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America is the Greatest Threat to World Peace

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posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 05:30 AM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

After 911 a poll of many countries had people believing that the US was a greater threat to peace than Saddam I believe.

And yet we are such a threat that many countries want our help to train their military, and help when they need it...not something that happens when you are the biggest threat to world peace.

Also 9/11 was 14 years many feel that way now?

Yeah, let's not forget that we armed and trained al qaeda and Isis. Two of the biggest terror organisation s in the world

You really need to stop looking at your government as mini gods

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 05:37 AM
Its not the country America that is thretening world peace its the corporations that are running America into ruin that threten world peace and stability.

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

That's not good enough, I am sorry. How did attacking Iraq make you, and other UK/American people safe?

You see it's not my burden to prove it did, as you are the one saying it didn't...the burden is on you to prove why it didn't.

Ok, if you believe that Iraq was invaded to keep us safe, then why are we not invading north Korea, who have threatened America, and has long range missles?

You do understand that NK is kept in check by China...nobody kept Saddam in check, also know that terrorist were allowed to stay in Iraq as long as they didn't bother Saddam or cause trouble in Iraq. Also know the fact that Saddam had shown he would use chemical weapons on innocent Kurds without recourse...something MK has never done.

Learn about the things Saddam did to his own people...then learn what NK has done and there is no comparison.

Oil companies were talking about what to do with the Iraq oil after invasion before there even was an invasion.


And yet when any oil contract came up it was a Chinese firm that won it...only one American company is in Iraq and wants to sell their stake they have there...I guess it really wasn't about the oil was it?

Seems if it were all about the oil we would have made sure we had the contracts for the oil fields not the Chinese.

And you do know your link has nothing to do with the oil in's about returning veterans?

So, because I am not American, I can't possibly know about the bad treatment of American soldiers when they go home?

Oh you can, but to say you know all about how veterans are treated by the US government is laughable as you see what get's reported...only the bad things are what you see, as an American we see the good that happens which doesn't get reported and like this thread all that get's talked about is the bad things.

You don't have to look long and hard until you find many storys and x soldiers talking about how they were treated when they came back home.

And there are just as many if not more that have stories who were treated good when they got back...but of course those don't matter because the bad is all you think happens to them.

It's up to you if you want to deny everything. I am from the UK, and I am disgusted with what we have done, I am just not afraid to admit it.

I have never denied a thing, but I see what good happens to veterans in this country, and I see the bad, but I also don't say because of the bad that makes the US the greatest threat to world peace.

As for you being from the UK...good for you, but don't think you know how every veteran in the US is treated the way you think they have.

If you can't be bothered to check out how bad American troops are treated , then you really don't care.

I guess the same could be said of you...but of course since you live in the UK you know more about how troops are treated than those who live in the US and know and work with many who were either in the military or have family members that were in the war and returned that have been treated good.

But I will give you one link of many


SO now that you have linked the same article numerous times...where does that link prove anything that the OP is saying?

That's right it has no bearing on the topic of this thread.

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: Jay-morris

Yeah, let's not forget that we armed and trained al qaeda and Isis. Two of the biggest terror organisation s in the world

NO we didn't, but here educate yourself on Al Queada...

As for ISIS...the US trained the Iraqi military...they were then formed by ex Iraqi military...that isn't the US training ISIS.

But the conspiracy theorists would try and have you believe differently.

You really need to stop looking at your government as mini gods

You have no clue as to how I see the US government, and if you knew anything about me from many of my posts you would see I don't care for the actions of what my government does, but keep believing that you do.

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 10:09 AM

originally posted by: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
Just to start this off, I am an American, I have no bias against America other than my knowledge of the war crimes committed by America in the past. Just throwing that out there before people come in calling me a commie or whatever the case may be.

It seems as though America feels the need to be the international police force when it comes to nuclear weapons. We try to prevent other countries from making them all the while we have the biggest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world. Seems as though we want our cake and to eat it too, for lack of a better term. I'd say we're a bunch of hypocrites for trying to regulate other people's resources while we do whatever we want with ours.

Why do we feel the need to try and stop Iran from building a nuke? Because apparently if they build one they'll use it and it'll be the end of the world. This is a bunch of baloney and fear mongering on the part of both the Israeli and American governments. Iran is not going to build a nuke, and even if they did who are we to stop them? Are we somehow harbingers of peace and justice that we get to dictate who has certain weapons and who doesn't? I think not. If anything, America's government and military are the greatest threat to world peace, not Iran. Why you ask? Two words:

Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

We are the only country in history to have ever used atomic bombs on another country, the ONLY one. So how can we claim that someone else is a greater threat than us? We dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, not caring who was within the blast radius. Women and children, old and young were battle fodder for our government, people who had no part in the war. We committed the worst terrorist attack in history in my opinion. For what? To prove a point. What point? Mess with us and get an atomic bomb dropped on your citizens, we don't care who they are or what walk of life they are from.

This is what America did to the Japanese people. People who had no part in the attack on Pearl Harbor. People who had no part in the war whatsoever. America punished generations of Japanese citizens in order to prove that we had the biggest dick in the world so to speak. People are still being born with deformities in the areas that the bombs were dropped. America's decision to drop those bombs was one of the greatest atrocities ever committed in my opinion. Not only did it kill people at the time of them being dropped, it punished those who came afterward as well. That is a tragedy.

So how can we as the only country to ever drop an atomic bomb on another country claim to be harbingers of peace? How can we claim that any other country other than our own is a greater threat to the world?

How long has America been at war? Ever since our country was founded: from the Revolutionary War to the Civil War to WWI to WW2 to Vietnam to the Gulf War to Afghanistan to Iraq and other wars in-between, we as a nation have been warring with ourselves and others ever since we became a nation. Many of those wars predicated by lies, disinformation, and false flags.

We are a country built on war and genocide, we spend more on our military than China, Russia, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, Saudi Arabia, India, Germany, Italy, and Brazil combined. Why is that? Because we are war mongers, there is no doubt about it.

Iran or ISIS the greatest threat to world peace? Pffff, they're nothing compared to America.

Sad thing is, most Americans will never admit this because they have been brainwashed into believing we're the greatest and most free country in the world and that being patriotic toward this war mongering country is somehow noble. It's not noble and to be patriotic toward America is to be a patriot of war and genocide in my opinion.

I'm sure I'll get a lot of hate for this post but I know it to be true. America is nothing like what Americans think. We are the greatest threat to world peace, bar none. History and current events prove that in my opinion.

How foolish. America is a continental land mass filled with arguably peaceful co-existing peoples. The greatest threat to world peace is a gun in the hands of people with your way of thinking. Militarism and its beneficiaries are the greatest threat to world peace, and that is not limited to just American militarism, but global-wide militaristic Governments.
edit on 20-9-2015 by EviLCHiMP because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: Jay-morris

Yeah, let's not forget that we armed and trained al qaeda and Isis. Two of the biggest terror organisation s in the world

NO we didn't, but here educate yourself on Al Queada...

As for ISIS...the US trained the Iraqi military...they were then formed by ex Iraqi military...that isn't the US training ISIS.

But the conspiracy theorists would try and have you believe differently.

You really need to stop looking at your government as mini gods

You have no clue as to how I see the US government, and if you knew anything about me from many of my posts you would see I don't care for the actions of what my government does, but keep believing that you do.

You do realize that not caring what your government does is equally as damaging as supporting them right? Wake up.

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

The actions carried out in our name was not done by the majority of US People but our government.
In fact, if policy was up to the majority of Americans, a lot of the military "excercises would not have taken place

How come you worship our government?
You stand with Obama and his wars and drone killings?
edit on 20-9-2015 by jacobe001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Taking your points in the OP none of this changes the fact the Iran is run by the sort of folks that could sacrifice anything to wipe out Israle. When you are dealing with folks like this worrying about you own "hypocrisy" may get you killed.

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 11:24 AM
The OP here is absolutely living in a fair tale world where everyone hold hands with each other and is in peace. Keep smoking to keep that illusion.

I am more intrigued by the fact that these stories pop up left and right as soon Americans shifts their political mentality to the conservative side. It's like a self-protection mechanism for the liberal mindset. Also it's funny that it's always the same story: Boooo bad America! Look you dropped two bombs 70 years ago in one of the worst wars on this planet. Yeah so what? It was war! Russia and Germany alone killed far more people during that war including 6 million Jews in the most brutal ways. How disgusting are you? Comparing death tolls and using it as a political instrument. That's like holding Germans born today responsible for the actions of the Nazi's. Oh booo bad Germany!

Well, your social engineering efforts are useless. People don't buy this anymore and definitely don't feel guilty - and since we learned from our experiences (and I didn't say mistake on purpose), why would we allow a country like Iran to own a very destructive weapon?

edit on 20-9-2015 by flyandi because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-9-2015 by flyandi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 11:48 AM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

When did we use nuclear weapons?

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 12:28 PM
It is very easy to bash the United States of America when you do not have to make or even try to understand the decisions the great leaders of this great Nation are faced with.

The majority of the decisions made on a global scale by the USA are first and foremost made for the best interest of the USA. Why wouldn't they?

Tough decisions on how to respond to real or perceived threats are also made for the best interest of the of the USA by it's elected leaders. I am sure there are always a few elected officials that have motives that are toxic and not in the best interest of the USA. There are checks and balances that will eventually change the course of "special interests" that are detrimental to the USA. It is easy to armchair quarterback and poo poo when you do not know how and why the decisions are made.

The OP may be justified in his or hers own thinking that the Unites States of America does not act accordingly to his or hers idea of the way the United States should act. The USA does not make it's decisions based on the OP's behalf but for the best interest of the people of the USA. As it should. The USA will then assist the rest of the world based upon the UN input once best interest of the USA is covered. Is this fare? I believe it depends on your perspective and understanding of why the decisions are made.

It is my opinion as a citizen of the USA that the best decisions are being made. I do not always agree with them but I am one of many voting when elections are held and the majority (for the most part) of it's citizens win.

I am starting to ramble on too much but the main point I want to make is the decisions of the USA are made for the interest of the USA in mind first. THE USA will help other nations that are friendly to the interests of the USA second. I am content with it.

It is what it is.

OP - Please tell me what Nations does not look out for it's best interest first?

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: jacobe001

How come you worship our government?
You stand with Obama and his wars and drone killings?

Here will say this again so pay close attention...

I do not condone some of what my government does, but I also don't consider them be the biggest threat to world peace.

So does that look like I worship the US

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 01:24 PM
a reply to: EviLCHiMP

You do realize that not caring what your government does is equally as damaging as supporting them right? Wake up.

Guess you could have at least got my comment correct.

I said I don't care for the actions of what my government does when it comes to certain policies, that doesn't mean I don't care about what my government does when it comes to other policies.

I don't condone some of the things they have done, nor do I condemn them for things they have done, so get it right before making assumptions.

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

To the main question, it boils down to a simple formula:

Because they're really powerful weapons
+ Because we can
= Why we feel we have the right / need to control who has nuclear weapons

Simple as that. Arguments can be made as to whether that is fair or right, but those arguments only matter in low level college classes.

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 02:20 PM
Watch this!

Watch around 12:10 min/second

It was a brutal war with loses on every side but the two Nuclear bombs were a very small price to pay - a very small price compared to millions of lost lives during the war and considering that it ultimately stopped the war and Japan surrendered

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 02:30 PM
So basically these two nuclear bombs where responsible for the peace holding now over 70 years!

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: flyandi

Bahahaha! Peace you call it. There have been numerous wars fought between then and now. I'd hardly call that peace.
edit on 9/20/2015 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

When was the last time you were running for your life because a foreign power was coming to kill you? Aha! Yeah, you live in peace and yeah they have been wars with and without our involved (US) but nothing in a scale that would affect any of us.

War and fight is an existential part of humanity and that will never to away - at least we have a method (nuclear and other mass destruction weapons) of suppressing it.

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: flyandi

You think nuclear weapons suppress war and destruction? Obviously not. Nothing has been fought on U.S. soil during any war since the Civil War, so what are you talking about? No one in America has had to run from foreign invaders, but we sure make other countries' people run from our invasions.
edit on 9/20/2015 by 3NL1GHT3N3D1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2015 @ 08:17 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Are we somehow harbingers of peace and justice that we get to dictate who has certain weapons and who doesn't? I think not. If anything, America's government and military are the greatest threat to world peace, not Iran. Why you ask? Two words:

No , it is not the US that decides. It is the world , the United Nations , and the IAEA.

It's not the UN. It's the US:

Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan
Bush - Iraq invasion (Wikipedia)

Gerorge W. Bush invaded Iraq without the approval of the UN, and of course, which sane country would dare try to stop the US?

This speech on September 20, 2001 paints a very clear picture of what the faith of such opposition would be:

President Bush Addresses the Nation - Washington post

I quote "Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists."


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