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Philly Cops Didn’t Know they were On Camera as a Dozen of them Tore Into One Unarmed Man

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posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 09:00 AM
Huff Post Tyree Carroll Beating

This article seems to include some information that the original OP didn't have. Though regardless of whether or not he had drugs, bought drugs, sold drugs, it in not way legitimizes this disgusting brutal display of force and mob style beat down in the streets.

Jasmyne Cannick Philadelphia police have launched an internal investigation into the beating of an unarmed black man by officers in April. Tyree Carroll, 22, faces assault and drug-related charges stemming from the April 3 incident, which transpired after police saw him riding the wrong way down a one-way street on his bicycle and stopped him, according to police. Carroll was found to have 5.3 grams of crack coc aine on him, police said, but video shot by a bystander provides a shocking look at the circumstances surrounding his arrest. The footage opens with Carroll pinned to the ground by three officers. His bike is on the ground, and he is screaming for his grandmother, who lives nearby. The three officers struggle with the young man for about 45 seconds before one of them begins punching him. The situation escalates as other officers arrive on the scene. At least one of them can be heard threatening to use a Taser on Carroll. Some officers can be heard cursing at Carroll, calling him a "piece of s**t" and a "motherf*****r" while others repeatedly strike him. One of the officers yells that Carroll bit him. In a jailhouse interview with the Pennsylvania Prison Society, Carroll admitted to biting the officer, but said he did it because he was scared and having trouble breathing. The organization did not immediately return request for comment by The Huffington Post. In a statement Thursday, the Philadelphia police said officers stopped Carroll on suspicion of a narcotics violation and that he fought the officers, biting one of them three times in the thigh, hand and arm. Once Carroll was in custody, he "intentionally [struck] his own head against the protective shield located in the police vehicle" and was treated for his injury at an area hospital, according to the statement. The statement acknowledges that additional police responded to the scene, but did not say how many. Jasmyne Cannick, a Los Angeles-based blogger, published the video on her site Wednesday after Carroll's family sent it to her. The video was shot by an unidentified woman who witnessed the scene, and Cannick said the only reason the footage didn't surface sooner is because the woman didn't know how to get in touch with Carroll's family. In a phone interview with HuffPost on Thursday, Cannick said that the cops' demeaning of Carroll denotes a profound lack of respect. "You can't justify calling someone a 'piece of s**t' while you're beating them," Cannick said. "It doesn't matter if he had all the crack in the world. It doesn't warrant that response." From behind the camera, the woman shooting the video counts 24 police officers at the scene, and says police used a Taser on Carroll "four or five times." Due to the close angle and poor lighting of the video, that information is difficult to verify. In a statement Thursday, the Philadelphia police said there was "no indication that an electronic control weapon was used" during Carroll's arrest, despite officers in the video alluding to a Taser. In the video, at least half a dozen officers can be seen responding before Carroll is handcuffed and incapacitated. Many more officers continue to show up afterward. The Philadelphia Daily News reports that the Philadelphia Police Department learned of the video shortly after it was posted, and has responded by opening an internal affairs investigation. Cannick says she doubts the police would have done anything if the family hadn't come forward with the video. "This happened in April, and the police never opened their mouth, and probably wouldn't have opened their mouth about it until this video came out," Cannick told HuffPost. Police said use of force reports were completed at the time of the incident. Carroll remains in jail because the April arrest violated his probation on a 2014 drug possession plea. He's scheduled to appear in court July 21.

The cops are saying that he intentionally beat his own head against the inside of the cop car after his arrest. Why don't I believe that?

They also said they did not use any "electronic control weapon". Even though they are clearly heard yelling "taze the mother f'er!"

Also wonder why the police didn't disclose how many officers actually responded?

Also convenient that this happened in april and the police never said a thing about the incident until the video surfaced. Then and only then did they decide to open an investigation into the incident.

The war on drugs has become our own modern day version of the spanish inquisition. The police in the US have a real f*cked up view of drug addiction. I don't even know where to start anymore. The entire system is a toilet in need of a big flush.
edit on 10-7-2015 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: Gothmog
Will hold judgement on this as well. I dont know why the police were involved in the beginning .What I apparently do see is the person struggling against the police till the end. Even Rodney King admitted he should have been more compliant during the arrest.

I think all humans "struggle" when under attack. Sorry, but laws are made on "what the average person is like" and so any expectation for humans to remain calm being badly beaten by thug dictators is ILLEGAL AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

So there is NO JUDGEMENT TO BE WITHELD, only treating him as you would your own child or friend. My two oldest babies as 24 and 25!

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 09:38 AM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

I would bet anything the crack is BS too.. He slammed his own face into the cage lmao..

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: CallmeRaskolnikov
The war on drugs has become our own modern day version of the spanish inquisition.

We've been conditioned to encourage the law to show no mercy to anyone involved in drugs. We've been taught to righteously think that they deserve it.

We've been programmed to root for a lot of atrocities through dehumanization.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

I've seen this up close and personal. It's pretty ugly to watch. James chasse in Portland Oregon was beaten severely by 2 Portland police officers, right in front of me, and the grand jury found them innocent of any wrong doing. Sad days we live in when flags are more of an issue than police brutality.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 10:10 AM

originally posted by: VoidHawk
A question for everyone.
If you were potus and you were made aware of the brutality we keep seeing in these vids, would you do something about it? After all, you are the man at the top!

So why doesn't he?

Because local police departments are not his jurisdiction. He can do whatever he wants, but he has no authority over them if we're living in reality.

He's already tried demonizing police (comments that lead to the "Beer Summit" come to mind) and he has been found to be in the wrong almost every time, as has his DOJ...they just seem to always sniff out and combat the wrong problem and blame race for everything like this. The president has no business dealing with this stuff, as his history in meddling proves.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: CallmeRaskolnikov
The cops are saying that he intentionally beat his own head against the inside of the cop car after his arrest. Why don't I believe that?

Maybe because you're viewing the incident through glasses tainted with ideology (apparently)? Criminals do this on a regular basis when cuffed in the back of a patrol car...I've seen it a couple times myself, and been told about it a few times by LEOs that I know who have no reason to lie about it because it was on camera.

Assuming that Carroll, in this case, did not do it is a terrible approach to take, as it's extremely possible.

They also said they did not use any "electronic control weapon". Even though they are clearly heard yelling "taze the mother f'er!"

Making reference to tazing him and actually doing it are two completely different things. You can hear a tazer in videos like this...not once did I hear the telling sound of a tazer going off, nor do I see an officer use a tazer. So you're implying that they lied just because you can hear on the video (twice, I think) someone telling someone to taze him.

That's not how evidence works.

Also wonder why the police didn't disclose how many officers actually responded?

Also convenient that this happened in april and the police never said a thing about the incident until the video surfaced. Then and only then did they decide to open an investigation into the incident.

They probably didn't address or investigate it because Carroll didn't initially press charges. But that is an 'if' scenario--none of the sources I have seen discuss that aspect of it. But, if no charges are brought against officers, why would they open up an investigation into the incident?

The war on drugs has become our own modern day version of the spanish inquisition. The police in the US have a real f*cked up view of drug addiction. I don't even know where to start anymore. The entire system is a toilet in need of a big flush.

I'm on board with that point, though. The officers were just doing their jobs in arresting someone with drugs--I know at least one officer who does that with a heavy heart because he disagrees with the war on drugs, but at the same time, his job is to enforce all laws on the books, so he does it as he should. I fully agree that their reaction appears way over-reactive and brutal on the surface, but just like trying to count the number of actual strikes to his person, the video also doesn't show very well what Carroll was doing to bring on such a response, if anything (although it's apparent in some parts of the video that he is obviously not complying with the officer's requests to put his hands behind his back).

The aggression seen here does appear to be disproportionate to the crime, but not having video from start to finish, and not having all of the evidence, it's impossible to intelligently claim that only the LEOs were in the wrong, here.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: JRCrowley

Do all of that and maybe you'll get that badge of honor.

You don't even know me Einstien! But here's a clue for you since
you demand one. It was years ago that I went thru quite a rough
time in my life. And the things I was getting rolled up for were
only problematic for myself and never amounted to anything.
Little 10 day stays to get rid of traffic tickets turned to misdomeaners
mostly Mr. High and mighty goody two shoes.

And I wasn't bragging about anything, just stating the case for my
experiences during that time. Never had as much as a drunk driving even.
So I feel no shame in telling the truth meho.

And you ASSume I'm at odds with the cops because they were doing
their job? You couldn't be more wrong. I still have all my teeth.
Believe me, you haven't got any idea how the cops and Randy
got along in Rancho Cucamonga Ca. But if you care to make more of
an ass out of yourself? Go for it Mr. Clean. This isn't the first time I've
joined in discussions like this. And if you had some real interest? You
would only find out how wrong you are saying I have something against

Do I have something against these cops and cops who act like this.
Damn right hombre. But EXPERIENCE not assumptions have shown
me what's really up So

I don't have anything to hide my fellow member and I see no reason
to act like it. Sorry if I gave you the wrong idea.

Oh and if I do get that "Badge of honor"? You might want to run in
case I'm looking to pin the tail on the donkey.

edit on Ram71015v49201500000048 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 10:51 AM
Always the same excuses, "he was no angel", "beatdown deserved."

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 11:24 AM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

"All White mother f$%#$ers too". Yeah I could care less. If you worked the ghetto everyday, you would probably get a few in on the average garbage that lives there.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: SlapMonkey

you're right and i've seen it myself too. where someone in the back of a squad car will intentionally beat his head against the window because they want out, they want bruises to blame on the cops or they just have psych problems and self abuse.

but, just looking at the major ass kicking the guy received, it's hard to imagine that he had the energy or the wherewithal to beat himself even MORE after the beating he already received.

the whole thing is just crazy.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: shaihulud66
a reply to: alienjuggalo

"All White mother f$%#$ers too". Yeah I could care less. If you worked the ghetto everyday, you would probably get a few in on the average garbage that lives there.

So you mean poor people? I have lived and worked in the ghetto and it has all walks of life just like everywhere else..

Must be nice to throw stones from the comfort of your bedroom at your parents house.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: alienjuggalo
I would struggle too if the only reason they had to stop me was they saw me talking to 2 guys, so they thought I was buying drugs.

Resisting arrest is the biggest joke going and the cops all know this. It's a "cop" out that they throw at you whenever they feel like abusing power. When they arrest somebody they are sometimes really rough slamming on the cuffs and jacking up your arms painfully behind your back when you are no longer even a threat to them. They'll say "stop resisting" if you are just trying to walk comfortably to the car and then blame you as if they aren't the ones forcing you and roughing you up. All they have to do is say the magic phrase, "stop resisting" and it gives them the green light to do whatever they want short of killing you and it all becomes your fault and you get charged for getting beat up. This is sad, plain and simple.

I don't know what happened in this particular instance, but cops act like they can do whatever they want to people and the people have to just sit there and take it or else it gets escalated to something like this. If you are a trained police officer and you can't take down a suspect who's got handcuffs on, you should probably quit your job, because YOU ARE PATHETIC. You do not need 8 people to subdue one man. Just imagine how many of these situations we DON'T know about. They were lucky enough to catch this one on camera. No surprise cops want filming cops to be illegal.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 02:48 PM

originally posted by: SecretFace

To kick off against police is absolutely pointless, its counter productive because you're simply giving them the reasons needed to justify force.

It was the police who were doing the kicking, and the punching, and the tasing and the batoning, all eight of them eventually.
The guy was doing nothing, he was on his bike and stopped to talk to two persons. A police statement states that they thought he might have been buying drugs. They do not say he had any drugs, nor did they say there was any exchange. nor did they say whoever he was talking with were known criminals, nor did they say they were other words they knew feck nothing
So if you are in Philly on a bike, and stop to ask the way for instance, and two cops appear out of a drainhole, just get down on your knees and beg them not to hit you in the face, do beg them to kick you in the kidneys, punch you in the gut, baton your balls, and taser you till your eyeballs cross, then thank them profusely when they let you go. It's all very useful for jolly good old Anglo-American relations. Another comedian.
edit on 10-7-2015 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 03:44 PM
a reply to: alienjuggalo

W T F ?

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 05:36 PM

originally posted by: alienjuggalo

originally posted by: Gothmog
Will hold judgement on this as well. I dont know why the police were involved in the beginning .What I apparently do see is the person struggling against the police till the end. Even Rodney King admitted he should have been more compliant during the arrest.

I would struggle too if the only reason they had to stop me was they saw me talking to 2 guys, so they thought I was buying drugs.

Then...just like this idiot, you would get your ass kicked for struggling. They call it resisting arrest and it is a crime. What needs to happen here is an investigation and if guilt on behalf of the police is realistic, they should be charged and or fired.

Don't go off now with the typical "assumed guilty" ATS tends to throw at cops while crying when the same "assumed guilty" is thrown at a citizen. Equal treatment...remember? Fair to everyone...remember? Unless you are a cop bigot of course.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

I'm going to address this portion of your post:

"This article seems to include some information that the original OP didn't have. Though regardless of whether or not he had drugs, bought drugs, sold drugs, it in not way legitimizes this disgusting brutal display of force and mob style beat down in the streets." are 100% correct! If the police beat this person without reason for the beating (eg. fighting back), they should and will be addressed and likely fired. use the phrase "disgusting brutal display of force". Again, you are correct. But lets not fool ourselves here. If this guy is a drug dealing criminal, and does sell illegal drugs...consider this. How many lives has he destroyed? Does he sell drugs to children? Has he contributed to getting a child addicted to drugs? Did any of those children overdose and/or die? Does he contribute to illegal activity in the community? Does he hide "friends" that commit other crimes against the community?

In other words...I'm not sure that applying the word "disgusting" to what the cops did as a one-sided comment is quite fair. This guy could be far more disgusting and therefore...tit for tat.

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE

If this guy is a drug dealing criminal, and does sell illegal drugs...consider this. How many lives has he destroyed? Does he sell drugs to children? Has he contributed to getting a child addicted to drugs? Did any of those children overdose and/or die? Does he contribute to illegal activity in the community? Does he hide "friends" that commit other crimes against the community?

I believe the outrage here is that no one knows the answer to these questions. The police didn't even know at the time. Besides, no matter what he did, or had done or was going to do, it is NOT the cop's job to dole out punishment. If it was just 1 or 2 pounding on him it might be understandable, but they kept pounding on him after others showed up and, instead of restraining him, joined in on the "fun". THAT is the "disgusting" part

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: WeAreAWAKE
I just don't get your mindset man..How the FK can you give any justification for that? Far as your avatar Heh,You should be ashamed of the LEO'S recent behavior..What's next? a toddler being tazed for not being quiet in it's stroller because "it was resisting to comply an order for not being quiet"Sad thing is that's not Hyperbole considering the Psychos the dept hire these times..

edit on 10-7-2015 by greydaze because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 10 2015 @ 09:09 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog

originally posted by: alienjuggalo

originally posted by: Gothmog
Will hold judgement on this as well. I dont know why the police were involved in the beginning .What I apparently do see is the person struggling against the police till the end. Even Rodney King admitted he should have been more compliant during the arrest.

I would struggle too if the only reason they had to stop me was they saw me talking to 2 guys, so they thought I was buying drugs.

If you are in the right , dont press the issue.

This is soooo wrong. ALWAYS fight for what is right. ALWAYS, no matter the odds or the authority that the person you disagree with holds. Even if you know you will lose you still have to fight for what is right.

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