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Turning our backs on Islam.

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posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 02:05 PM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
a reply to: MarioOnTheFly

That's feeling on the subject is...we shouldn't mix.

Tell me, how is this any different that the views of the KKK in that white and black should not mix?

Unless you are equating Muslim with race which it is not, it's a religion. Then how would you equate someone who doesn't want to mix with a religion to someone not wanting to mix with a race? A bit of Apple's and oranges.

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Just fight the good fight, people call me cruel or that I am ego filled, personally I don't give a # what they say. First I was a infantry soldier deployed in 07 I've seen with my own eyes what we are talking about here, I have no fairy tale or silver lining in my mind regarding the Islamic countries and its people's incompatibility with us.

Seconded I am the most generous man around those I love and interact daily, I help homeless people a few are good friends, I'm not trying to build up a character that's perfect or saintly far from it,but I am not a bigot. I care about about people,I also put the wests ideals and freedoms that are hard fought amongst each other that bore this great culture first.

The U.K the U.S Germany and others have already fought these battles against eachother, our freedoms and culture are built on the blood of our forefathers, this is a disgrace to treat this any other way, these things are delicate and unless we wish to descend into apartheid and neo nazism than we must stem the crisis now because the break down of the west is unacceptable to me and should be to anyone, and that's what we are potentially faceing.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 12:47 AM
The difficulty I have in understanding the behavior and perceptions of the Muslim world is that, although perhaps the extreme elements are a small percentage of the total Muslim population, their has been NO (up until recently) concerted effort by Muslim nations to act against this extremism. Extreme elements appear to even be given safe harbor. To the outsider, this makes the rest of the Muslim world appear tolerant, supportive, and even complicit with what extremists do. If we have American extremists, sadly I think, they get Waco'd or Ruby Ridge'd. If foreign elements commit a terrorist act on US soil, US Army bases are sealed off, or the whole city of Boston gets shut down - there is IMMEDIATE action. If a Marine barracks in Beirut is blown up, Muslims walk around looking confused - not finding out who did and take action against them - or, if they do know, they just appear to pass the info on to let someone else take action. The attack on USS Cole. Iran firing silkworm missiles at US shipping. The rape and murder of Syrians appears to just make the typical Muslim in that country pack up and leave as opposed to rising up against their tyrannical government, and against the people that are actually hurting them. This just does make sense to the West. Nor does Taqiyya. How can we trust people like that? Even their most holy book would appear to direct them to kill infidels (like me) in their sleep. "East is East; West is West; And NEVER the twain shall meet". That is because they give us little reason to trust and accept them as perhaps we give them. How do we know if they are extremist or not? Can't tell by looking. Only by their actions can we know. AND, by the time you know, it's to late.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:01 AM
I think there is a lot of fear going around, but with a pretty steady track record behind it, Because? bigotry and double standards are becoming deeply ingrained in the human subconsious as well as consciousness. And the norm isn't so normal anymore, it's all over the board now. I look at both sides and can see just how this is unfolding.
Multiculturism does not work, particularily with a belief system of devout angry people hell bent on changing the world into something that serves only them. If they had their way, the really crazy ones everyone is afraid of, had their way, the next land mark to go would be pyramids of egypt.

This... is all by design! Divide Conquer and Control.

Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed",
Chancellor Angela Merkel. -- Straight from the horses mouth.

I'm proud of my Japanese heritage, said the Japanese man.
I'm proud of my Black African heritage, said the Black African.
I'm proud of my Jewish heritage, said the Jew.
I'm proud of my European heritage, said the racist. - Anonymous.

Preventing anyone from saying what's on their minds, won't
ever prevent them from feeling what's in their hearts. People
need to feel free to say what they want to, without the fear of
being accused of racism or bigotry. - Unknown.
edit on 9/30/2015 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: awareness10

That was one of the most reasonable and none-reality doesn't mean #, it's all fake sentiment I've ever seen you post, most of the time your just talking about some sort of hatred for the world and a desire to be elsewhere, perhaps things have got better for you, I hope so. This post may seem ill spirited or judgemental,but it's not star for you. Cheers

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

Well, perhaps you have not viewed my very upbeat and pleasant posts to which there are many in which you may have felt i was having an 'im on the demon rag month so piss off' kinda day. hah.

I do however, appreciate your Sentiment.

I'd like to add that what i believe and what you believe and how we both portray those beliefs here should have no bearing on the Person we are. No two are exactly alike on this planet, so if i write something you feel is 'dark' and has little to do with bunnies and flying roses it's not because i am dark, it's because the poetic side in me can see past the veil and comes out through expressive writing native to how i express what i see feel and observe about the world.

ps. I always star your posts, you just didn't know it.

And to you also.
edit on 9/30/2015 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

That is the position I'm in old senile and more chilled but sadly more frightened.
I went all over Afghanistan Iran Iraq when I was young without a care in the world, now I barely dare step outside...well ok slight exaggeration there!

I would love to be the crusader I was but fear prevents me and its sad bad and downright bloody infuriating

I hadn't even realised I had been indoctrinated over the last 10yrs until lately but I have and now like so many others, I daren't speak out publicly for fear of being targetted, being branded a racist, having my kids picked on or attacked even though theyre grown up they are still my kids, or even worse suicided!

TPTB have created a really good silent obedient majority

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: awareness10

Yes, I star yours as well. My apologies, I certainly haven't seen them all(your posts)its just when I consider you, I wonder if you are in a bad place or what is going on, likely that's a myopic viewpoint, and as things are not all rainbows and butterfly's for me then perhaps projecting some as well.

I relate to your views in a lot of ways because I had an existential crisis or awakening in the army and it changed me for life but not always for the better, and it was painful. Anyway thank you for your kind words have a good day.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: TechniXcality

Thankyou. I have like many been through ordeals, dealing with bad choices in the past and watching loved ones die. Although it has some bearing on how i perceive the world now, i live a happy and rather peaceful existance.

Just imagine writers of horror novels, most of those people aren't dark just very imaginatively vivid.
And you too, are most welcome sir.
edit on 9/30/2015 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: awareness10

Yes that's a good point, I think perhaps I come across as dark because I fervently defend the west, but often times it's because of how much unchecked hatred is allowed to flow on these boards, and I don't believe we( as in western culture) are bad, I believe our ideals are the most progressive and freedom cherishing ideals in the world. Not to say it doesn't exist elsewhere but that such free thinkers are allowed much mobility in this culture where as in other places not so much. I often times wish the world was peaceful but I recognize its horrors and reality. I relate to this song so much, and if I had a true sentiment that could be communicated through text or music it would be this.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 04:26 PM
The OPs name is "OtherSideoftheCoin" for a reason. He's here to stir the nest, he's here to play Devil's Advocate. I, like many of you, see right through him.

Before anyone defends Islam, how about they defend women first? Women are obviously being horribly oppressed under the guise of Islam and it continues, as we speak, with the rape of women in Islamic refugee camps throughout Europe and the world. I see no reason to defend a religious sect who dehumanizes half of the gender coin.
edit on 30-9-2015 by LooseLipsSinkShips because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 04:36 PM

originally posted by: LooseLipsSinkShips
The OPs name is "OtherSideoftheCoin" for a reason. He's here to stir the nest, he's here to play Devil's Advocate. I, like many of you, see right through him.

Before anyone defends Islam, how about they defend women first? Women are obviously being horribly oppressed under the guise of Islam and it continues, as we speak, with the rape of women in Islamic refugee camps throughout Europe and the world. I see no reason to defend a religious sect who dehumanizes half of the gender coin.

I am sure a username is no reason to prejudge a member.
On topic: I think that it is clear that soon, whether within months or at the very most, a few years, Islam will be seen as the absolute whipping boy of modern society.
Is that a good or a bad thing?
That would always depend on one's opinion, informed or not, of the ideology.
The only clear thing is that there is nobody who can change this but Muslims themselves, it is up to them to show the rest of the world that they want to coexist.

So I suppose, as always, we have to wait and see.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: Jonjonj

originally posted by: LooseLipsSinkShips
The OPs name is "OtherSideoftheCoin" for a reason. He's here to stir the nest, he's here to play Devil's Advocate. I, like many of you, see right through him.

Before anyone defends Islam, how about they defend women first? Women are obviously being horribly oppressed under the guise of Islam and it continues, as we speak, with the rape of women in Islamic refugee camps throughout Europe and the world. I see no reason to defend a religious sect who dehumanizes half of the gender coin.

I am sure a username is no reason to prejudge a member.
On topic: I think that it is clear that soon, whether within months or at the very most, a few years, Islam will be seen as the absolute whipping boy of modern society.
Is that a good or a bad thing?
That would always depend on one's opinion, informed or not, of the ideology.
The only clear thing is that there is nobody who can change this but Muslims themselves, it is up to them to show the rest of the world that they want to coexist.

So I suppose, as always, we have to wait and see.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, etc. You have to admit that that screen name is telling, especially when he creates threads like these...

That whipping boy will never come. We've been waiting thousands of years for it and the ME is still stuck in the Old Testament or at the very least, an archaic viewpoint as seen by most inhabitants of Earth.

Today's modern society is weak, politically correct, and full of excuses for the wrong people and reasons. It's like 2 people squaring up to fight and one is seeing red while the other is backing away saying why they shouldn't fight and what really needs to be done. That fighter is going to get KO'd by the one seeing red. Islam is not apologetic in the sense of governments and Civilization. It is very barbaric and unapologetic. It is very forceful and does not respect those different than it. So why should we be sympathetic for them only to end up being that apologetic and excuse filled boxer who is knocked out?
edit on 30-9-2015 by LooseLipsSinkShips because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: LooseLipsSinkShips

Allow me,

Listen, they probably are just mad about the red crosses on their care packages, we ought to remove them, and our women ought to cover up from head to toe as to not disrespect their religion.

We are not talking about a war here, we are talking about multiculturalism! Further, the actions of one person can't shine light on everyone, the west caused this crisis and the war in the Middle East.

In fact, the west caused hurricane Katrina and Fukushima, the west gets what it deserves! # America, (they are helpless people escaping western tyranny?uh wut)

Think of the children! The west is evil, what about the crusades! Think of the children! I can show you Christian extremists they suck as much if not more than Muslim extremists, this is a mental health issue! Think of the god damn children!

Did I miss anything?

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: Bluntone22
Your absolutely right!
Christians should not turn their backs to muslims.
They are likely to stick a knife in it.

Remember, Christ wasn't an American or european, he was from the middle east. He taught compassion and love. Unfortunately most christians show none for the people who would have been his family and peers. I have muslim friends, some from when I was stationed in Bahrain, and they're not the spooky people that FOX tells you they are. They're no more dangerous than a bunch of christians, just worshiping the prevalent god from their region.

Many people don't know any muslims, and all they know is the negative that they learn from TV. They're humans like you and I. Treat them with respect and kindness. It's the first step towards peace.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: TechniXcality

If one wants to use sarcasm as a weapon it would be at least a good idea to understand sarcasm in the first place.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: ReprobateRaccoon

originally posted by: Bluntone22
Your absolutely right!
Christians should not turn their backs to muslims.
They are likely to stick a knife in it.

Remember, Christ wasn't an American or european, he was from the middle east. He taught compassion and love. Unfortunately most christians show none for the people who would have been his family and peers. I have muslim friends, some from when I was stationed in Bahrain, and they're not the spooky people that FOX tells you they are. They're no more dangerous than a bunch of christians, just worshiping the prevalent god from their region.

Many people don't know any muslims, and all they know is the negative that they learn from TV. They're humans like you and I. Treat them with respect and kindness. It's the first step towards peace.

I, for one, know that many Muslims will force young girls to give up Christianity in the name of Islam. It happened to my 18 year old cousin in the suburbs of Chicago. All throughout high school, these young Muslim men will act very assimilated and look every bit of western society as Justin Bieber does. However, when the child's games are over, these young Muslim men (like the ones flooding the streets of Europe right now) will force young Christian girls to give up their faith in Jesus Christ for the pillars of Islam. Luckily, my young cousin has great faith and chose Christianity over the wolf in sheep's clothing or should I say Justin Bieber's? That's the real world and that's not happening in Bahrain, that's happening in the United States of America.

All of life began in the Middle East, or near that region, so your analogy of life ago when the worlds population wasn't even 10 million people, let alone 7 billion, holds little water as times have changed by leaps and bounds.
edit on 30-9-2015 by LooseLipsSinkShips because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 05:15 PM
a reply to: LooseLipsSinkShips

What I want to say is pretty simple. People are easily led, it behooves both me and everybody else to understand that. It seems that we are not allowing any second chances here, and that is shameful.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: Jonjonj

I am trying so hard to remain understanding of the migrant issue. I have no problems with the true Syrian refugees, but I would be lying if I didn't say that I am highly suspicious of the sudden massive influx of the other groups.

Before the pro-Islam crowd goes berserk, my suspicions are with the governments involved, more than I am with the groups taking advantage of an opportunity.

I was tired of people saying Read, Educate Yourself. So I am doing my homework and it is not making me feel any comfort. I thought I would start at the source, so I have read and watched hours of material about Mohammed, pro and con. Even read parts of the Koran. Yes I have one. I obtained one just to see with my own two eyes, but I have not found anything in the history of Islam that I find appealing or even spiritual. Anybody that says that the Constitution and Sharia are congruent, is going to have a very hard time proving that to me, using the law of Sharia as it is written.

Back-up. Back-up. I am an equal religion infidel, meaning I don't believe in religion. I have a King James Bible, a Mormon Bible, a Catholic Bible and have read from the Torah. I too have issues with everyone of them. I do believe in God, and I believe and trust him enough to know, that if he wants to let me know something, he is not going to send an intermediary. That is just my belief in my God. I believe mine is amazing enough that he is able to understand what I say to him and speak to me in a language I can understand without a translator.

Please note this is only added to state that I don't just question Islam, I question all religions. I am not going to argue religion in this thread so, I will stop right here.

edit on 30-9-2015 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Spelling correction.

edit on 30-9-2015 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Word correction.

posted on Sep, 30 2015 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: ReprobateRaccoon

Remember, Christ wasn't an American or european, he was from the middle east. He taught compassion and love.

Christ was jew, you can say it how it is.
Muslims are against jews and christians all together.
So your point is a bit distorted I think.

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