posted on Sep, 21 2015 @ 03:41 AM
TrueBrit, I tend to have opinions, and they include members of this site.
In ANY thread I've seen you, regardless if we agree, I've always had the utmost respect for you, and smiled when I see you taking a sip off that glass
on the left hand side of my screen.
I understand some hesitance to believe anyone online, but I can't see you being as honorable and respectful on this site as you've always been, just
to play a long con. I pride myself on having a wonderful BS detector, and while I find you somewhat long winded (it's charming with you), consider
you to be one of the finest people I've ever had the privilege of "knowing".
I scoffed when I read someone considered you a homophobe, or a brute. I literally (and I mean literally) rolled my eyes and scoffed at the idea.
I haven't seen anyone else offer this caution, but I'm going to, even if unpopular. I would highly suggest not posting this information online unless
everything is finalized, and even then, I would be careful. Perhaps that avatar is linked somewhere else, and perhaps someone involved or familiar
stumbles across this posting. I haven't read everything, and I'm no lawyer, but please be careful about what you post online.
You seem to have a lot of grit (true grit even), and I have no doubt you and your family will come away from this favorably. You have gumption,
you're a kind soul, and I don't doubt you have right on your side.
You're family here. The one person everyone can talk to at the reunion even though we all want to smack each other.
Now get to kicking some ass and know that a bunch of weirdos are rooting for you, no matter what.