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Jon Stewart Says He Can't Tell Jokes After Charleston Church Shooting

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posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: olaru12

Who's at fault? Who pushes for distinctions based on skin color?

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: beezzer

Where in US history would you like to start the tally?

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: olaru12

So "Separate But Equal" is the way to go?

if white Christian evangelical churches were being constantly attacked, fire-bombed, people killed, for more than 5 decades by black people....don't you think those white people would have done something.....remember when the black panthers walked around in the open carrying guns, the country and government freaked out big time...and that was only over a few short years

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: olaru12

Who's at fault? Who pushes for distinctions based on skin color?

the question should be who gets punished the most based on skin-color

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 09:23 AM

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
a reply to: beezzer

Where in US history would you like to start the tally?

So we need to perpetuate distinctions based on race?

I'm surprised that so many would be in favor. . . . ?

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 09:24 AM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: olaru12

So "Separate But Equal" is the way to go?

if white Christian evangelical churches were being constantly attacked, fire-bombed, people killed, for more than 5 decades by black people....don't you think those white people would have done something.....remember when the black panthers walked around in the open carrying guns, the country and government freaked out big time...and that was only over a few short years

first off, it's been a lot longer than 5 decades.

But we need to continue the divide?


posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

The difference being is the one in a headlock fought tooth and nail. I don't care about skin color. I care about doing the right thing. MAYBE the cops should let a person resist arrest. POOR EXAMPLE.

BS The black guy did not fight tooth and nail.

If you call falling backwards while being strangled fighting tooth and nail then you don't understand what the term means.The pig murdered this man over a crime that he should have only received a ticket for.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: buster2010

Yea but that one part when he raised his hands up he totally could've slapped somebody and that's pretty much fighting tooth and nail right?


posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 09:48 AM

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: olaru12

So "Separate But Equal" is the way to go?

if white Christian evangelical churches were being constantly attacked, fire-bombed, people killed, for more than 5 decades by black people....don't you think those white people would have done something.....remember when the black panthers walked around in the open carrying guns, the country and government freaked out big time...and that was only over a few short years

first off, it's been a lot longer than 5 decades.

But we need to continue the divide?


I can only surmise "payback."

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: zazzafrazz
a reply to: beezzer

Where in US history would you like to start the tally?

So we need to perpetuate distinctions based on race?

I'm surprised that so many would be in favor. . . . ?

I didn't say I was in favor. I asked a question to your question. When is it ok to start the tally?
Wiping generational damage done by slavery and deep deep racism is not easy.

Asking people "forget about all that, we are good now" is like asking Americans to forget a key portion of our history, such as how Americans value a right to own guns after fighting a war of independence. We have a social collective history, makes humans THE unique species so I can't see how we can ask black people to "get over " or "move on" and lets all be friends when the issue is NOT yet fixed?
Reparations towards black people is ongoing as the inequity in society (generally) is vastly different in term of education, health and poverty. When those things are fixed then we maybe can say "OK lets move on"

As Jon Stewart said, everyone stares into a the abyss of racism and then pretend it doesn't exist anymore.
We were in Charleston recently and my husband and I were pretty shocked at the 95% white faces in the wealthy charming old historic town, you go out of the historic centre and its a different city and very very apparent that the racial divide with poor living conditions for black people exists. I mention this as it was one of my first experiences with how historical racism is still steeped in a place. I had experienced this before only twice, once in Syria with the vitriol against Israeli jews I heard in every meeting I had with a local and in the former Yugoslavia.

Anyway, can you look a black person person in the face and say "Lets move on now" even though things aren't ok and are far from fixed, ask this cultural demographic to forget their cultural history of extreme oppression that affects them to this day and ask them to start the tally on "Who pushes for distinctions based on skin color" based from today.?

You know the 60's weren't that long ago.....

edit on 20-6-2015 by zazzafrazz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: Shamrock6

We'll never see the end to racism if we continue to self-segregate.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: Shamrock6

We'll never see the end to racism if we continue to self-segregate.

It's not just "self-segregation" there is real segregation based on race. It's a fact. Sorry beez, you would'nt be welcomed in my small village unless you are Hispanic and speak spanish. I'm anglo, pero hablo Espanol, and I still get "that look" I've lived here 15 years and before that 25 years in another small village and was always "el gringo nuevo"....Culture changes very slowly!!

A change will come around 2043 when Caucasians are in the minority.

If we make it that long. This can't be solved politically because we are currently experiencing a "politics of division"
And therein lies the real conspiracy...who is perpetuating this situation. The Democrats? They are mixed racially politically.
The GOP? Mostly White!! hummmm....? Is it possible that some group wants to continue their "top dog" status as long as they can by the politics of division?

I'm open to suggestions....
edit on 20-6-2015 by olaru12 because: #%^^ENY^&

edit on 20-6-2015 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: beezzer
a reply to: olaru12

So "Separate But Equal" is the way to go?

if white Christian evangelical churches were being constantly attacked, fire-bombed, people killed, for more than 5 decades by black people....don't you think those white people would have done something.....remember when the black panthers walked around in the open carrying guns, the country and government freaked out big time...and that was only over a few short years

first off, it's been a lot longer than 5 decades.

But we need to continue the divide?


So those trying to 'fix' it by perpetuating division will have something to 'fix'. AKA job security.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 11:01 AM
I have a different perspective on this issue than most.

I am a young Caucasian male who grew up in predominantly African American neighborhoods. I went to private school, but most private schools here are a 50/50 mix. Which I love by the way.

I'm 26 now but back when I was entering high school the demographics were much different than I experienced... the school had an even ratio as opposed to a white minority. Let me tell you.. we had kids coming from all over the city, and in the first 2 years it wasn't pretty. Racism was blatantly evedent.. the white kids from the suburbs would make racist jokes in private.. and there was a clear divide in lunch tables, aside from a few melting pot tables (which is where I was comfortable).

After 4 years most people learned and grew together.. but as always, still some outliers.

In my experiences I think it's pretty easy to say race isn't an issue until it is.

What I mean by that is that it is a side effect of finite resources. People are always looking for ways to seperate themselves from others to gain some sort of advantage. The have's and the have nots. These mentalities are passed down through upbringing.

It's also why kids who know not of racism bigotry or discrimination wo t resort to these mentalities naturally. Most kids don't know that every isn't infinite, they are provided for so they don't have to fight with anyone. They see another kid from a different race as another potential friend, not an adversary.

The media is a different story. They just make problems where there are none. What I mean by that is this "movement" on police brutality is drawing lines in the sand that don't need to be drawn. Every person is an individual. It makes it weird for my African American friends and I are hanging out and it comes on TV or on the radio.. because that isn't OUR reality.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 11:38 AM
There seem to be two clear roots to this incident and arguing over which one is more important is counter-productive if not disrespectful in light of what happened. They are racism and mental health. Add to that the current heated racial debate that is undergoing the US especially as it concerns racism in the police etc. add to that the heated debate about gun control etc. and it all makes for the perfect pot for a discussion that goes off the topic at hand and flows in multiple directions that do not atone for the crime or bring peace to the victims (those who were killed and their loved ones that are living now with this unnecessary, foolish yet tremendous grief).

My thoughts are with the victims.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: jimmyx

originally posted by: beezzer
We should not be defined by how a few depraved individuals act.

We should be defined by how we respond when a few depraved individuals act.

you're right...I think black people should form the AARA, the African-American rifle Association, get law-abiding people to sign up for concealed-carry, buy AR's, 45's, 357's, semi-auto shotguns, and "open carry" around all African-American events and venues

Always classy and always racist.

I guess the NRA don't like them "other' folks?

Is that what you're saying? many mostly white evangelical churches have you seen, that have been blown-up, fire-bombed, or shot-up in the last 50 or so years?.... and I'm racist?...not at all, but the NRA is not exactly the black man's friend....

Well now that you ask quite a few in the South from the so called Satan worshipers.
Google is your friend

wiki on the destruction of churches

the wiki didn't load but here is a google search worldwide churches being destroyed. 20775499cf4d769cb2616aecb7e957

edit on 20-6-2015 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-6-2015 by Justoneman because: link fried for some reason

edit on 20-6-2015 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: olaru12
Just to clarify, in 2043 I will be a minority right? Does this mean I will get free govt housing? A free cellphone? Free meals? A free monthly check? Free baby formula? I hope 2043 comes soon because I am tired of working hard for everything I own while not being able to receive any assistance.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 12:30 PM

originally posted by: LoverBoy
a reply to: olaru12
Just to clarify, in 2043 I will be a minority right? Does this mean I will get free govt housing? A free cellphone? Free meals? A free monthly check? Free baby formula? I hope 2043 comes soon because I am tired of working hard for everything I own while not being able to receive any assistance.

First off if you can't afford housing, cellphones, meals, if you need government money to get your life back together, if your babies need being fed because you can't afford it - this system is set to help you too. Regardless of your skin color.

Hating on those whose lives are less fortunate than yours is a redundant hatred.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: LoverBoy
a reply to: olaru12
Just to clarify, in 2043 I will be a minority right? Does this mean I will get free govt housing? A free cellphone? Free meals? A free monthly check? Free baby formula? I hope 2043 comes soon because I am tired of working hard for everything I own while not being able to receive any assistance.

Because...minorities don't work, and whites never need social assistance, right? Thanks for spelling that out for us, sure proves a lot of points being made in this thread.

posted on Jun, 20 2015 @ 03:19 PM

originally posted by: JohnnyCanuck

originally posted by: LoverBoy
a reply to: olaru12
Just to clarify, in 2043 I will be a minority right? Does this mean I will get free govt housing? A free cellphone? Free meals? A free monthly check? Free baby formula? I hope 2043 comes soon because I am tired of working hard for everything I own while not being able to receive any assistance.

Because...minorities don't work, and whites never need social assistance, right? Thanks for spelling that out for us, sure proves a lot of points being made in this thread.

Proves his ideology but not reality - white people are on welfare too because welfare is meant to help the poor and there are poor white people too. But arguing that is counter-productive. Yes there are people who are poor! No it is not based on race! And by the way.... how does that have anything to do with what happened?

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