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If Iran nuked Israel..

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posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: crazyewok

You have a higher opinion of people than I do, my friend.

Well that's the thing.....after a nuclear exchange I doubt there would be anyone left to have opinion of.

Nuclear war is terrible thing even if it regional and I don't honestly want to see any country nuked as millions of innocents Jewish or Persian would die on both sides

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: crazyewok

No idea.....ask the neocons on a chickenhawks on this site they know were they are but haven't told me or anyone else .

That has too be the biggest piece of fabrication I have read since this morning.

If you you keep talking about the existence of Iranian Nukes when no UN/IAEA/CIA or anybody is able to validate that intel. But still somehow Iran manages to Nuke Israel, then little green men land in australia in some bizzar script written by self inducing lsd trip for a hollywood B movie.

This is Dr. Strangelove all over again, next we will talk about Iranians growing wings and transfrming into mutants with claws coming out of their hands, attacking Israel.

I have a solution, lets eliminate the impossible, and you will be left with the possibilities. Nukes in the region by either nation = never gonna happen.
edit on 17-7-2015 by Aryameher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: Aryameher

You havnet been on this site long have you?

You really don't know me or my stance as you are attacking the wrong person here. I'm likely one of the most Anti Iran war on here and I personal don't think they have nukes as if they wanted them they would have got them a decade ago.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: Aryameher

What in the hell are you smoking and where can I get some? How am I a warmonger? I'm not for war, nor have I encouraged it, nor said anything positive about it. The reason the major world powers lose wars with less technologically advanced nations is because they're restricted in what they can do, due to giving a damn abnout civilian casualties.

Nukes take those concerns off the table. At that point ground troops don't matter as the less advanced nation gets carpet bombed into the stone. In modern warfare likely with drones and no soldiers lost. There would be no concern for preserving the nation lobbing nukes around like it's a toy, they would be put down quickly because dammit nukes being lobbed is effing scarey. NO ONE WANTS MUTUAL ANNIHILATION!

It has nothing to do with thinking greatly of the US, which is in my opinion a corrupt corporate owned two faced monstrosity. It also has nothing to do with the kind of war you're talking about.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:17 AM
Israel will get a vote in any exchange.
This is what the Arab and Persian on the street seems to forget. They eat their leaders rhetoric just like everyone else and think there is a viable chance of destroying Israel.
The Iranian leaders know this and what they are seeking nukes for is to get a seat at the big boy table.
They just need to know that once you sit at that table the rules change.
There is no more of this state sponsored terrorism against 1st rate powers.
Any disagreement has the potential to go literally nuclear. There are no conventional options to fight against a 1st world power if you have nukes.
They see this as a path to 1st world status and in truth it is, however that path does not allow you to go on a full jihad across the arab world scarfing up all of the non nuclear countries. It will not mean a free hand to attack Israel. It will mean that Israel will just openly declare its Nuclear arsenal and they are WAY ahead of the game.
It will mean that you can no longer blame Israel and the US for the social problems in your country and you can no longer use that blame as a foundation for covert terror attacks.
I dont think Iran has really thought through what they are getting themselves into.
Any further attack on Israel will see Israel turn your cities into glass.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:18 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: Aryameher

You havnet been on this site long have you?

You really don't know me or my stance as you are attacking the wrong person here. I'm likely one of the most Anti Iran war on here and I personal don't think they have nukes as if they wanted them they would have got them a decade ago.

I was a member 6 years ago. Seems the golden days of this place are long gone.

You are Anti Iran War because it serves your interests. Not because it would be the right thing to do, going on another wild goose chase, Invisible WMDS.

This topic has been done to death, I mean seriously, "What if Iran Nukes Israel?". What Nukes? and Why would Iran or Israel use Nukes (hundred of times more deadly than the ones used in WW2 on Japan). But still what if It Nukes X.... ah my god.. How about a What if Israel Nukes EU, or Israel Nukes America or USA Nukes Israel?

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:28 AM

originally posted by: Dragoon01
Israel will get a vote in any exchange.
This is what the Arab and Persian on the street seems to forget. They eat their leaders rhetoric just like everyone else and think there is a viable chance of destroying Israel.
The Iranian leaders know this and what they are seeking nukes for is to get a seat at the big boy table.
They just need to know that once you sit at that table the rules change.
There is no more of this state sponsored terrorism against 1st rate powers.
Any disagreement has the potential to go literally nuclear. There are no conventional options to fight against a 1st world power if you have nukes.
They see this as a path to 1st world status and in truth it is, however that path does not allow you to go on a full jihad across the arab world scarfing up all of the non nuclear countries. It will not mean a free hand to attack Israel. It will mean that Israel will just openly declare its Nuclear arsenal and they are WAY ahead of the game.
It will mean that you can no longer blame Israel and the US for the social problems in your country and you can no longer use that blame as a foundation for covert terror attacks.
I dont think Iran has really thought through what they are getting themselves into.
Any further attack on Israel will see Israel turn your cities into glass.

Not Gonna Happen. You Fire a Nuke, You get Nuked back. Its you Zionists and American neo con baboons who eat up the parasite rhetoric, no surprise, israel is what america wa 300 years ago, only problem is, This ain't australia, new zealand. canada or americas. We will seriously wipe you out here. The Turks/Arabs and neighboring nations are all US/UK Created or run by installed Puppet Dictators since WW1, Only Iranian/Persian leaders are peoples leaders who got rid of the again American Pupept Shah who was put by the Same Western American scum in 1953 who has been behind every one of our regional issues! While the Arabs fight the American Sponsored Jihad against all Anti American governments in the region.

And that football field sized British Created illegal colonial european antisemetic state of Israel will be removed like the Crusaders in ME, and Colonials were in Asia. You will keep coming back in our lands waving Guns, and we will as always keep sending you back, and this time we may forcefully enter your lands and make sure you stay there as we make you taste a bit of your own colonial medicine for supporting the zionist regime and meddling in our affairs. And if USA wants to meddle with nukes, bet your behind they will be turned into molten Fat before they are allowed at the world expense start a Nuclear holocaust.

You aren't putting your hand in my pocket, taking out my wallet and selling it to a 3rd party. We will NEVER EVER Allow a western/european/foreign race of people from another part of the world to come Invade our region with arms, bombs and tanks, forcefully occupy our lands, kill and throw out the natives and claim it as theirs, regardless of what religious or other reason you have.

edit on 17-7-2015 by Aryameher because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-7-2015 by Aryameher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: Puppylove
a reply to: Aryameher

What in the hell are you smoking and where can I get some? How am I a warmonger? I'm not for war, nor have I encouraged it, nor said anything positive about it. The reason the major world powers lose wars with less technologically advanced nations is because they're restricted in what they can do, due to giving a damn abnout civilian casualties.

Nukes take those concerns off the table. At that point ground troops don't matter as the less advanced nation gets carpet bombed into the stone. In modern warfare likely with drones and no soldiers lost. There would be no concern for preserving the nation lobbing nukes around like it's a toy, they would be put down quickly because dammit nukes being lobbed is effing scarey. NO ONE WANTS MUTUAL ANNIHILATION!

It has nothing to do with thinking greatly of the US, which is in my opinion a corrupt corporate owned two faced monstrosity. It also has nothing to do with the kind of war you're talking about.

I got it from Bibi, He says he got it from the CIA guys transporting it from Afghanistan and giving it to the Allahuakbar guys in Syria and Iraq.

Seems I am mistake to read your lines "Iran is a little # piddy bla bla that can be taken out by 1 forward gear and 7 reverse gears France and the tiny island of Britain, and the ghost of saddam hossein!

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Aryameher

Why would Iran nuke Israel? Iran's rhetoric is a threat to Israel but not really nation threatening if we are honest and realistic about it. The Iranians are two generations behind the Israeli's so why would they attack a modern military with weapons inherited from gettin on the 70's?

Israel at this very moment has a German made Dolphin class submarine with nuke cruise misiles sitting off the Iranian coast waiting for permission to wipe out Iran. Why would Iran attack Israel knowing there is a loaded gun next to their head called MAD?

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: Aryameher

It is when comparing technological power and taking all rules off the table. Lots of countries are.

Take away restraints and allow the technological powerhouses to go buck wild on a country less technologically advanced with no concerns for conserving the countries well being, and it's not even a fight.

The US, the disgusting monster that is, has put more resources into it's military than most countries combined. Let them actually use those resources with no restraints and no goal other than complete obliteration, and well, only a few countries could fight back at all.

I have nothing against Iran or it's citizens, but things like Vietnam are not what we're talking about here. That's an occupational ground war. It's a war where things like guerrilla tactics, ect, can win, where tactics, strategy, and knowing the terrain matters. Where obliteration the entire country or it's citizens were never an option. If the US goal was simply to level North Vietnam and kill everyone there and demolish all it's resources, well I'm guessing you know what the outcome would have been. Especially if no one disagreed with our actions, which would be the case if some idiot country decided to go nuke happy. That goes for any country so stupid, including the US.

When it comes to pure unrestrained military might, Iran is pretty piddly compared to the world powers. That says nothing for how they'd fair in a occupational restrained ground war, which is an entirely different beast altogether.

Addendum: The big difference is if countries like the US go Nuke happy, the nukes are too well spread out and the countries are too large to be taken down quickly, and the nukes have more range than many of the smaller nuke controlling countries. If any of the big nuke owning countries go nuke crazy... it can't be put down without pretty much screwing us all.
edit on 7/17/2015 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

edit on 7/17/2015 by Puppylove because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: notmyrealname

well was the premise of the op and what i was going off ,and to eb fair included the much more likely isreli first strike that according to 90% of the war games scenarios i have see indicates it will go badly not just for the isrelis but pretty much every one if these two nations go to war in even an limited nuclear fashion

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 02:11 PM
There's a reason it's supposed to be called the "Samson Option" in Israel. It's supposed to allude to the story of Samson for a reason. In that story, Samson was returned his great strength just long enough to destroy all his captors but only at the cost of his own life. So basically, Israel is saying, "If you ever see us use this, it's because we don't expect to survive, but we're going to do our best to take all of you with us."

So at that point, they don't care what the rest of the world thinks anymore. They're done and they know it, but so will everyone else.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 03:07 PM
If some how Iran managed to Nuke Israel either the US would level Iran or the Arabs would have Pakistan do it. It would not make them the leader of the muslim world it would make them its biggest threat. Of course Iran did not want a nuke to use it and get leveled they wanted it to keep the US or the Arab States from going after Iran proper if a conflict were to break out.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

...and they mean it.

"Never again." It's not just a catchy slogan to many Israelis.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: Marcus069
Would this then make them the envy of the muslim world? Would even the Sunnis rejoice at this event?

Op I am A sunnie Muslim ,Salafi to be exact , No I would not rejoice and surly none of my fellow brethren would.

Even though Iran are Shia majority and their creed is differing from us Sunnies , so much so that it put's us at odds with each other .

I will say that I don't believe Iran's intentions are to wipe out Israel . This idea was used as a fear mongering tactic.

Also keep in mind that Iran has Orthodox jews living in it's country. just as Israel has Iranians living in it's country .

If Iran was hell bent on taking out the jew's wouldn't they start by taking out the ones in their own country?

of course CNN has to put a spin on it , but the reality is jews live comfortably in Iran.

I wonder when more people are going to wake up and realize that this whole Israel Iran issue is a problem with the war mongering pigs who run government's .

And In my Honest opinion i fully believe Israel is making this a bigger problem then it really is .

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 03:52 PM
dbl post
edit on 06/17/2015 by Kapusta because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: Strewth
a reply to: Marcus069

Chemical weapons would leave all the infrastructure in place. Nuking the joint renders it uninhabitable and in such a confined part of the world and hotly contested real estate it would go down as the dumbest move ever in the history of military and government decisions.

There would undoubtedly be dancing in the streets in many parts of the world though just like after the 911 event.

A neutron bomb would kill everyone and leave the place habitable.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 04:40 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
There's a reason it's supposed to be called the "Samson Option" in Israel. It's supposed to allude to the story of Samson for a reason. In that story, Samson was returned his great strength just long enough to destroy all his captors but only at the cost of his own life. So basically, Israel is saying, "If you ever see us use this, it's because we don't expect to survive, but we're going to do our best to take all of you with us."

So at that point, they don't care what the rest of the world thinks anymore. They're done and they know it, but so will everyone else.

My opinion is that if Iran attacks first and Israel launches all their nukes in response then were all dead. The damage they could do to Saudi Arabia would be enormous. Nuking all the oil wells, ports, and pipelines they could drop a bomb on. The next day gasoline would be $50 a gallon and rising until the supply runs out. About a week later or less all the stores would be emptied. And impossible to restock with the price of gas and diesel in the stratosphere. Food riots would start and martial law would be imposed. But that would be nothing compared to the nuclear winter that would be starting 9 to 12 months down the road. In 5 to 10 years 90%+ of the world's population would be dead. Except for the ones in the government bunkers and salt caves.

No one wins in a middle east nuclear war except maybe the Illuminati.

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: Aryameher

Then WHAT about arming a CLIENT with a nuke?
Hamas or Hezbola?
OUT of the question?
IT IS what is DONE by Iran historically,they would NEVER dirctly move against anyone because of ALL that has been stated but to ARM a deniable source would be the same thing anyway to western doctrine.
edit on 17-7-2015 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 17-7-2015 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2015 @ 06:22 PM
a reply to: ntech

I'm not sure that one nuke by Iran would prompt Israel to launch all of hers in a Samson strike.

But if Iran launched the nuke and all the armies of all the states surrounding Israel were ready to invade and there was no help coming and no hope ...

Well that might be different.

One nuke by itself wouldn't necessarily jeopardize the entire nation although it would be devastating. In that case, you might see an ally or even another state put Iran down. I'm not sure Israel would have to. After all, not even crazy N. Korea has starting randomly lobbing her nukes around, but if as soon as Iran gets one, she does? Do you think anyone in the rest of the world would allow that to go on no matter how much they might detest Israel?

The only real problem is that Israel serves as the canary in the coal mine in that scenario.

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