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Boston University prof flunks 'white masculinity' in controversial tweets

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posted on May, 9 2015 @ 02:51 PM
This professor is consumed by hatred, and very well could be mentally ill. Probably not the best person to be teaching young people.

I wonder if she has a history of giving low grades to her white male students? Somebody should look into that, and if that is the case, she should lose her ability to teach. ~$heopleNation

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: christophoros
a reply to: redhorse

But what is black culture if you see the present culture as Black culture you are wrong. This culture pushed on black ppl by the media is not theirs even tho they claim it. It is a culture purposely concocted to keep them stagnant. The black community is actually worst off now then 50 yrs ago and this is not a coincidence just because oppression is more covert doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Well I think that in a way this is true; what we see in the media is not really "black culture" and there are certainly elements in that media portrayal that promote stagnation or even inner turmoil. I am of a mind that this is getting better and that the collective identity for African Americans is growing stronger and more positive over time in spite of those holdovers from, frankly, Jim Crow and even slavery that are still present. None of that excuses what this professor said however. Maybe that is just my "white privilege" talking though.

In my experience black culture is defined by a sense of community, family and striving for stability; those are the core values. I would judge black culture by the black people that I know, not what the media tells me, but I am definitely an outsider looking in so take that perspective for what it is worth. "White culture" values those things too, although I think not as much; in part because success for an individual, particularly a male individual, has an enormous emphasis on accumulation of wealth. I don't think that either way is worse or better, I would only point out that this difference in emphasis on accumulation of wealth creates what I see as the primary disconnect between the two cultures.

I don't agree that the black community is worse off than they were 50 years ago however. Oppression does still exist but it does not excuse what this professor said. Fermenting resentment is not a productive place to go for us as a society. We are all in this together and I don't know if we will ever really understand that until we all look the same. It seems silly that that is so important, but it is.

This is, obviously, deeply personal for me, I have had to come to terms with the slave owners in my heritage and my family's rejection of our African heritage, so the inevitable place that I came to when I looked at this strange juxtaposition in the sum of my ancestors was that there was good and bad, shame and triumph, like any other human being. This has shaped my perspective in a way that is bone-deep and fundamental. Most of us are defined as individuals by the confines of our cultures, it was that way in the past and it is that way now; even though most of us don't like to admit that. Also, cultures are often (although not always) at least in part defined by emphasizing those values that are different than The Other, and in way, this is what is happening now. Instead of blending of cultures we are setting up in opposition. Considering all the bad water under the historical bridge perhaps this is inevitable. It is a shame really.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: redhorse

I agree with most of your post but yes the numbers state that the black community is worse of now than 50 years ago. The incarceration rate has exploded. Single parent families were only 30% before and now is at 70% and the median income is lower as well.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 03:30 PM
White privilege is a very popular term thrown around today.

It is a complete and utter lie. The real privilege in today's world which no one wants to acknowledge is black privilege.

It is very real. People of color can say anything they want about white people with zero repercussions.

If a white person said the exact same thing about blacks they would be fired on the spot and investigations on whether people of color civil rights have been violated would be launched in short order.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: christophoros
a reply to: notmyrealname

Masculinity in itself is the problem doesn't matter the race

You've just taken the whole 'red scare' thing you alluded to earlier and replaced it with another even more general variable. I'm not sure how we get from someone making a racist comment to 'masculinity is the problem.'

You could have a go at explaining but I imagine you will need a whole new thread.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: poncho1982

My question is this..... Black people are being "excused" from responsibility for their actions. When White Males have had enough of the demonization of OUR character, are we going to be excused for the inevitable reactions that will stem from it?

If we are to go from what has happened in the past then yes but who knows.

Black men are continuing to be demonized as well and what this prof says isn't making racial relations any better.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: christophoros
The black community is actually worst off now then 50 yrs ago and this is not a coincidence just because oppression is more covert doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Where exactly are you getting these numbers that were obviously doctored by some left wing imbecile who is bent on division?

Blacks are way better off these days. 50 years ago there were hardly any black athletes, teachers, Judges, police officers, musicians, actors or entertainers in general.

I could go on and on and on. For Christ sake the President of the United States is Black. Floyd Mayweather just cashed a check for $180 million dollars, the highest paid to an Athlete ever in the history of mankind.

Now I do agree with you about the media influencing Black culture like with the riots as well as through their most destructive channel, their record labels. Not an excuse to destroy public property though.

These days many Blacks own their own record labels, but it wasn't always that way. The origins of Gangster rap from back in the early 90's was more destructive on their culture than slavery itself. ~$heopleNation

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 04:11 PM

Blacks are way better off these days. 50 years ago there were hardly any black athletes, teachers, Judges, police officers, musicians, actors or entertainers in general.

Not economically, no.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: SheopleNation

The numbers are public info just look it up nothing I wrote is fabricated just because a chosen few are rich or have political power doesn't change a majority of them don't the numbers I stated are public record

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: Pinke

Patriarchy to me is just flawed in every single way. Men of antiquity never needed this fake masculinity they just proved their worth and always honored the mother and sister for out of them life arose. The societies that were most equal like vikings,Norse,African etc showed very strong family dynamics and prosperity. They never looked down on women like eastern Europeans did.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: MoreBeer

If you were black you will more likely to be fatherless, live under or close to the poverty line and if you are a male more like chance to be dead by 24 some privilege they have.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: cenpuppie

Not economically, no.

Wrong. They are attending Universities now where before they could not, which leads to a better life. Explain to me how they were economically better off 50 years ago? That is complete nonsense. ~$heopleNation

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: christophoros

The numbers are public info just look it up nothing I wrote is fabricated just because a chosen few are rich or have political power doesn't change a majority of them don't the numbers I stated are public record

It is your job to provide the links that back up your claims. You can't just say something without any facts to back it up. You're talking regression, and nothing could be further from the truth. And it isn't "a chosen few", most of those people worked hard to get where they are. ~$heopleNation

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:06 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

I had to go through 'diversity training' at my old job. In the class we were 'taught' that black people can't be racist...only white people.

That's as mentally backward as it gets.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: christophoros
a reply to: redhorse

I agree with most of your post but yes the numbers state that the black community is worse of now than 50 years ago. The incarceration rate has exploded. Single parent families were only 30% before and now is at 70% and the median income is lower as well.

Ummmm really?

Black president

Black super stars - which are some of the highest paid in the country, look up what dre made last year

Black dominated sports industry making ungodly amounts of money

Black associations to pay for college

Where do you get this stuff?

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:29 PM
I'm saying this from years of observation. Maybe it's just me, but...Why is it that only African Americans complain and whine about everything? Can they give others some space to breath? Are they the only race who suffered or are suffering? What about Native Americans, European Americans, Asian Americans, Arab-Americans or Hispanic-Americans? Why is it always about blacks? Blacks this...blacks that...Can we all get over it and move on? Why keep reminding the race stuff every day, week, year? The more they do this the more they are separated from the rest. It's very annoying. Blacks have good position in Media or Entertainment Industry. Positive African Americans roles in movies and shows, etc. African-American president. African-American history. And many others. Every time I turn on TV or watch a movie or show, there is always a black person or character, sometimes oddly placed. Isn't that enough? We know that African-Americans suffered the most... But can we just move on? It's 2015 and how long are we gonna keep doing this? I don't see this much complaining and whining from other Race/Ethnic groups. They seem to be humble and calm.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: christophoros
a reply to: MoreBeer

If you were black you will more likely to be fatherless, live under or close to the poverty line and if you are a male more like chance to be dead by 24 some privilege they have.

Them dying by the age of 24 is because of their own decisions they have FULL CONTROL over. America isn't killing young Black Men, young black men are killing young black men.

The fatherless issue is also one of personal choice. Young black men abandoning their family so they can go on a drug binge is why black children are fatherless.

Obama seemed to get by w/out selling drugs, he grew up in Chicago. So did Eric Holder. So did Ben Carson who grew up in DETROIT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ERA TO A SINGLE MOTHER.

It can be done. Men and Women like Ben Carson, Charles Barkley, Michael Jordan, Kenneth Chenault, Robert Johnson, Ursula Burns, Hakeem Oluseyi, Charles Bolden (Adminstrator of Nasa, yep, a Black Man), Mae Jemison

THESE are the folks that Black people today need to look up to. They are instead more interested in 'taking it to the next level' with dealing drugs, 'making it' by being a rapper, or more recently trying to be the next Malcolm X. Black people have every opportunity to make it in the United States, they need the proper goals. I grew up around black folks all my life, and I can say this is what black people want to be overall.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:46 PM
I'v noticed that racism in America is allot worse than over here in the UK.

Black people blaming the whites, white blaming the blacks - Hispanics in the middle and then Muslims get it from every angle.

Your education system and media are to blame.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 06:59 PM

originally posted by: southbeach
a reply to: Metallicus

I had to go through 'diversity training' at my old job. In the class we were 'taught' that black people can't be racist...only white people.

That's as mentally backward as it gets.

That's also, probably, absolute bull#.

Its # like that, that people need to stop listening to. Use your head, if somebody said that - they was an idiot. if somebody sat and listened to that and didn't tell the person they was an idiot, that person them selves are an idiot.

Don't be an idiot.

posted on May, 9 2015 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: chuck258

I guess cause and effect and engineering oppression and creating a welfare state weren't the cause black people just suddenly decided in the mid to late 70s to start leaving their families increase their crime rate and become less of a community randomly. MLK warned of this with the quoted phrase " I'm afraid I have led my people into a burning house" just think blacks may have been oppressed back then but they were a community they were stable no above average criminal behavior they relied on each other.

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