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Transgender Issues Finally Gain Recognition On Capitol Hill

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posted on Nov, 26 2015 @ 04:39 PM

also, i can give you tons of personal stories of how i was discriminated, would you believe them?

posted on Nov, 26 2015 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: NihilistSanta

Do you believe that we really need the First Amendment? i mean, if Religious and Religion don't face discrimination why should we have a special Law just for them?

Also, why don't Religious people not be allowed to wear crosses, or have Religious Tattoos, or Religious Clothes, lets also make it illegal to say "Bless you" or anything Prayer/God related

posted on Nov, 26 2015 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: Darth_Prime

Ive been discriminated against but I am not advocating society change because of it. Society doesn't revolve around me or my problems. Your first link has to do with things like the gay wedding cake issue. Same dead horse. I am all in favor of freedom of choice and association.

I don't need a religious argument to determine whether I think people should be allowed to do business with whom they like. I believe in consequences. Baker doesn't sell cake to a gay person then another baker will and the first baker misses out on profit. If they value something greater than profit more power to them. Its their choice.

If you want to wear a dress go ahead. Just don't expect for people to suddenly treat you like a woman. Again freedom of choice. The government isn't denying you anything. You are just attempting to force people to deal with you and your issues/representation or what have you through government intervention.

posted on Nov, 26 2015 @ 04:48 PM
Interesting to see yet another special interest non-issue get pushed above actually important issues effecting this country and the world around it.

posted on Nov, 26 2015 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: Darth_Prime

Wearing dresses, attending gay or trans events, having relationships and marriage etc are all legal. So is the right of people to express their sympathy or antipathy towards you.

posted on Nov, 26 2015 @ 05:11 PM
RE: "Mental Defect"

originally posted by: NihilistSanta
It is a clinical term.

You crack me up, Santa.

posted on Nov, 26 2015 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: OhOkYeah

Except these issues do affect people in this country, we are people in this Country

posted on Nov, 26 2015 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: NihilistSanta

Have you been discriminated against because you are Heterosexual?

i mean, do you really just not understand, or are you purposely pretending you don't?

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: Darth_Prime

How would I know unless the person discriminating against me stated that was why? Perhaps I have and wasn't aware THAT was the reason. Then again I don't adorn myself in whatever the colors and symbolism would be for the straight pride movement ...

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 01:50 AM

originally posted by: OhOkYeah
Interesting to see yet another special interest non-issue get pushed above actually important issues effecting this country and the world around it.

Great. Another one that doesn't think everyday personal lives matter.

Do you work, shop, socialize, rent? You know, just the everyday basics.

Have you been prevented from doing these basic every day things just because of who you are?

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: NihilistSanta

Well let me tell you that we are told why we are getting discriminated against.. and you are proving my point, we get discriminated because people know we are GLBTQ+ regardless if it's because we want to express ourselves however we want, if we didn't, we wouldn't get discriminated against,

you have proven that GLBTQ+ people get discriminated against for being who we are

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: Darth_Prime

Nah I just proved why people have designated areas for things like "nudist beaches" or colonies. Its illegal to wear mask in public in some spaces. Hockey players take off their skates when they leave the rink.

You are trying to make this into a homosexuality issue now as well. Trying to find an approach with broader appeal?

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: NihilistSanta
a reply to: Darth_Prime

Nah I just proved why people have designated areas for things like "nudist beaches" or colonies. Its illegal to wear mask in public in some spaces. Hockey players take off their skates when they leave the rink.

You are trying to make this into a homosexuality issue now as well. Trying to find an approach with broader appeal?

You make no sense.

And you've stated you will never accept "she men".

You've closed your mind.

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: NihilistSanta

No, you are proving that people discriminate against us (GLBTQ+ people) because they know we are, even if it's us "Flaunting it"

See, i'm saying we get discriminated against, you say that is because you make it known that you are GLBTQ+ and if you didn't "Flaunt it" than they wouldn't know and you wouldn't get discriminated against.

you are proving my point that GLBTQ+ people get discriminated against only because they know we are GLBTQ+

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Darth_Prime

Everyone on the face of the earth encounters some form of "discrimination" . That does not necessarily mean that "rights" are violated it just means you are judged by others. It is what makes us human. You want a world with no judgement? Good luck. My point still stands that you enjoy all the same basic rights as the rest of America and that you are really all about trying to force acceptance by the general population. Like Ive said before this is about "thought crime".

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: NihilistSanta

hiya Santa -
hope you had a good Thanksgiving.
Today I was just browsing around and I found this gem on WorldNetDaily courtesy of Linda Harvey:

Is there anyplace left for Christians to shop?

This...."lady"....has published in this rant all the places that Christians can't shop now and still be Christian -
she says Christians are being squeezed in their choices for shopping; the options are being whittled down to only a few places that are still 'anti-gay' enough for her to feel okay shopping there.

Well, it’s that time again – time to get out the Christmas list and start hitting the stores.

The problem is – what stores? For any Christian who wants to spend hard-earned dollars with family-friendly, Christian-affirming retailers, restaurants and service providers, the list is growing shorter all the time.

First she 'calls out' Macy's as a traitor

I stopped shopping at Macy’s in 2011 after learning about the retailer’s grossly unjust policy against women. Macy’s management said “yes” to a transsexual young man’s demand to change in the women’s dressing room and rejected a Christian employee’s attempt to block his inappropriate access, even firing her because of her principled actions.

.....then moves on; but here's the part about Target, which then moves toward Capitol Hill agenda and on-topic thoughts:

Selling “gay pride” T-shirts a few years back was bad enough, but Target is now “proudly standing” with homosexuals and cross-dressers who want to change America’s 1964 Civil Rights Act to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” through what pro-family colleague Peter LaBarbera is calling the “Criminalizing Christianity Act.”

This unjust and unequal “Equality Act,” H.R. 3185 and S. 1858, should be vigorously opposed by every thinking, Constitution-loving American, including every GOP presidential candidate.

Commitment to a veto is what we want for Christmas, folks.

Joining Target in supporting this anti-American, pro-deviance legislation are Amazon, General Mills, Google, Facebook, Paypal, Levi-Strauss and others.

You think this woman is right? (she even uses the phrase "Satan's Office Party" to describe this heinous group of companies)

So here are some major retailers where you might be tempted to shop this Christmas season, except that these businesses receive a 100 percent on this scorecard. In other words, Human Rights Campaign loves them as reliable supporters of sexual depravity.

Just remember, these businesses don’t want you as a customer; they apparently care little about freedom of conscience rights for their workers or patrons.

The 100 percent list includes Best Buy, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle Outfitters, Barnes & Noble, CVS, Dell, DIRECTV, E-Bay, Ford Motor Co., The Gap (includes Old Navy and Banana Republic), General Motors, Hallmark, Home Depot, IKEA, JC Penney, Levi-Strauss & Co., Macy’s, Mattel, Nationwide, Nike, Nissan, Nordstrom, Office Depot, Staples, Starbuck’s, Target, TJX Companies ( owns TJ Maxx and Marshall’s), Volkswagen and Walgreen’s.

It might be tough to never shop at any of these, but at least we can do what’s possible.

Oh noez! Nowhere to spend genuine Christian dollars without being contaminated with the gay!


edit on 11/28/2015 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: NihilistSanta

So you speak on behalf of the GLBTQ+ community? you obviously know how we think and what our true "Agenda" is, how we are waging a war on "Thoughts" and "Policing" people and their hate?

do i wish that we could eliminate ALL discrimination and hate and violence.. of course i do, i also know that it is improbable because people would rather hate and kill than accept others.

Every time a GLBTQ+ person is killed and attacked just because they are GLBTQ+ their right to live has been violated

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Darth_Prime

Everything you said is about individual choice. If a gay person is killed and it wasn't the government due to homosexuality being illegal then it is just about the choice of an individual to take a life. Society shouldn't condone that in any form and it doesn't because murder is illegal.

I didn't mention any agenda. You label dissenting opinions as hate and use that label to have it censored. That is thought crime. It is what it is.

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: BuzzyWigs

I have seen you complain about "our taxes dollars" being used for war or something that might have any hint of a religious tone. How is that any different? Do you think you should not be allowed to conscientiously object to where your money goes? Do you show support for things you support by spending money on causes, charities, and establishments etc? Besides its just one ladies opinion and hardly represents the governments position on anything.

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: NihilistSanta

No, i label hate what hate is, have i called anyone a "Bigot" or "Homophobic"? have i said no one should be allowed to think or believe what they want?

but that doesn't mean i wont stand up and protect people from ignorance and false truths just because someone "believes it"

i speak on behalf of myself, and i only hope no on ever has to live the 24 years i've been alive.. well, i'll say 21 because these last 3 have been slowly better with occasional moments,

i'm sorry you and so many people let ignorance blind you and refuse to see past their Bias

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