you knew you were a boy (or girl)? A child's gender identity is usually set by four or during the fourth year and in some a little earlier. In most cases it is innate and immutable and in most cases, aligned with their anatomy. This is not sexuality or sexual orientation. Consider the child with DSD (difference/disorder of sexual development), formerly called hermaphrodites but now referred to as intersexed that may have ambiguous genitalia or a mix and match of male and female reproductive parts. At birth, their sex may be undetermined but their parents may decide to raise and guide them as either boys or girls since our culture is so obsessed with the binary either/or. In many of these cases, the parents guess wrong and when their child hits that 3 to 4 range, their gender and which one a child thinks they are becomes clear. How do you explain that? Should we not believe they are a boy or a girl until they are "adults" and can understand such things? Thinking along these lines, a 6 y/o transgender child is more than capable of knowing what gender they are

I know the op seems hellbent on trying to justify this (grossly exaggerated clickbait) article as being something actually worthy of consideration to grown adults, but it is truly IMMORAL to suggest that a 6 year old child should be taken seriously, and encouraged to decide!
A 6 year old has no concept of death, or the future of their life.

Oh, I'm hellbent and probably hellbound but I am trying to explain rather than justify and don't appreciate you imposing YOUR concepts of morality or what's right or wrong or deeming this conversation unworthy of consideration. I happen to think it is important. Since we're just slinging opinions around here, I happen to think it is IMMORAL, not to mention cruel and uncaring to not treat transgender children in the way that is best for them or deny them medical care and treatment or transition when all else fails. I would agree though that any parent that encourages this should be drawn and quartered but this is something most parents are completely horrified by and something they wouldn't wish on anyone.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: Freija

Next thing to come, babies becoming transgender hours from birth, the danger of transgender thinking in America to become an epidemic to be use by unhappy parent when the sex of their child is not what the want.

This whole idiotic trend needs to be stopped before it guess out of hands and the lives of children are altered of ever.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:27 AM
Domo's post was right on. People have problems accepting those who are different. If they don't understand it, they hate it and shun it. It's human nature.

I am saddened by the ignorance and small-mindedness of the posters here. Gender dysphoria has been around for thousands of years in most cultures. Some cultures have accepted it, some have not. It isn't a "new trend". The only thing new is that our culture, which was always one of the ones that didn't accept it, is now struggling with the decision.

There is one main reason why there is such a high rate of suicide among the transgender population - the person didn't transition early enough (before puberty). When the transition is later, it is most times not a very successful transition, i.e., the person is not able to "pass" convincingly as the identified gender. This makes it obvious they are transgender, which doesn't make them happy (they don't want to look "transgender", they want to look exactly like the gender they identify with) Because they always look like they are in some stage of transition, this makes them obvious to the hateful, small-minded people who don't accept them.

The transgender people who were able to transition before puberty set in, are much more successful in the transition and consequently tend to be much happier. These are the transgender folks who no one knows are transgender (except family members and close friends), because they don't have any features of the gender they were born with - no "man hands", no adam's apple, no big shoulders, etc. This is a small group right now, as the whole hormone blocker protocol hasn't been used that long. As this group get bigger, transgender people will be more accepted, for the simple fact that no one they work with, or live next door to, or meet at a party will even know.

We've had at least a couple of these very transgender people on ATS, who were run off by the small-minded while they were trying to tell of their positive experience at transitioning early before puberty set in.

edit on 7-12-2015 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:30 AM

originally posted by: AmericanRealist
Well I thank you Freija for bringing the existence of the Liberty Council to my attention. I will be directing some of my money in their direction now, as I see they can get results. They will be getting a portion of my business sales as well. It is good to know here in my state we will not put up with the perversion of children and their minds.

I hope Trump has enough backbone to add "encouraging deviant transgender behavior" under corruption of a minor and even sexual exploitation of a minor when he gets the presidency. This kind of encouragement from adults should be a felony crime, and is very irresponsible. It is more likely this child was feeling down because they were being abused and someone needed a cover...

disgusting disgusting disgusting.

So you are going support and donate to a known hate organization? What does that say about you? Have you also considered donating to the KKK, Westboro Baptist Church, aryan brotherhood and neo-nazi causes? They sound like they're right up your alley?

Just curious.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: Freija

Isnt it ironic how a religious group is against it saying that its a psycholigical and moral disorder.. Have you ever read the bible? Its full of people with voices in their head. And not too metion they say its propaganda that holds no basis in science and reality..... Freaking religious not jobs are ignorant lmao

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:43 AM
a reply to: Freija

West Boro, maybe. They can be really entertaining from a First Amendment pov. KKK and NAZI are not my cup of tea. They like to play dress up, kind of like people who like to wear drag. So no thank you.

Even if the president cant change the law nationally, that does not mean we cannot get it done here in Florida. If our collective lobbying dollars has anything to say for the mental health and safety of our state's kids, it will be to criminalize this type of behavior by irresponsible adults and parents.

This magnitudes more dangerous than allowing children to play at the park on their own, like most of all human history with children exploring and experiencing the real world.

a reply to: IShotMyLastMuse

I can imagine how the parents of this clearly unstable same-sex couple likely just screamed and intimidated their child into this for money for a publicity stunt. Expect PAID interviews and magazine columns soon.

edit on 7-12-2015 by AmericanRealist because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:45 AM
a reply to: Freija

Here's a fact for you-Young children were once dressed unisex. Did that turn Jacks into Jills or vice versa?

Let kids be kids, why force a sexual identity on a child when the have no concept of gender let alone sexual orientation? If a boy wants to play with cabbage patch dolls instead of nerf guns then that's the childs choice and not the parents. The poor kid is probably wondering 'what does transgender mean?'

I can't help but think that some shrinks are enabling this neo Freudian BS. Let kids be kids!

edit on 7-12-2015 by Thecakeisalie because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: kaylaluv

"Our culture", no, your culture perhaps, but my culture, my people do not abide by those who would take a man, and destroy everything that makes him so.

As far as society becoming more "accepting" of transgendered people due to more advanced methods of plastic surgery and hormone therapy. HA! You mean they will be more easily able to deceive those around them as to their true nature.

You wouldn't have to hide what you were or are if society is going to accept you.

They're not, your kind may think you control the flow of "progress", you don't, and I assure you, society will be progressing right past these bankrupt ideologies in short order. Then you will see how it is to be a conservative, when the mores and traditions of your time are being overthrown, and you must defend them at every turn.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: VictoriaCromwell
When future men look back upon our nations in judgement, this heinous mutilation of our children will be why we are savages just like those before us.

This phenomenon is not progress, it is degenerate.

Many people who are ill of mind would find it a temporary boon to their mood if you engage and entertain their delusions, it's only those who are deluded in this way that get that lifelong entertaining from those too weak or too foolish to stand for sanity.

Oh, so we're mutilating our children now are we? Jeezus man, you are a dispassionate and grossly ill-informed person making ridiculous statements about something you obviously have no real knowledge about. Is this somehow supposed to stop transgender children and adults? Here's a bit of info for you - it won't. They have existed throughout all of history and cross all cultures and societies. Because these kids and people have stopped hiding in the shadows or just stopped killing themselves from the shame, ridicule and prejudice they face doesn't mean the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Yours maybe and I feel a little bit sorry for you but in one of those sorry but not sorry ways.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:48 AM

originally posted by: Freija

originally posted by: Iamnotadoctor
I think the article linked by the op for this thread was shameless 'clickbait'.
Just from some of the comments the op made in the post, they knew that they were basically creating a thread that was clickbait on here.

Bingo! Absolutely spot on and 100% correct! My experience here is that any recent thread with transgender in the topic is "clickbait" and I wanted to use that to my advantage to share the positive story of a family and special little girl and of the community that stood up to support them. Six hundred of friends, neighbors, classmates and other parents showed up for the reading of a book and two hundred high school students stood outside in the snow for the reading of the book that is geared for primary school age kids and younger. Yay Mount Horeb, Wisconsin!

The whole concept of a child who is 6 years old, being able to determine such adult things is ridiculous.

How can you say knowing what gender you feel you are is an "adult" thing. Were you an adult before you knew you were a boy (or girl)? A child's gender identity is usually set by four or during the fourth year and in some a little earlier. In most cases it is innate and immutable and in most cases, aligned with their anatomy. This is not sexuality or sexual orientation. Consider the child with DSD (difference/disorder of sexual development), formerly called hermaphrodites but now referred to as intersexed that may have ambiguous genitalia or a mix and match of male and female reproductive parts. At birth, their sex may be undetermined but their parents may decide to raise and guide them as either boys or girls since our culture is so obsessed with the binary either/or. In many of these cases, the parents guess wrong and when their child hits that 3 to 4 range, their gender and which one a child thinks they are becomes clear. How do you explain that? Should we not believe they are a boy or a girl until they are "adults" and can understand such things? Thinking along these lines, a 6 y/o transgender child is more than capable of knowing what gender they are

I know the op seems hellbent on trying to justify this (grossly exaggerated clickbait) article as being something actually worthy of consideration to grown adults, but it is truly IMMORAL to suggest that a 6 year old child should be taken seriously, and encouraged to decide!
A 6 year old has no concept of death, or the future of their life.

Oh, I'm hellbent and probably hellbound but I am trying to explain rather than justify and don't appreciate you imposing YOUR concepts of morality or what's right or wrong or deeming this conversation unworthy of consideration. I happen to think it is important. Since we're just slinging opinions around here, I happen to think it is IMMORAL, not to mention cruel and uncaring to not treat transgender children in the way that is best for them or deny them medical care and treatment or transition when all else fails. I would agree though that any parent that encourages this should be drawn and quartered but this is something most parents are completely horrified by and something they wouldn't wish on anyone.

Yes, I know, and knew you wouldn't even allow a small amount of what I was saying to seep into your skull.
I'm sure you don't have children of your own, or have been around 6 year olds for even a small amount of time.
Because if you had you (possibly) would understand that this whole news article, and story you allowed yourself to be sucked into is just WRONG.
I'm not going to feed into your insanity and insecurities after this post.
You need to learn that this whole 'trans' debate becomes totally IMMORAL when it degrades into adults allowing minors to influence them.
That's a fact.
And before you whinge further. This news article and this topic will never be a showcase on garbage TV like 'The view', or 'Ellen'.
This is a thread that will sink, and this topic will sink.
6 year old children REQUIRE supervision.

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:54 AM
a reply to: WhiteHat

How many transgender people have you spoken to or read about who transitioned before puberty set in? How many of those transgender people committed suicide or publicly stated they regretted the transition?

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: Freija

In regards to this disorder, I assure you there is no article, medical journal entry, study, research project, or the like that you have seen and I have not.

Ignorant! Ill-informed! Uneducated!

So many like to allude to the supposed stupidity or lack of knowledge of those that disagree with them.

"Ridicule, predjudice, shame".

I harbor no ill-will to children who suffer, it is those who would make their suffering lifelong that are my enemy.
edit on 7-12-2015 by VictoriaCromwell because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: Freija
Now before the regular gang that comes in here bashing transgender people and children, you know who you are, keep in mind this child isn't making a political statement or rebelling against society. This is not about sex or sexuality or mental illness. At the center of all this is a loving family in a difficult situation and a child that just wants to be accepted, included and not bullied.

*Reads page 1's posts*

That didn't take long...
edit on 7-12-2015 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

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