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Single Element Proof The Bible Is BS

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posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: SPECULUM

Just because you don't understand a thing, does not make it false. Your entire argument is biased, and agenda driven, like most anti-Christ drivel. All you have, like most of the people similar to you, is ridicule. Because it hurts your little ego to think that something may be greater than you, or that there may exist things in this World/reality which you cannot comprehend.

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 04:41 AM
Going back to the topic about the bible being bull# - as judged from a single element in it, it has always astounded me, having read this book that people give it any credence as a holy book whatsoever. Its full of dishonesty, rape and other often quite nasty and deceitful actions carried out in order to make a land grab or other benefit at the expense of others.

Its only when a character called Christ comes into it that there are some decent lessons to be learned and he, for his trouble got himself crucified.

Ask yourself one question - today would it make the Booker Prize?

Its a book that has been forced on the world wherever its unelected and power loving religiosity could push it. Its used for political reasons e.g. "Give unto Caeser what is Caesars". Now if anyone wants a better command to pay taxes to a government you didn't want - there it is. An example of absolute political motivation under the guise of a God's velvet glove approach. (You'll go to hell if you don't stupid).

Genesis is based on myths the Hebrews stole from other cultures and adapted for their own political needs and nothing has changed since. Christ's addition teaching people to behave in a decent manner towards each other means is because society runs smoothly then and importantly accepting their lot is simply a teaching to get people not be ambitious and want more, so the ruling families eg the elite can exploit them - e.g. blessed are the meek (they certainly won't get their reward on the earth only elsewhere ha ha!.

The best example of how crazily hypocritical the bible is - is when God (obviously a man because he speaks orders people hear and has them impaled when they disobey him + lives in a tent people built for him), gives the 10 commandments and then immediately sets out to built up an army to grab a piece of prime real estate from other people already there by killing them. Its ludicrous - Do not kill - except when I tell you to. By getting religion in during the formative years we don't question any of this idiocy or stories like the Tower of Babel, which is actually a wicked act against mankind, but clearly done by an elitist worried about his power base being threatened.

The dependence of people on a supernatural being they think will suddenly intervene in their lives to make them better is belittling for numerous detrimental reasons, especially against using our own ingenuity to create a solution ourselves when possible. Wanting the best outcome for whatever happens in a natural response we have until we start putting supernatural ideals to our illusions we mentally wrap around our hope to console and comfort ourselves with. But bad things happen so do good things most of us get a dose of both and some too much of the extremes of each side- but that's life on earth. But there are people who manipulate all religion in order to maintain their power, control and importantly wealth and to maintain the status quo.

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 08:02 AM
Lol. and naturally the Chinese were taught to write by the Sumerians?

Come on, you can do better than that...or can you? Maybe I shouldn't speculate.

edit on 20-10-2015 by Lazarus Short because: do do do

edit on 20-10-2015 by Lazarus Short because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: SPECULUM

Wonder how God will feel if we start building that Tower again?

Well, Hopefully I'm still alive to find out.

Space elevator

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 08:05 AM
a reply to: chiefsmom

A space elevator will not work - too much electrical potential from space to ground. Zap! Elevator destroyed.

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 08:10 AM

originally posted by: SPECULUM

originally posted by: hiddenNZ
and noah lived to be over 500yrs that guy must have some cool party tricks eh

Yet no bones were ever found of remains of a 500 year or older Human. Even though remains of humanoids dating over 160,000 years were found...Hmmmmm Hmmmmm

In actual fact, many skulls were unearthed from one of the very ancient temples in Malta. These skulls were from humans so old that the bone sutures, normal in adults, had completely fused. Nowadays, no one lives long enough for this to happen.

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 08:40 AM
I am a lurker so this will not be as good as you think it will be. These are all opinions and are just gleaned from my lurker times on ats and such.

Pre flood there were no particulates in the air=no rain
pangea is a very possible thing
dinosaurs=dragons dragons are just big old reptiles. 100 year old gator is a big beast. 1000 year old gator would be even bigger and scarier and would include scary horns and add ons.
chinese alphabet includes Genesis creation story in its basic structure. snopes will say this is not true but their research is kinda crappy when investigated closely.
The earth is much older than the young earth people believe. They are idiots who believe sin entered creation through adam. Sin entered through lucifer the bright and morning star before adam was made.
The bible is a retelling of creation and the history of the world and that is why it resembles all other historical myths and stories.
the bible is a library of books written by several authors. The kjv is not the most accurate of these libraries. The nasba is pretty accurate but is still a translation. The original creation story was written without vowels. imagine without vowels. humans just like reptiles lived in a tropical climate with very high air pressure. Imagine a perfect reptile paradise.
The chronologies the young earth crazies use; skips people because it goes from patriarch to patriarch unless the person between is worth them noting.

The bible is not bs but is has errors because of translation and humans not havign the understanding top have all the information.

Imagine you have a story that everyone on earth knows is true. They tell their kids about it and so on. That story will become crazy and a myth and probably only have the base of the story still. Then a time traveler from the time shows up. They tell you the exact story that happened how it happened. Do you discredit them because their story is different and is just a retelling of the original. The jews were chosen but this is not a good thing for them. It was a bad thing really. they were chosen to kill the christ. They were chosen to be hated and cursed for their part in it. The best way to look at the jewish people is that God(scientist) needs to change the genes of a people to fit his purpose. He takes tissue sample and cleans it(abraham/jacob) then grows it as a culture. Now that it is fresh it can be trains to be the way the scientist wants it to be. This is to fulfill the scientist purpose. The jews were cultivated to fulfill Gods need not really to be happy or rule the earth. This is of course all just my opinion.

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 08:40 AM
double post
edit on 20-10-2015 by ProtiosDrin because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 09:03 AM
Some of the bible is just a leap of faith. However, there are elements of truth with the bible and other text like such. One of the things that science has proved, is that there is a common female and a common male ancestor of us all, a DNA link. So there could be an actual tower of Babylon, though how it went down is anyone's guess.

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 09:12 AM
a reply to: SPECULUM

The Tower of Babel was an allegory. A cautionary tale. And we're living it as we speak.

Think about it:
The bigger a system gets, the more corrupt and convoluted it becomes...until finally it collapses under it's own weight.

Based on personal experience I would estimate that a community of about 2000 humans can live together peaceably. That's about the limit. But here were are- mega cities, states, countries...and now a world system? And we're all connected by technology (universal language). It keeps building up and up and up (to God, as in, God like powers/ God like dominance over everything despite the fact that humans could NEVER handle God like powers) and it will keep bloating and expanding until it has no other option but to crumble under it's own weight. There will be a massive collapse, the people will be scattered to the winds and the process will start all over again.

Some of the Bible is allegory. Some of it is legitimately what Jesus taught (love thy neighbor) but there is a lot of #e just thrown in (or edited out) by men in power- Constantine, church leaders. Not to mention the MULTIPLE translations it's been through over the years. It's a good book, but should be taken with a grain of salt.

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: ProtiosDrin
I am a lurker so this will not be as good as you think it will be. These are all opinions and are just gleaned from my lurker times on ats and such.

Sure, we all have our own opinions... welcome to ATS...

originally posted by: ProtiosDrin
Pre flood there were no particulates in the air=no rain

Pre-what?? There is no evidence flood has ever happened in the size bible said it did... it is just another BS story that was supposed to scare people...

originally posted by: ProtiosDrinpangea is a very possible thing

Supper continent happened, but our knowledge about it came from science, not bible. Bible Genesis story is full of holes when you look at order of creation and what has been created... It is not better then Egyptian creation story.

originally posted by: ProtiosDrindinosaurs=dragons dragons are just big old reptiles. 100 year old gator is a big beast. 1000 year old gator would be even bigger and scarier and would include scary horns and add ons.

Really?? Our ancestors knew about Dinosaurs??

originally posted by: ProtiosDrinchinese alphabet includes Genesis creation story in its basic structure. snopes will say this is not true but their research is kinda crappy when investigated closely.

You mean this?

BS producing factory just got bigger...

originally posted by: ProtiosDrinThe earth is much older than the young earth people believe.

Really?? Did you see it, as Ken Ham would say?

originally posted by: ProtiosDrinThey are idiots who believe sin entered creation through adam. Sin entered through lucifer the bright and morning star before adam was made.

No mention of lucifer in Genesis... so wonder where did you pull this from... but again, how silly it sounds that adam was made...

Speaking of creation....

originally posted by: ProtiosDrinThe bible is a retelling of creation and the history of the world and that is why it resembles all other historical myths and stories.

Bible is collection of fairy tales, no different then Brother Grimm's collection, based on imagination...

originally posted by: ProtiosDrin
the bible is a library of books written by several authors. The kjv is not the most accurate of these libraries. The nasba is pretty accurate but is still a translation. The original creation story was written without vowels. imagine without vowels. humans just like reptiles lived in a tropical climate with very high air pressure. Imagine a perfect reptile paradise.

That is why muslims use Arabic language to learn Quran, but BS story is BS no matter the language or translation... Wait, what language you are supposed to use for original Bible? (don't tell me it is based on where and when particular story was written, as that would be silly for God's words)

originally posted by: ProtiosDrinThe chronologies the young earth crazies use; skips people because it goes from patriarch to patriarch unless the person between is worth them noting.


originally posted by: ProtiosDrinThe bible is not bs but is has errors because of translation and humans not havign the understanding top have all the information.

It is actually worst in its original language and form...

originally posted by: ProtiosDrinImagine you have a story that everyone on earth knows is true. They tell their kids about it and so on. That story will become crazy and a myth and probably only have the base of the story still. Then a time traveler from the time shows up. They tell you the exact story that happened how it happened. Do you discredit them because their story is different and is just a retelling of the original. The jews were chosen but this is not a good thing for them. It was a bad thing really. they were chosen to kill the christ. They were chosen to be hated and cursed for their part in it. The best way to look at the jewish people is that God(scientist) needs to change the genes of a people to fit his purpose. He takes tissue sample and cleans it(abraham/jacob) then grows it as a culture. Now that it is fresh it can be trains to be the way the scientist wants it to be. This is to fulfill the scientist purpose. The jews were cultivated to fulfill Gods need not really to be happy or rule the earth. This is of course all just my opinion.

Don't know should I laugh or cry that someone can even think BS like this...
edit on 20-10-2015 by SuperFrog because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-10-2015 by SuperFrog because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 09:26 AM
It's also interesting when someone tries to use passages from the Bible to prove other passages. lol

Sorry folks that is called circular argumentation.

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: SPECULUM
Well, I'm sure there are many faceted proofs that for the most part, the Bible is BS. But this Element in the Bible takes the Cake by far

"Tower of Babel" I mean, Come on. All peoples of the Earth are living in the same location? and happen to build a Tower to the heavens and pisses God off, so he changes everyone nationality and language

Hell he doesn't even change their location...They all seem to find their way...Its Amazing

It takes 3000 plus years and google translate and we're back where we started

Wonder how God will feel if we start building that Tower again?

Umm you do realize that was more than likely a metaphore instead of a actual tower? ALso Their nationalities did no t change. That story wa s more or less prolly a trade city and soem group got uppity and their language banned there and they were expelled. this group came back and attacked the city destroying it running everyone off back to their home countries.

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: SPECULUM

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: SPECULUM

Oh come on theres worse then that...

How about a huge ship built by a senior citizen and his family... all the animals came by twos to join the boat ride...

World wide flood which lasted 40 days and nights, or 120 depending on which part you read... animals just chilled on the boat... they didn't need to eat apparently... dinosaurs managed to get on there as well with some Christians...

in the end, the flood waters reside... and the animals somehow manage to make it from that docking point all over the world...

yeah... sure...

Exactly...No further need to Explore the possibility that the Authors were full of Psychedelic Mushrooms

Isn't that more of an atheist pastime?

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: SPECULUM

Just a FYI- if you look at the Old Testament passage concerning the Tower of Babel they were not literally building up towards the heavens because they thought they could physically reach God.

It's a common misconception that they were building some type of mega tall structure that would reach up to God physically.

I don't know you, but It doesn't sound like you believe the story anyways. So I guess the facts of what was really happening is probably not relevant. But before you discount it I would suggest having an accurate understanding of what they were really doing.

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: Shiloh7

Thanks for that thought. I don't agree with much of it. For starters, There are many Biblical examples of people rebelling against the government. The government is not always right even in the Bible. The fiery furnace is one example of that. Christians however do use the passage about rendering to Caesar what is Caesar's as an excuse to ignore God's Commandments and simply obey the government.

I hear people make the point that the Bible is violent- there is murder, rape and the list goes on. But that doesn't mean that God necessarily approves of it. The same is true in the world today. For example Cain killed Abel. Therefore the Bible, and God must approve of murder. Although there is murder and other violent acts in the Bible God does not approve of it. God even confronts Cain. "His blood cries out to me from the ground".

It doesn't bother me to hear people call the Bible a work of fiction or fantasy. But it is concerning to me when people take so much out of context and try to twist it to fit their own argument.

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: SPECULUM

I think the Bible, as well as many ancient historical texts, lose a lot as they are far, far older than we think we know they are. One language to the next, translating time concepts, overlaying and transferred... can drop a lot of stuff.

For instance: Today, many people confuse Noah with Gilgamesh. Both have the basic story of surviving a flood however, the Old Testament version places it much later. Other ancient historical narratives speak of a global flood but they also present them in incredibly different time frames.

Is it possible that over many millennia, the original texts become lost in multiple translations?
If one needs an example, just compare the King James version of the Christian Bible to those in modern language and then... imagine someone a thousand years from now trying to connect the two so they made sense.

Things should to be taken into a broader perspective that confesses human ignorance of its own history. Once one crosses that line, a lot of things actually start to make sense...


posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: NthOther

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

I love it when christians say one story is allegory but another is real....all in the same book....those tricky bible writers...always keeping people guessing.

You know it isn't one "book", right? That it's an anthology of historical prose and poetry (among other styles) written at various times by various authors over the span of hundreds and hundreds of years?

So why does it HAVE to be treated as a history book than? Can't we treat it like we treat other books of poetry and fiction?

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: SPECULUM

Well yeah, taken literally the story is totally BS.

As it stands as a work of mythology though it's a fairly interesting way for ancient peoples to try to understand why there are so many languages and divergent cultures. While I would agree that it's silly and even downright deluded for people today to believe this stuff LITERALLY happened in the ancient past it is an interesting piece of mythology nonetheless. I've often lamented that I wish people understood the Bible was just mythology and literature so I could appreciate it as such, but unfortunately some people believe this stuff is literally true which means constantly bringing up that it makes no sense.

edit on 20-10-2015 by Titen-Sxull because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2015 @ 01:27 PM

originally posted by: Chronogoblin
a reply to: SPECULUM

Just because you don't understand a thing, does not make it false. Your entire argument is biased, and agenda driven, like most anti-Christ drivel. All you have, like most of the people similar to you, is ridicule. Because it hurts your little ego to think that something may be greater than you, or that there may exist things in this World/reality which you cannot comprehend.

That's not true at all. I see plagiarist Jews attempting to give themselves Entitlement

Then the rest of the world through the Centuries perpetuated their book of fables at a profit

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