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President of Palestine Has Dropped a Bomb at United Nations

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posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: masqua

Mostly Sunni? Never thought about whether they were Sunni or Shiite, dunno why I didn't. It's funny Iran, a Shiite nation, is their biggest ally, who happens to be involved in the war against ISIS.
edit on 30-9-2015 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: ladyinwaiting

I wasn't looking for an explanation, I was merely making an observation.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: neo96

Guess some people just love to take up where Hitler left off.

The Nazi whine about Palestine? If you would take your blinders off the only thing separating Israel from the Nazis are the gas chambers. But if the ADL had their way Israel would have those too.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: buster2010

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Kali74

If one side keeps trying to invade the other and loses every time, they lose real estate too. Not every country can afford to be like the US and back out.

Heck, Russia would sympathize with Israel. How much land has Russia grabbed? Georgia ... Crimea ... working on Ukraine.

Invade are you insane? Israel has done nothing but invade Palestine since it's creation.

The UN sanctioned its creation. Until its revoked its legally Israel. Then a day after it was created it was attacked. a direct message to the world what they thought of everyone else. The UN should had legally revoked the creation of those other countries as punishment in truth.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 06:49 PM
Given the circumstances around the globe, with aerial views of the ME looking so much like black smoke against blue skies, to make an announcement like this at a United Nations meeting, one that was intended to address needed peace was provocative, fool hearty, and attention seeking.

It has helped NOTHING.


I have watched these speeches for the better part of three days. As each country's leader approached the microphone, it was like they were addressing the question "What can MY country do to help achieve peace? To help with refugees?" Each offered what they could.

Then Mr. Abbas gave his speech.

And as to what Mr. Netanyahu says tomorrow in his speech? Who knows? But he has clearly been........... provoked.
edit on 9/30/2015 by ladyinwaiting because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: Milah

I find Israel's undeclared nukes more omininous! About time they be given an ultimatum by those under their siege.

I mean, hello NATO members including US, what's with the DOUBLE STANDARD?

Oh I don't know maybe because every single neighbor of theirs wants them dead??

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 07:30 PM
United States Department of State - Office of the Historian

All blame for the current ME situation lies squarely at the feet of the United Nations, David Ben-Gurion and U.S. President Harry S. Truman - they created / endorsed / implemented the state of Israel, therefore all consequential effect resultant from that Zionist decision is theirs.

Funny how you fast forward 70 years and it's the US and Israel against the world.

The UNITED NATIONS should be held to account but the US and Israel are simply too strong militarily for the security council to do anything.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Before Israel's creation the war already begun and the British did nothing to stop it, only planned their retreat. It was also the British who turned over the occupied territory to the UN who then created the state of Israel.


In the aftermath of the adoption of Resolution 181(II) by the General Assembly of the United Nations recommending the adoption and implementation of the Plan of Partition,[12] the manifestations of joy of the Jewish community were counterbalanced by protests by Arabs throughout the country[13] and after 1 December, the Arab Higher Committee enacted a general strike that lasted three days.[14]

A 'wind of violence'[15] rapidly took hold of the country, foreboding civil war between the two communities.[16] Murders, reprisals, and counter-reprisals came fast on each other's heels, resulting in dozens of victims killed on both sides in the process. The impasse persisted as British forces did not intervene to put a stop to the escalating cycles of violence.[17][18][19][20]

edit on 30-9-2015 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 07:53 PM
Add this new tension (or just escalated tension) on top of everything going on in Syria. All it's gonna take for this to pop off is Israel to go attack Iran. (Or for Israel to attack an American asset and try and blame it on Iran or Russia).

Things are not looking good.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

originally posted by: buster2010

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Kali74

If one side keeps trying to invade the other and loses every time, they lose real estate too. Not every country can afford to be like the US and back out.

Heck, Russia would sympathize with Israel. How much land has Russia grabbed? Georgia ... Crimea ... working on Ukraine.

Invade are you insane? Israel has done nothing but invade Palestine since it's creation.

The UN sanctioned its creation. Until its revoked its legally Israel. Then a day after it was created it was attacked. a direct message to the world what they thought of everyone else. The UN should had legally revoked the creation of those other countries as punishment in truth.

Ever since 48 Israel has expanded it's borders. Perhaps the words "since it's creation" threw you off. Also annexing land by force is against international law. Well against the law for everyone besides Israel.
edit on 0940000004430America/ChicagoWed, 30 Sep 2015 20:15:44 -05002010 by buster2010 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: rossacus
No one else has said it so il get there first.....this is the blood moons fault.

My hands are numb trying to keep up with the headlines. Perhaps the "super" blood moon was a bad omen after all.

Perhaps it's a good time to reflect on history and learn where we are going with all this tensions between countries springing to life with a new burst of energy.

Palestine - Israel issue is just adding to the Ukrainian and Syrian crisis...and the tensions between Russia and West, the Kurds with Turkey..This has the potential to bring about some major changes in our lives sooner than we think.

edit on 30-9-2015 by InnerPeace2012 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-9-2015 by InnerPeace2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: ladyinwaiting

Israel wasn't respecting the agreements, anyway. They keep destroying Palestinian building & homes, while building thousands of new settlements in Palestinian lands. Every single time a new wave of "peace talks" is about to be launched, Israel announces new settlement permits in Palestinian lands.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 08:39 PM
a reply to: InnerPeace2012

Superstition? I think so. But still, interesting. Thanks.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

Uhm no -

The UK had control of the region and are the ones who asked the UN for recognition of Israel under the partition plan. The Arab countries refused to be a part of it. This is important because of the words Arab countries and not Palestinians.

a reply to: enlightenedservant
Considering the charter of Hamas calls for the destruction of Israel and the simple fact they consistently launch attacks into Israel it makes one wonder why Israel would respond. Since Hamas attacks Israel from civilian populated areas, intentionally, it allows them to run up the civilian Palestinian body count.
edit on 30-9-2015 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 09:27 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

Gaza rocket downed by Iron Dome in Israel YESTERDAY. Rocket came from the center of Gaza. Link has videos of the rocket being shot down.

edit on 9/30/2015 by ladyinwaiting because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 09:43 PM

originally posted by: Xcathdra
a reply to: enlightenedservant
Considering the charter of Hamas calls for the destruction of Israel and the simple fact they consistently launch attacks into Israel it makes one wonder why Israel would respond. Since Hamas attacks Israel from civilian populated areas, intentionally, it allows them to run up the civilian Palestinian body count.

And what does Israel's Likud Party's charter say? Here are 4 quotes from it.

“The Jordan river will be the permanent eastern border of the State of Israel.”

“Jerusalem is the eternal, united capital of the State of Israel and only of Israel. The government will flatly reject Palestinian proposals to divide Jerusalem.”

“The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.”

“The Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are the realization of Zionist values. Settlement of the land is a clear expression of the unassailable right of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and constitutes an important asset in the defense of the vital interests of the State of Israel. The Likud will continue to strengthen and develop these communities and will prevent their uprooting.”

So how can you point out Hamas's Charter while ignoring Likud's Charter?

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 10:08 PM
I will say it again. The real problem is people seem to want to declare on side is right and the other wrong. That one side is the victim. That one side is innocent. That one side is committing terrible crimes. That one side is justified.

This is not black and white. And taking a side just ads to the madness and makes the problem unsolvable. The fact is both sides have legitimate complaints, both sides had been victims of terrible crimes, both side have had to fight for their very existence and both side have committed atrocities. And both sides have radical elements that work every day to sabotage peace. If you can not agree to those basic things you are a part of the problem and a prime example of why peace will not come any time soon.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 10:17 PM
a reply to: Xcathdra

No, you are incorrect...

The British, who held a colonial mandate for Palestine until May 1948, opposed both the creation of a Jewish state and an Arab state in Palestine as well as unlimited immigration of Jewish refugees to the region. Great Britain wanted to preserve good relations with the Arabs to protect its vital political and economic interests in Palestine.

^^Thats from the US State depts website I linked to, it's also historical fact.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: buster2010

Ever since 48 Israel has expanded it's borders. Perhaps the words "since it's creation" threw you off. Also annexing land by force is against international law. Well against the law for everyone besides Israel.

They could have kept Egypt's northern oil fields after 67 if this was true.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 10:22 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Lol spin much?

If it calls for the Jordan river to be the permanent Eastern border it would then explain the rejection of a Palestinian Arab state west of it now wouldn't it?

As for Jerusalem I don't remember hearing Arabs bitch when Jordan captured and annexed E. Jerusalem.

Secondly you are ignoring the fact that there is more than just the Likud party in Israeli politics. You are also ignoring the fact they use a parliamentary system of government. Hamas on the other hand does not and does not tolerate other political groups challenging its authority, as we saw when Hamas killed members of the Palestinian authority.

The Likud party does not advocate the systemic slaughter of Palestinians / arabs where as Hamas charter does int fact call for the destruction and removal of Israel.

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