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originally posted by: TombEscaper......
The collective perception of those who read the Bible must now be elevated to a point at which the Bible is understood as the LIVING "roadmap" to the destination of the "Promised Land" that is the divinity within, which also includes the transcending of this entombing Matrix, the attainment of immortality, and the ascension to our rightful state as cosmic creators of individual and collective exponential reality. ......"
Reading Ease
A higher score indicates easier readability; scores usually range between 0 and 100.
Readability Formula
Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease -8.9
Grade Levels
A grade level (based on the USA education system) is equivalent to the number of years of education a person has had. A score of around 10-12 is roughly the reading level on completion of high school. Text to be read by the general public should aim for a grade level of around 8.
Readability Formula
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 31.1
Gunning-Fog Score 35.8
Coleman-Liau Index 14.3
SMOG Index 22.2
Automated Readability Index 36.1
Average Grade Level 27.9
originally posted by: Aloysius the Gaul
originally posted by: TombEscaper......
The collective perception of those who read the Bible must now be elevated to a point at which the Bible is understood as the LIVING "roadmap" to the destination of the "Promised Land" that is the divinity within, which also includes the transcending of this entombing Matrix, the attainment of immortality, and the ascension to our rightful state as cosmic creators of individual and collective exponential reality. ......"
Fantastic - what a superb example of gobbledygook - sentence analysed::
Reading Ease
A higher score indicates easier readability; scores usually range between 0 and 100.
Readability Formula
Flesch-Kincaid Reading Ease -8.9
This score is usually 0-100, with low scores being difficult to understand - 0-30 is considered to require a university level education - and this sentence came out NEGATICVE!! (Negative scores are not unknown - apparently 1 particularly long and convoluted sentence in Moby Dick scores -161 or so!!)
Grade Levels
A grade level (based on the USA education system) is equivalent to the number of years of education a person has had. A score of around 10-12 is roughly the reading level on completion of high school. Text to be read by the general public should aim for a grade level of around 8.
Readability Formula
Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level 31.1
Gunning-Fog Score 35.8
Coleman-Liau Index 14.3
SMOG Index 22.2
Automated Readability Index 36.1
Average Grade Level 27.9
so most readability scores say you need 30 or so years of education to understand this.
I'd be surprised if the author actually understands what he wrote!!
originally posted by: TombEscaper
And this is a superb example of avoiding pertinent content via a derailment method intended on devaluing the validity of what was put forth.
originally posted by: Aloysius the Gaul
originally posted by: TombEscaper
And this is a superb example of avoiding pertinent content via a derailment method intended on devaluing the validity of what was put forth.
It is a superb example of me not having any comprehension about eth meaning of the sentence I noted.
originally posted by: Aloysius the Gaul
a reply to: TombEscaper
That's certainly simpler and understandable, if not actually logical
originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: 3NL1GHT3N3D1
No, disagreeing with gay rights isn't technically persecution, but it is ignorant.
It is both ignorant AND persecution.
Back of the bus, you. This is the water fountain for regular people. You have to use the other one that's labeled "not us". We won't serve you at this lunch counter (bakery, pizza shop, etc).
I'm presuming that you do realize that agnostic literally means "without knowledge." That doesn't seem like something one would want to label themselves as, and it doesn't seem like an accurate classification of you from what I've encountered in these conversations.
originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: TombEscaper
I'm presuming that you do realize that agnostic literally means "without knowledge." That doesn't seem like something one would want to label themselves as, and it doesn't seem like an accurate classification of you from what I've encountered in these conversations.
Yes, I know that it means "without knowledge".
The FACT is that WE DON'T KNOW FOR SURE - none of us do - how the universe got started, how many multiverses there are, if there is sentient life on other planets, how many 'dimensions' exist that we are unable to perceive - or any other number of things.
And so, we return to the basics:
If a thing is true, it is true FOR EVERYONE. Day and night...our planet faces the sun for a while, then turns away from it for a while. Year in and year out. True for everyone.
You have not proven that the Bible is the "word of God." Your stance is merely a matter of "opinion."
originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: TombEscaper
I believe that the Bible is man's interpretation of the Divine Word of God.
Does that make any sense?
we all see different and conflicting things while all believing we are correct in our varying opinions, with no way of proving who or what is right or wrong. Does this not make it obvious that we are confined to a tomb?
originally posted by: TombEscaper
originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: TombEscaper
I believe that the Bible is man's interpretation of the Divine Word of God.
Does that make any sense?
Are you referring to the composition of it, or to the reading of it?
originally posted by: Aloysius the Gaul
a reply to: beezzer
god certainly isn't perfect - if he/she/it was then we wouldn't have this world full of evil - he/she/it would have created a system that doesn't need evil to work properly...whatever that means!!
originally posted by: BuzzyWigs
a reply to: TombEscaper
we all see different and conflicting things while all believing we are correct in our varying opinions, with no way of proving who or what is right or wrong. Does this not make it obvious that we are confined to a tomb?
Insofar as it is just like Plato's cave and shadows, yes. But that does not mean "The Bible" is true.
originally posted by: beezzer
originally posted by: TombEscaper
originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: TombEscaper
I believe that the Bible is man's interpretation of the Divine Word of God.
Does that make any sense?
Are you referring to the composition of it, or to the reading of it?
Both, actually.
God is perfect.
Man isn't.
So when man interprets God's perfect message, he does so, earnestly, but with inherent flaws.