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Official spokesperson from Secret Space program about "big picture", Aug 31/15 (Randy Cramer)?

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posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

why cant those launches be detected?

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 03:52 AM
a reply to: NewzNose

Why would you not take this seriously?

WHy would you?

You have believed info spoon fed to you from birth without seeing things yourself....why would this info be any different?

Do you believe all tall tales you get told?

Because you are believing this one it seems.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 03:56 AM
a reply to: DJMSN

I have issues with a supposed 2 Star General authorizing someone to speak about alleged Top Secret events as neither would have authorization to do so and would be illegal if even close to being reality but its not reality so I suppose I can enjoy the story...just let me get the popcorn ready

I am more interested in how a dead general did this, as the man he calls his boss died in the 70's.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: Macenroe82
Good post. always have been interested in what randy has to say. Mind blowing if its true.

And ridiculous if a lie... which it is. Could we just automatically move anything from Randy to [HOAX!]? I find it disturbing that some people take him seriously.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 04:08 AM

originally posted by: gortex
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE

Q: On his old main mission @36:00 and 1:15:30
A: Mostly patrol, sometimes intercept with the Solar Warden and Radiant Guardian fleets - the two Solar system fleets like the Atlantic and Pacific fleets

Are we expected to take this seriously ?

I've been here like yourself a LONG time and it never surprises me with the utter BUNK that comes through here, no offence to the OP but I watched this video elsewhere just before coming on and it beggars belief that people take it seriously. I'm a believer but this is just a rehash of The Last Starfighter film of sorts with zero proof.

A friend works in a mental health unit and its full of aliens, super hero's, ghosts, MI5 etc etc and their stories are incredibly complicated but in the end they are just ordinary people whose mind has basically 'crashed', the rest are things they have read, seen and made up..

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 04:12 AM
If I were Michio Kaku , I would file a libel lawsuit.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 04:17 AM
When ex government officials or ex military men and women come forward with black ops disclosures, 99.9% of the time (especially ex military) you can read their sincerity like a book. They often just have this presence that screams integrity, humility, and honesty or they come off as having a totally different kinda personality and presence than the rest...not necessarily better or worse but just different. I'm not a very empathic person I don't think, I'm guessing as average as the next guy. But the difference between the homogenous group A and the pot pourri randomness of group B are like night and day IMHO. So I'm comfortable usually in quickly choosing to watch wide eyed hanging on their every word or after just a minute or two I do a quick popcorn bag in the microwave and watch what has the distinct feeling of a story they is being told by someone who wrote it for a publisher then was told it needed to be cut to 1/3 the length and so the writer goes home and does simple eenie meenie miney moe not taking content into consideration at all. So while those telling the truth relay it with your being able to anticipate the types of things you'll hear from him or her as he or she goes, the other guys tell the story with very rehearsed-like details you know they outlined and memorized but details you weren't expecting or details that added nothing to their story. This may only make sense to me but that's how it is and this guy is the worst ever example of the latter type I just have gotten to the point I don't think I care for him much as a person or think he is a very good person at all.

The ones telling the truth can do so for 20 years and do it with no preparation and tell it differently each time. This guy gives the same word for word memorized speech to eleven outlets as the hosts all very different kinds of people even ask the same rehearsed questions. Ex...

So it's March 12 1986 and I am flown to Doody air force base where we take the teletron 6000 to the Treblian space outlet. There we board a z-cruiser and go see the blue fish race the froggingtons and the Grey's. This trip takes 26 days. Froggington beings are 7th dimension and use a material like stucco to build their dog houses. On day 26 we arrive but realize it's a holiday in Ribbitron celebrating an ancient battle so we have to wait til the next day.
Host: do Grey's or Blue Fish have holidays, keep dogs or build with stucco?

You know, I don't know I wasn't privy to that information in my assignment. I asked once but the leader just looked at me and ignored me altogether. But I do know the frogs and fish were fighting over a trade contract with earth...

Ok so it's not THAT out there and it's not the fantasy I have beef with at all...why not, anything is possible...except his answer all the time that they come in droves of species to trade with earth...races tens of thousands of years more developed able to co-exist, live a life combining time in 3Rd 4th and 5th dimension, have solved spirituality entirely, teleport and communicate days worth of human thought with one ESP glance and have achieved equilibrium on their planets they need not consume or pollute and have upgraded DNA past having the idea of health or sickness any longer yet they must come all the way to earth and contract bid to trade with us? This is the one thing he says that I think is nonsense. It reads like a brainteaser really what is it then we are able to produce at our stage of technology and all that they can't and must import? And why include things like having a layover at doody air force base buut skip mentioning your other two connecting cities. Why mention the 5 craft you traveled in that year and stop to give craft number 4s wingspan? I can't be the only one who thinks it's like a first grader telling a story before learning main idea/supporting details and how to identify I and remove superfluous fluff.

He uses lots of imagery and tries to fascinate us with examples of tech but in a hundred videos can't just say the summarized overview of how things are. Why is trade with earth such a draw to all these species, when did interaction THEY know our orgin? Is there a goal while we're here as far as they know? Are they soon going to help us solve overpopulation and global warming or will they be hands off. And after disclosure how does the coexisting work? Still species on assigned planet and aliens remain a government liaison nothing more or do they move to earth if they want? Would we have social relations like friendship with them and spending time being entertained together or is that just a human thing.

Ok maybe that's not a good example either of what you'd THINK someone who knew all about this would cover stuff like that but no matter how many hrs u listen he never explains anything, just lists days he did activities, how he traveled, and what his task was although he never is told what he was part of trying to achieve with that action. But that doesn't matter as long as we know the zeletron year on zeletronia is equivalent to 1.0047 earth years. ::BLOWS RASBERRY:: That's how you say thank you good night in Neptunese although another dialect uses that as the word for bucket. Yea, stinks of delusion, paid appearances, book selling, and self-esteem issues as does his constant self promotion and his mentioning all the time how he leaves most things out because his talking about this puts over twenty lives in constant danger of assassination but his first buccanier or first buckaroo or whatever six minutes later is asking him to please share his experiences but forbids his showing anything tangible which after 20 years working across the universe with 40 species and planets' but can't jeopardize inefficiencies safety by showing them a simple piece of trash showing alien writing or a perseon-8 candy bar wrapper ever making it back in his pocket Sven after 20 yrs of filling the position he did...chosen from amongst 5 billion humans for his psychic powers to be earth 's psychic representative

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: AlexandrosTheGreat

What do we make they want?? Twinkies. Who else in the Universe could think that up?

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 04:52 AM
Oh yea, it would be cool to visit the intergalactic space station. Until now my income is to low for that, just visited Mars Orbiter last Summer. Its cheaper, affordable for a ordinary space-mechanic and worth a visit!

Trust me, its true. Just because i say that.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 05:39 AM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

Okay, let's say the ships are the size of the space shuttle and crewed by the same amount.

Now take a look at the facility it took to build and put together the space shuttle.

It would have to be built here on Earth or in orbit. In orbit, you'd have to get all that material (to build the facility, let alone the shuttle sized ship) into orbit.

Launches from sea can be detected. Using rockets launched from ships at sea would mean a LOT of launches happening at sea to get all the materials, people and supplies up there. It would take literally hundreds of launches.

Someone somewhere would be detecting this.

Having something above the north or south pole doesn't hide it, unless that something is kept only a few hundred miles up, and as Phage said: that would take a prohibitive amount of fuel and energy to do.

If it's in some sort of geo orbit above either pole, it's far enough out to be seen by people going well towards the equator. This is why people who try and say PlanetX isn't visible because it's directly over the north or south pole are wrong. You can't hide something that way.

Yes, space is big and objects like the shuttle are small (yet a shipbuilding facility for it would be quite large). We detect lumps of rock just as small moving though space all the time. Now make a group of them moving in formation?'s going to be seen by someone at some point. Way too many eyes are on the sky.

However what it boils down to is logistics. The amount of people that would need to be involved, even if they were very small ships manned by very small crews. From start (the manufacturing of stuff and building them) to finish (supporting operations, maintenance and crew rotations) would involve a very large amount of people and facilities.

No one is going to be able to keep something like that secret for any serious length of time. Even Area 51 was like that. While most did not know what was going on there, people knew the facility was there and that something was going on.

So now for the big question: Why the secrecy?

Seriously. As arrogant as the US government can be, do you really think they would keep something like that secret?

Having an actual space fleet that can fly around the solar system with impunity?

No way. We built a very large fleet of white coal burning ships at the beginning of the 20th century and sent them all around the world. The Great White Fleet was to show the rest of the world that the US was a force to be taken seriously back then.

We still do it today with our forces.

I would have a much easier time believing in a secret society living under the Earth's oceans. That would be a lot easier to keep secret in my opinion.

edit on 9/6/2015 by eriktheawful because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: eriktheawful

I would have a much easier time believing in a secret society living under the Earth's oceans. That would be a lot easier to keep secret in my opinion.

Well I know what my next thread will be about...

Secret Societies living under our oceans...I can see it now.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: tsurfer2000h

Well, that's suppose to be my job: facilitate discussion.

I'd have an easier time if someone was suggesting that the Stargate from the TV show is real and kept secret. (yes, I know there are threads on here, somewhere on that).

Mainly the hiding it part. Now instead of needing ship building facilities, training facilities, etc, you're talking about something a lot smaller, kept right here on Earth in a secure location that can be kept hidden mostly from public view. Something like that would be a LOT easier to keep secret.

Of course you have the whole problem about how to make and keep a stable wormhole...the power requirements and technology involved.

Still, I'd have an easier time believe that, than a fleet of ships flying around the solar system in secret.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 06:38 AM
I have to be honest, I'm not feeling like viewing all his videos, so I'll just ask this here and hope you have some of his answers lol. So first, does he talk about the moon? What did he have to say? Does he speak about black knight? Did he confirm Nibiru's existence? That's pretty much for now, have a nice day.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: Pouilleux
I have to be honest, I'm not feeling like viewing all his videos, so I'll just ask this here and hope you have some of his answers lol. So first, does he talk about the moon? What did he have to say? Does he speak about black knight? Did he confirm Nibiru's existence? That's pretty much for now, have a nice day.

He spoke little of the alien moon bases I think, it was mostly mars bases and the bback and forth with various alien races over terrority on mars. He also talked about various capabilities of our secret super soldier program where they grow you back from the dead.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

After all, he just speak about what's on surface, but it's already a good start. Heck, you don't even hear the moon as an artificial satellite anymore. Like if it was forbidden. I'll go and put this quote lol "This is no moon, it's a space station!"

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: Pouilleux
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

After all, he just speak about what's on surface, but it's already a good start. Heck, you don't even hear the moon as an artificial satellite anymore. Like if it was forbidden. I'll go and put this quote lol "This is no moon, it's a space station!"

It can't be a space station! Everyone knows it's really a hologram!

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE


I must say, regardless of the topic of the video, the effort you put into analyzing the video and breaking it up into a summary of the main q&a's, have made it extremely easy to comprehend and listen to.

This method should be taken as an example by the rest of ATS imho when including long videos in threads!

Well done planetx

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: combatmaster
a reply to: PlanetXisHERE


I must say, regardless of the topic of the video, the effort you put into analyzing the video and breaking it up into a summary of the main q&a's, have made it extremely easy to comprehend and listen to.

This method should be taken as an example by the rest of ATS imho when including long videos in threads!

Well done planetx

Agreed! Its great how he summarized what the video was all about.
However Randy does go into some other stuff in project camelot I think people should google his vids and watch them, very good listening.

Keep in mind there are a few others who have come foward with similar stories who were X military as well.

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: MystikMushroom

why cant those launches be detected?

Umm, the Nazi's were using chemical propulsion back in the 1940's, over 70 years ago, you don't think there are propulsion systems that no longer use chemicals?

Here is David Adair on the advanced propulsion systems he built and witnessed at a base:

posted on Sep, 6 2015 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

Funny you should mention that, as I was about to post that list!

More Mars whistleblowers are stepping forward

Not to mention Gary McKinnon, famous Pentagon hacker, found references to "non-terrestrial" officers and ships.

For more on the topic of Mars whistleblowers, check out the 1977 docu-drama “Alternative 3” (here on DVD). It’s a great watch and many suspect is portraying a deeper truth. Also, whistleblower Gary McKinnon hacked in to the computer system of the US military and found references to “non-terrestrial officers” and spaceships.

On Randy Cramer aka Captain Kaye (K):

He is highly articulate and obviously very intelligent. The sheer amount of information he is able to recall and impart makes his testimony very valuable.

More Mars whistleblowers coming forward.......

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