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Police attack and beat two men for... jaywalking

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posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: hounddoghowlie

pointing out that it was a barricaded street with no traffic, essentially a legal pedestrian walkway.

have probable cause

what did they think was going to happen.

What am I missing here?
What did they think was going to happen? Umm, that they were going to cross a street with no traffic? (just an initial thought)

What "probable cause" did they have?
When did mouthing off become a crime punishable like this?

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Jakal26

You see the irony here is that before the widespread use of internet technology became readily available, kids actually had to go out into the real world and experience it firsthand. I did for eight years, living out of a backpack and wandering the country taking notice of things firsthand....I saw the homeless camps of the runaways and drug crews, the hovels of the streetgangs, I heard and saw it all firsthand as these same discussions and events played out real time.

Funny thing about the whole mess is the screwups haven't changed one bit with their "F the Man" banter in all this time.

It's still "too cool for school" and the most poorly thought out Entitlement crap out there.


posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Oh? So your experiences negate those of others?
Implying others haven't been out in the "real world"? A bit rich for an anonymous forum like this, no? Assume much?

Not wasting my time typing it out.

Just remember, you're not the only one that's spent time in the "real world", or even in "the trenches" for that matter.

Again, the world is not black and white.

edit on 7-11-2015 by Jakal26 because: because...

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: Jakal26

see my edit on last post.

ETA: plus what Rolando Ramiro says seems to be a lie go back and watch the video, you see no baricades in the street and a set of headlights coming up the street.
edit on 7-11-2015 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

plus if you watch further on you see the car go by.

edit on 7-11-2015 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-11-2015 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Jakal26

Just sayin' the kids who followed the rules of the Land aren't the ones with extensive criminal records, shanty houses, destructive drug habits and lack of viable employment opportunities. It's nice they aren't out there struggling just to keep their dogs fed and their clothes dry in the rainy season. They also smell slightly better too, thanks to those who follow the rules of indoor plumbing maintenance.

The kids who roughed it out on the street and played by the rules actually have nice homes now where they can while away their days on the interwebs, pointing out the obvious flaws in other people's reasoning and trying to make it to where folks don't get the crap beat out of them by Law Enforcement because they know how to live in a Civilization.

You want to run free and wild and not have to worry about "laws" and so forth?

There are places for that....out the woods.

Lord knows I've stumbled across enough of them.
Learn to keep your campsites clean, you're easy as all get out to track.


And you actually wonder why privatized corporate prisons are becoming a thing.


Your bravado and misplaced maladjustment is just making the Cops more aggressive and intolerant.

See the connection yet?

Keep thinking about it and let me know when you've connected the goddamn dots....and by the way, Neo - wake up time again...Morpheus was a drug dealer and cult leader. The Matrix is a much better alternative than your beloved "ideological ZIon".

Come to the Dark SIde....we have cookies.

edit on 11/7/15 by GENERAL EYES because: formatting - i am burdened with glorious porpoise

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: trollz

Holy crap! Such a disgusting thing to watch.

Meanwhile somewhere in the city, real crime is actually happening while all of the officers are dealing with JAYWALKERS!

Seriously! All those cops for jay walking!

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 12:09 PM
Yes, this is becoming the norm, due to management requirements handed down from above.

They Demand more assertive officers, and specifically profile for them

What happened to those Jaywalkers got them Cops a pat on the back and well done, you see on youtube where mass rallied LEOs in Florida and some other states shoot hundreds of rounds at single individuals, to ensure they are properly disposed of. The more cops involved makes ease of covering their asses, and protects the organization/Brother-hoods

Best thing to do is to find small local townships in the midwest, where there's only one cop, or no cop and keep life on the lowdown and off the radar, and steer clear of any major municipalities that have a reputation for police brutality on the citizenry so you dont accident into becoming another statistic

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:01 PM
WOW, that is news for me, what's been happening in Austin, bummer. It is such a beautiful little area.

This reminds me of what Zimbardo calls the Lucifer Effect, regarding the behavior of humans in the relationship with authority. The prison guard has authority against the other person, the prisoner. Police v. citizens today.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: GENERAL EYES

Nice edit...

But to address the edited content..

And you actually wonder why privatized corporate prisons are becoming a thing.

No, actually I don't. I know why they are becoming "a thing"'s a nice cash cow. Yeah, I get it, do you?

Your bravado and misplaced maladjustment is just making the Cops more aggressive and intolerant.

"Misplaced maladjustment"
Yeah, I won't even address that...

"making the Cops more aggressive and intolerant."

It's "tit for tat" sh## Sherlock.
So the answer is just bow down and obey, huh? Yeah....but no! Not gonna happen.

and by the way, Neo - wake up time again...Morpheus was a drug dealer and cult leader.

Umkay then. Not sure how that has anything to do with this...oh, right, you keep trying to equate everyone who realizes this for what it is to those who wish for some "ideological ZIon". ....have fun with that. I'm tired of talking to those who just want to build a fence and claim everyone not with them is on the other side of it.
Concede a few obvious things (ie...people, cops or civis, addicts and those in power alike....are often f'd up......people from all walks lie, cheat, steal...blah blah blah)......and those like yourself still keep thinking you know it all.

.....enjoy your tyranny. It won't last

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:08 PM
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

Meanwhile somewhere in the city, real crime is actually happening while all of the officers are dealing with JAYWALKERS!

Shhh! Quiet!
We're supposed to be demonizing the evil jaywalkers and discussing how they are lying and trying to get attention and how this is being used to "make America look bad" and how crime is at an all time low in that area...and how the cops there don't have a history... get this jest.

Now shut up and obey, slave!

We should never, and shall never, speak of real and actual crime with "makes America look bad", makes our cops look bad.

edit on 7-11-2015 by Jakal26 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: Jakal26
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

Meanwhile somewhere in the city, real crime is actually happening while all of the officers are dealing with JAYWALKERS!

Shhh! Quiet!
We're supposed to be demonizing the evil jaywalkers and discussing how they are lying and trying to get attention and how this is being used to "make America look bad" and how crime is at an all time low in that area...and how the cops there don't have a history... get this jest.

Now shut up and obey, slave!

We should never, and shall never, speak of real and actual crime with "makes America look bad", makes our cops look bad.

I've read the whole thread and the people that say we don't know what happened before the attack just grate my nerves.

I don't care what happened before. Nothing justifies that amount of force and that many officers for JAYWALKING!!!!!

Common sense has gone out the window if anyone can justify the actions of the cops for a minor violation.

The cop even says in the video that they were being arrested for walking against the light (jay walking) so, if anything else happened prior to the arrest, wouldn't the cop have stated that as a reason as well.

Say maybe, disobeying orders from an officer, public nuisance, disturbing the peace.....something.

He clearly states that they are being arrested for walking against the light.

I'll shut up and obey now.


posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric

I'll shut up and obey now.

You should. You're making my head hurt with common sense and such.
Any and all disobedience is/can be punishable by beating up to death if one doesn't do exactly what one is told to do.....*I must keep reminding myself of this fact, when dealing with those around me in this society.

Up is down...good is bad...right is wrong....

I love my country

..and the world over. May we all live in perpetual police under the boot of our oppressors.....errgg, under the fearless leadership of those who know more, and know better than we ever could. Fearless leaders, protect me, under your wings....I love you.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:28 PM
Can someone find me a law that says you cant talk back or be rude to a cop?

I see a whole lot of that on ats, people defending pigs and saying well if he would have been nicer he wouldn't be dead or beat up.

I was raised on respect is earned.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: Jakal26

A bit off topic but, it seems to me that common sense has been largely replaced with the need for political correctness or, at the very least the notion that no one can be criticized.

I'm by no means anti- police. I am however anti-bad police.

I'm getting so tired of seeing these type of videos popping up almost daily.

Back to shutting up and obeying.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:37 PM

originally posted by: dukeofjive696969
Can someone find me a law that says you cant talk back or be rude to a cop?

I see a whole lot of that on ats, people defending pigs and saying well if he would have been nicer he wouldn't be dead or beat up.

I was raised on respect is earned.

It's Saturday and I'm being too lazy to actually look it up but, I would be interested in seeing that too.

Like you, I was raised the same way.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 02:41 PM
dear america - your police are an out of control monster. good luck for the future

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: RoScoLaz4
dear america - your police are an out of control monster. good luck for the future

Sadly, you are correct that some of our police are out of control but, not all. It's really not fair to lump them all in one big package.

For example: My last experience with law enforcement was a about a week after 4th of July. We had some leftover fireworks and my husband and brother decided to let them off.

I have a crazy cat lady neighbor who called 911 and told them we were shooting fireworks at her cats. Obviously, NOT true. But, she is crazy and in her mind, she probably thought it was true.

Two deputies show up to my house and tell me why they are there. I just started laughing and, they started laughing too.

They were very polite and more less said they were only there because they had to respond to the call. One even joked about having to arrest me for having bottle rockets which apparently are illegal in Virginia.

They apologized for bothering me, told me to have a nice evening and left.

Even knowing that we had illegal fireworks, they still didn't even make a fuss. They could have but, chose not too.

They aren't all bad but, the bad ones make them all look horrible!

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: theyknowwhoyouare

Ah, I bruteish and violent behavior is only acceptable when you and yours are pushing the buttons and throwing the punches. So it's not a matter of civility and polite behavior at's about behaving like mindless animals under the guise of "Anarchy" because somehow you have deluded yourselves into believing that you are the strongest, most fit, most capable, most intelligent and most "well armed" of all other homosapiens.

I find this concept amusing.

You would actually prefer to fight and risk physical injury and possible death than just wait for the crosswalk light.

Ok then.
Good luck with that ideology man.
Best of luck to you and yours out there.

I'm sure your army is impressive when you can't even tuck your shirts in and tie your shoelaces properly...have fun on the playground kiddos. When you trip and fall I'm sure it was all the sidewalks fault.

Your "utopia" must really be something special....I hear the toilets have been backed up for generations because ya'll don't want to follow the "rules of plumbing maintenance" because it's just too freaking oppressive.

Been there, done that, seen your camps, not impressed.
Like I said, have fun with that.

I think you are going extremely overboard with assumptions here little fella.

In my city the police jaywalk along side the citizenry. They don't gather a massive force to attack them.

Your entire premise of "They broke a rule so they deserve it!" is psychotic. I hope you get mauled by an entire police force next time you get pulled over for a minor traffic violation. Maybe you will realize the retardation that has taken hold of your mind.

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
a reply to: Jakal26

You see the irony here is that before the widespread use of internet technology became readily available, kids actually had to go out into the real world and experience it firsthand. I did for eight years, living out of a backpack and wandering the country taking notice of things firsthand....I saw the homeless camps of the runaways and drug crews, the hovels of the streetgangs, I heard and saw it all firsthand as these same discussions and events played out real time.

Funny thing about the whole mess is the screwups haven't changed one bit with their "F the Man" banter in all this time.

It's still "too cool for school" and the most poorly thought out Entitlement crap out there.


The screw ups are never going to change, Thats why they are screw ups.. When this batch grows up there will be a whole new batch of screw ups.

What has changed 10 fold is how cops deal with them..

posted on Nov, 7 2015 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Jakal26

Privatized prisons are becoming a thing for several factors:

One: Overpopulation and high density living in confined spaces with bull# media filling peoples heads with trash makes some people flip out and go aggressive.

TWO: the rise in criminal activity and gang related hostilities correlates to arise in prison populaces which in turn gives rise to more aggressive law enforcement because everyone is stressed the hell out because of so many bull# reasons it's unfreakingreal. It's a vicious cycle.

THREE:Kids who won't sit down and be respectful in classrooms because they were never taught how to be respectful. Funny thing about a lot of many demand it but don't give it. I've heard so many brats give their own loving mothers lip it's disgusting. Deplorable.

It's a freaking madhouse out there...STOP CONTRIBUTING TO IT BY BEING AN ASS.

I understand the need to blow off steam and have fun....oh believe you me I do...I'm lucky if I have time to enjoy a single beer in a blue moon...but going out into public and copping an attitude of "eff this and eff you and eff the effin police man" is not going to end well for ANYONE out there. People have tolerance limitations and I can guartenneffintee you these Officers have a hell of a lot more to stress out over than the average citizen screwing around on the street.


Count your freaking blessings all you have to worry about are youtube videos and you don't have to personally witness a three year old brains smashed on all over the freeway because some "i do what I want" asshole decided to drive drunk or speed on the freeway and crashed into a flippin' minivan carrying a family.

Until you know what it's like living day in and day out with the responsibility of the safety of the public and being called into some of the worst examples of human behavior imaginable over and over for extended overtime until your mind is a beehive of stress and worry and exhaustion over that little girl whose life you couldn't save and all those horrible tragedies and shooting and deaths you couldn't prevent begins to wear on you....

Bet you a million to one you'd lose your temper with some smartass punk who smokes blunts all day, yaps on the internet about "eff the police" and "eff you eff this eff that" all over town because he thinks he's the epitome of intelligence and social conduct regardless of his environment.


You want to make a difference in how Law Enforcement behaves out there?


With your calm and reasonable approach to "how it SHOULD be done" I'm sure you'll be a shining example.

Until then, be a "big man" on the internet.

You are so freaking hilariously ARROGANT I'm crapping gold bullions.

(By the way and for the records, my edits are indeed for formatting purposes because - unlike some people - I hold myself to a higher set of standards and the slightest of spelling or formatting errors drives me to no end of insanity.....they're genuine....and if you don't believe it, count yourself as yet another self-educated fool.)

Also, no hostility intended...just a sore subject for me 'cause I seriously can't believe those kids couldn't just be polite and "yes, sir - sorry sir - our bad" their way out of there....nah, they had to be all hood rat about it.

~ SIncerely - GE
(that weird kid who lives in the Hood herself and deals with this type of thing in and out al the freaking time.)


If you're gonna "step up your game" - just learn the words "please and thank you" and get off your freaking god complexes.

Respect goes both ways, dingus.


edit on 11/7/15 by GENERAL EYES because: edits, as usual...because believe it or not I care about your eyes and education. love, the nice little grammar nazi girl

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