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Turning our backs on Islam.

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posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 09:02 AM
Sadly, this kind of thing is going to start happening:

Rightly or wrongly, people are going to get rajjed with the situation. I can only see it getting worse.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: MrCrow

I hope not but I can understand how it may happen. We can't just blame ignorance for people joining up with this shower, there's been plenty of education and dare I say brainwashing over the years with politcal correctness for those that agree with them to be doing it intelligently, which I guess is a bigger worry. But I think the way people are feeling and thinking at the moment has a lot to do with being "forced" over the years to accept be tolerant be understanding etc. No-one likes to feel forced to do anything and to be fair politcal correctness got wayyyy out of hand

Once you get 2 hugely extremist groups together it can only end one way

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: Kapusta

originally posted by: hutch622
a reply to: Kapusta

Well technically Yes i was born Muslim , we believe everyone is born Muslim by definition.

Can you not see how that line of thought scares people .

No I don't can you please explain.

I think they are trying to say that since we are all considered muslim at birth (by your brothers in islam) that it can make persecution of others easier. essentially that would make non muslims apostates correct? OF course the educated in islam apparently are not against others as much as the non educated/unable to fully comprehend side of islam is. If more were educated such as yourself then we would see a steep decline in exteemist dont you agree?

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 10:07 AM
Well, just in case anyone thought I was cherry picking the stories from our lovely multi culti sh*t hole in West Yorkshire, here is the latest story in the paper regarding serious crime (only c.2 days after my last post on other headlines from this newspaper

I always wondered why someone was letting off huge fireworks (like huge bangers) regularly - allegedly that is the signal they use to say a huge shipment of drugs have arrived.

Of course we can go further away from drugs, lets look at death:

Autistic boy died in his house after Muslim teenagers broke in, set the living room on fire, and left.

Result? No convictions, muslim A said muslim B did it, muslim B said muslim A did it, so the case was thrown out becuase they couldn't prove if it was A or B.

I # you not - THIS is the reality of England in the 21st Century.

And it isn't going to fix itself.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 10:08 AM
I always thought the fireworks were to signal a wedding taking place. Learn sommat new every day

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 10:43 AM

originally posted by: SoulSurfer
a reply to: IlluminatiTechnician

No , I do not believe its fake or photoshopped. By the way, you should go watch the latest episodes of south park. Predictive programmings are actually a preview of things to come. It featured donald trump as president, and illegal imigration runing cities. And a conspiracy theory topic within south park.

Those who understand these messages within these programs are "Ahead of time" and know it is all staged.

Just to summarize, the last episode included something along the lines of, "what if so and so, decided to let illegal imigrants in because they knew they would conflict, and would eventually end up causing an uprising".

The warning sign is clearly in south park. Letting these people in is a trojan horse. Do not be fooled, and remain vigilant. Guys , dont stay silent and speak your mind out regardless what anyone says. People are being forced to stay silent, how long till it happens in the U.S.

Entropy is a bad idea, and it all reeks of illuminati
. Do not forget the popes words, "one world religion". IS the new world order. Refugees is exactly how they will infiltrate. The warning signs are everywhere. And many are still asleep.

I know of predictive programming and how works...that is not predictive programming...that is an outright threat. This has already been proven to be a hoax anyway. It's from an app that you can download from the apple store.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 10:45 AM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
I always thought the fireworks were to signal a wedding taking place. Learn sommat new every day

No, despite the fact that it is supposedly illegal to discharge fireworks in the UK on any night other than bonfire night, they do it all of the time, day and night, week or weekend, and it is allegedly to announce that the latest shipment is in.

I guess our police officers must be deaf, because in Keighley, in over 15 to 20 years of this happening, they haven't done a single fecking thing.

Not once - not even tried.

What's left for the ordinary person?

The law doesn't support them or work for them

Politicians don't support or work for them

politics in general doesn't support or work for them

the system doesn't support or work for them

their religion doesn't support or work for them.

It's going to end up in a great big bloodbath, there is no possible other outcome unless our festering morons that lead us grow some backbone and take action.

it isn't likely to happen, so it's going to be blood, and lots of it too.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 10:46 AM

originally posted by: spirit_horse
Might have something to do with their plans. This sign was in a Detroit suburb, I don't recall the name of it. However, I think people have heard and seen enough. You know they use taqiyya where lying about their goals and plans is ok to advance the goals of Islam.

I'm sorry, but this is so obviously photoshopped...

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

I have studied Islam for many years now. I am currently a student of Islamic figh( law) and ahadith.
All the information I post here is basic and common .

Don't grind your gears to hard .

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: yuppa

No it would not make them apostate.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 12:16 PM
The reason I turn my back on them is simple. They are a stubborn, slightly backwards culture. Those that emigrate here (europe) simply flat out refuse to assimilate, and it's not that those that refuse are a minority. They are the majority!

In my country, Italians were the biggest immigration group (ca. 1950). Nowadays they are perfectly integrated in our country. God bless them. Then Turks and Morroccans came, and we are now in the third generation of those immigrants and they still give us trouble, refuse to assimilate. And people wonder why no one cares about Islam? It just clashes with our Western values.

Yet all I hear on the news is how we should let them all come over here and welcome them with open arms! Hearing that just sends shivers down my spine. And in this politically correct climate you can't have any criticism, or you are labelled a racist, xenophobe. You just have to bend over and take it up the tailpipes. No more!

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 02:04 PM
is it wrong for me to say, if you have a god or gods... shouldn't you turn to your god for help?

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 03:25 PM
I think it is good that we turn our backs on Islam. It is a religion that needs to die. However, we should not turn our backs to human beings in need of help. Turning away from people in need because they have differing beliefs is immoral. No matter how backwards or idiotic they are.

Would we turn our backs to Scientologists if they were fleeing from a war-torn country?

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: Kapusta
a reply to: yuppa

No it would not make them apostate.

Thanks. i figured it woudnt but im sure some would think it so.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: Kapusta
a reply to: DeadFoot

You and the other poster along with every Islamaphobe hold this opinion.

What opinion? I said nothing of opinion.

When you crusade around raping women and children, killing people, and trying to convert people to a faith that you made up, that makes you a rapist/pedophile/murderer/megalomaniac. It's not an opinion. Not that it would matter, anyways; the "oh dear I'm a minority, save me" card doesn't work when highly-regarded figureheads of your religion put other minorities (homosexuals/women/infidels) to death in droves and you offer no criticism to it, I frankly don't see why you would expect me to care about your braindead-inspired faith at all.

And I'm not an Islamaphobe, I legitimately regard the general population of Muslims as basic, stupid people. That's all. Maybe that's "mean", but the evidence points to it, so whatever. I could argue with someone about Islam, but I can't fix stupid. I have similar feelings toward other religions as well, but members of those religions don't act as entitled to violent behaviour, self-righteousness, and childish argument as often, so I don't often have grounds to say it.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: openyourmind1262

Yup right and in 18 pages of threads that sure hasn't been mentioned whatsoever! NOT!
The Crusades my dear were a response to the then Islamic threat which was spreading across Europe
For once, we didn't actually bloody start it!
Bit of history wouldn't go amiss

Oh really? So what about the Northern Crusades, when the crusaders waged war against the Other Christian & Pagan countries of Europe?
Northern Crusades

And what about the cannibalism the Crusaders partook in during the First Crusades? They literally would eat the Muslims in the city of Ma'Arra. Is this what righteous Christians would do?

December 12, 1098

Crusaders Become Cannibals

"On this day in 1098, the Siege of Ma’aarra, a long and infamous siege during the First Crusade in which some Crusaders massacred and feasted on their Muslim enemies, took place in the city of Ma’aarat al-Numan, in modern-day Syria.

Crusaders Become Cannibals
Siege of Ma'arra

And in the Crusaders' Siege of Jerusalem, Muslims & Jews fought together against the invading Crusaders anyway. And even Jerusalem's Christians were targeted by the Crusaders since they didn't follow the same denomination as the invading Crusaders.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 09:28 PM
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Oh for crying out loud! Just how far back in history do you want to go? The questioner asked what the Muslims had done in Europe THAT was what I was answering. Stop digging and throwing up irrelevant rubbish not pertinent to this thread

The Northern Crusades had sod all to do with Islam which is strangely enough what we are talking about on this thread. They were also after the 1st Crusades against the Muslims. As for the cannibalism at Ma'arra there is no evidence of this just rumours as is so often the case in war. It has been posited that starvation was the cause if it happened but no-one truly knows. It is accepted that there was an horrific slaughter of jews and muslims. Cannabalism was nothing new in the middle ages it has been reported on in various parts of Europe when famine struck. However, strangely enough we aren't still going around eating muslims because equally as strange as it might seem to you we have kinda progressed past that dark time, unlike some.

WE have moved on WE have gone forward WE are not living in the past WE are not still entombed in the middle ages burning and stoning women, accusing people of sorcery, killing homosexuals, etc etc ad nauseum. There is NO defence to the continuance of medieval practices in the 21st century no matter what a Holy Book says. Common sense should prevail. You should be able to realise that what was written 2000 years ago is not relevant to today, or at least parts of it.

That was my point which clearly you knew but just wanted to stir the pot a bit more in defence of Islam. Fair enough you go for it

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 03:56 AM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: enlightenedservant

Oh for crying out loud! Just how far back in history do you want to go? The questioner asked what the Muslims had done in Europe THAT was what I was answering. Stop digging and throwing up irrelevant rubbish not pertinent to this thread

The Northern Crusades had sod all to do with Islam which is strangely enough what we are talking about on this thread. They were also after the 1st Crusades against the Muslims. As for the cannibalism at Ma'arra there is no evidence of this just rumours as is so often the case in war. It has been posited that starvation was the cause if it happened but no-one truly knows. It is accepted that there was an horrific slaughter of jews and muslims. Cannabalism was nothing new in the middle ages it has been reported on in various parts of Europe when famine struck. However, strangely enough we aren't still going around eating muslims because equally as strange as it might seem to you we have kinda progressed past that dark time, unlike some.

WE have moved on WE have gone forward WE are not living in the past WE are not still entombed in the middle ages burning and stoning women, accusing people of sorcery, killing homosexuals, etc etc ad nauseum. There is NO defence to the continuance of medieval practices in the 21st century no matter what a Holy Book says. Common sense should prevail. You should be able to realise that what was written 2000 years ago is not relevant to today, or at least parts of it.

That was my point which clearly you knew but just wanted to stir the pot a bit more in defence of Islam. Fair enough you go for it

You're the one who brought up the Crusaders. Do you even read the crap you type? This is what I responded to:

The Crusades my dear were a response to the then Islamic threat which was spreading across Europe

There was no Islamic threat in Europe at the time. In fact, the Crusaders were warring with everyone who wasn't part of their denomination & circle of power. They even invaded the Middle East, conquered Jerusalem, and created the Catholic Kingdom of Jerusalem for roughly 100 years. This is the Crusade you ignorantly mentioned.

Oh for crying out loud! Just how far back in history do you want to go?

Make up your mind! You mentioned the Crusades against the Islamic Empire which even farther in the past than the Northern Crusades! Your precious Crusaders fought European Pagans, other European Christians, Muslims, Jews and everyone else who didn't submit to their denomination. But apparently you can't read or understand anything that doesn't go along with your narrow world view.

Then you dismiss the Crusaders' cannibalism as "Cannibalism was nothing new in the middle ages it has been reported on in various parts of Europe when famine struck." But the Crusaders weren't practicing cannibalism because of starvation. They were the ones attacking the Muslims & they ate their slaughtered opponents. That's barbaric & horrific, and the fact that you're treating that as a common occurence to prop up the Crusaders shows more about you than you realize.

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 04:05 AM

originally posted by: Kapusta

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

originally posted by: Kapusta
a reply to: enlightenedservant

My dear brother i have to correct you.

The Prophet Muhammad said, "No babe is born but upon Fitra (as a Muslim). It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian or a Polytheist." (Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Number 6426)

But I understand the point you are trying to project.

Allahu must'aan.
BarakAllah feek

Ah, you replied while I was still typing my reply.

Like I said in my longer reply, I know that most denominations teach that. But the whole point in taking the Shahada is to officially choose the path of Islam. The whole reason we're on this planet is to either accept or reject God's existence. And if we accept His existence, then we have to decide to submit to Him or defy Him. And if we choose to submit to Him, we then have to prove it through our words, actions, and inactions. that's literally the whole point in us being here.

A soul's original state doesn't matter in this world if the individual isn't aware of this or accepting of it. That's why we have to choose to submit or choose to stray. I can't consider most people "Muslim" until they choose to submit, as the word specifies. Though I treat pretty much everyone the same, regardless of their beliefs or non-beliefs (unless they're overly negative or bigoted; then )

Of course! You are correct . and actions like shirk and bid'ah can take them outside the folds of Islam as well.

Again may Allah reward you for your efforts dear brother .

Thanks. And may He reward you for yours as well.

posted on Sep, 29 2015 @ 04:23 AM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
My challenge to all of us, accept the human being even if you cannot accept the religion.

Accept that they like all of us may need a little bit of help and empathy at times, so stop with the jokes, stop with the closed minded views and open up to them, let them in. And let them in not because of their religion but because we all n

One slight problem with your point.... well big problem.

When we have around 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, with 15 to 25% of those peaceful muslims are radicalised in their viewpoint of the western world. Thus we are talking around 300 million roughly wanting to destroy everything and everyone that does not follow their ways. Without question.

Now with that in mind, does not matter whether you accept others as humans, because some of those humans are no longer peaceful as you would wish them to be.

There may be more peaceful muslims then there are radicalised but it only takes a few radicalised muslims to massacre millions.

So, keep that in mind when you think the world can resume peacefully.
edit on 29-9-2015 by BlackProject because: (no reason given)

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