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Donald Trump: We Will Have a ‘Deportation Force’

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posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 10:02 PM
i do believe if you deport 12 million illegals the united states would implode within 6 months.

first the monumental amount of money it would cost. logistics and man power rounding up millions of illegals will cost the us tax payer big $$$ good luck trying to get mexico to pay for it lmao!!

second without the work force there to do the jobs that lets face it the vast majority of americans do not have the work ethic to do the us economy will crash hard, good luck getting the entitlement era to dig in and get dirty and sweaty doing the hard work a lot of illegals do.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 10:32 PM
a reply to: conspiracy nut

i think a better solution would be to stop illegal immigration, seal the borders, deport felon illegals, make a pathway to citizenship for law abiding, vetted illegals and then open up legal immigration for vetted, non skilled immigrants to come and work hard and share the american dream with us.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: conspiracy nut

second without the work force there to do the jobs that lets face it the vast majority of americans do not have the work ethic to do the us economy will crash hard, good luck getting the entitlement era to dig in and get dirty and sweaty doing the hard work a lot of illegals do.

I don't know if I can agree with you on this one.

Hunger pains are quite an effective motivator, and I am willing to bet those "True Grit" genes that appear to be lying dormant, they would quickly become activated.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 10:42 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

half these kids nowadays can't even put their iphone or video games down let alone do some actual work. good luck getting them to do the dirty work for minimum wage.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 10:45 PM
You don't need a deportation force. It can be a cost savings.

Enforce the existing laws
Lock down and enforce the border
Crack down on businesses that hire illegals - one or two shutdowns will send a message to the rest.
Defund sanctuary cities (save money!)
Stop giving subsidies to illegals, even the kids - if they came here on their own, they don't need handouts. (save money!)
Make the government an English-language only entity for interacting with citizenry (save money!)
Don't give birth certificates to a child who isn't born to legal residents - the proud parents can get an official document announcing the child's birth which they can take to their embassy.
Stop treating kids of illegals as official citizens - create a new legal classification for them that can assist with naturalization but is not an automatic amnesty. Stop the process that allows family members to come in because their kid was born here.

In short, make the country not as attractive for illegals to come and set up anchors. They will leave on their own, and will stop flowing in. The ones that stay will tough it out if they really want to become Americans.

edit on 12-11-2015 by Teikiatsu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:04 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: yuppa

The constitution applied to "persons". Slaves were property not persons.

They didnt trerat anyone else who wasnt white as a person either back then in the US either. they considered everyone else inferior.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:09 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: buster2010
a reply to: anon72

Stop acting like they should be afforded the same rights as legal US citizens.

They do have the same rights. The Constitution covers everyone in America whether they are a citizen or not.

Under the NDAA we could label them invaders legally and whoopsie there goes that.

But do you want to become a nation no better than China or Russia?

You have a problem but do you want to sacrifice your souls to sort it? Or go for better ways like like blocking welfare and employment to immigrants making immigration pointless.

country to what image I may portray on ATS I rather like most Americans (its your government I take issue with), and it would sadden me to see the American people go down a dark path and sacrifice what makes them special.

Crazy id LOVE to see them block welfare and jobs to immigrants but then youd have mass homeless because it still be better than being in mexico.

Unfortunatly the government has screwed th epooch so bad on this its almost no way to fix it save doing that. But hey I wont vot e on it so im not gonna be responsible for their actions. They do what they want no matter what we say anyway.

And if they are homeless ? So what?

They wont be taking welfare and they wont be taking jobs.

And if your police can put down the donaughts and stop wasting there time chasing pot smokers and shooting black people they can pick some of these new homeless up, check out there background and ID and if Illegal deport them.

No special task force, no more Alphabets for your Alphabet soup, No extra money and more importantly no erosion of civil liberty's and humans rights.

You got a point Crazy but i also see th e majority turning to crime if they cant get anything out of us anymore. Also i think its a cruelty to pander to them or grant them the same legal standing as a us citizen when they are not. its misleading giving them false hope.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:29 PM
a reply to: Lipton

I couldn't care less what you think of me, I know I am against the drones so that is all that matters. I'll quit posting if you find a post of me defending his use of drones. Until then you are the on that is full of it if you want to act like you some how know what I agree with and disagree with.

People are people, I'm sorry you don't believe that and I can only assume that you think you are some how better then others.

Just like your dog comparison, both those dogs can be good and bad, just depends on how they are raised.
Pit bulls are awesome, I spend my weekends regularly walking and spending time with them and other dogs.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: Sremmos80

How quaint, you'll wholly toss out the entire concept due to your inability/unwillingness to understand per capita.

You're so far beneath me that you're not even worth my time, or effort.

You're a lost cause.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:42 PM
It's pretty easy I think. Follow the laws.

1. Build a barrier and have enough enforcement of the border. Stop the flow.
2. At the same time, enforce current labor laws and punish the employers of illegals to the point where it makes economic sense NOT to employ illegals.
3. Once steps one and two are done then you can work on a path to citizenship for those already here who want to, otherwise they can leave, one way or the other.

If you want to be here, do it legally. What is so hard about that concept?

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:50 PM
a reply to: Lipton

Yes I know you think and others like you are supreme, have fun with that.
Guess you don't want to try and back up your claim I not against drones, not surprising since you pulled it out of your #.

I understand per capita fine, I also undertand enviorment, something I am sure you ignore.

Just another bigot who thinks he is better then others.

posted on Nov, 12 2015 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: Lipton

Yes I know you think and others like you are supreme, have fun with that.
Guess you don't want to try and back up your claim I not against drones, not surprising since you pulled it out of your #.

I understand per capita fine, I also undertand enviorment, something I am sure you ignore.

Just another bigot who thinks he is better then others.

Go read the crime stats, then get back to me.

I don't have to try to pretend to be better than others, seeing as how statistics put out by your messiah abd his appointed ilk would seem to agree with me.

#ty people do #ty things.

I'm surprised you can find the time to toss bigotry claims here, shouldn't you and your like minded degenerates be threatening to assualt some reporter on a college campus?

edit on 13-11-2015 by Lipton because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 12:03 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: crazyewok

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: buster2010
a reply to: anon72

Stop acting like they should be afforded the same rights as legal US citizens.

They do have the same rights. The Constitution covers everyone in America whether they are a citizen or not.

Under the NDAA we could label them invaders legally and whoopsie there goes that.

But do you want to become a nation no better than China or Russia?

You have a problem but do you want to sacrifice your souls to sort it? Or go for better ways like like blocking welfare and employment to immigrants making immigration pointless.

country to what image I may portray on ATS I rather like most Americans (its your government I take issue with), and it would sadden me to see the American people go down a dark path and sacrifice what makes them special.

Crazy id LOVE to see them block welfare and jobs to immigrants but then youd have mass homeless because it still be better than being in mexico.

Unfortunatly the government has screwed th epooch so bad on this its almost no way to fix it save doing that. But hey I wont vot e on it so im not gonna be responsible for their actions. They do what they want no matter what we say anyway.

And if they are homeless ? So what?

They wont be taking welfare and they wont be taking jobs.

And if your police can put down the donaughts and stop wasting there time chasing pot smokers and shooting black people they can pick some of these new homeless up, check out there background and ID and if Illegal deport them.

No special task force, no more Alphabets for your Alphabet soup, No extra money and more importantly no erosion of civil liberty's and humans rights.

You got a point Crazy but i also see th e majority turning to crime if they cant get anything out of us anymore. Also i think its a cruelty to pander to them or grant them the same legal standing as a us citizen when they are not. its misleading giving them false hope.

And as soon as they resort to crime the LEO and agencys (cause god knows you have to many of them already ) can pick them up jail them and then deport them.

How would ANOTHER alphabet agency help?

posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 01:10 AM

originally posted by: Sremmos80
a reply to: Aazadan

Nope the constitution applies to anyone on us territory.

I'm looking into it more, trying to find the exact case. It seems you're right, as long as they're in US territory they get rights. Contrasted with the examples I gave above where the person in question wouldn't be in US territory. So they get due process right up until the point they have to go to a special immigration court that has been built outside of our territory.

posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 01:21 AM

originally posted by: Lipton
It's sad you believe that. For example look at dog breeds. There is no question that they are almost the same, but when compare German Shepherds and pit bulls the differencesare clear, one is intelligent and the other is trash.

I was just going to let this slide but you had to go to dogs of all things. Dogs are anything but trash, I happen to be laying in bed right now with 2 dogs here, a pit bull and a german shepherd. Neither is trash, and the pit bull has been my best friend for a decade.

Now to say what you actually meant for the people who missed your analogy, or your calls to execute them all: Mexicans kind of look like us white folk but when you compare us, one is intelligent and one is trash.

You have a sick sense of the world, you should work on that. Do you happen to agree with Duncan Hunter (R- CA) who recently said that the US needs to stop playing nice in the Middle East: We need to run 1000 sorties a day, and bomb everything to rubble, then bomb it again, and again, and again until all the terrorists, and anyone who would ever think of joining them is dead. As he put it "When you're dealing with a backwards people who don't even believe in God, the only thing you can do is kill them". Do you agree with that?

Do you agree with Trumps rhetoric which is very close to that of Hitlers right before the Jews were rounded up?

You seem to support ethnic genocides... is that what you think America stands for? Is that what your religion stands for? Did your parents when bringing you up teach you that you need to kill all the X people to keep the neighborhood pure? That is what you're espousing. You're like the people in the thread two weeks ago that were calling for the complete destruction of the Muslim people, 25% of the worlds population.

When your solution is genocide of any form, you don't have a solution, you shouldn't be listened to, and you are probably the monster you see in others.

posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 05:26 AM
a reply to: conspiracy nut

What wasn't mentioned and still isn't that the biggest success of the IKE method was all of the
Self-Deporting people did, rather than face forced.

I think once folks see we are serious.... they pack up, go back and do it right.

If not, we don't want them anyway.

CAN WE PLEASE STRIVE FOR BETTERMENT instead of Placating to the lowest level. Has some pride about yourselves and be happy to become an American Citizen. Not a criminal.


posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: Aazadan

Figures that it was the result of some shady crap the government pulled...

posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 07:22 AM
The thing about it is if they were ever going to build a wall they should have done it before so many millions of illegals got in in the first place. There's really not a lot they can do about the people who are already here without turning the country upside down. You know these liberal zealots will raise holy hell if they try to deport the illegals. To say nothing of what it would take to find them all.

But this is a problem that's not going to go away. If they build a wall, it'll have to be guarded. And that isn't going to stop people from trying to climb it. So if they climb it and they get over they'll have to be apprehended. It's a mess. It's going to be a mess as long as these people want to come here bad enough

posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: yuppa

The way we treat each other is sinful and our problem as human beings who choose to be cruel. The constitution says "ALL" are created equal. One day I hope we catch up with that idea. Is there any other country with a document stating that ALL are created equal?

posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 10:21 AM

originally posted by: Aazadan

Our immigration policy only takes skilled labor. You have to offer a valuable skill to get in. Picking crops in a field is not considered skilled labor, we'll never let them in. If that migrant worker were a doctor he could get on the immigration list. Someone who picks oranges though? Not a chance, and people like it that way because if we start letting in unskilled labor, we're letting in people who compete for 60% of the jobs offered in the country.

What country are you from? In America they just snick in. We do need pickers etc but I would think a work visa would do the trick where workers come here just to work doing a picking season then they go home.

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