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Police attack and beat two men for... jaywalking

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posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

It wasn't the jaywalking that was was the blatant disrespect....that's usually how the cops have been there for a long time....results may vary but I've seen well to do folks get taken down for being disorderly and rude in a public setting. I had one bad run in in Ft. Worth with an officer because of my pre-existing mental condition - (i was having an episode, couldn't understand obey his orders because of mental epilepsy and that little piggy bruised me up pretty good until the REAL police showed up and got me to a psychiatric clinic.)

When I was part of the Guadalupe Kids back in the 90', those were some one ever got messed with unless they were screwing up....Officer Santiago was the beat cop and many off the more ruffian kids told wild tales about his badassery...he wasn't violent on a whim eitehr, but he was no nonsense and didn't take crap from kids at all.

Things have changed in Austin since the Californians moved in and started gentrifying things....once again, I don't condone these guys but I understand all too well why they're being heavy handed. Huge population influx alongside a new type of crime. Not to mention buisness owners, new resident and community oriented people trying to protect their interests.

It's complicated.

You would not believe how many out of town drug runners show up there and just start acting like they run the place.

It's unreal.

Sadly, young punks hyped up on their own "power" tend to underestimate the right of a community to determine it's own standards of conduct and governance.

Any young kid with half a brain in his head would know how to avoid those kinds of beatdowns.

Some refuse to listen and learn the hard way.

Ain't sayin' it's right - just sayin' it's how it is.

If I lived there now I'd be out there keeping an eye on things so crap like this doesn't happen.

But I'm out of state and all I have is this terminal, so I do what I can where I can.

But most young punks just wanna play the "Us versus Them" media game and jump to conclusions without proper analysis of all factors involved in these types of altercations. Escalation is a beeyotch and both sides of this issue (kids and cops) need a bit of schoolin'.

At least in my current hood we try to make sure no one mouths off to LEOS.
Most do alright.
Others....well....there's places for that.
Eventually most wise up and play straight.

edit on 11/7/15 by GENERAL EYES because: i wish I could just write a response without worrying about grammar

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

Oh hey - sorry - just saw your post.

I voice a perspective opinion and based on a small paragraph of a novels worth of discussion material and now "deserve everything coming to me in the future" with implied threat of violence upon my person?

We're all in this together man, just remember - there's always more to the story.
Stay tuned.

Peace out.

edit on 11/7/15 by GENERAL EYES because: damn edits! damn damn damn! i type to fast and OCD

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: trollz

My Dogs are better humane than those figs.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:41 PM
When you need a cop they are never around, but if you Jay walk the entire night shift will come after you. Bikes laying all over place and cruiser blocking oncoming traffic. LOL! No wonder the economy is in toilet we're paying $100,000 G's a month to pay for 12 cops to congregate on one F'in street corner and another $100,000 to jail 3 Jay walkers.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: Kromlech
Lol, as USUAL, the melodrama is blatantly hilarious... He was jay-walking? "OMG, red team go, red team go!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This is how comedic it's become... And a PRIME EXAMPLE. SLOW DAY AT THE STATION, BOYS?

Remember when cops simply gave you a warning and sent you on your way without incident? Yeah, long gone are those days...

He was willing to jay walk, what other types of things would he have been willing to do that were against the law? Seeing as how he's already a criminal, he probably would have committed other criminal acts too like pulling a knife on the officer. Worse yet, maybe he would have gone for a gun and shot the officer. If these fine upstanding cops didn't beat him, they might not have gone home at the end of their shift. Is that what you're advocating?

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 03:31 AM
You'd think things would have changed after what they did to that poor jogging woman. Oops, don't make the mistake of crossing at the wrong time, because of a bad day, being hurried, or other. Austin police seem draconian. It's as if jaywalking is a carnal sin there one must be caned. Wonder if they have a jaywalking list similar to the drunk driver bulletins?

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 06:40 AM

originally posted by: muSSang
a reply to: trollz

On a more serious note, the police in the USA need to be steroid tested!

Indeed. I used to behave like a prick when I was drinking plenty of Tribullus Terrestris tea. Testosterone just took control. Mao inhibitors are very sneaky.
Maybe they are getting prescribed some # similar to Captagon in the morning to be more efficient like IS. Who would test them in such case?

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 07:30 AM
Wow, the whole police force came out for some jaywalkers. They are really cracking down on things, before long you won't be able to go out of your house and you might get shot for being out passed curfew.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: trollz

All these internet lawyers thinking they know what happened, what led up to this, what the suspects did before cops went hands on. Typical leftist behavior and reaction based on emotion and not facts.
edit on 8-11-2015 by staticfl because: typo

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: Kromlech

Go go go go! We got walkers on the cross walk!! #en looked like they were taking down a terrorist! Lmao these guys make me laugh, wanna be soldiers who couldn't make the cut as a true infantryman mind or body..

The punchline is that the street they "J-walked" on was actually closed to traffic. Barricaded because of Austin bands..

They were taken down for jaywalking on a street that was closed to traffic....

This one is kind of stumper...The suggestion that Austin cops should be screened for steroids might be a good one...Roid Rage anyone?
edit on 8-11-2015 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: trollz

So...where is the lead up to the video? Where do the guys cross against the light, where is what they did when confronted, etc.? Suspiciously missing huh? I don't believe it for a second and all I read was the OP. So I sometimes do, I'm going to jump to the end and see if anyone found out what these guys did to deserve what they got. But I'm betting they did something.

Back in a sec.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: trollz

A video that has gone viral online shows Austin, Texas police beating up and arresting two men early Friday morning for allegedly jaywalking. They subsequently arrest a third man and a woman who had witnessed the incident.

Police tell bystanders they are taking the man to jail, while bystanders ask what he had done.
“Crossing against the light,” an officer says in an apparent reference to jaywalking.

A man and a woman, who appear to be friends of the two men being arrested and who were questioning the police’s actions, are also arrested in the video.

This is not the first time the city’s arrest policy for jaywalking has come under question. Last year, the city made international news after police beat up a jogger for jaywalking.
At a press conference concerning the incident, Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo quickly came to the defense of the arresting officers, saying they may have been rough with the female college student, but they hadn’t raped her.


Watch the video, what happens is plain as day. These guys get attacked, beaten, and arrested by several cops for simply crossing the street, and then two witnesses get arrested as well.
In reference to an older situation in which a jogger was also attacked by the police for jaywalking, the Police Chief actually said "they may have been rough with the female college student, but they hadn’t raped her". This is the man who runs the police department from which these thugs come from. Psychopaths from top to bottom.
We always hear about the "good cops", but where are they? All I see is a bunch of other officers going along with it. Every officer standing there played a role in allowing this to happen to these men. At this point I won't believe in "good cops" until I see a video of one stepping in and stopping the psychopathic rampage of one of his fellow officers.
There's cops and then there's pigs...Clearly a concerted effort to drum up some business...Look at how many cops showed up who were obviously doing nothing but possibly eating donuts...Must have been 30-50 of them...Nothing else to do...They're going to have a busy night getting enough people in jail to pay for all that dead weight...

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
a reply to: trollz

So...where is the lead up to the video? Where do the guys cross against the light, where is what they did when confronted, etc.? Suspiciously missing huh? I don't believe it for a second and all I read was the OP. So I sometimes do, I'm going to jump to the end and see if anyone found out what these guys did to deserve what they got. But I'm betting they did something.

Back in a sec.

Shy of being a danger to society....they didn't deserve being attacked that way.

The cop clearly states that they are being arrested for walking against the light. He stated no other reason for them being arrested other than that.

Jaywalking does not pose a big enough threat to society to require that level of force.

Not to mention that damn many of officers to take down a few JAYWALKERS!

Reason has flown out the damn window if people are still taking the side of the cops in this case.



posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: Kromlech
Lol, as USUAL, the melodrama is blatantly hilarious... He was jay-walking? "OMG, red team go, red team go!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This is how comedic it's become... And a PRIME EXAMPLE. SLOW DAY AT THE STATION, BOYS?

Remember when cops simply gave you a warning and sent you on your way without incident? Yeah, long gone are those days...

Overall, crime is down (all crime). To continue with the "our jobs are dangerous and difficult" propaganda they need to exaggerate every little offense. Citizens truly are edging closer to full on enemy combatant status. Obviously, where you live (state/city) affects this greatly.

There is nothing worse than seeing people pummeled and beat to a bloody pulp over ridiculous offenses. Well, except for maybe the apologists.
edit on 8-11-2015 by WCmutant because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 10:48 PM
a reply to: trollz

Until 'We The People' take back this country, a jackboot is waiting for us all..

They came for others
And I did nothing.
They came for me and there was no one to help

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 12:14 AM
Protecting and serving in full crack your skull for nothing style. The funny thing is, the establishment keeps expecting sympathy from the public when "tragedy" befalls one of their own.

Not from me, live by the sword, die by the sword. It's a shame.
edit on 9-11-2015 by Helious because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: Jakal26

Not commenting on your other posts but the reason why jaywalking is fined is:

If I run you over because you jaywalked, you are dead and I´m the one who killed you. Yes I killed you, it was not my fault, it was yours but I killed you. I´m the one who would have to live with this.

So everytime someone jaywalks, he´s not only being an asshole and a bad example for kids, he potentially kicks off a #load of stuff that can and maybe will happen. Me being killed by trigger happy non-fact-listening family is just one example.

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 04:52 AM

originally posted by: verschickter
a reply to: Jakal26

Not commenting on your other posts but the reason why jaywalking is fined is:

If I run you over because you jaywalked, you are dead and I´m the one who killed you. Yes I killed you, it was not my fault, it was yours but I killed you. I´m the one who would have to live with this.

So everytime someone jaywalks, he´s not only being an asshole and a bad example for kids, he potentially kicks off a #load of stuff that can and maybe will happen. Me being killed by trigger happy non-fact-listening family is just one example.

Except in this case the road was closed and there was no traffic....

Try again

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 05:02 AM
a reply to: hopenotfeariswhatweneed
What should I try again?
Explaining the idea behind this law?
Did I wrote I justify the cops actings?
That´s a problem here, as soon as you write something neutral,
someones coming out of the shadows and trying to push or pull you onto a side.

Edit: Was the road closed or just less traffic? Does it alter anything from my text? No.
Could the cops have been handling this better? -Yes
Do we have video from what happened before? -No

edit on 9-11-2015 by verschickter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2015 @ 05:19 AM

originally posted by: WeAreAWAKE
a reply to: trollz

So...where is the lead up to the video? Where do the guys cross against the light, where is what they did when confronted, etc.? Suspiciously missing huh? I don't believe it for a second and all I read was the OP. So I sometimes do, I'm going to jump to the end and see if anyone found out what these guys did to deserve what they got. But I'm betting they did something.

Back in a sec.

Listen to the video they jumped a baracade to cross the street. Guess they thought it didn't apply to them they were special. Obviously they had closed off the street the option for them was to walk down the street and come back up not jump a baracade to cross.

It amazes me how stupid people are in public now a days part of it is everyone thinks they have special rights. Did the police go overboard probably but we also don't know what was said prior to the video. The officer clearly States he told her to get down off the baracade.
edit on 11/9/15 by dragonridr because: (no reason given)

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