posted on Nov, 2 2015 @ 09:20 PM
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I'd suggest opening Your anahata (heart chakra) and change Your thoughts. (Change Your Thought or You'll get what You've always got.." The heart
chakra will be receiving sygnals via Your sahasrara (crown) this will then get Your ajna (intuition) at the Peak Level.
Also try and do an online 'dosha/guna quiz' I'd also suggest getting a 'true' astrological reading. These too are FREE online and can be found under
'Ayurvedic Astrology' these go back 40,000 years and are pretty technical and what I'm typing, these 'steps' are along a pathway that gets filled by
'intentions' also be advised that the road to Hell was also paved with good intentions.. The Ayurvedic Astrology works differently and then there have
been pole shifts. In the newspaper I am a 'Gemini' (May 31) but in actuality I am a 'Taurus'..
As You're on Your pillow awaiting to fall asleep and into REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, the most restful sleep, picture Yourself accompanied by the
mate You desire, whomever that may be.. It is Your world may as well pick out one that You'll 'like'... So once You've actually determined 'Your prey'
then that is when the hunt begins. After the identification and if sleep hasn't happened yet, continue to dream how You want Your new Life to
•• Stay hydrated. 1 mug of warm-hot water and chug the whole thing EVERY a.m. Apply a liberal coat of coconut oil to anywhere that You have
exposed skin.. You'll start to 'glow' by the weekend..
Type You what. Do EXACTLY what I have prescribed here and I'll bet by June 01, 2016 You will be in a "courting relationship" and if NOT I'll spring
the cost of a professional matchmaker.
A couple provisions: #1) Don't tell/type anyone what it is You are 'seeking' This is when either Your Ego or Your friend's Ego gets involved and
fights to keep anyone from having a 'good time'. It is EGOs job to tell You that You are not 'worth it' or 'they are not'
#2) Here is a tough one for Me to ask.. Do You 'mind' being alone? Or at this junction You'd prefer someone else's company? You do realize along
with this 'someone' they also come equipped with opinions and You know what they type about some else and their opinions? They are like butts,
everyone has one and everybody else's stinks...
There is no reason to answer this at this time... Let it seep down.. If I hear from You near My Taurus Naming Day (no chance putting an age/number on
an Eternal Being...) I'll start to make the arrangements to meet the 'matchmaker' Would You be available to fly to Maui Hawa'ii around that time?
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