a reply to:
America pays for the lobbies and allies behind it. It's part of the plan, get people to blame America so american people will feel threatened. And
both people have their good reasons to vent their frustration.
Hegemony is wrong, because balance is they only way to prevent some groups inside strong countries to abuse of other minor entities. Hell, even only
two groups is bad for balance, but still vastly better than current global situation.
So when you see people arguing about US or America are generally referring to the same government, banks and corporations interests that you
aknoledged in many posts to be the problem behind your country.
In foreign policies America also act as a shield for GCC interests (which are interconnected), Israeli interests (which are lobbied hard) and NATO
interests nonetheless. So your government decided to increase its shares by putting the face and the credibility at a stake, but this thing went too
Wherever happens any obstacle to some big corporations in which USA is involved, your tax will be driven to solve the issue, even better if this issue
requires trillions of military funds.
We are all armchair global policy makers, but the reality is we are just people and not only we don't have a say in the big picture, but we also get
accused of everything our country does regardless if we support it or not.
We also often forget that it's not about America, or France, or Turkey, it's a political-economic-military empire ruled in the interests of a very
small class. The best we (the people) can do is hoping for enough bullies out there which have conflicting interests and need to bribe us with human
rights (that we goddamn deserve). It's transnational and countries or religions are only used as a scapegoat.
We need multiple oppositions for every system be it political, social or economic, and we need need to learn to deal with our differences and not make
only one. You don't need to defend your country, you need to defend the people because the war is not Russia vs USA, it's 0.08% vs 0.02% and the rest
99.9% is just a tool in the game until we support them.
Do you support your banking policies? Do you support villain trade agreements like the TTIP or the TTP? Do you support the agribusiness lobby in
destroying medium and small american farms? Or land appropriation for exploration purpouses?
Well the same is happening abroad, with similar method, but with your army instead of your police. Some people are getting fed and don't support their
country anymore, but they do the same mistake as the ones who strongly support it: they take a side.
American people need to realize that whatever happened abroad in at least the last 40 years only costed to the american people themselves. It made a
small minority richer and a large number of individuals broke. The US is blamed for every incident abroad for the simple reason that the lobbies (in
this case including CIA and other "national security" agencies) did want a share in everything happened and had the reources to do that. They also
cared nothing about the credibility loss and the price because that falls on you people, not them. They never paid.