+35 more
posted on Sep, 19 2015 @ 09:16 AM
There is a backstory to all that I am about to impart to you, dear members. Unfortunately, events have left me somewhat less able to interact with the
meat of those details than normal. To be plain spoken of it, I am in a state of mental collapse.
I seek no advice, I merely wish to explain some things, both about my recent absence from the boards, and the general situation I am in.
Basically, my families business was taken to court yesterday, Friday. We were fighting a case against a man who fabricated a series of events, in
which he paints me as a homophobe, as an intimidating and potentially violent, and prejudiced person. I was supposed to speak in my defence, but
unfortunately, my witness statement was disallowed by the judge, because it came in late. We have been fighting this for two years, and our original
solicitors, whom we had to fire and replace, had messed up so much of our paperwork, that our case was scuppered from the beginning.
As a result, I had to spend yesterday morning and afternoon, being told by both the claimant, and the judge, that I am guilty of doing a thing I
never did, could not do. As a result of that assertion, the judge awarded the claimant an amount of money which we cannot afford to pay, which may
result in either our business changing names (which will be a pretty big pain in our arse, not to mention removing our access to certain elements of
our banking, and indeed the good reputation of our business name), or being simply liquidated. My livelihood is on the line, my families livelihood is
on the line. This miscarriage of justice means that I am effectively at risk of losing my job, my home, the pitiful material possessions that I
currently own...
All is not lost, but between the threat to my livelihood, and the much more serious imposition of having my honour impugned, not only by a random
fool from the street, but by a judge as well, and being unable to answer for myself, being prevented from doing so, I am in no fit state for logic. I
am consumed by fury at this point. The flame which burns eternal, has grown from a small and useful spark, into a raging conflagration, out of control
and scorching the outer reaches of my innards.
I will be back on track, but you will have to forgive me if my activity here is somewhat curtailed while I come to terms with all of this.