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Florida church sends $1,000 collection notice to single mother because she didn’t tithe

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posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 06:12 PM
Hehe, primtive church...Hehehe

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 06:48 PM
what about the cathlic church in Italy?
the italian people have to give some of thier pay cheak!
and pay when the plat is past around.
and the vatican is a very Rich countrie

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: Involutionist

From me.

What is wrong with religious leaders and institutions especially African American religious leaders

From you

I see you took the bait....

Can you please expound on what you meant by that above statement?

Simple that most them are crooks and charlatans and folks in the AA communities know it but pretend it isn't there , they fire and brimstone people to death while taking their money and screwing their female and sometimes male parishioners , they have no problem displaying their wealth culled from folks who hang on to their every word, this is painful for me because I know the Church as an institution people depended on, but the rot is in and wide spread, everyone is following the Creflo Dollar model even the smaller store fronts churches, African Americans can ill afford to have their hard earned dollars carted away every Sunday, I said Especially African American religious leaders because above all they should know better they know the problems that plague the community.
8 Black Pastors Whose Net Worth is 200 Times Greater Than Folks in Their Local Communities< br /> As to what I'd do if I were Gaawd??.put that money into after school tutoring and education especially in the maths sciences and for kids and adults alike tutorials in financial management and community development.
edit on 17-7-2015 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 06:54 PM
I grew up in churches. I have seen different versions of church. This type of church, where they only want certain people there, and they make sure everyone is paying the correct amount.

But then I have also seen poor inner city churches that struggle to stay afloat. They have coffee houses on Friday nights to try and keep drunks out of bars and off the streets. I'm not a religious person, but I respected these churches. So, no, not every church is ornate and full of money hungry jerks. There are churches full of people who try their best to do what they feel is right.

Funny thing about one of the richer churches, they got this young, enthusiastic pastor once. Oh, he wanted to save the world; he was a former hippy. He wanted to up and move the church out of the quiet suburbs into the downtown of a pretty dirty city. Oh, the congregation was not happy with him. He did not last long. Hopefully he went on to somewhere that appreciates his style of reaching out.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 07:16 PM
Religion is a choice.

Those who have faith do not need religion.

Must be a pretty spiffy church to be requesting that amount of $$$.

hope she finds a better group to express her churchy needs with, she can have church at her house and invite people over, because that's what righteous people do.

simple as that.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 07:17 PM
the real irony is that the modern churches tell everyone the Old Testament Laws are meaningless and then expect everyone to give 10%: am Old Testament teaching!

the original churches were House Churches"

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: Spider879

This how you perceive fellow human beings with a different complexion that are religious in the States?

Simple that most them are crooks and charlatans and folks in the AA communities know it but pretend it isn't there , they fire and brimstone people to death while taking their money and screwing their female and sometimes male parishioners , they have no problem displaying their wealth culled from folks who hang on to their every word, this is painful for me because I know the Church as an institution people depended on, but the rot is in and wide spread, everyone is following the Creflo Dollar model even the smaller store fronts churches, African Americans can ill afford to have their hard earned dollars carted away every Sunday, I said Especially African American religious leaders because above all they should know better they know the problems that plague the community.
8 Black Pastors Whose Net Worth is 200 Times Greater Than Folks in Their Local Communities< br /> As to what I'd do if I were Gaawd??.put that money into after school tutoring and education especially in the maths sciences and for kids and adults alike tutorials in financial management and community development.

Joel Olsteen's networth is a cool 40 Million $. Hallelujah Basphemot!

put that money into after school tutoring and education especially in the maths sciences and for kids and adults alike tutorials in financial management and community development.

Isn't that what government taxes are for? Developing socially economic and educational infrastructure within communities?

I said Especially African American religious leaders because above all they should know better they know the problems that plague the community.

So, basically you want the pastors to do the job politicians are paid to do using the people's tax dollars. I get it, some are crooks, but lumping the entire black population of America into one basket is very ignorant, to say the least.

So, you actually care about black people and this is your way of showing it...?

The irony is this: Right now, all I see is $$$. I love people like you....but for strictly financial reasons.


edit on 17-7-2015 by Involutionist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: Spider879

There is so many things wrong with what this "church" is doing, I'm not sure I can list them all.

But let me simply state that TITHING was NEVER, EVER about money. If ANY church tries to tell you that TITHING is biblical and something today's Christians are to do.....then LEAVE THAT CHURCH. Any such place of so-called worship is full of liars and snakes.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: Involutionist
a reply to: Spider879

This how you perceive fellow human beings with a different complexion that are religious in the States?

Simple that most them are crooks and charlatans and folks in the AA communities know it but pretend it isn't there , they fire and brimstone people to death while taking their money and screwing their female and sometimes male parishioners , they have no problem displaying their wealth culled from folks who hang on to their every word, this is painful for me because I know the Church as an institution people depended on, but the rot is in and wide spread, everyone is following the Creflo Dollar model even the smaller store fronts churches, African Americans can ill afford to have their hard earned dollars carted away every Sunday, I said Especially African American religious leaders because above all they should know better they know the problems that plague the community.
8 Black Pastors Whose Net Worth is 200 Times Greater Than Folks in Their Local Communities< br /> As to what I'd do if I were Gaawd??.put that money into after school tutoring and education especially in the maths sciences and for kids and adults alike tutorials in financial management and community development.

Joel Olsteen's networth is a cool 40 Million $. Hallelujah Basphemot!

put that money into after school tutoring and education especially in the maths sciences and for kids and adults alike tutorials in financial management and community development.

Isn't that what government taxes are for? Developing socially economic and educational infrastructure within communities?

I said Especially African American religious leaders because above all they should know better they know the problems that plague the community.

So, basically you want the pastors to do the job politicians are paid to do using the people's tax dollars. I get it, some are crooks, but lumping the entire black population of America into one basket is very ignorant, to say the least.

So, you actually care about black people and this is your way of showing it...?

The irony is this: Right now, all I see is $$$. I love people like you....but for strictly financial reasons.


Not the entire Black population of which I am a part of btw ,but yes I actually do care, If people are going to dish out those extra $$$ on a Sunday, then yes put it to better use, Pols are equally crooked what I am hoping for is a grassroots approach that build from the bottom up, pool our resources to better understand the real problems and workout solutions in our communities, stop wasting hard earned cash on pie in the sky real estate which is worst than Florida swamp land for sale, at least you have a slight chance of getting some of your money back.
edit on 17-7-2015 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: seagull


Those who wish to turn my fathers house into a counting house, may officially, and summarily GTFO with all possible haste.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:04 PM
This epitomizes false Christianity.

Shame on them.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: Spider879

That church should immediately lose its tax free status. When they start insisting on payment and sending delinquency notices, they become a for-profit business.

Cheers - Dave

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:11 PM
Moral of the story:
If your pastor dresses like a pimp then it's time to look for another place of worship.
Custom made suits and snakeskin boots don't go on trees you know.

Heck, I bet that church has a dress code.
They wouldn't even let Jesus though the door
with his worn out robe and tattered sandals.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:08 PM

originally posted by: buddha
what about the cathlic church in Italy?
the italian people have to give some of thier pay cheak!
and pay when the plat is past around.

They do not have to do any such thing.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: Spider879
Now aint that some #?

Thats what the collection plate is for, if some want to give and can so be it, if not then not. And if the church needs help with things, I am sure they can run some fundraisers or such, there are ways even legal ways to go about it.

But this is just ridonculous.

This better not be one of those mega churches, my sister used to go to one, it used to be popular to, the pastor was pretty famous, some red headed guy in a suit. Till I looked him up and seen the guy was stinking rich to from these mega churches, houses, benzez and bling bling to boot.

I suppose even though it was a collection plate sort of thing when even half of the insane amount of people that go there is more then enough to pay costs, and a whole lot of extra for expenses, seeing as religious institutions dont pay taxes. Well its a pretty sweet deal and business.

There may be legitimate reasons why this church is charging people. But even if there are, they are going the wrong way about it in seeing to that.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 10:47 PM
And this is news? Lol, go to a different church or whatever. If this was a problem, enough of one, the rhing would not be around anyway. Unless it's some sort of scientolgy like brain washing or something.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 10:47 PM
And this is news? Lol, go to a different church or whatever. If this was a problem, enough of one, the rhing would not be around anyway. Unless it's some sort of scientolgy like brain washing or something.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 11:01 PM
I just love this sort of news, lol thanks for bringing it to our attention

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 11:37 PM
Reminds me of when Jesus ran the money changes out of the temple:

So after making a whip of ropes, he drove all those with the sheep and cattle out of the temple, and he poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.+ 16 And he said to those selling the doves: “Take these things away from here! Stop making the house of my Father a house of commerce!” - John 2:15, 16.

This is just repugnant and disgusting.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 11:46 PM
In my younger naïve days, I used to attend a church near Chicago like the one discussed in this thread. The church had less than 200 members, but the pastor rode in a chauffer driven Mercedes. The chauffer was his son.

To receive "maximum blessings and manna", attend all 3 weekly worship services and give till it hurts at each service. The more you give, the more you'll receive, because you can't "out give" the all-mighty God.

The Pastor stated that the church finances were open and available for any "member in good standing" to inspect. When I asked to see the ledgers, the secretary set up an appointment for the church's assistant Pastor to meet with me. He tried to talk me out of it. When I insisted, the head Pastor summoned me to his office. Tried to talk me out of it. Didn't work. He reluctantly allowed his secretary to go into the safe and pull out "the book". (This was in Quicken, etc..)

What I saw astounded me. As of Sept 1994, this modest size church had taken in $1.2 million. Salaries to his family totaled $834,000. The rest went to maintenance and mortgage payments on not only the church, but his home as well. Twice I flew on business trips..and who was seated up in first class? The Pastor and his Wife. They were nice and nowhere near shy about how God was blessing them. Before the year was up, I left that church and changed to another one that some friends attended.

Three years later, that church, led by it's charismatic pastor, exploded from being humble and small, to a 27 million dollar campus. Our pastor suddenly became too "important" for trivial things like marrying couples, delivering Eulogies, etc.. Eventually he wasn't even there half of the Sundays. He was guest speaking at other mega churches in various parts of the USA and the world.

As of 2015, I'm now in my mid-50's and done with religions. My motto is, if God created you, he loves you. And like any parent, he'll love you regardless of your imperfections. Since the creator of the universe loves you, there's no need to seek the approval of other equals...other humans. Besides, since Father God knew of everything you're going to do in this life, and brought you here anyway, you'll fulfilling your destiny every day. Just treat his other children (your brothers and sisters) with kindness and you'll be rewarded here, and beyond.

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