posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to:
True Brit, I am so sorry about what you've been dragged through!
Having your family business and livelihood impacted like this is terrible. But having your integrity tarnished as well... well, it's devastating.
I'm afraid I am unable to offer any legal advice. However, I do have some practical suggestions that may (or may not) be of use:
1. Consider suing the original Solicitor via a no win/no fee route. It won't help you right now, but it might offer you some financial easement later
down the line.
2. I'm assuming a civil court made the decision. If so, the one good thing is that the decision was made on the balance of probability, which is far
from certainty and ripe for challenge. I know you're not in the financial position right now to secure representation for an Appeal... but could you
start the process? There's lots of Solicitors and Barristers in training out there who will be able to offer you some pro-bono help (I know this
because one I knew used to help out on refugee cases). It's not perfect, but it's a start. And if point 1 gets resolved in the meanwhile, it could
contribute funds to the cause.
3. The individual has made such hideous allegations that I bet my right arm they've been a right knob before and will be again. Is there anyway you
could get someone to do some investigation and see what you can dig up? It might help your appeal if you decide to register one.
4. Report the original Solicitor to the Law Society. While it won't help you right now, it might ensure that some semblance of justice emerges from
this travesty.
5. In terms of getting work over the next 10 days... no need to go into details, but is your business local (e.g. plumber, builder, electrician) or
can it be undertaken anywhere (e.g. web builder, writer etc)? If it's the latter, perhaps we as your ATS family can help with signposting some work
your way.
Stay strong my friend! I wish I could be of more help and I genuinely that justice comes through for you.