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Should UK accept thousands of refugees because 423,000 people signed a Petition?

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posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: Kester

Another fine point that, I assume, could go hand in hand with an extra 5% devopment.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 10:58 AM
a reply to: anxiouswens

Absolutely not.

We should let them in because it is the right thing to do, because the least of us have much in comparison, and unless we have charity and compassion as a nation, we are no better than the horrific regimes these people are fleeing. That does not even begin to address the fact, not the debate point, but the fact that most of the troubles being fled by these individuals is a result of the knock on effects of Western foreign affairs policy, as much as it is anything else.

I would much rather remove from our shores, those bitter and grasping types who oppose the arrival of these refugees, than deport the refugees themselves.

edit on 7-9-2015 by TrueBrit because: grammatical error correction

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:00 AM
by my logic, why would devout muslims move to western Christian countries, and then bitch when they don't get their way, by refusing to integrate into the common westernized would be like if a five thousand westerners who were Christian moved to Tehran, Iran, started our own neighborhood and then told the Iranian government to screw off, we are going to follow our own laws, and customs, not yours.....

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:04 AM
The media in the UK has huge power over the people, and government. The charity sector has almost been broken by the things they had said about charities, and no they turn their attention to this.

Does not help also that people are post the bodies of the children on Facebook . It's just a trend. A few weeks from now it will be something else, and mist people will be back to moaning about to many people coming into the country

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:06 AM
Should UK accept thousands of refugees because 423,000 people signed a Petition?

No, but because the anglo-american empire created that refugee situation!
And because of that it shouldn´t be several ridiculous thousands, it should be several hundreds of thousands, even millions!

Because, he who sows the wind should reap the whirlwind, and not others!

And to be fair, one third of the refugees should have to got to the UK and sure, the other two thirds to the US.
Who profits from wars and destabilizing whole regions of the world for own interests should be also presented with all of it´s negative impacts!

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:07 AM
It came out on the tv last night where one of the town's Mayors taking immigrants in Germany said with with an ageing population and a very low birth rate, immigration is essential for Germany.

However with our already huge influx of immigrants over the years, not only from islamic countries but also from all over Europe and ex and Commonwealth countries as well, here in the UK we do not have a falling birth rate we are having a baby boom. We don't actually need one more immigrants because we can't employ, house or finance any more if cameron is not lying about the state of our economy. Too many will simply destabilise this country and what people here need more than anything else is full-time employment not itty-bitty jobs for the masses that actually, when these jobs have to be backed up by housing benefit and tax credits etc to actually costs the economy more than they actually pay tax on.

I get on-line petitions to sign all the time but this was one I made a point of refusing to sign. Once these people get here and find that this isn't the 'land of milk and honey' and play up, good will could evaporate over night.
The countries our government has helped to destabalise need investment and help to get back to being able to have their citizens home.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: anxiouswens

Absolutely not.

We should let them in because it is the right thing to do, because the least of us have much in comparison, and unless we have charity and compassion as a nation, we are no better than the horrific regimes these people are fleeing. That does not even begin to address the fact, not the debate point, but the fact that most of the troubles being fled by these individuals is a result of the knock on effects of Western foreign affairs policy, as much as it is anything else.

I would much rather remove from our shores, those bitter and grasping types who oppose the arrival of these refugees, than deport the refugees themselves.

You and i think the same mate With so much hatred expressed every day on ATS towards muslims/refugees/Islam etc... its nice to see a a humane expression.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:23 AM
"we are doomed" all the people that vote was probably immigrants.
they own every corner shop now.
there here to stay.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:28 AM
a reply to: majestic3

If you seriously think like that, you must be made aware that the Union Jack does not fly for you, but for everyone around you who thinks differently.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
Should UK accept thousands of refugees because 423,000 people signed a Petition?

No, but because the anglo-american empire created that refugee situation!
And because of that it shouldn´t be several ridiculous thousands, it should be several hundreds of thousands, even millions!

Because, he who sows the wind should reap the whirlwind, and not others!

And to be fair, one third of the refugees should have to got to the UK and sure, the other two thirds to the US.
Who profits from wars and destabilizing whole regions of the world for own interests should be also presented with all of it´s negative impacts!

sorry there sparky.....not buying your sack of crap....they kill each other in the middle east by the millions, they are stuck in 7th century religious dictatorships....tell me, when was the last time they actually did ANYTHING good for humanity....quit blaming those that already went through their own horrible, barbarous revolutions, to reach some level of civility......clean up your own house before you come over and crap in mine

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: majestic3

Not that it's even relevant...

But what's stopping you from having your own corner shop?

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: majestic3
"we are doomed" all the people that vote was probably immigrants.
they own every corner shop now.
there here to stay.

Get out of the UK then if you dont like it.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:38 AM
So does that mean you will be putting your name forward to house one of these refugees? Or, like Cameron, are you all for it as long as it doesnt impact on your life. Cameron's constituency has none. Also it doesnt impact on a lot of the othet MPs.

Do you honestly believe all the thousands heading to Europe now are refugees. All the fit, young men who are creating problems in Macedonia, Hungary etc do you think they are refugeex. The people on the train in Hungary the other day do you think they were refugees. Apparently, according to BBC just a small number were from Syria they reckoned about 9%. The rest were from Pakistan, Iraq, Afganistan and so on. Thats if they are telling the truth.

Do you havd the same concern TRUEBRIT for the disabled, homeless, elderley, ex servicemen of your own country. Obviously you dont. People with cancer are dying because they cant get hold of vital drugs because of the cost. Yet the money can be found for translators who charge up £600 an hour. Dont you think that is morally wrong.

And what about such people as Alan Hemming's wife do you think she will be welcoming of these people which ISIS have admitted they have managed to infiltrate. What about the relatives of the Tunisian massacre?to a reply to: TrueBrit

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:44 AM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
Should UK accept thousands of refugees because 423,000 people signed a Petition?

No, but because the anglo-american empire created that refugee situation!
And because of that it shouldn´t be several ridiculous thousands, it should be several hundreds of thousands, even millions!

Because, he who sows the wind should reap the whirlwind, and not others!

And to be fair, one third of the refugees should have to got to the UK and sure, the other two thirds to the US.
Who profits from wars and destabilizing whole regions of the world for own interests should be also presented with all of it´s negative impacts!

sorry there sparky.....not buying your sack of crap....they kill each other in the middle east by the millions, they are stuck in 7th century religious dictatorships....tell me, when was the last time they actually did ANYTHING good for humanity....quit blaming those that already went through their own horrible, barbarous revolutions, to reach some level of civility......clean up your own house before you come over and crap in mine

Oh, ok, so we dont help people in need then?

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:51 AM
Where do you think that hate has come from? Could it be when Alan Hemming was beheaded. A good, kind man. Or the likes of Choudhary spewing his hatred? Or Jihad John? Or Lee Rigby? Or the Tunisia massacre? Or 7/7? Or 9/11? Or the muslims who carry out patrols in London? I'm sorry but the way you are portraying it you make it sound like muslims are being terrorised and persecuted. Not really the true story is it?a reply to: 3danimator2014

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:52 AM
Charlie, I am not going to spoon feed it to you if you don't get why I mentioned the Saudis its not my fault, maybe expand your reading list?
We don't have enough social housing for our own people. Our ex servicemen are homeless. We are making cuts to welfare all over the place. We can't look after our own vulnerable people but we are expected to home and feed all these people. Since when is Turkey or Hungary a war torn country? The minute these people decided to move on they stopped being refugees and became economic migrants. Refugees in fear of their lives don't tend to go from country to country looking for the best offer like these chaps are. Quite amazing how all you people who claim to see through the msm lies have been fooled by this, for goodness sake Matthew Price is one of the journalists!

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:55 AM
I am totally fed up with all you people keep bleating on about, the queen rules the world, it was the British empires fault or Britain caused the problems so they should pay. BOG OFF.
They have their country tell them to fight for it just like my father and his friends had to fight when other countries wanted to take over Britain. NO, run away and let others die for you.
Yes I can agree we give them help to make their country safe, but then you would have all the bleeding hearts on here calling it interference. What do they want, the loaf of bread out of my mouth, my house, my life.
FIGHT, FIGHT for your country not run away.
And by the way all that land that's not lived on in Britain just one question, Where do YOU actually think all the food comes from that you eat every day? Not a housing estate.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 11:55 AM
I honestly believe that we have a moral duty to help our fellow man regardless of race colour or creed.

If your home country is a warzone and you're so desperate you're going to take your young family on a dangerous journey that could take months and quite possibly end up in your death at best or being deported back to the hell hole you came from at worse then yeah.... I think we have a moral imperative to help those poor people.

Yes there should be conditions to that, they should have to undergo some kind of screening, the rest of the world (not just Europe) should shear the burden and I think their benefit entitlement should be restricted. But fundamentally we have to help these people in my view.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: DerBeobachter
Should UK accept thousands of refugees because 423,000 people signed a Petition?

No, but because the anglo-american empire created that refugee situation!
And because of that it shouldn´t be several ridiculous thousands, it should be several hundreds of thousands, even millions!

Because, he who sows the wind should reap the whirlwind, and not others!

And to be fair, one third of the refugees should have to got to the UK and sure, the other two thirds to the US.
Who profits from wars and destabilizing whole regions of the world for own interests should be also presented with all of it´s negative impacts!

sorry there sparky.....not buying your sack of crap....they kill each other in the middle east by the millions, they are stuck in 7th century religious dictatorships....tell me, when was the last time they actually did ANYTHING good for humanity....quit blaming those that already went through their own horrible, barbarous revolutions, to reach some level of civility......clean up your own house before you come over and crap in mine

Oh, ok, so we dont help people in need then? how many of your cities homeless people are living in your house? many people that are your fellow countrymen are living outside in tents or homeless camps?....there are hundreds of millions of people in this world that are "in need". I'd like there to be a civilized way to help all of them, but there isn't, never has the way, why isn't your animosity directed toward the leaders of their own countries?....maybe because you know you can't do anything about how they act toward their own people, and that's why you lash western countries, millions have migrated from other places of the world, and most are doing ok, but there are limits even to that.

posted on Sep, 7 2015 @ 12:01 PM

originally posted by: OtherSideOfTheCoin
I honestly believe that we have a moral duty to help our fellow man regardless of race colour or creed.

If your home country is a warzone and you're so desperate you're going to take your young family on a dangerous journey that could take months and quite possibly end up in your death at best or being deported back to the hell hole you came from at worse then yeah.... I think we have a moral imperative to help those poor people.

Yes there should be conditions to that, they should have to undergo some kind of screening, the rest of the world (not just Europe) should shear the burden and I think their benefit entitlement should be restricted. But fundamentally we have to help these people in my view.

The VAST majority of these 'refugees' were already safe they continued on for a better offer or new teeth.

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