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U.S. Citizens! When is enough, ENOUGH?

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posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 01:03 PM
a reply to: here4this

i believe the biggest chance for people to see what is really going on is the next election, there are going to be alot of angry people. jeb bush will win, even though rand would be the one people want to be nominated. that will alienate the younger republicans, while jeb will do a fine job all on his own alienating the democrats. everyone is going to be pissed.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: here4this

I also believe a change is coming, but not the kind of change that we would like. There will be an uprising. However, that uprising will fail. Just like after 9/11, the US will implement security measures and policies of the likes we've never seen before. The uprising will be messy, and deadly, and the tragedy won't be lost on just it. It will be used to completely erode what is left of the constitution and our rights. And people will swallow it out of a false sense of security.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: fixitwcw

I haven't made a thread about the project...
Could be mistaken for spamming?
Hit me up (PM) and I can send you links to our websites, FB pages, etc...

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: Dimithae


We need to remake the entire country. Let the villages, and towns run themselves. In my perfect world, demolish places like NYC and Dubai. Let people take care of people.

I know that will never ever happen though, lol.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: fixitwcw What is your vision for the country when the existing government has been over thrown?

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 02:33 PM
I wonder at times whether that's what tptb actually want.
Maybe they're pushing for unrest, they need it to progress their agenda, whatever that could be.

They're also probably wondering why nothing has kicked off yet with all these murders and police brutality videos appearing.

Probably sitting at a desk somewhere, stroking a cat, thinking how far things can go before the monkeys start throwing poo.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: pteridine

a return to the fundamentals, first of all. limited government, actually controlled by the laws of the republic, not given the power to make exemptions for itself. the government is the only corporation in this country that stays in business while losing money. i would propose that it creates it's own revenue, not from extortion and taxes, but by using it's influence and connections to actually EARN honest money, from various businesses that it creates and invests in. i envision a government that will put ANYONE to work, for a living wage. no handouts, food stamps, unemployment.... only a place where you can go to do a type of work you are able to do. everyone puts into the system and everyone benefits.

i envision an education system that actually nurtures intelligence, and creates responsible citizens that actually have the intelligence to vote, so as not get in this situation again. i believe tariffs should be reintroduced to the point where EVERYTHING we need in this country is made here, and penalties so high that no foreign company would do business here. NO MORE FOREIGN AID. NO MORE WARS TO PROTECT CORPORATIONS AT THE EXPENSE OF AMERICAN LIVES.

there is much more... too much to type
edit on 25-4-2015 by fixitwcw because: typo

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: SilentE

i am sure they THINK they would love this. they would lose everything though, the facade that they have gotten most americans to believe and fight for.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: Hushabye

i believe that there should be a town where certain things are legal, others are not. there should also be a town where the opposite is true. say, town #1 has drugs legalized, but prostitution is illegal, and town #2 the opposite. there should be a place where whatever you are looking for is legal, and all the things that you are not looking for are illegal. all people have to do, is get there, and presto, everyone is happy. the role of the government would be to keep the larger communities from taking over the smaller ones by force.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:04 PM
We learn from our mistakes. It just takes some form of shock to see those mistakes. I have no doubt that the idiot living for today mentality is coming to an end. I'm all for it. You need humility to make you a better person by learning from it. No one promised you fair. You get what you put in. The pursuit of happiness isn't the shallow media fed bull# you see on television. It's loving and living by contributing to society. What is your contribution?

Plastic people are in for a rude awakening. It's okay though, they will be better off in the end.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:04 PM
Well, Isn't this a coincidence?

I can post the exact same reply I just wrote in another thread to this one:

Been lurking for awhile. Never I thought I'd say that.

Talk about amendments all you want, talk about rebellion all day and talk about "Change" until you are blue in the face. You are wasting your time.

The American people will NEVER come together as one to challenge the status quo because they can't agree nor even comprehend what it actually means. They have no idea how to do it and have absolutely no interest in making waves because most either don't care or they are so entrenched in their own little squalid, selfish huts of mine, mine, mine.

But mostly, they are just too damn lazy, apathetic and terrified of losing their little garden space of perceived heaven.

Give it up, stand for yourself and make your own preparations. Don't count on the masses to come to your cause because they just won't. They are too busy in their little World of ME-ME-ME! PC, racism, income equality etc. Issues that can never be fixed until the final solution which is a breakdown of everything from the ground level.

And for those that think this is just aimed at Americans...Wrong. This is directed towards the entire World.

I only address America because of the OP and the underlying absurdity of Americans actually believing that they are untouchable and above everything that is happening when the blame can be put squarely on the US and the military/financial/pharma/prison industrial complexes.

Until the majority of Americans come to understand and adopt just a small amount of humility, regret and conscience...or the globe puts America in its place by force, the World is screwed.

So what does that tell you? Gettin' kinda redundant isn't it?


edit on 25-4-2015 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: fixitwcw

Maybe that is one of their goals. Exterminate any that go against them, destroy everything they had originally believed and control what is left. Who knows.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: jude11
Well, Isn't this a coincidence?

I can post the exact same reply I just wrote in another thread to this one:

Been lurking for awhile. Never I thought I'd say that.

Talk about amendments all you want, talk about rebellion all day and talk about "Change" until you are blue in the face. You are wasting your time.

The American people will NEVER come together as one to challenge the status quo because they can't agree nor even comprehend what it actually means. They have no idea how to do it and have absolutely no interest in making waves because most either don't care or they are so entrenched in their own little squalid, selfish huts of mine, mine, mine.

But mostly, they are just too damn lazy, apathetic and terrified of losing their little garden space of perceived heaven.

Give it up, stand for yourself and make your own preparations. Don't count on the masses to come to your cause because they just won't. They are too busy in their little World of ME-ME-ME! PC, racism, income equality etc. Issues that can never be fixed until the final solution which is a breakdown of everything from the ground level.

And for those that think this is just aimed at Americans...Wrong. This is directed towards the entire World.

I only address America because of the OP and the underlying absurdity of Americans actually believing that they are untouchable and above everything that is happening when the blame can be put squarely on the US and the military/financial/pharma/prison industrial complexes.

Until the majority of Americans come to understand and adopt just a small amount of humility, regret and conscience...or the globe puts America in its place by force, the World is screwed.

So what does that tell you?


We will after the blood is spilled. You can bank on that. Live in your misery, I'll shine. I'm taking this son of a bitch back and I'm not alone.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:08 PM
Natural progression and all.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: LOSTinAMERICA

no, you most certainly are NOT ALONE. well said.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: fixitwcw
a reply to: Rocker2013

i guess you believe that all these things "that i rail against" could happen with out the cooperation, or at least the aquiesence, of the people? when i see kids kidnapped from loving families and given to people who do abuse them, i can only imagine that people do support it, since they do nothing to stop it. i do not benefit from any of those things i am taxed for, with the exception of the roads. the other "benefits" you mentioned are a tool of the state to keep people oppresed

Irrational, reactionary, simplistic nonsense.

Forget about the hundreds of thousands of kids saved from abuse every year, and instead focus on the one or two instance of it going wrong - you really think that's in any way rational or reasonable?

And those things you claim you don't need, paid for through taxation... Policing, emergency services, economic support... be lucky you haven't needed any of that yet, because one day you will, and you'll get that help because people like you are not in power trying to take your country back to the 1800's.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: jude11

i think i understand you. are you saying that until the american people come together on common ground (morals) that we have no chance to take our country back and turn it into the shining beacon it once was, that every man would die to defend?

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: Rocker2013

thanks for the reply

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: fixitwcw
a reply to: jude11

i think i understand you. are you saying that until the american people come together on common ground (morals) that we have no chance to take our country back and turn it into the shining beacon it once was, that every man would die to defend?

Dying would be better than being a slave or worse. It's not that bad and there's still things that can be done. Never give up.

posted on Apr, 25 2015 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: TheNewRevolution
A democracy is mob rule. The wills of the 51% being shoved down the throats of the 49%. How would revolution to enforce our beliefs be any different?

You have every opportunity to debate and encourage a change of social attitude and opinion, yet instead, because you know you won't get that support, you want "revolution" instead.

You are absolutely no different to any other radical ideological or religious group out there.
In a democracy you get to express your support for things, debate against things, encourage discussion about issues and influence change, THAT'S DEMOCRACY.

Your notion is instead to directly remove what the majority of people actually vote for (the process itself, the right for people to elect those who represent their best interests and those of society), to be replaced by your ideology, through force.

That's terrorism, no matter how much you want to attempt to redefine it.

People like you seem to think this society has been imposed on us, and you seem to believe you are a product of something else. Reminder, you are a product of our society. Our societies have evolved over hundreds of years to become the messy democracies they now are, you think this was all imposed on people?

I tell you what, try going to an African nation and telling the parents there how terribly oppressed you are, with your education, your media, your hospitals, your roads, your running water and your electricity.

Try telling them how "dictatorship" is ruining your life and freedoms while they watch their neighbours being beaten to death by a "revolutionary".

Try telling them how awful it is to live in the evil west with the best quality of health care in the world, while their newborn dies a slow death from Malaria, which could have been prevented by spending less than you spent on a pack of gum.

You really don't get how f-ing privileged you are.

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