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Former George Bush Chief Economist Says 911 Was An Inside Job

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posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: Cosmic911

I wonder, who was responsible in the investigation to determine what steel was and was not Pertinent?

The steel at the impact floors was important.
But the steel above and below was not.

To meet these goals, NIST complemented its in-house expertise with an array of specialists in key technical areas. In all, over 200 staff contributed to the Investigation. NIST and its contractors compiled and reviewed tens of thousand of pages of documents; conducted interviews with over a thousand people who had been on the scene or who had been involved with the design, construction, and maintenance of the WTC; analyzed 236 pieces of steel that were obtained from the wreckage; performed laboratory tests, measured material properties, and performed computer simulations of the sequence of events that happened from the instant of aircraft impact to the initiation of collapse for each tower

So at least 200 people (and their staff) investigated.
Gage and A&E had zero people looking at the steel.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 01:45 PM

WTC7 was touched and heavily damaged by falling debris from WTC1.

So were other buildings and much worse , they did not collapse..

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: skyeagle409

My point was the GWB administration was looking for anything to get into Iraq. The GHWB administration, and Cheney specifically, refused to march into Baghdad because it would be a "quagmire". The Clinton administration also refused to do it, instead opting for bombing campaigns.

Germany interrogated " Curveball" and passed the information to the US. They also told the US that they found his information unreliable. Colin Powell presented the intel to the UN without mentioning the serious doubts voiced by Germany.

The yellowcake intel was from the early 90's when Saddam tried to obtain it from Niger but was unsuccessful. The CIA knew that intel was old but was told to send it to the Office of Special Planning anyway. The OSP then released a bullet-point memo listing it as a piece of actionable intel without mentioning that it was a decade old. Rumsfeld, et al did a media blitz talking about yellowcake and mushroom clouds to scare everyone into line.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: Nac2m
a reply to: skyeagle409

My point was the GWB administration was looking for anything to get into Iraq. The GHWB administration, and Cheney specifically, refused to march into Baghdad because it would be a "quagmire". The Clinton administration also refused to do it, instead opting for bombing campaigns.

Germany interrogated " Curveball" and passed the information to the US. They also told the US that they found his information unreliable. Colin Powell presented the intel to the UN without mentioning the serious doubts voiced by Germany.

The yellowcake intel was from the early 90's when Saddam tried to obtain it from Niger but was unsuccessful. The CIA knew that intel was old but was told to send it to the Office of Special Planning anyway. The OSP then released a bullet-point memo listing it as a piece of actionable intel without mentioning that it was a decade old. Rumsfeld, et al did a media blitz talking about yellowcake and mushroom clouds to scare everyone into line.

In otherwords, it was a giant cluster!

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 02:11 PM
Everyone knows that NIST science is pseudo science.

A&E proved demolitions was used to bring the WTC down.

It is evident now that someone or a group of powerful people were involved in the planning and destruction of the WTC in the United States. 19 alleged hijackers did not blow up the WTC. It was an inside job.

In 1998 the Port Authority presented Demolition plans to the city council of NYC. City Council voted no to the demolition of the WTC stating it was far to dangerous.

Fact was the EPA order Port Authority to do an abatement program to remove all the Asbestos in the WTC, which would have cost hundreds of millions of dollars. That is why Post Authority wanted the WTC demolished.

Yes, 911 was an inside job, carried out in a perfect timely manner military style.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: Cosmic911

Lol, yeah basically.

To muddy the waters even more US troops did find yellowcake in Iraq in 2008, but it was not the yellowcake that was part of the OSP memo. This stuff was from reactors located within Iraq. The majority came from the Al Tuwaith reactor that Isreal bombed in 1981. The IAEA had the stuff sealed but allowed it to remain in Iraq because it was useless for making nuclear weapons or even dirty bombs (a conventional explosive surrounded by radioactive material which gets spread upon detonation).

When the US troops found it, they broke the IAEA seals. They ended up selling it to a Canadian uranium facility. For a brief period, the yellowcake was thought by the US to be the stuff from Niger, but the truth was quickly found. It was known about since the first Gulf War and posed no threat.

This is the 500 tons that skyeagle is referring to in a previous post.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: Nac2m

In regards to the invasion of Iraq, I often wonder how much validation was taken by the CIA upper-echelon related to actionable intelligence before it was relayed to the POTUS. Did it match the Administration's desire to enter into war to find WMD's? Was there pressure on our intelligence agencies to produce intelligence that would lead to a prelude to war? I'm sure the presidential daily briefings were 'uncomfortable' for CIA if they weren't producing the kinds/types of intelligence Bush was expecting and hoping for. Did the ends justify the means? I'm not sure if I'm articulating appropriately what I'm thinking.
edit on 13-10-2015 by Cosmic911 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: wildb

So were other buildings and much worse , they did not collapse..

On the contrary, when firefighters entered WTC5, they were shocked at what they saw. WTC5 had suffered an internal collapse that was due to the effects of fire.


This project involves a failure analysis of the internal structural collapse that occurred in World Trade Center 5 (WTC 5) due to fire exposure alone on September 11, 2001.

World Trade Center 5 Failure Analysis

World Trade Center 5 (WTC 5) was a 9-story office and retail building at the World Trade Center complex in New York City, NY. On September 11, 2001, flaming debris from the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers penetrated the roof of WTC 5, causing a fire that burned unchecked until the fuel from building contents was consumed (FEMA, 2002, p. 4-4). While impact damage over a portion of the building and an intense fire throughout are not surprising given the assault this building received, engineers inspecting the building after the event were not expecting to see an interior collapse, due entirely to the influence of the fire. The floors collapsed between the 8th and the 4th levels in the eastern section of the building, where there was no initial impact damage (Figure 1).

The major fire-induced collapse that occurred in WTC 5 involved the portion of the building that had Gerber framing (girder stubs welded to columns, and simply supported central girder spans with shear connections to the ends of the stubs (Figure 2)), but not other areas of the building where girders spanned the full distance between columns.

This fact, and observations at the site suggesting that the failure was early in the fire, raised the possibility that this structure had a vulnerability that led to premature failure, perhaps during the heating phase of the fire.

edit on 13-10-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: Informer1958

Thank you sir, I could not have said it better myself!

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: Cosmic911
a reply to: Nac2m

In regards to the invasion of Iraq, I often wonder how much validation was taken by the CIA upper-echelon related to actionable intelligence before it was relayed to the POTUS. Did it match the Administration's desire to enter into war to find WMD's? Was there pressure on our intelligence agencies to produce intelligence that would lead to a prelude to war? I'm sure the presidential daily briefings were 'uncomfortable' for CIA if they weren't producing the kinds/types of intelligence Bush was expecting and hoping for. Did the ends justify the means? I'm not sure if I'm articulating appropriately what I'm thinking.

I think there were numerous sub-plots to the main. The trucks of gold found that never actually got out of the building before it came down. IMO that was Rudi's cut.

The insurance angle for Larry is another. Many people made money from what happened that day. Ms. Head gained fame but no fortune with her pretend story about having been in the towers herself. Which she wasn't, yet led the entire town on a wild goose chase, including the media. Anyway I digress.

Clearly the CIA was a major functionary in the whole thing. Dubya was just happy to be along for the ride.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 03:57 PM
Let's take a look here.


Yellowcake is used in the preparation of uranium fuel for nuclear reactors, for which it is smelted into purified UO2 for use in fuel rods for pressurized heavy-water reactors and other systems that use natural unenriched uranium, like heavy-water reactors

Further processing can yield weapons-grade uranium with U-235 levels usually above 90%, suitable for nuclear weapons.

International Atomic Energy Agency

Iraq's Nuclear Weapon Programme

INVO's extensive inspection activities in Iraq between 1991 and 1998 resulted in a technically coherent picture of Iraq's clandestine nuclear programme. The programme was very well funded and was aimed at the indigenous development and exploitation of technologies for the production of weapons-grade nuclear material and production and manufacturing of nuclear weapons.

IAEA report S/1997/779 to the UN Security Council provides a detailed overview of Agency activities in Iraq and its assessment of Iraq's clandestine nuclear weapon programme. An update and summary of this report can be found in S/1998/927 and S/1999/393. The reports cover all Agency activities in Iraq between 1991 and 1998.



Tuwaitha had facilities and infrastructure for all Group Four activities except for the fabrication, handling, and testing of high explosives
Experimented with high explosives to produce implosive shock waves

Developed a 32-point electronic firing system using detonators and lenses developed at Al Qa Qa Tested firing system Tested flash X-rasystems, gas gun systems, fiber optics with fast response electronic equipment, high speed electronic streak cameras towards nuclear weapons, Produced and recovered polonium by irradiating bismuth

edit on 13-10-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 03:59 PM
a reply to: donktheclown

Which remote viewer? I am very curious...

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: skyeagle409

You are incredibly unaware of what really happened at WTC. You claim nothing was vaporized, yet all of Manhattan was covered with dust as deep as 4 inches, and cars and trucks had strangely melted tires and such. Are you not aware of that?

Views taken from helicopters above look like a pyrotechnic event happening in the WTC below. It was pyrotechnic+ in my opinion.

Therefore, your claim that nothing was vaporized is wrong.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: Informer1958

A&E proved demolitions was used to bring the WTC down.

Just to let you know that "AE911 Truth" lied. As proof, provide us with the time lines where demo explosions are heard in the following videos. If you failed to provide demo explosion time lines in the following videos, then it will be proof that "AE911 Truth" lied about demo explosives at ground zero.

No sound of demo explosions in that video and you should have noticed in that video that debris in free fall are outpacing the collapse of WTC 1, which debunks the claim of "AE911 Truth" that the WTC buildings collapsed at free fall speed. Now, let's continue.

No sound of demo explosions during the collapse of WTC 2.

No sound of demo explosions as WTC 7 collapse, and since there are no sounds of demo explosions in any WTC video, simply proves that claims of demo explosions at ground zero were fabricated.
edit on 13-10-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: Cosmic911

I think there was pressure on the CIA to produce intel to justify the war. It appears from the Joseph Wilson-Valerie Plame fiasco that there were consequences for not towing the party line. I know the administration claimed they wanted to go into Iraq to find WMDs, but I don't know if I believe that. There is the yellowcake stuff, and there are the chemical weapons we sold them in the 80's.

I've seen reports (not sure of their veracity) that claimed Saddam was going to sell oil for euros instead of dollars. This would have threatened our petrodollar hegemony.

With Cheney's involvement in Haliburton, it's difficult to overlook the massive amounts of money given to defence contractors.

Just before the first bombs fell, a SEAL team was sent in to secure oil fields in southern Iraq. It was called "Operation Crown Jewel".

IMHO, there were multiple reasons for the invasion. I seriously doubt WMDs were one of them.

As a side note, we were waterboarding people. Waterboarding is not designed to elicit confessions; it's designed to elicit false confessions.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: Salander

You are incredibly unaware of what really happened at WTC.

I know much more than you think.

... You claim nothing was vaporized,

That's right. There was nothing at ground zero capable of generating temperatures high enough to vaporize steel.

... yet all of Manhattan was covered with dust as deep as 4 inches,

Which is understandable considering the huge amounts of concrete used in the construction of the WTC buildings.

... and cars and trucks had strangely melted tires

It indicated that the vehicles were on fire. BTW, were fuel tanks installed on those vehicles? What usually happens to the gas tank with fuel after a vehicle of fully engulfed by fire? On another note:

Manhole Explosions Set Cars On Fire In SoHo

December 29, 2012 4:22 PM

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — Several cars were ablaze on Prince Street in SoHo Saturday afternoon, after a series of explosions in manholes below.

I might add that New York City suffers about 2100 explosions each year.

edit on 13-10-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: wildb

So were other buildings and much worse , they did not collapse..

Depends on type of construction and year built

Buildings before mid 1960's were heavily overbuilt because engineers had no way of calculating the stress om multiple points
in a building and therefore used materials much heavier and stronger than needed

By 1960's computers were in use to calculate stress points and design components for exactly what was needed

90 West Street across from South Tower was built in 1907 - it burned for 2 days When engineers examined it found
despite taking lot of impact damage was very little damage from fires. The fires gutted interior yet did little
structural damage

Out-of-control fires raged in the building for days, gutting five floors and major portions of four others. A plummeting javelin of steel demolished the kitchen at the Morton's of Chicago steakhouse on the ground floor of the building, at the corner of Albany and West Streets, which once had the highest revenues of any of the chain's restaurants.

The battered copper sheets of the sloping mansard roof -- pierced, pitted and dented by hurtling projectile debris -- were peeled back as if by a giant with a can opener. On the rooftop, the decorative copper balustrade was melted and twisted .

90 West had masonry terra cotta surrounding the steel columns. The floor were foot thick brick work laid in flat arch
between massive I beams

Engineering assessments suggest that the vintage terra cotta fireproofing materials that protected the steel structure of 90 West Street -- including four-inch-thick blocks of tile around the columns and foot-thick layers of tile between the building's floors -- limited the spread of fire. Only a few structural columns on the upper floors buckled in the heat.

And the Gothic facade of 90 West Street endured because of its terra cotta construction totaling more than a foot in thickness; the building's base of decorative granite blocks is, in some places, an extraordinary six feet thick.

WTC Towers and WTC 7 were built using light weight steel, with spray on fireproofing only inch or so thick

Less resistant to impact and not able to resist heat from fires which caused it to buckle and collapse

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: skyeagle409

Well, speaking of vaporized steel, I wonder if you are aware of the work done by Thomas Cahill from California?

Working for DELTA Group, they were called to NYC some days after it happened. They went and measured the air at a location well within a mile of WTC, like 75 feet off the ground, for several days.

After collecting and analyzing their data, Cahill said the air around there was like that coming out of an industrial exhaust stack, as though an incinerator were at work. There were microparticles of iron, and that can happen only when iron is boiling.

So, steel was vaporized, proving your assertion to be false.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: skyeagle409

Just to let you know that "AE911 Truth" lied. As proof, provide us with the time lines where demo explosions are heard in the following videos. If you failed to provide demo explosion time lines in the following videos, then it will be proof that "AE911 Truth" lied about demo explosives at ground zero.

A&E has NEVER lied period.

You are the only ATS poster screaming A&E lied, A&E lied, A&E lied, A&E lied.... LapTop BUSTED you on your silly explosions time lines, furthermore many ATS posters proved there was seismic data that proved there were huge explosions at ground level, yet you completely ignored all the evidence.

The video in question that you presented has been edited and LapTop was able to prove that to you, yet you are still using it to defend the OS hoping to fool anyone who has no critical thinking capacities.

posted on Oct, 13 2015 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: Informer1958

A&E has NEVER lied period.

You know, and I know, that what you have just posted is not true at all.

After all, I posted references that proved my point that "AE911 Truth" lies on a regular basis. I even posted references where even hardcore truthers slammed AE911 Truth for lying and look what you posted! Even "Veterans Today" has slammed "AE911 Truth".

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