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Serious Question: Why are so Many People Afraid/Unaccepting of Transgender People?

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posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: Hecate666

I don't feel I have to explain anything away regarding speculating how people would have reacted to hypothetical situations two thousand years ago.

Regardless, for my part, I don't consider you "my enemy" simply because you don't necessarily believe what I do.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: Darth_Prime
a reply to: queenofswords

But it's not the same as being born without Arms, again if you look throughout the history of many cultures this is a normal and acceptable thing

Yes it is the same....or, I should say that it very well may be.

Look at it this way. Suppose an environmental, hormonal, endocrinological, or some other anomaly causes these events. If we just accept that this is perfectly normal without doing in-depth research all because we want to be inclusive, accepting, and pc, then we are being unfair to future children.

Nobody wants to stigmatize those that are already here and dealing with it. But, the human condition is more than the physical. We must consider all aspects and possibilities that something is causing an anomaly that interferes with in vitro or early childhood development of normal sexuality development.

Just because there are references to unusual sexual ideas in some past writings, doesn't mean it was the norm and it certainly does not mean we should accept it as such and ignore the necessity to find out what causes an abnormal development of one's sexual identity.

Just as we don't treat people that have physical differences like space aliens, we should not treat transgender people like that either. But, stop trying to make society see something that isn't real. That is not healthy.

We can see a man that has relieved his dysphoria by changing his appearance to coincide with what he feels, but we are never never going to "see" a woman. Don't hate us for that. We can be tolerant of your "condition", but you have to be tolerant, too.

edit on 9-10-2015 by queenofswords because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

It has nothing to do with PC, though that is a popular Buzzword with no substance...

Trans people, Genderfluid people.. all Third-Genders have been documented and accepted as Normal in many Cultures throughout History, it is only the west that sees it as "Abnormal" that can be cured before Birth

should we be tolerant of the Mass Trans Murders that happen? the Bullying?

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 02:00 PM
I disagree. It has a lot to do with pc. That may be a buzzword to you but it is chock full of meaning that most people immediately understand the meaning of. It very much has substance in that it says," Don't look deeper. Don't open legitimate questions because it might offend someone."

Those that don't want to investigate other possibilities have created these huge areas of social issues that they have declared off limits for further discussion and have unleashed their own PC Police to constantly chastise and "arrest" anybody with a differing point of view. I guess the squeaky wheel DOES get the grease.

I have my doubts about the prevalence of such conditions in history. Anyway, even if the hyperbole is true, ancient cultures didn't have modern medical and psychological tools, much less the research capability to address such events.

I'm not bringing up these points to offend you or anyone else. I am saying that a healthy society should look at this from all angles and do more in-depth research to determine what may be happening, and how it can be prevented. Why should a little boy have to face the ordeal of going through all kinds of physical, hormonal, cosmetic, and other alterations to relieve a dysphoria about his gender if it could be prevented in the first place.

Your last question doesn't make sense. Of course we should not be tolerant of criminal behavior. I understand your emotional defense of this issue, but put that aside for a moment and entertain the thought that it is plausible that more is going on here than meets the eye. Let's investigate the in vitro and/or early childhood factors that may be contributing to this gender dysphoria.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

Talking about GLBTQ+ Issues, asking Questions and Gaining information is Vital in a constrictive way, telling GLBTQ+ people that we have Mental Illnesses, and purposely calling us the Wrong Pronouns, or calling us "Freaks" or whatever other slander is not constructive, that is not "Talking" about issues.

The two-spirited person is a native tradition that researchers have identified in some of the earliest discoveries of Native artifacts. Much evidence indicates that Native people, prior to colonization, believed in the existence of cross-gender roles, the male-female, the female-male, what we now call the two-spirited person.

In Native American culture, before the Europeans came to the America's, "two-spirit" referred to an ancient teaching. This type of cross-gender identity has been documented in over 155 tribes across Native North America (Roscoe 1988).

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: Darth_Prime

No offense to you, but you are obviously one of those people that cannot be open-minded about something because you are personally invested in a particular rhetoric and a personal need to believe something. But, in your defense, we are all like that to some extent.

The GLBTQ community is too emotionally and psychologically invested in the narrative that has been pushed. Unfortunately, it prevents them from accepting any other possibility and future children may have to undergo the stress and pain because our hyper PC society of today MUST insist on simply accepting everybody the way they are without questions or concerns.

I am going to be open minded enough to read your information about Native Americans. But, I will tell you now that male/female spirit references may not be about physical sex. Male energy is considered the creative and active force and female energy is the receptive and passive form. So I will read it without personal bias. Can you do the same, or do you see the physical mundane explanation only.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 07:52 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

When the "Other Possibilities" are "Mental Illness" "Defect" "Abomination" than yeah, we take offense to that.

Do people Question someones Heterosexuality? Do people say "Heterosexuals" may be a Mental Illness? a Birth Defect? Do people Say that Environments cause Heterosexuality?

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 08:21 PM

originally posted by: Darth_Prime
a reply to: queenofswords

When the "Other Possibilities" are "Mental Illness" "Defect" "Abomination" than yeah, we take offense to that.

Do people Question someones Heterosexuality? Do people say "Heterosexuals" may be a Mental Illness? a Birth Defect? Do people Say that Environments cause Heterosexuality?

You don't make sense. I'm through. You obviously didn't read everything, much less entertain the opportunity to have a valid discussion. You just hone in on something that tweaked your hyper offense button, then go off on a tangent. Done.

posted on Oct, 9 2015 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: queenofswords

No, i'm not offended, you keep using "PC" and being "Forced" to accept people, and how the GLBTQ+ community doesn't look at alternative reasons for why we are who we are.

and all i was saying is how come no one questions Heterosexuality? how come there isn't discussions on how Heterosexuality might be Environmental? or a Choice, or other reasons that people use for GLBTQ+ people.

We don't try and force people to accept us, we just want to be seen as Humans however our Sexual Orientation or Gender-Identity is. we don't want to be denied services and Jobs just for being GLBTQ+.

Lets say hypothetically you have a Son who goes to school and comes home saying the teacher will only call him a Girl, and you go to the teacher and you ask to him to all him a Boy because he is a "Boy". and the teacher refuses and purposely calls him a Girl.

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 03:37 PM
Unfortunately society does tend to be unaccepting of those who are different and of things they dont understand.
Im sorry your family has reacted this way hun...Its probably due to their fear of not being accepted in society along with you, and they cant understand why you feel this way.
With more and more people coming to light as transgender, I feel it would be in public interest to educate people more on this to help with the alienation of people like yourself, as I feel their ignorance leads to bullying and discrimination.
I really hope this issue gets better in the future. As society is starting to get more acceptable of homosexuals in more recent times, I really think it will in time.
Respect to you for fronting this out and being true to yourself...I hope your family comes round eventually, and I wish you all the best💙

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 03:56 PM
To answer the original question. The OP's post. The word fear/phobia gets thrown around, a lot. That word fear, has become, not so much an emotional word as it has become a derogatory word. The mentally ill and other liberals know this. Talk about a "bait" post? To use your "title"? "Why do many people.."? Then you throw in and imply..they "fear" you. No sane people enjoy the mentally ill. It has nothing to do with "fear".

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: murphy22

And by "Mentally Ill" i assume you are talking about Trans people correct?

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 11:05 PM
You are treated equal
What the transgender community want
Is More power more rights then others
But you present yourself as disadvantaged
When you are not
The feminist movement is no different

You may not think you are pushing any agenda
More like you are being used by others for their agenda

The idea is to break down the family home
Change your values so that you would
Accept homosexuality
Accept abortion
Accept adultery
Accept devorse
Destroy that ideology of a family structure
Father mother children
In the end we will be all divided
And ask for more government to solve our problems

This is Marxism
Everyone marching in order

More rights for wemon
More rights for homosexuals
Climate change

These are some of the tools of Marxism

Pick up your cross and follow jesus
Is the best advice I can give you

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 11:31 PM

originally posted by: piney
You are treated equal
What the transgender community want
Is More power more rights then others
But you present yourself as disadvantaged
When you are not
The feminist movement is no different

I'm calling BS on that. Tell us, what are these Extra rights they want that others don't have??? Because the last I checked "Equal Rights" were still about being "Equal" not "Extra". Asking to get married, like everyone else can do, isn't an Extra, it's Equal because everyone else is allowed to do it and they weren't. You see the difference???

Pick up your cross and follow jesus
Is the best advice I can give you

Oh please....I could give you the same advice and it wouldn't make any difference.

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: piney

You may not think you are pushing any agenda
More like you are being used by others for their agenda

The idea is to break down the family home
Change your values so that you would
Accept homosexuality
Accept abortion
Accept adultery
Accept devorse
Destroy that ideology of a family structure
Father mother children
In the end we will be all divided
And ask for more government to solve our problems

You're so wrong about certain things that I had to reply again.

To start with, yes I'm pushing an agenda, but it's not a gay agenda or some other BS like you might think. First of all I'm not gay so that isn't my agenda. I'm also not brainwashed into pushing their agenda either. The agenda I'm pushing is my own but might have some similarities to others out there, imagined or not.

If you think Gay people are trying to break up straight families you're paranoid and deflecting your own problems onto others. Nobody else but you is concerned with your family so if your family unit is being threatened it's because you're screwing it up somewhere. They are concerned with their own family not yours.

As far as acceptance goes, you need a better word because "accepting" something means to receive something and nobody is giving you homosexuality, adultery, abortion, etc. If by accepting you mean "accept as true" then there is nothing to accept. They are all factually true and do in fact exist whether or not you accept them as true anyway. Abortion exists. As does Homosexuality and Adultery, etc. They are in fact true and do exist so to not accept them in that context means you're just denying reality.

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 12:50 AM
This is a ridiculous topic. Trans gender...come on. Where did that word even come from? it should be "gender confused" or "gender focused". It is obvious your entire life, even though you may not admit, is focused on what you perceive as gender. No one, and I mean no one, give two flying f's about "gender". I can't believe I am even commenting on this. Why is this in a conspiracy forum?

It is not normal! Physically...beyond the range of normal. A deviation from standard. Therefore, abnormal.

How could you ever ever ever ever be born a man and feel like a woman? You can't, that's how. You don't know what a woman feels like. The fact that people use that ridiculous narrative floors me ever time. "I just knew I was different and that I must be a woman." Maybe what you felt was a giraffe, just saying.

The discussion is ridiculous! Period! I cannot believe society has to cater to this crap! Every damn day listening about the lesbian-bacon-gay-tomato sandwich propaganda being forced at me.

It sounds like you have joined the latest club or cult. You throw around more catch phrases than an evangelical Christian.

I'm sure your a wonderful person and it is sad that your family doesn't talk to you. But this whole trans crap is ridiculous. I would accept it more if you actually admitted you were just gay.

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 01:02 AM
I don't care at all, but be upfront with it right away so that I know not to waste my time pursuing you in a sexual way, as your genitals don't interest me at all.

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 01:34 AM
WAIT! You mean there's lesbian-bacon-gay-tomato sandwiches? Does it come on rye?

I want in on that!

Take some time and look around the last six months or so. There's at at least a dozen other threads on transgender issues you can dredge up that I'm sure will irritate you more than this one. Try harder.

posted on Nov, 28 2015 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: VekTorVik

How could you ever ever ever ever be born a man and feel like a woman? You can't, that's how. You don't know what a woman feels like. The fact that people use that ridiculous narrative floors me ever time. "I just knew I was different and that I must be a woman." Maybe what you felt was a giraffe, just saying.

The mind is a crazy thing. Some people think they are animals like a dog or a cat. Some people think they are Jesus or some other historical character. There are even people who think they are dead. Yes dead. They actually think that they are a dead corpse walking around. The mind is a crazy thing with a variety of strange and unfamiliar conditions. In fact thinking you're the opposite gender than what you were born as is minor compared to some of the other conditions.

I would accept it more if you actually admitted you were just gay.

The difference, this is just my guess anyway, is that a gay person knows and accepts their gender just fine, they simply are attracted to people of the same sex. Whereas a trans person actually thinks of themselves as the opposite gender. So it's not that they are gay, but actually think of themselves as a different gender. So a trans man who thinks he is a woman would be different than a gay man. I suppose you could even have a trans man (thinks he's a woman) who is also gay meaning he would still like women but think of himself as a lesbian.

Seems pretty crazy but when you get into the psychology of the mind I've heard much stranger things than that.
edit on 28-11-2015 by mOjOm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: honested3

Because they teach us there is no male and female, just people.

Why they're freaked by the idea we're all just people is beyond me.

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