a reply to:
I believe aliens exist, and I believe intelligent species are coming and going from here. But I don't believe disclosure is gonna happen in the way
you describe it. I hope it does, but it's so unlikely that I feel it's never gonna happen. That's like expecting the U.S. to admit they covered up
9/11. Even if you don't believe 9/11 was an inside job, it's the same level of embarrassment for the U.S., and I think we can all agree that they just
wouldn't throw themselves under the bus like that. The world hardly trusts them as it is, let alone if they were to admit to covering up the most
important discovery of modern science for over half a century. That would spell the definite end of America as an international superpower.
The U.S. is far too proud a nation to ever come clean about
anything it has secretly done in the past on behalf of their agenda (at least not
willingly), let alone the alien conspiracy. You have to pry that sort of information from the government's teeth, and at great cost. They never just
willingly admit that sort of controversy. So if the U.S. has indeed been involved in covering up the E.T. presence for the past 60+ years (and I
believe they have), then it won't be from their mouth that you'll hear the truth. If there's one thing the U.S.A. has proven beyond a doubt in matters
of great worldly importance, it's that they cannot be trusted. Not on a national political scale, anyway.
And even if they
did admit the presence of aliens on earth - then I'd begin to wonder why they would do such a thing. Because America doesn't
anything that doesn't support directly or indirectly their national 'agenda' (whatever that may be).
Furthermore, if aliens are coming and going from our planet with the same level of ease as we traverse our own continents, then they are so far more
advanced than us that I wonder if we could even communicate with them. I'm sure we could, given enough time and resources, but I wonder if they'd
bother? I mean, we humans are only 2% different from primates
Tiny Genetic
Differences Between Humans and Other Primates Pervade the Genome /
Chimps vs. Humans: How
Are We Different?).
If we are only ~1-2% different from a god damn chimp, and we're exploring
space, then imagine what a species 1-2%+ more evolutionary advanced
than us gets up to? Now don't get me wrong, I am not trying to trivialize human intelligence - personally I think it's incredible that we are so
intelligent despite being so genetically close to primates. I don't think it's a put-down at all, I think it's something to be amazed at. But it does
make you wonder. Any species who can traverse the cosmos at will and 'visit' our planet is not just a little bit more advanced than us, but
dimensions more advanced than us. We'd be like monkeys using sign language to ask for an orange if we tried to have a meaningful dialogue with
a species that advanced. It would be like a kindergarten child trying to comprehend Einstein's or Stephen Hawking's brain.
Whether that means we need to fear them or not, I don't know. Personally, I don't think so - because Einstein and Hawking didn't go around using their
intelligence to beat up little kids and steal their candy, and I don't see why extraterrestrials would either. But if they
do exist, and they
make contact with us, I don't think it'll be anything like we can even imagine. While we are arguably more 'approachable' than primates, given that we
are self-aware of our own conscious minds and can actually comprehend our own inferiority (which makes us an interesting creature, no doubt), I don't
think it'll be a meet & greet like you describe. If it ever happens, terms like 'soft' and 'hard' disclosure will go out the window - I believe we as
a species will be utterly speechless both literally and figuratively. It will be existential chaos for all political and spiritual institutions for a
while after such an atomic bomb of knowledge gets dropped on us. It will not be 'soft' or 'hard', it will be downright crazy.
Now, with all that being said.... bring it on, I say. While I don't agree with your theory of impending 'disclosure', I still think it'll happen -
just not the way you describe. So at the end of the day, I'm not disagreeing with you, so don't get me wrong. Just saying my opinion, for whatever its
worth, since I've thought about this for a long time (and am aware of a lot of the same information sources you mentioned). But if it does not happen
in our lifetime, then it will within the next few generations, I have no doubt. The only question is will this extraterrestrial life be willing and
able to communicate with us?
But in the meantime, I still feel like we have more pressing concerns here at home to worry about. When we discover a family of chimps in the forest,
we don't go out of our way to intervene and improve their lives and habitats (generally speaking). So why should we expect aliens to do such to us? It
would be safer (for us as well as them) to stay at a distance, and
only interfere with our ecosystem if an extinction-level event were imminent
(man-made or otherwise). And that's assuming they're benevolent interventionists, and not malevolent or indifferent or strict non-interventionists.
So until we're on the cusp of our own destruction (or venturing far beyond our planet into other species' neighborhoods), then I don't see this
happening any time soon. The idea that aliens would come here to shake our hands and share potentially disastrous technologies and esoteric knowledge
with an under-matured volatile race like ours is more than a little absurd. And I know I sound like a pessimist here, but I'm not - I'm speaking as a
realist. I would like to think that they could see through all that and realize our true nature as human beings is benevolent and creative - but all
they have to do is watch our primitive prime-time (or perhaps more fittingly - primate-time) TV to realize that we are far from ready to be initiated
into the intergalactic community (assuming that one exists, and assuming that they have any sense of self-preservation).
It's fun to think about though. And I hope I'm wrong
I'd be as excited as any alien enthusiast to see a full-disclosure on TV. But that's a
little too Hollywood for my rational mind to accept outright. I just can't see it happening, as much as I'd like to. It's far too 'easy' for such an
epic and complex existential dilemma. And if it does happen, I'd have every reason to be suspicious of it. If aliens want to make contact with our
species, they won't meet with our corrupt and untrustworthy political leaders. They'll speak to our scientists and philosophers and community leaders
- our
intelligent representatives - because they're the only ones who can calm & sway public opinion effectively. Not the President or the U.N.
or NASA or any other politicized or militarized organization. Aliens are not politics; they're a cosmic existential concern that lies more in the
realm of philosophy and science than agenda-driven politics and media (or military, for that matter).
edit on 20/8/2015 by TheAnarchist because: ~