I'm sure everyone's heard of Trumps statement on making Mexico Pay for a wall along the border. While I'm sure his plan was probably reconstructing
NAFTA or some other route of hindering the Mexican economy if they can't keep there citizens from crossing, I have a simpler and very cost effective
Quick facts:
-Border patrol agents make around 500,000 arrests along the border each year.
-The border is just shy of 2000 miles.
-That equals 21 feet of border per arrest.
-The Great Wall was built using stone, wood, and rammed earth.
-Rammed earth is a construction method that often uses on site materials
Illegals that are arrested are placed in a labor camp until the complete their section of wall, or the equivalent work of a section of wall. Maybe 10
ft thick, 20 ft wide, and 20 ft tall.
While it might not be "Mexico" paying for it, it's damn close. And of course, only well able men and women would work. After their work is finished,
they are deported.
Granted, there are a lot of miscellaneous details that would have to be considered, but the basic concept seems plausible.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with rammed earth construction, it is a mixture of different soils (clay, sand, etc) that turns quite hard. The
mixture is layed in a form in 6" increments, and as the name suggests, is rammed down to condense and hardens when dried. Often materials to make a
rammed earth structure are readily available on site. There are structures that are thousands of years old that still stand today that were made
using rammed earth.
Here is a basic video that describes some of it;
edit on 6-7-2015 by ghostrager because: (no reason given)
edit on 6-7-2015 by ghostrager because: (no reason
edit on 6-7-2015 by ghostrager because: (no reason given)
I like this idea. A wall would be the perfect way to solve the problem. But who is actually going to pay for it? The money has to come from somewhere.
Also, how long do you think such a project would take?
The materials are free and the labor is free. There would be some costs though with oversight, camps, etc.
Thanks for the heads up on the video, I put another one on.
Also, the math of 21 feet per illegal crossing puts construction at 1 year (500,000 crossings, 2000 miles). But it's obviously not going to happen
that fast.
edit on 6-7-2015 by ghostrager because: (no reason given)
Would this not be a modern version of slavery at its core?
So we arrest poor Mexican people that are looking for an opportunity to enrich their lives and the lives of their family and thrust them into slave
labor? That hardly seems fair.
Are you going to wall up the western and eastern seas as well as the northern border?
edit on 6-7-2015 by Doom and Gloom because: (no reason
Five times deported, back again to kill someone randomly. Sure, let anyone in, undocumented. What's a few more crimes and killings.
Steinle was shot Wednesday while walking with her father on Pier 14, a popular walking spot on the city's waterfront. She died on the way to the
The shooting, tragic enough on its own, has inflamed the national debate over immigration reform after it was revealed Lopez-Sanchez is an
undocumented immigrant with a felony record who had been deported to Mexico five times.
You can't be serious. A wall built by forced labor; does that include woman and children? Then what, a house to house search for anyone else deemed
illegal in the country.
A border wall no matter who builds it is not much help. Let us look at the most fortified border in the world between North and South Korea. North
Koreans have gotten in to South Korea by tunnel, boat and through other countries. If the jobs are here waiting and you build a wall the will just go
under it, come in on the water ways that cross the border, come in by boat anywhere along the massive US coast lines, get smuggled to Canada and cross
that open border or get fake pass ports and come in like most of the illegals from countries outside of the America's.
Lets not even mention the fact that these people could simply refuse to work. Why would they if your going ship them off one way or the other. Or
they could just sabotage it. And the cost to feed and secure this work force would be large, not mention you would have build large camps as well
every so often as the moved along. And then of course you have the entire slave labor and human rights abuse problem. This might even cost more than
having professionals build it.